Here is the "official" Sol system for the Terran Confederation.
Orbit Dist Planet Dia Type MI OI Hvy Metal Rate Radio. Rate Non-Metal Rate Indust. Rate EI EV Pop Max Tax Income
1 0.4 Mercury 4879 B 4.25 0.6 Scarce 1 little 1 Little 9 Norm. 13 240 2400 0
2 0.7 Venus 12103 V 8.5 3.25 Mother. 26 Abund. 19 Abund. 16 Abund. 16 770 7700 0
3 1 Terra 12762 T 10 6 Normal 7 Norm. 8 Abund. 20 Abund. 19 540 5400 L Core 0.5525 2983.5
4 1.5 Mars 6792 B 5.75 1.1 Scarce 1 little 10 Little 3 Abund. 20 340 3400 L Colony 0.325 1105
5 2.3 Asteroid S 5.25 0.35 Abund. 16 Scarce 3 Normal 8 Little 8 350 3500 Colony 0.2275 796.25
10 39 Pluto/Charon 2306 F 6.25 1.25 Normal 7 Scarce 2 Normal 8 Norm. 13 300 3000 0
Earth - Ground - University, Training Facility, Fleet Command Center, Defense, Intel Agency
Earth - Orbital - 2x Shipyard, Scan Installation, Defense
Earth has 1 ground slot open.
Mars - Ground - Training Facility
Mars - Orbital - Shipyard
Asteroids - Ground - Scan Installation
Asteroids - Orbital - Repair Yard, Defense Installation
The Sol system has Jump Rings and 12 Remote EWD in a ring around the sun approximately at the distance of the asteroid belt. There is one Class E wormhole at 180 AU from the sun. It has 4 approaches.