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Announcements / Call for Forum Medals/Awards
« Last post by Erik L on April 21, 2020, 06:35:04 PM »
As you all have noticed, there are awards under your name, etc. on posts. Father Tim suggested a contest/poll for user submissions on medals.

The current ones were made with the Ribbon Maker and resized to 50% h/w. The preferred size according to the mod is 35x60 pixels.

Post submissions in this thread and I will compile them into a poll for voting.
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Father Tim on April 21, 2020, 06:33:00 PM »

(Actually, what I really want is a big contest where any member can submit ribbon designs and we all vote on them and the top eighteen or so become the board's new 'medals'.)

I'm all for that :)

And it is 16

So far. . .
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Erik L on April 21, 2020, 06:30:47 PM »

(Actually, what I really want is a big contest where any member can submit ribbon designs and we all vote on them and the top eighteen or so become the board's new 'medals'.)

I'm all for that :)

And it is 16
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Father Tim on April 21, 2020, 06:14:03 PM »
I'm going to miss my "Hero of the Draconis Combine" medal.

- - - - -

While the award ribbons look pretty good and follow a logical progression & unified colour scheme, I wish there were more pixels between them (both horizontally & vertically).  I'd find them easier to 'read' with more of a border effect.

(Actually, what I really want is a big contest where any member can submit ribbon designs and we all vote on them and the top eighteen or so become the board's new 'medals'.)
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Erik L on April 21, 2020, 01:33:32 PM »
Agreed with Kyle, they are really aggressive in their appearance when compared to the older features. The pale blue/gray and white theme is very subdued.

Also, when looking at threads, this is a bit annoying:

Could the like buttons be only inside threads? As well as the "x people liked this" note?

Done :)
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Bughunter on April 21, 2020, 10:37:24 AM »
Where are the Reddit guys when you actually need them for something?  :)
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Desdinova on April 21, 2020, 10:31:21 AM »
I'm not a fan of the changes. We already had the "thanks" system, and the new buttons are kind of obnoxious.
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Garfunkel on April 21, 2020, 10:28:27 AM »
Agreed with Kyle, they are really aggressive in their appearance when compared to the older features. The pale blue/gray and white theme is very subdued.

Also, when looking at threads, this is a bit annoying:

Could the like buttons be only inside threads? As well as the "x people liked this" note?
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Erik L on April 21, 2020, 12:34:24 AM »
There are a lot of bad color combinations on the tags.  I can't read this :/

This hurts my eyes.

The (xyz liked this) text crashes into the icons

In general the tags and like buttons are ... visually intense ... compared to the rest of the forum's default theme.

Is there a way to just disable tags and like buttons in my forum profile somehow?

The colors are auto-generated I believe. I did not set them up.

I will look at disabling them for people.
Announcements / Re: New Features
« Last post by Kyle on April 21, 2020, 12:13:35 AM »
There are a lot of bad color combinations on the tags.  I can't read this :/

This hurts my eyes.

The (xyz liked this) text crashes into the icons

In general the tags and like buttons are ... visually intense ... compared to the rest of the forum's default theme.

Is there a way to just disable tags and like buttons in my forum profile somehow? 
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