Author Topic: Battleground Sol: Years 2050-5060  (Read 3680 times)

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Offline MrAnderson (OP)

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Battleground Sol: Years 2050-5060
« on: December 23, 2012, 07:37:36 PM »
NOTE: Rather than giant updates at once, I will be posting smaller updates as they come along, making sure to stop at major events.

January 1st, 2050:
The New Earth Republic has started their conversion to a trans-Newtonian society. Their already large conventional industry base should help speed along the first steps greatly. Isabella Ferguson and Rachel Davis are working on composite armors and a 20% increase in construction productivity. They are scheduled to be done by the middle of the year.
The Donnhovians have started rebuilding their spaceports that were damaged in the last Sargon attack. It is a high priority since only battle cruisers and command ships can be produced, and the government wants more orbital bases. This process will take four years to return to full capacity.
Research wise, they have decided to improve shield and capacitor recharge rates, and improve their active sensor strength, to maintain the lead in technology they have. The sensor and shield recharge rate will be done near the end of the year, with capacitor recharge being done near the middle of 2051. Production has also started on four more research facilities, bringing the total once completed up to 50.
Finally, the Sargons. They have started production on two raiders and a cruiser, with a fighter compliment of 10. Fighter rockets and ordinance factories are being built aswell. With their limited research capacity, they are working on a Implosion Fission Warhead, which will greatly increase the power of any future missiles, and jump point theory, living up to their aspirations to begin conquering the galaxy.

May 2nd, 2050
The New Earth Republics Conventional Industry is being converted at a slow pace, however ordinance factories specifically designed to build missiles are being rushed through production. A 20% construction efficiency increase was just made through our research teams, they are now dedicated to creating a workable damage control system, and composite armor will be finished next month.
The Donnhovians have constructed two research labs, and research is still going along as planned.
That is, until a few days ago, when on a close passby of Ganymede planet-based sensors detected the Sargon fleet massing. It appears that they are going to mount an offensive soon, and thus their status has been reclassified as hostile. Training drills for the Donnhovian Navy are being rushed though, in the hopes of getting the smaller amount of ships combat ready.
The Sargons indeed have been massing their fleet, hoping this time that their force Is large enough to deal a crippling blow to their more advanced ships with the newly designed fighters and carrier ships. Rockets are being loaded into the two carriers, and the 20 fighters are doing wing exercises. Sadly, the newer high-powered rockets will not be available in time for the invasion.

12th May, 2050 (21h47)
The Sargon fleet has been intercepted on its way to Europa. Getting into beam range, all ships opened fire after a short delay. The inexperienced crew had trouble hitting the ships at near maximum weapon range, only scoring minor hits on the enemy armour.
Sargon ships are moving to get within beam range, though they have much shorter range weapons and it is unknown as to how fast their ships can go. The two largest ships in the fleet have begun launching fighters.

After more than five salvos the siege lasers of the Donnhovian fleet have broken through the armor of what they classify as Grendel 001, a Sargon troop transport. One of the troop transport bays was destroyed, and the ship is now leaking atmosphere. The fighters appear to be having technical difficulties, and minor damage of the carriers armor has been inflicted.

Sargon ships are nearing closer to the Donnhovian fleet. A critical hit on Grendel 001 caused a secondary explosion in one of its engines, halving its speed and disabling many of its modules. It quickly succumbed to hull failure in the next salvo, being the first ships kill thus far. Damage is starting to pass through the sandpapered armor of the 1st carrier; it is unlikely that it will last much longer.

Shortly after fighters were launched from the Dreamkiller 001 it was completely destroyed from a direct magazine hit. It caused a massive secondary explosion, rending the ship into two pieces.

The Donnhovian fleet is finally out of range again, after a brutal assault on Augatis 001, whose shields were completely decimated after one salvo of the entire fleet directed on her. A rocket attack was directed against the Allende command ships, which was thankfully shot down by their point-defense, only two of the missiles had struck the shields.

The last of the 10 enemy raiders are taking heavy armor damage, some hits are being scored; two particle beams from Raider 005 have been destroyed and three ships are leaking atmosphere. The battleships have moved forward to increase their laser damage; however this has proven harmful for Augatis 001, whose armor belt is nearly non-existent in most places. A stray shot has disabled one of the engines, though it is still faster than the Sargon ships.

After receiving many more direct hits disabling a second engine and the Siege Control Unit, fleet command has decided to pull out the wounded battleship while it still can. Also, while pulling out of the fight, the main reactor was hit, though thankfully built-in safety measures prevented it from overloading.

Two of the enemy ships have been destroyed, followed by another one a few salvos after, but the retreat of Augatis 001 is cut off by the last of its engines being forced to shut down. Another hit on the reactor was safely contained. Damage control teams have been sent to the engines, but with a fifth of the crew dead and numerous hull breaches, it is unknown as to how long it’ll take to repair them.

Two more enemy ships have been destroyed, with only five badly damaged ones left the end of the battle is within sight.

The battle is over, with the last of the ships destroyed, being too slow to retreat. The ships will pick up the escape pods from the Sargon ships, and then return to Europa for repairs and debriefing. Either way, this was a glorious victory, although one of the battleships has been rendered nearly un-operational through the combined firepower of the Sargon ships. It is troubling to think what would have happened had they been able to construct more ships unrestricted.

Offline MrAnderson (OP)

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Re: Battleground Sol: Years 2050-5060
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2012, 03:30:23 PM »
13th May 2050
The Donnhovian fleets, along with more than 1500 prisoners rescued from their life pods have been brought back. On the surface there is much celebration, the fleet commanders are also briefing the Donnhovian Command.
After roughly 8 hours they came back with a new set of directives for the entire nation:
I: Begin researching potential FTL capabilities of the Trans-Newtonian elements, to address the problem of mineral depletion.
II: Improve damage control and shielding systems. This is to improve survivability against enemy warships before armor failure.
III:  Station the main battlefleet in orbit above the Sargon homeworld, destroy any remaining defenses and spaceports, but leave the industry and population in-tact.
IV: Ensure co-operation of the New Earth Republic.
With those future goals set up, the Donnhovian people are hopeful that they will finally be able to rid themselves of the Sargon menace, and end their generation spanning hostility. The battlefleet has been refueled and will be departing to Ganymede in one month.

14th June 2050
The Donnhovian fleet has arrived in orbit of Ganymede within weapons range, shields charged and ready for a fight. After opening fire on the fighters and carrier still in orbit, the 20 fighters scrambled to get their rockets launched. Each second they wasted meant more fighters getting destroyed by the gauss weapons.
After five of the fighters were destroyed, they finally managed to launch their rockets against the command ships, one large salvo directed at 001 and half of one directed at 002. Since their gauss weaponry was being used against the fighters, there wasn’t enough time for the gunners to redirect their attention to the missiles, and both ships shields were knocked offline, the rockets sandpapering the armor belts down to a fraction of their original strength.
In less than three minutes the fighters and carrier succumbed to the focused fire of the Donnhovian Fleet, and they began their work on the shipyards.
Ten minutes of slicing away at the hulking shipyards, and the siege lasers lay quiet. There is now a considerable belt of wreckage from all the destruction around the moon.

15th June 2050
A general vote has been announced, deciding the fate of the Sargon race. A surprising 70% of the Donnhovians demanded complete death of the xenos. Perhaps in the countless years of fighting have made them forget their peaceful ways.
Either way, the order was sent to the battlefleet, somewhat grudgingly; the industrial base in Ganymede could have been a valuable addition to the Donnhovians. None of the commanding officers objected, for disobeying the will of the People is treason in one of the highest degrees in their culture. That is, until it was realized that the atmosphere was too thick for both the gauss and the siege lasers to pierce. It will have to wait until stronger weaponry is available.
One command ship will be left behind to watch over the moon until then.

14th August 2050
The humans have completed research on composite armor. This will allow for more heavily armored next-generation warships. The labs taken up in that project have been re-assigned to pebble bed reactors, estimated to be finished by January 2051.
On the Donnhovian side, research is complete on improved active sensors, further increasing their range by 20%, and shield recharge rate. Work has started on the jump-point theory.

20th February, 2051
The New Earth Republics industry is steadily growing now, and it has researched the next generation of reactors; the pebble bed reactor. They are now researching nuclear pulse engines, which will put them on the same level as the Donnhovians. Speaking of the Donnhovians, they have finished work on their capacitor recharge rate, and refocused on improving fuel efficiency.

30th June, 2051
The Donnhovians have unlocked the secrets of FTL travel, through jump points existing at certain locations around every star. A special survey ship, and a jump drive will need to be created for this purpose.

14th September, 2051
The humans have finished working on nuclear pulse engines, allowing the full research base to focus on jump point theory, which will be completed mid-2052.

25th October, 2051
The Donnhovians have finished a prototype of the jump drive, though it still does not work, and a gravitational survey module will also have to be designed.

5th November, 2051
The New Earth Republic lays claims on Mars, a uninhabitable, dead planet. The Donnhovians agree to let them, for it will not compromise security unless they push farther into the outer system, and in the spirit of honoring the national goals that have been set.

12th April, 2052
The Terrans have finished work on Jump Point theory, and now they are working on making jump-capable ships, something that the Donnhovians are mere months away from achieving.

17th June, 2052
The Donnhovian jump drive and gravitational survey scanners are done, now all that needs to be done is to build a ship to use them. This new age is a time of change, people are achieving more in these past two years than the past hundred, but things are changing rapidly too; and some people might not take that well.

Offline MrAnderson (OP)

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Re: Battleground Sol: Years 2050-5060
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2012, 09:19:26 PM »
30th June, 2052
The Donnhovians have finished designing a jump capable survey cruiser. High command has deemed jump drives to be too inefficient to properly bring through Navy ships until its efficiency is improved, so the cruiser can only open a jump horizon for itself.
Code: [Select]
Guderian class Survey Cruiser    2,800 tons     87 Crew     468.5 BP      TCS 56  TH 80  EM 0
1428 km/s    JR 1-50     Armour 1-17     Shields 0-0     Sensors 10/1/1/1     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
Maint Life 5.56 Years     MSP 209    AFR 31%    IFR 0.4%    1YR 11    5YR 171    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Spare Berths 1   

J2800(1-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 2800 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 1
40 EP Nuclear Pulse Engine (2)    Power 40    Fuel Use 95%    Signature 40    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 16.9 billion km   (137 days at full power)

Active Search Sensor MR30-R100 (1)     GPS 6000     Range 30.0m km    Resolution 100
Thermal Sensor TH2-10 (1)     Sensitivity 10     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  10m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

Meanwhile, the Terrans have designed civilian freighters, colony ships will require more research on cryo storage technology, something the Donnhovians take for granted is not at all common in the New Earth Republic.

1st September, 2052
The Donnhovians have begun researching Ion engine technology, which will make the two survey ships scheduled to be finished early 2054 obsolete. Construction will still carry on however. A large expansion to the academy, tripling it in size has been started, in the hopes of attracting new scientists to bolster their thin ranks with.

3rd November, 2052
Scientists on Earth have finished the last piece needed to build jump drives. Their approach is to build much smaller jump capable survey ships with only a jump drive, gravitational sensor and the required crew and lifesupport.
Code: [Select]
Edward VII class Gravitational Survey Vessel    1,300 tons     39 Crew     215.4 BP      TCS 26  TH 40  EM 0
1538 km/s    JR 1-50     Armour 1-10     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/1/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 7.37 Years     MSP 104    AFR 13%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 3    5YR 50    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Spare Berths 2   

J1400(1-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 1400 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 1
40 EP Nuclear Pulse Engine (1)    Power 40    Fuel Use 85.5%    Signature 40    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 32.4 billion km   (243 days at full power)

Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
With this minimalistic design, it will take just under a year to build one of these, and it can be built in the smallest shipyard in orbit around Earth. With the burden taken off researching jump drives, the terrans have opted to start work on a salvage module, to take advantage of the Sargon ship graveyard in orbit of Jupiter.

4th September 2053
The Terrans have completed their first gravitational survey ship, before the Donnhovians. It appears that they were underestimated, the humans, while their technology is low-tech still, are catching up to the Donnhovians far faster than they predicted.

11th November 2053
The Donnhovians have finished their work on Ion Drive engines. The Peoples Council is gathering to design new next-generation warships, and are only waiting on shields and improved lasers.

28th December, 2053
The first jump point in Sol has been discovered by the New Earth Republic, and the first 50,000 colonists have arrived at Mars. The survey ship will scan the remaining grav sites before exploring the jump points.

9th April, 2054
The Donnhovian Navy has released two new survey cruisers from their shipyards. They are to immediately start scanning for jump points. The humans haven’t found any more jump points other than the first one.

13th May, 2054
The Terrans have found a 2nd jump point in the system, boosting the morale of the crew; many thought that there was only one jump point in the entire system.

28th May, 2054
The Donnhovians have found the first jump point discovered by the Terrans, much faster than the Terrans themselves did.

14th June, 2054
The Terrans have discovered yet another jump point, bringing the system total up to three.

22nd July, 2054
A second Gravitational Survey Vessel has been built on Earth, and the 2nd JP discovered by the Donnhovians.

19th October, 2054
A fourth jump point has been discovered, and GEV 001 is returning to Earth to exchange crew, their 6 month contract being pushed over, and morale failing due to that.

Research wise, the New Earth Republic has finished development on Levitated Pit Warheads and small jump gate construction modules, while the Donnhovians have finished up 20cm laser focusing crystals, and basic meson cannons.

The Donnhovian council intends to honor the wishes of their populace, by designing a orbital bombardment frigate armed with meson cannons capable of precision strikes that can penetrate the atmosphere of Ganymede, unlike the siege lasers.
Code: [Select]
Tribune class Bombardment Frigate    1,800 tons     92 Crew     238 BP      TCS 36  TH 60  EM 0
1666 km/s     Armour 1-13     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 12
Maint Life 5.62 Years     MSP 83    AFR 25%    IFR 0.4%    1YR 4    5YR 67    Max Repair 60 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Spare Berths 1   

60 EP Ion Drive (1)    Power 60    Fuel Use 85.5%    Signature 60    Exp 10%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 17.5 billion km   (121 days at full power)

R3/C3 Meson Cannon (4)    Range 21,760km     TS: 1666 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 3    ROF 5        1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gauss PD Control 10k .34 (1)    Max Range: 21,760 km   TS: 1250 km/s     54 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Technology PB-1 (1)     Total Power Output 13.5    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Active Search Sensor MR30-R100 (1)     GPS 6000     Range 30.0m km    Resolution 100

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes

15th April, 2055
The Terran GEV 002 has been assigned to start traveling through jump points and mapping nearby solar systems.

22nd April, 2055
GEV 002 transits through JP 1, into Wolf-359, a unremarkable red dwarf with one terrestrial world, though it has a super pressurized toxic atmosphere and is about 1300 degrees hot. There are two gas giants and a dwarf planet with a chunk moon orbiting it, there is no possibility for colonization in this system perhaps only for sorium mining from the gas giants.

25th April, 2055
GEV 002 transits back to Sol, and then transits through JP 2, which happens to lead to Sirius, a binary system with five planets orbiting Sirius A, more than 45 moons; 9 of which have acceptable gravity, and a particular moon with a 57 degree surface temperature and a good candidate for colonization, having only a cost of 2.0. The B counterpart has 3 planets with 37 moons and about 40 asteroids.  One moon has a colony cost of 2.08 and the remnants of a atmosphere, most of which is methane.

10th May, 2055
GEV 002 has transited to Alpha Centauri, the closest system to Sol. It’s a binary, with both stars nearly as massive and bright as Sol. While the B part only has a single uninhabitable terrestrial world, the A part has 9 planets, around 50 moons, and a near habitable Nitrogen-Methane atmosphere planet, with a cold but acceptable -9 Celcius average temperature.

Strangely enough, as the survey ship entered the system, the other side of the jump point had a jump gate, similar to the ones that the New Earth Republic was doing research on. This may pose a threat because any ship could enter Sol regardless of a jump drive.

17th May, 2055
The fourth and last discovered jump point leads to Luyten 726-8, a binary composed of 2 red dwarves 20% the size of Sol. The A component has 4 gas giants, a dwarf planet with a neutral 0 Celcius temperature and acceptable gravity, plus a few more planets and moons. The B component has a huge 300 asteroid belt, two gas giants with 27 moons, a dwarf planet and terrestrial with a freezing Nitrogen-Methane atmosphere.

With all of Sols neighboring systems mapped, many candidates for terraforming have been unlocked, along with mining and fuel harvesting. Improved co-operation with the Donnhovian government will both help the colonization effort and better protect eachother in the event of meeting any hostile species. Negotiations with the Donnhovian Socialist Republic will be starting soon to decide the fate of these new solar systems.

Offline MrAnderson (OP)

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Re: Battleground Sol: Years 2050-5060
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2012, 04:07:23 PM »
11th August, 2055

With technology having advanced what is deemed a “sufficient level” by the Donnhovian Peoples Council, a second generation of warships has started its design phase. These ships will be bigger, tougher, and more adaptable than the current ones.

15th August, 2055

Negotiations are finished, just as the Donnhovian Orbital Bombardment Frigate is launched. The Terrans get JP 1 and 2, which leads to Wolf-359 and Sirius

17th August, 2055

The orbital bombardment frigate, assisted by the main battle fleet has completely wiped out all ground troops on Ganymede. Civilian casualties in the 5 minutes of bombardment are estimated at 75 million, and the dust thrown up by the attack is estimated to kill off rougly 20% of the population by the end of the year. Troop transports are being designed to land troops and occupy the planet, as completely voiding it of life would take an excessive amount of time for the current capital weaponry.

15th September, 2055
GSV 002 has been assigned to Sirius to scan for jump points, and GSV 001 will survey the Wolf system after it is finished the overhaul.

10th October, 2055

Research on Ceramic Composite armor has been finished by Isabella Fergusons team. This new level of armor provides great defense at a massively reduced rate than duranium armor, making it more efficient.

11th November, 2055

The very first civilian-owned colony ship has been launched by Hartley Container Lines. The CEO of this recently created corporation; Lee Alto expressed his views that a colony on Mars would interest many people on Earth, and now that it has grown to a quarter of a million colonists, he believes it to be a profitable new industry.

Lee assures everyone that this first ship will not be the last, and many more colony ships and freighters will be launched in the near future. The New Earth Republic provided a large amount of funds to the corporation in the hopes of quickening the colonization of Mars so that recently developed terraforming installations could be manned and start working on the atmosphere of Mars.

12th April, 2056

The New Earth Republic has found three jump points in the Wolf System. After returning to refuel and swap crew, they will continue the search.

May 3rd, 2056

The Talon troop transport has been constructed. Its first mission is to transport the 10. Mobile Infantry and 14. Garrison to Ganymede and begin the occupation of Ganymede. More divisions will be sent in afterwards.