Author Topic: Black Eagle - Teaser  (Read 10927 times)

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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2010, 12:46:26 AM »
Quote from: "Beersatron"
I am thoroughly impressed with the research you must have done just for the naming of the ground units!

Can't wait to see a few turn reports :)

Thanks... got heaps of books and there is good stuff all over the net.  This is only a test campaign so if you think this is detailed .... wait till you see the next one.  I intend to play the test campaign through to a logical conclusion unless I stumble across a unrecoverable bug.
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Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2010, 12:50:10 AM »
Quote from: "Sotak246"
I really ejoyed your alternate history, and your setup for the game promises to be very interesting.  Egerly awaiting Steve's 5.0 so you can write your story.

Thanks Mark... this is only a test campaign but I intend to play it right through to an end.  I'm drawing my Inspiration from every one elses fiction.
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Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2010, 03:52:00 PM »
13.   United Arab Republic
   Code: UAR
   Capitol: Cairo
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Abdul-Hakim Abdulah
   Economy: 3570 (+16)
   Research Facilities: 4
   Conventional Industry: 117
   Population: 347.0m
Algeria (35.0m), Bahrain (0.7m), Djibouti (0.7m), Egypt (81.0m), Iraq (30.0m), Jordan (6.0m), Kuwait (3.0m), Lebanon (4.0m), Libya (7.0m),  Morocco (32.0m), Oman (4.0m), Qatar (0.8m), Saudi Arabia (29.0m), Somalia (10.0m), Sudan (42.0m), Syria (22.0m), Tunisia (11.0m), United Arab Emirates (5.0m), Yemen (24.0m), Palestine (5.0m)
   ICBM Bases: 1
   ORBAT:   21 LTI / 6 LTA

1st Motorized Corps
2nd Mechanized Corps
4th Infantry Corps
5th Infantry Corps
6th Infantry Corps
10th Mechanized Corps
9th Infantry Corps
11th Motorized Corps
12th Infantry Corps
13th Mechanized Corps
14th Mechanized Corps
16th Infantry Corps
1st Republican Guard Mechanized Division
2nd Republican Guard Mechanized Division
3rd Republican Guard Mechanized Division
101st Parachute Brigade
102nd Commando Brigade
103rd Commando Brigade
104th Parachute Brigade
105th Parachute Brigade
6th Republican Guard Commando Brigade
3rd Armoured Corps
7th Armoured Corps
8th Armoured Corps
15th Armoured Corps
4th Republican Guard Armoured Division
5th Republican Guard Armoured Division

National Overview

The UAR grew from the Arabic nationalism in the early 50’s when Britain and several other non Arabic nations attempted to gain control of the Suez Canal.   Over the years, the Arabic nations, drawn together by heritage and a common religion, manage to put their differences aside and form the United Arabic Republic.    The Republic was able to redistribute wealth generated by the Oil fields of the Gulf and raise the standard of living in the poorer North African states.  


While not the most advanced military, the UAR maintains a large fairly well equipped military capable of defending its interests.  The UAR has recently developed Nuclear Weapons as a counter balance to the PAC’s WMD program.

Current concerns

The UAR is currently funding Islamic resistance movements within Ethiopia which puts it at head to head with PAC’s support for the Ethiopian government.  The UAR is also experiencing resistance from the Shia minority which the Government blames Iran for supporting.


The UAR is a Republic with a directly elected President as head of state.  Religion has direct influence on the Government and sometimes this clouds the judgement of decisions made.   The UAR is considered a stable nation with no major internal problems outside the Shia minority.


The UAR relies on oil export as the major source of capitol.  This is slowly declining as major nations turn to alternate energy sources.  Until a economic and reliable source is found, the UAR can still count on less developed nations paying the high prices dictated by the UAR.

Trans Newton Mechanics

The UAR was able to obtain a copy of the transmissions from sympathetic sources in the Soviet Union.  Unfortunatly the UAR’s R&D programs are not funded enough to ensure quick development of Trans Newton Mechanics.

14.   Pan African Confederation
   Code: PAF
   Capitol: Mombasa
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Antonia Silveira
   Economy: 5503 (+27)
   Research Facilities: 3
   Conventional Industry: 100
   Population: 534.0m
Angola (13.0m), Benin (9.0m), Botswana (2.0m), Burundi (10.0m), Cameroon (19.0m), Central African Republic (5.0m), Congo (75.0m), Equatorial Guinea (0.7m), Gabon (2.0m), Kenya (40.0m), Madagascar (21.0m), Mozambique (22.0m), Namibia (2.0m), Nigeria (152.0m), Rwanda (11.0m), South Africa (50.0m), Tanzania (42.0m), Uganda (33.0m), Zambia (12.0), Zimbabwe (12.0m)
   ICBM Bases: 1
   ORBAT: 16 LTI / 2 LTA
Angolan Defence Corps
Kenyan Defence Corps
Nigerian Defence Corps
South African Defence Corps
Tanzanian Defence Corps
Ugandan Defence Corps
Zimbabwe Defence Corps
Congolese Defence Corps
1st PAC Motorized Division
2nd PAC Motorized Division
3rd PAC Motorized Division
4th PAC Infantry Division
5th PAC Infantry Division
6th PAC Infantry Division
17th Parachute Brigade (SADF)
PAC Special Operations Brigade
8th Armoured Division (SADF)
41st Armoured Division (Nig)

National Overview

The PAC started from merging of the Southern African Development Council and the East African Community.  When these two bodies formed the Pan African Federation, they used their strength to influence other African nations into joining the Confederation or be cut from their generous aid programs.  Most of Africa, south of the Sahara, had membership in the confederation by 1996 with several west African nations still holding on to their independence.  


Most Member States maintain a Defence Corps as well as contributing to a joint Military.  Several specialist formations are maintained by the larger States like South Africa and Nigeria.   It is planned that some time in the future, all state Armies will be rolled into the Joint Confederation Military.

Current Concerns

The PAC suffers from numerous uprisings from local pro independence groups as well as petty warlords.   The Government’s support of Ethiopia has put it at differences with the United Arabic Republic and has the possibility of being a source of future conflict.


The PAC is a Confederation with a President as head of state.   Corruption is rife at all levels of Government and has weakened its standing with other nations.   Coups and Rebellions are common and the military spends a fair amount of time on internal security.


Despite corruption and inefficiency, the PAC economy is fairly good.  Most of the budget surplus is used to industrialize the central African member states as well as aid packages to West African nations.

Trans Newton Mechanics

The PAC was lucky enough to have a military vessel on a good will visit to the region at the time of the incident.   The ACC (African Confederation Ship) Cape Town intercepted the communication while monitoring the battle between the USN and German Kreigsmarine.   Even though the PAC’s R&D is severely underfunded, a breakthrough will eventually happen.

15.   Federation of South East Asian Nations
   Code: FSEAN
   Capitol: Jakarta
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Tola Paribatra
   Economy: 5824 (+35)
   Research Facilities: 2
   Conventional Industry: 170
   Population: 561.0m
Brunei (0.4m), Burma (49.0m), Philippines (101.0m), Indonesia (243.0m), Laos (7.0m), Singapore (5.0m), Thailand (66.0m),   Vietnam (90.0m) Cambodia (15.0m)    
   ICBM Bases: nil
   ORBAT:   16 LTI / 3 LTA

1st Corps (Burma)
2nd Corps (Burma)
3rd Corps (Burma)
4th Corps (Thai)
5th Corps (Viet)
6th Corps (Viet)
7th Corps (Viet)
8th Corps (Viet)
9th Corps (Viet)
10th Corps (Philippines)
11th Corps (Indo)
12th Corps (Indo)
13th Corps (Malaysia)
14th Corps (Singapore)
Special Forces Division (Joint)
Airborne Division (Joint)
1st Armoured Division (Thai)
2nd Armoured Division (Viet)
3rd Armoured Division (Joint)

National Overview

The Federation of South East Asian Nations was first considered at the end of WW2 as a response to growing Japanese and Chinese influence in the region.   France granted independence to Indochina at the end of WW2 but Vietnam remained outside the Federation until 1970 when a border dispute with China convinced the Government that China would eventually attempt an invasion.  


The FSEAN Military works under a unified command structure with units raised in a particular region/state.  These units normally remain in the region for all of its existence.   An officer trained at the FSEAN Command College can expect to serve in any formation including ones out side his/her home region/state.  

Current Concerns

Even though the Threat from Japan has diminished, China’s border violations remain a problem.  


The FSEAN is a multi party federal Democracy.  President Tola Paribatra is in his first term as head of state and is considered a popular leader.  There is no indication of civil unrest with the nation.


The Federation is in good economic shape and is considered a rival to China in the manufacture of cheap consumer products.

Trans Newton Mechanics

The Federation managed to obtain a copy of the Transmission from their consulate on the Island.   To fully utilize the information, the Federation had to rapidly expand their R&D program to handle the influx of data that needed to be analysed.
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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2010, 10:34:09 PM »
Is absolute size of the economy significant? If so, even with US growth and German decline, I'm not sure the US president should feel to confident. 14,358 vs 46,680??


1. United States

Economy: 14358 (+61)
Research Facilities: 12
Conventional Industry: 640
Population: 318.0m

2. Germany

Economy: 46680 (-5)
Research Facilities: 12
Conventional Industry: 350
Population: 117

Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2010, 01:00:04 AM »
Opps ..... added an extra 0 to the German economy .... thanks for pulling me up
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Re: Black Eagle: Background
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2010, 02:33:22 PM »
AWESOME work,am impressive,back.
My engl was poor but am enjoin in read ur history.
A great work sure.

Offline ShadoCat

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2010, 03:03:26 PM »
Interesting divergence point.

I don't quite get the reason for the different outcome in the Pacific (aside from giving you more players going forward).

Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2010, 11:38:53 PM »
Quote from: "ShadoCat"
Interesting divergence point.

I don't quite get the reason for the different outcome in the Pacific (aside from giving you more players going forward).

Nuclear weapons were not developed until after WW2 in this time lime so the US tried Operation Olympic.  With the massive casualties they took in Europe and then in the initial invasion of the Home Islands , the Public support for the war dropped to zero. But deep down ... yes you are right.  This is only a test campaign , so I did not detail the history as well as I would normally do.  The next one will be more detailed and interlocked instead of the mish mash I slapped togeather.
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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #23 on: February 16, 2010, 03:10:35 AM »
If this is a mish mash, I would have to take time off from work just to analyze a more detailed write up.  The Jane's list is already more complicated than anything I would pretend to attempt on my own.  My family of 8 would have their hands full trying to manage what you have already put together, let alone do the research to start it all.
Bravo, I love it.  Keep it coming!
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline ShadoCat

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #24 on: February 16, 2010, 12:14:55 PM »
Quote from: "backstab"
Quote from: "ShadoCat"
Interesting divergence point.

I don't quite get the reason for the different outcome in the Pacific (aside from giving you more players going forward).

Nuclear weapons were not developed until after WW2 in this time lime so the US tried Operation Olympic.  With the massive casualties they took in Europe and then in the initial invasion of the Home Islands , the Public support for the war dropped to zero. But deep down ... yes you are right.  This is only a test campaign , so I did not detail the history as well as I would normally do.  The next one will be more detailed and interlocked instead of the mish mash I slapped togeather.

I can see your point.  I guess that it is a balancing factor between the WWII doctrine of being OK with throwing troops at a problem until you won and the fact that the US didn't have the great morale boost from the defeat of Germany.

BTW, I'm a bit cheesed about Romania going to Russia but it would take a lot of hand waving to have any other outcome.

Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2010, 11:36:45 PM »
Quote from: "ShadoCat"
Quote from: "backstab"
Quote from: "ShadoCat"
Interesting divergence point.

I don't quite get the reason for the different outcome in the Pacific (aside from giving you more players going forward).

Nuclear weapons were not developed until after WW2 in this time lime so the US tried Operation Olympic.  With the massive casualties they took in Europe and then in the initial invasion of the Home Islands , the Public support for the war dropped to zero. But deep down ... yes you are right.  This is only a test campaign , so I did not detail the history as well as I would normally do.  The next one will be more detailed and interlocked instead of the mish mash I slapped togeather.

I can see your point.  I guess that it is a balancing factor between the WWII doctrine of being OK with throwing troops at a problem until you won and the fact that the US didn't have the great morale boost from the defeat of Germany.

BTW, I'm a bit cheesed about Romania going to Russia but it would take a lot of hand waving to have any other outcome.

Romania is part of the Axis Block..   Since The Soviet Union sued for peace in late 1943, they were no where near Romania to cause a Pro Communist Coup.   T
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Offline ShadoCat

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2010, 12:46:06 AM »
Quote from: "backstab"
Quote from: "ShadoCat"
BTW, I'm a bit cheesed about Romania going to Russia but it would take a lot of hand waving to have any other outcome.

Romania is part of the Axis Block..   Since The Soviet Union sued for peace in late 1943, they were no where near Romania to cause a Pro Communist Coup.   T

Whoops, my bad.

Romania is Axis.  Well, that's...   ...better?

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Re: Jane's Country Risk Assessments 2019 edition
« Reply #27 on: February 21, 2010, 11:38:36 PM »
16.   Iran
   Code: IR
   Capitol: Tehran
   Government Type:
   Head of State: President Chalipa Kolahdouz
   Economy: 2771 (+15)
   Research Facilities: 2  
   Conventional Industry: 70
   Population: 67.0m
Iran (67.0m)   
   ICBM Bases: nil
   ORBAT: 7 LTI / 1 LTA

28th Iranian Motorized Division
81st Iranian Motorized Division
84th Iranian Motorized Division
30th Iranian Infantry Division
40th Iranian Infantry Division
55th Iranian Infantry Division
7th Commando Division
18th Iranian Armoured Division

National Overview

Iran is a nation that walks a fine line between Democracy and religious fundamentalism. The Shah managed to defeat an uprising during the ’70 but was forced to enact changes within Iran to appease both the Religious sectors and the liberalists.  Iran has opened trade with most nations as a way of showing its neutrality.


The Iranian Military is small but well trained and equipped.  

Current Concerns

Iran’s current concern is that of the perceived mistreatment of the Shia minority in Iraq.  Iran has been funding several resistance movements which have cost them lucrative trade deals with the United Arabic Republic.


Iran is a constitutional Monarchy.  The Shah’s reforms have enabled him to retain power but he is forced to walk a thin line between the religious community calls for Islamic Law and the academics calls for the further liberalism of Iran.


The Iranian economy has begun to recover from the ‘70’s uprising which nearly bankrupted the state.  Iran has put in place several economic reforms and hopes that they can use any budget surplus to improve R&D facilities as well as industrial infrastructure.

Trans Newton Mechanics

Even though Iran managed to obtain a copy of the transmission from sympathetic elements of the UAR scientific community, they lack the R&D capacity to quickly understand its secrets.
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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2010, 10:26:01 AM »
This looks awesome.  Can't wait until you get started with the campaign proper.

Offline backstab (OP)

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Re: Black Eagle - Comments thread
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2010, 01:04:09 AM »
First 5 years will be up soon.  With 15 nations, the game is pretty slow !
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