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Aurora Chat / Yo, what's up?
« Last post by Fumbles on April 22, 2020, 03:30:46 PM »
Recently got my hands on Aurora 4x C# after hearing about from MandaloreGaming's review of it.  Decided to download the C# seeing as it seems to be the least eye-burning (no offense), and as my username suggests I'm been fumbling and bumbling around the game.  I've done enough to at least get two basic geological survey vessels out of my shipyards and off to surveying the Solar System, but even then I'm still unsure how to really consolidate my industry and economy.

Really, I'm quite amazed as by Aurora 4x and how deep it goes into its mechanics - even if does try to drive my teenage brain into a brick wall.  Just wanted to pop this topic down to say hi to y'all and to Mr.  Walmsley and kinda not subtly ask for early game tips. . .   ;D
Aurora Chat / Re: Favourite Moment?
« Last post by Silverkeeper on April 18, 2020, 04:51:35 AM »
I had just started the game. My geoscout detects this absolutely massive structure that it can see from billions of km away.
I send in the battle fleet to try and asses the situation. I launch maybe 40-50 missile armed fighters.Firing from 50 million kilometers they manage to only blow away most of the shields on this thing. There is no response It didn`t even try to shoot down my missiles. I do another run with fighters, same result.
Now I´m out of ammo for the fighters and I´m too afraid to send in my regular ships.
I send the fleet to Earth to rearm and pick up support, every ship I had.
Unfortunately I got flooded with errors later and had to abandon the game.
I hope to run into it again, so I can try to board it.
Graphics Packs / Finnish ribbons/medals pack
« Last post by Tunsku on April 11, 2020, 05:09:59 AM »
I made the ribbons for pretty much all finnish (relevant) awards.     Only exception is awards for local forces.     They are in the zip file, divided into sub-folders: only problem is I haven't translated them into english so you might not know what they mean.     However, here is a link:
https://puolustusvoimat. fi/documents/1948673/2258496/PEVIESTOS-kunnia-ja-ansiomerkkien-kantaminen-liitteineen. pdf/7c836895-b805-4ad7-bb16-c7b55da4035b/PEVIESTOS-kunnia-ja-ansiomerkkien-kantaminen-liitteineen. pdf
 to a pdf concerning awards, starting from page 16 you can read english translations for the most important names.     In the files "ansiom" is short for "ansiomerkki" and "ansior" is short for "ansioristi".     You can use these freely.   
Aurora Bugs / Re: Official v7.10 Bugs Reporting Thread
« Last post by Agraelgrimm on April 07, 2020, 01:41:27 PM »
I dont know why, but everytime i try to make a custom game using the SM creation, the system names all comes up named *Human*. 
Wich is a huge bomer since im making a custom empire and all the stars and planets are called Human.  Also confuses me a lot. 
I assume this is a bug.  Dont know if someone else had it, tough.  And i dont have enough time to see every thread or response, so sorry in advance if someone already reported this, but i havent seen a solution anywhere *and* i dont know how to change a system's name, if possible.  And i dont know if there is some button out there because somehow my game window is bigger than my notebook's monitor.  So i cant even see all the buttons on the events window. 
Dont know if this is another bug.  (Im using windows 10)
Aurora Chat / Re: Favourite Moment?
« Last post by Zincat on April 02, 2020, 05:51:05 AM »
Favorite moment? Easy.

On a conventional start, 30 or so yes in a wormhole opens up in the Sol system

The results were predictable. But it was so much fun. First time I met them too!  ;D
Aurora Chat / Re: Favourite Moment?
« Last post by chrislocke2000 on April 02, 2020, 03:26:19 AM »
I think my most enjoyable moment to date has been the complete disaster I had when first exploring alien ruins. I'd built a sizable colony on a planet in a system rich in minerals and had also established multiple automated mining sites that were sending the minerals to the colony through the use of mass drivers.

After finally decoding the details of the alien ruins on the colony I had my engineers get to work on recovering ruins. It wasn't long before I discovered that there was a chance of them finding not just installations but also defenders. I quickly dispatched a force of troops to support the engineers but with a long transit time from Earth it looked to be a close call so when the troops finally landed I had a real sigh of relief. It wasn't until the next turn I realized that in my haste I had actually sent the troops to the wrong planet in the system and no they were another 20 odd days away.

Sadly it was too late for my engineers who caved a few days later and in turn also resulted in the colony falling under the control of the precursors. That did not seem too much of a disaster until i realized the massive train of mineral packets making their way across the system no longer had a mass driver to stop them. I then found out just how effective mass drivers are at bombarding a colony!

By the time I moved the troops, fought the precursors and recaptured the colony I think I had lost 2/3rds of the installations and a large chunk of the population.

It was a terrible result but a fantastic couple of days of game play that kicked off writing an AAR for that campaign and really got me thinking about the politics of the disaster and the wider impact it should have on the approach and attitudes of the Federation. It also highlighted to me that mistakes can be even more fun than getting everything right!
Aurora Chat / Re: Questions not worth their own thread
« Last post by Garfunkel on March 31, 2020, 01:02:33 PM »
No you cannot.
Aurora Chat / Re: Questions not worth their own thread
« Last post by xenoscepter on March 31, 2020, 12:40:49 PM »
In VB6, can I re-name waypoints?
Aurora Chat / Oops, wrong missile.
« Last post by xenoscepter on March 30, 2020, 05:46:06 PM »
I, uh, have a GeoProbe PDC...

And I forgot that the ISBMs were loaded...

I meant to GeoSurvey the new colonies...

Nuked 'em instead.

Oops, wrong missile.

Project Farscan

Code: [Select]
Project Farscan class Missile Base    37,350 tons     637 Crew     3220.95 BP      TCS 747  TH 0  EM 0
Armour 8-99     Sensors 250/1     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 54
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 4   
Troop Capacity: 3 Battalions    Magazine 1272   

United Earth Space Institute UESI "Project Farscan" ISBM Launch System (3)    Missile Size 24    Rate of Fire 720
United Earth Space Institute UESI "Project Farscan" ISBM Central Launch Controller (1)     Range 375.0m km    Resolution 25
UESI "Project Farscan" Rockstar GeoProbe (40)  Speed: 2,100 km/s   End: 67.7d    Range: 12291.9m km   WH: 0    Size: 24    TH: 7/4/2
UESI "Project Farscan" ISBM (10)  Speed: 8,000 km/s   End: 779.4m    Range: 374.1m km   WH: 6    Size: 24    TH: 34/20/10

United Earth Space Institute UESI "Project Farscan" ISBM Central Launch Controller TAS Module (1)     GPS 216     Range 220k km    Resolution 240
United Earth Space Institute UESI "Project Farscan" Exo-planetary Thermographic Detection System (1)     Sensitivity 250     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  250m km
United Earth Space Institute UESI "Project Farscan" Exo-planetary Electromagnetic Detection System (1)     Sensitivity 250     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  250m km

Missile to hit chances are vs targets moving at 3000 km/s, 5000 km/s and 10,000 km/s

This design is classed as a Planetary Defence Centre and can be pre-fabricated in 15 sections
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