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Topic Summary

Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: February 01, 2025, 04:32:21 AM »

<United Earth Council Report>


(The 2371 Federal Elections)

Preface: The Government of United Earth

The United Earth Government is a Federal Presidential Republic similar to the United States and founded out of the United Nations, with constituent states that are made up of former fully independent earth countries. These states are granted autonomy in many of their functions but must still adhere to the federal government. Federal elections are held every five years with voters electing representatives of both an upper and lower house, these representatives belong to parties, with the lower house putting forward candidates for president of the state with the upper house confirming the nomination and the speaker confirming the appointment. Coalitions are common due to the diversity of Earth with parties compromising to ensure a candidate is selected.

The elections resulted in no party achieving a majority in either the upper or lower house, however due to momentum against the government and a willingness to compromise from the opposition they were able to create a coalition of parties to elect president "Alvarez Fring" and gain control of both houses of government. The opposition coalition, the "Prosperity Alliance" maintains this slim majority and will do so for the next five years. After the election the coalitions main promise was to reduce military programs and funding to non civilian organisations and direct these funds and resources purely to colonisation efforts, existing defence programs are to be cut or suspended entirely and an amibitious new colonial plan is to be enacted as part of the new presidents agenda.

The "New Horizons" Program is to be a ten year program that would set out to expand known space to one-hundred star systems and redouble efforts to colonise every useful planetary body within that space to increase the prosperity of humanity. The program proposed the following:

1. Elimination of the current exploration fleet and the doctrine it held under the previous government. New Survey ships will be developed based on a cheaper and more efficient design which will have the range and number of vessels to survey the required amount of star systems the government has called for, as part of this effort a new survey ship design will be created, the Halcyon Class, coming in at 1,650t at nearly 1/10th the size of the previous survey ship types they maintain no defensive capabilities and a complete focus on cheap civilian operations with specialisation in survey purposes also being established, two variants one for geological and another for gravitational. These vessels are a direct rebuke of the previous method of exploration and the new government promises that these vessels are just as safe and will perform for a fraction of the cost.

Code: [Select]
Halcyon class Survey Ship (P)      1,650 tons       37 Crew       233.1 BP       TCS 33    TH 66    EM 0
2003 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-12       Shields 0-0       HTK 12      Sensors 0/0/0/1      DCR 1-6      PPV 0
Maint Life 7.24 Years     MSP 153    AFR 22%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 5    5YR 77    Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Morale Check Required   

J1650(3-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 1650 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3

Ion Drive  EP66.09 (1)    Power 66.1    Fuel Use 8.77%    Signature 66.09    Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 166,600 Litres    Range 207.2 billion km (1197 days at full power)

Cayouette Electronics AS1/R1 Radar array (1)     GPS 2     Range 1.5m km    MCR 136.2k km    Resolution 1
Active Search Sensor AS3-R10 (1)     GPS 12     Range 3.3m km    Resolution 10
Active Search Sensor AS7-R100 (1)     GPS 120     Range 7m km    Resolution 100
Cayouette Electronics Industries F01-06 EM Sensor Suite (1)     Sensitivity 0.6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  6.1m km
Cayouette Electronics Industries T1-6 Thermal Sensor Suite (1)     Sensitivity 0.6     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  6.1m km
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

2. Re-assessment of current known space potential, existing resource deposits must be exploited and planets colonised to ensure the future expansion of humanity. In that effort a new agency will be established for deep survey efforts by ground based teams, new teams will be recruited and planets with potential looked at more closely.

3. Construction of all assets required for large scale extraction and colonisation of existing colonies, including the initial procurement of 400 Mines, 200 Automated Mines, and up to 12 fuel harvesting stations, and the large scale expansion of commercial shipbuilding including the replacement of older class vessels for more fuel efficient variants and the implementation of new ways of transporting goods, with short and long range freighters instead of homogenous vessels.

Recognising the costs associated with these efforts the new government has implemented a plethora of spending cuts to the military including but not limited to:

  • Cancellation of any development into the Everest Class Supercarrier
  • Cancellation of further development into the new Gorgon Class Heavy Frigate
  • Suspension of all further UNSC ship building
  • Initial order of F-62 fighters reduced from 36 to 15
  • Initial order of new Valiant class frigates reduced from 12 to 4
  • Missile production is halved
  • Weapons research funds are re-allocated to civilian uses
  • Naval shipyard expansion is suspended
  • Further naval work is to focus on refitting and modernising existing designs

These cuts caused outrage throughout the military-industrial complex and it was only with significant lobbying that the valiant and F-62 program were allowed to continue, despite the outrage the public supported this reduction with popular arguments in support stating that there is no threat to human expansion, so what is the need of military development?

General Report - 2371/72
(January - December)


January - 14th Additional ONI Forces arrive on new Jerusalem

January - 21st the first colonists leave Earth for Baakto


May - 23rd The first colonists arrive on Baakto and found the colony of New Andorra


June 4th - First colonists arrive on 18 Scorpii IV

(Known Space - 2371/2)


July - 30th Reach begins locally manufacturing mines and maintenance supplies with the population now reaching 66.9 million colonists

Continued exploration of reach uncovers expansive caverns of technology which are catalogued by ONI and studied in secrecy


September- 8th ONI finishes its work on New Jerusalem and begins permanent operations


October - 28th Federal Elections are held, and with 8.58 billion voters eligible the election is the largest ever held in humanities history.



January - 23rd President Alvarez Fring is inaugurated as president of the United Earth Government for a term of five years

End of United Earth Council Report - 2371/72

-Chairman Zheng Wei

Author Note: Some focus on how the government of the UEG works and a sudden change in the priorities of government. Will this lead to a golden age of humanity or leave it defenseless against supposedly fictious enemies.

Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: January 29, 2025, 06:52:23 AM »

<United Earth Council Report>




System Active: Login?.... Y

Name: Ellaine Durant
Password: REDACTED


Available Files:

Project Arcadius
Project Telemon
Project Delaware
Accessing Project Arcadius....
Report-4B on New Jerusalem-D2369-5

"It has been three days since we breached the primary chamber, so far no active precursor activity has been found unlike that which was found on Reach, there are a multitude of chambers stretching miles underground... we believe most of these chambers were built for scientific purposes, there are a variety of devices still active but they have posed no threat and seem to be generating large amounts of energy for a currently unknown purpose. work has begun on the primary chamber but it will require significantly more military and scientific resources and effort to uncover and properly extract the information we need. Further I recommend a level three information cordon of the colony and a UNSC vessel sent for its protection."
Close terminal?: Y
Logging out

(Bhaakto II as seen from one of its moons)

Baahkto II was discovered on December 19th of 2370, the reports sent back to the New Frontiers Initiative and humanity as a whole had many excited, a super massive earth-like world its characteristics matched practically every need for human life, an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, a surface covered in 62.9% water which gave it a similar appearance to Earth and protected with a strong magnetic field, and temperatures ranging between -3.5c to 37c during the 19 hour long days. Needless to say momentum began to build to initiate colonisation efforts immediately, with Baakto now the first naturally habitable planet found on the frontier and within a system very much like sol, with seven planets, two large gas giants, two martian like worlds and a venusian world. Expectations were certainly high for its potential as a new earth in amongst the mineral potential of its local space.

General Report - 2369/70
(January - December)


February - 24th The Martian technical institute proposes plans to develop and install space capable electronic warfare systems onboard UNSC vessels for non-lethal security purposes.


March - 6th Shipbuilding reaches record highs with slipways being used at record pace to construct new colonisation, commercial and security vessels, this has lead to a rapid expansion of Earth shipyards in orbit of the planet, the government welcomes this boom to the sector and the jobs it has created bringing unemployment to a record low of 2.2%. Anti-Government politicians cite the rapid unchecked shipbuilding as dangerous with trans-newtonian mineral stockpiles running dangerously low.

May - 23rd - The system of Theta Ursae Majoris is Discovered

Theta Ursae Majoris
Stars: Unary (A7-IV)
Planets: 6
Moons: 52
Asteroids: 308
Habitable worlds: N/A
Potential: Large quantity of asteroids and relative number of bodies indicates high potential for mining operations, lack of habitable worlds indicates automated mining colonies with a small skeleton crew of people to manage these operations


September- 19th The Ice world of Tantalus in the Epislon Eridani system is colonised, it becomes the fourth permanent colony alongisde Reach, Beta Gabriel and Tribute. Colonisation efforts were initiated to mine the large reserves of Uridium found beneath the icefields, and to support a CMA prescense due to the worlds strategic position beyond the Rhadalon Belt.


October - 30th The colony of Escala is established, named after the system it is within. The decision to colonise system came primarily due to the high potential of two terrestrial worlds for terraforming and high reserves of corrundium and gallicite which are in high demand.


November 4th The UNSC commissions the UNSC Chevalier, Constantinople, Dawn under Heaven and Dresden corvettes, naval shipbuilding has continued despite protests on Earth by opposition factions in government claiming building more military vessels is unnecessary and a waste of tax-payer money, the government rejects these protests claiming these new vessels will help to police sol as more ships travel throughout and that the new vessels will provide a considerable number of high paying jobs across the supply chain.



The systems of Hestia, Ectanus, Hellespoint, Groombridge 34, and Luyten 726 are discovered with these explosion in new systems the year is dubbed "the year of exploration" and awards are given to the survey crews on their return to Earth.


December - 19th The system of Bhaakto II is discovered

December - 24th CMA vessels are deployed to Freedom and Escala to protect the newly established colonies

End of United Earth Council Report - 2369/70

-Chairman Ellaine Durant

Author Note: short one but am getting back into swing of things and I will be releasing updates to the current date which is 2372 and then resuming from there, I still really want to do more in this save, we are on 2.2 still obviously but I cant draw myself away from coming back to the Halo universe.
Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: September 17, 2024, 07:55:10 PM »

<United Earth Council Report>


Project Excalibur is a top secret design project ordered in 2355 by the UNSC, its purpose to design a viable long range strike fighter craft capable of engaging targets up to 150mkm with enough firepower to destroy frigate sized vessels of the day when deployed in squadrons.  The fighter was slated for the planned CVX carrier design that would replace the existing Trafalgar class carrier in the 2370s, the result of Excalibur would be the F-62 Gladius Strike-Fighter, the largest ever vessel with such a designation planned for deployment in squadrons of six for both offensive and defensive roles thanks to missile and coilgun armament.

Despite the impressive capability of the Gladius the costs associated with planned deployment of both the fighter itself and the carriers to utilize them is seen as exorbitant, and it is unlikely that the Gladius if fielded will be seen in large numbers and the planned CVX which has seen designs estimated in the 75,000-125,000t range included is unlikely to see the light of day, forcing any Gladius fighters to be incorporated on existing Trafalgar class carriers.

"It is of great fortune that those who wielded such power are echos of the past, for if they still held such overwhelming might over the stars then at any moment our species could become less than an echo"

(Credit: Unknown Scientist, New Jerusalem, 2368)

The Discovery of New Jerusalem following the exploration of Ruins on Reach by ONI catapulted the organisation to the greatest level of importance since the unification of humanity, new powers were authorised and all evidence of alien life was hidden. Despite this secrecy ONI was ordered to continue researching the alien constructs, on New Jerusalem weapons of great power were discovered far outstripping any capability held by humanity, ONI believes the planet acted as some kind of testing ground for weapons. The significance of the discovery was stunted by the advanced level of technology found, simply speaking it would take decades or more before it could be reverse engineered and fully understood especially with current funding levels and the requirement for top level secrecy.

General Report - 2367/8
(January - December)


April - 15th The Ammunition Transport CAA Sunderland finishes construction

April - 24th Colonists land on New Jerusalem for the first time, ONI ensures alien technology is quarantined and study begins.


May - 22nd The System of Eridanus is discovered

Stars: Unary (M0-V)
Planets: 0 (M0-V)
Moons: N/A
Asteroids: N/A
Habitable worlds: N/A
Potential: N/A

May - 30th The CAA Jima Odyssey class colony ship is commissione don Earth


June - 29th Breakthroughs in construction methods lead to a boom in the manufacturing sector (construction BP12)


July - 29th The colony of Concord is founded in the Aleria system


August - 23rd The system of Epsilon Indi is discovered

26 Draconis
Stars: Trinary (D5-VII), (L0-VII), (L9-VII)
Planets: N/A
Moons: N/A
Asteroids: N/A
Habitable worlds: N/A
Potential: N/A


October - 28th The CMA Do you feel lucky?, Euphrates, Pony express and Heart of Midlothian class corvettes are commissioned and deployed to the outer colonies



January - 8th New Jerusalem is connected to the stabilised Slip-Space network


March - 7th Reach hits a new milestone of 50 million people, 87 Million people now live in the Epsilon Eridani system

March - 12th The F-62 Gladius Strikefighter is unveiled to the public


April - 16th The Survey ships CAA John Frederick Heard and Simon Marius are commissioned on Earth


May - 10th The 5th CMA Army Corps is deployed to Aleria, Charybdis and CE-2-1239 for garrison duty

May - 17th New mining techniques increase ore production by 25% across the sector (Mining rate 14)

May - 27th - the System of Escala is discovered

Stars: Unary (A6-V)
Planets: 3 (A6-V)
Moons:1 (Escala-II)
Asteroids: N/A
Habitable worlds: 2/3 (Potentially 3)
Potential: High (Terraformable worlds, High amount of Minerals)


Code: [Select]
Escala I
     Duranium 7,076,322   Acc 0.4
     Corbomite 10,458,756   Acc 0.7
     Mercassium 3,059,001   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 1,830,609   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 3,294,225   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 6,125,625   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 6,456,681   Acc 0.5

 Escala II
     Tritanium 4,410,000   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 129,600   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 10,112,400   Acc 0.6

 Escala III
     Duranium 48,807,200   Acc 0.1
     Neutronium 31,629,376   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 16,224,784   Acc 0.5
     Tritanium 15,618,304   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 54,346,384   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 8,785,296   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 47,831,056   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 29,116,816   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 6,290,064   Acc 0.8
     Gallicite 3,055,504   Acc 0.1

 Comet #1
     Neutronium 32,387   Acc 0.9
     Sorium 100,052   Acc 0.8


June - 13th/30th The systems of Groombridge 1830 and 3000 are discovered


July - 2nd The system of Beta Hydri is discovered

July - 10th The newly commissioned Corvettes Euphrates, Do you feel lucky, and Pony express are deployed to 23 Librae, 26 Draconis and Charybdis


August - 23rd The system of 18 Scorpii is discovered

Stars: Unary (G3-V)
Planets: 9 (G3-V)
Moons: 35 (G3-V)
Asteroids: N/A
Habitable worlds: 2 (Scorpii-IV, Scorpii-V)
Potential: High (Terraformable worlds, High amount of Minerals)


Code: [Select]
18 Scorpii II
     Sorium 11,778,300   Acc 0.4

 18 Scorpii III
     Neutronium 21,233,664   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 8,294,400   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 57,517,056   Acc 0.2
     Uridium 54,641,664   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 25,887,744   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 37,748,736   Acc 1

 18 Scorpii IV
     Duranium 6,465,608   Acc 0.7
     Neutronium 272,484   Acc 0.7
     Tritanium 7,431,076   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 1,345,600   Acc 0.5
     Vendarite 3,027,600   Acc 0.6
     Uridium 3,553,225   Acc 0.5
     Gallicite 972,196   Acc 0.4

 18 Scorpii V
     Duranium 12,340,512   Acc 0.8
     Neutronium 3,912,484   Acc 0.4
     Gallicite 1,779,556   Acc 1

 18 Scorpii IX
     Duranium 720,000   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 65,610,000   Acc 0.1

 18 Scorpii VI - Moon 8
     Neutronium 841   Acc 1

 18 Scorpii VI - Moon 26
     Duranium 10,672,200   Acc 0.8
     Corbomite 7,617,600   Acc 0.4
     Sorium 5,336,100   Acc 0.1


November - 2nd The system of 51 Pegasi is Discovered

End of United Earth Council Report - 2367/8

-Chairman Ellaine Durant

OOC: Been a while but am back, to give an update where I am in the campaign the year is 2372, heres a map of the galaxy and all ships so you guys can keep up on a mechanics basis, again the covenant are out there somewhere, and if you dont know the purpose of this campaign is to expand as quickly and as much as possible to simulate the Domus Diaspora in halo lore and all the difficulties that will come with that, once I reach a certain size I will also enable raiders as "pirates"/insurrectionists

Code: [Select]
23 Librae
1x CT Fifth Winter: CMA Euphrates
1x FT Banker Large F4
1x STB Musashi
1x SPT Cascadia

26 Draconis
1x SV Magellan: CAA U.E.S Carl Sagan
1x CT Fifth Winter: CMA Do You Feel Lucky?
2x SC Epoch
1x MTT Grafton
2x FT Banker Huge F4

51 Pegasi
1x STB Musashi

1x SV Magellan: U.E.S Frank Drake

5x SV Magellan: CAA Anton Staus, CAA Thomas Gold, U.E.S Jane Luu, U.E.S John Frederick Heard, U.E.S Simon Marius
2x SC Epoch
1x MTT Grafton

1x SV Magellan: CAA Francis Baily
2x SC Epoch
1x MTT Grafton

1x CT Fifth Winter: CMA The Heart of Midlothian
5x FT Banker Huge F4
1x CS Banker Huge C4
1x CS Banker Large C4
1x CS Odyssey
1x SPT Cascadia

1x CT Fifth Winter: CMA Pony Express

Chi Ceti
1x CS Odyssey
1x FT Banker Small F4

1x CS Odyssey

Epsilon Eridani
1x FF Punic: CMA Pioneer
2x CT Fifth Winter: CMA Atlas, CMA Weeping Willows
1x SC Epoch
2x SL Banker Large L4
1x CS Banker Large C4
3x FT Banker Small F4
2x CS Banker Small C4

1x SV Magellan: CAA Pierre Puiseux

1x FT Banker Huge F4

Groombridge 1830
1x STB Musashi

New Jerusalem
3x TT Orion (T)
1x FT Banker Large F4
1x CS Odyssey

2x FFH Burlington (UNSC): UNSC Paris, UNSC Tharsis
1x CV Trafalgar: CMA Persian Gate
1x CV Trafalgar (UNSC): UNSC Trafalgar
2x FF Punic (UNSC): UNSC Chalons, UNSC Ready or Not
9x FF Punic: CMA Port Stanley, CMA Strident, CMA Two for Flinching, UNSC Calcutta, UNSC Daedalus, UNSC Euphrates, UNSC Hannibal, UNSC Meriwether Lewis, UNSC Persephone
1x SV Magellan: CAA Stephen Hawking
16x CT Fifth Winter (UNSC): UNSC All Under Heaven, UNSC Atlas, UNSC Chares, UNSC Chevalier, UNSC Constantinople, UNSC Dawn Under Heaven, UNSC Dresden, UNSC Epoch, UNSC Fifth Winter, UNSC Magellan, UNSC Musashi, UNSC Orion, UNSC Poseidon, UNSC Punic, UNSC Stalingrad, UNSC Trafalgar
6x CT Fifth Winter: CMA Chares, CMA Endeavor, CMA Leviathan, CMA Midsummer Night, CMA Say My Name, CMA Sparrow
36x FTR F-44 Chares
13x SC Epoch
1x MTT Grafton
8x FT Banker Huge F4
4x TT Orion (T)
14x FT Orion
1x AMT All Under Heaven
16x CS Banker Huge C4
13x FHS Constantinople
21x OMP Chevalier
3x TG Poseidon
4x FH Banker H4
7x SL Banker Large L4
3x CS Odyssey
2x STB Musashi
1x SL Banker L4
2x CS Banker Small C4
2x RB Anchorage
14x TK Meriwether Lewis
9x AMT Brasidas
6x SPT Cascadia
Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: August 04, 2024, 06:44:12 PM »

<United Earth Council Report>


(Fifth Winter class corvette, UNSC Livery -  2365)

Military Commitment

Parking orbit above Reach, October 19th, CMA Weeping Willows.

The furious typing of the Willows bridge crew continues as the ship has begun its descent to Reach,  a relatively new design in the Navy it is the first military vessel to leave the solar system. Small, fast and equipped with advanced life support systems allows it to be maintained locally in system without need for return to Earth. Two-hundred and four crew members are onboard with eight acting as bridge crew, quite a small crew for a vessel of this time period and even with so few they are still packed into the titantium bulkheads that separate them from the void of space.

"What are we even doing out here?, there are no pirates and I doubt those colonists will ever be a threat with how busy they are" -Ensign Dominique

"Well it is our job, and with all the money being spent it only makes sense they want us out here protecting their investment, besides its not so bad. Better than being stationed on Europa thats for sure." - Lieutenant (JG) Haraldr

"It is not our job to question orders, start acting like officers or the captain is not gonna like what he hears and I am not interested in covering you two, and for the record we are on an important mission to raise the flag and to show we are more than capable of doing this job. This ship is not cheap and no one likes to see floating paper weights, expensive ones at that " - Lieutenant Commander Duncan

The ship continued its descent as the bridge crew got on with their job. the CMA Weeping Willows was to land for a ceremony commemorating the colonies one millionth colonist and the arrival of the Willows for their protection, once the fanfair had concluded it was up to them to begin patrolling the system and assisting the ever increasing commercial activity between Epsilon Eridani and Sol. With little actual military action needed, vessels of this Era would find themselves constrained to peacekeeping, anti piracy/smuggling and natural disaster response.

(Tantalus Colony, Halcyon Research Base)

Rapid Colonisation - Humanities rapid progress in the 2360s/2370s

Between the years of 2362 and 2370 humanity saw the buildup of what would become an explosion of colonisation efforts. Nine extra-solar systems were now inhabited with twelve colonies of over one million people, this rapid advancement of colonisation and loosening of restrictions was in part thanks to mandates by the CAA to make use of private shipping to fill any and all gaps and by 2370 almost all colonists, and their goods were transported privately. Companies would grow rich from the hunger for new planets, minerals and places for people to work, one of the largest such companies was Banker Freight Services Inc, responsible for over 5.3 million tons of private vessels and the transport of 73% of all extra-solar shipping it had become very important to the colonisation mission.

Over 100 million people now lived outside of the sol system living in the following colonies, the majority of which were on near-habitable or habitable world. Below is the colonial state of humanity as of 2370, including the minimum provisions provided to each colony by the government as mandated by Order-25591C.

Colonies as of 2070:

Epsilon Eridani - Reach, Tribute, Beta Gabriel, Tantalus

26 Draconis - Levosia

23 Librae - Madrigal

CE-2-1239 - Freedom

Charybdis - Charybdis A-I

New Jerusalem - New Jerusalem

Aleria - Concord

Alpha Aurigae - Casmir

Escala - Escala-I

Minimum Provision Mandate for all colonies (2362-2370)


24x Maintenace Facilities (MF)
10x Deep Space Tracking Stations (DSTS)
1x Refueling Station (RS)
X infrastructure (As required/Variable)

Logistics Support:

4.6ML of Fuel per Annum
5000 Maintenace Supplies per Annum

Military Presence:

1x CMA Punic Class frigate or 3x Fith Winter Class corvettes (Note: While mandated for such military prescense few colonies would see full complements of ships sent due to colonisation outpacing military production)

1x CMA Army Division (7000 Personnel - Number may increase based on colony size and purpose)

500x Archer Missiles (Colonies were unlikely to store significant numbers of munitions due to low production rates and needs even if it was mandated that missiles had to be stored locally for system defense)
50x MAC Rounds (Light)

General Report - 2365
(January - December)


February - 6th The 6th CMA Army Corps finishes training on Mars and begins preparation for deployment to the colonies


March - 27th Civilian shipping lines begin to bring millions of people to Reach and the colonies of the Epsilon Eridani system. Promised a better life on the world the planet begins a transformation that will forever change it.


April - 16th The CAA Franke Drake and CAA Jane Luu science vessels are commissioned into active service and are sent to the fringes of known space


May - 16th The Survey Corps are given the go ahead to order the CAA Simon Marius and CAA John Frederick science vessels into service

May - 23rd 26 Draconis is discovered by the CAA Anton Staus

26 Draconis
Stars: Binary (K4-V), (K4-V)
Planets: 3 (K4-V)
Moons: N/A
Asteroids: N/A
Habitable worlds: 1/2 (Potentially 2)
Potential: Average (Terraformable worlds, Lack of Minerals)


July - 10th Two months later after discovery of Draconis the colony of Levosia is established in system


August - 30th The CAA Bissau completes construction and joins the seven national colony ships operating throughout known space


September - 5th Banker Shipping Company announces plans to begin construction on twenty-four new vessels to support demand by the CAA.

September - 9th Reach holds a ceremony as the millionth colonist sets foot on the world a feat few thought would be achievable in just under three years.

September - 18th CMA Army Divisions are deployed to Levosia and Madrigal

September - 24th Colony ships leave for the systems of Charybdis and CE-2-1239, they will estalbish the colonies of Charybids-I and Freedom


October - 26th - The system of Cygnus is discovered.


Stars: Unary (M8-V)
Planets: 4 (M8-V).
Moons: 58 (M8-V)
Asteroids: 356
Habitable worlds: 0/1
Potential: Average (Terraformable world, Large number of asteroids and fuel reserves)
Code: [Select]
Asteroid #41
     Corbomite 1,225   Acc 1

 Asteroid #301
     Neutronium 9,409   Acc 1
     Mercassium 6,400   Acc 1

 Asteroid #50
     Duranium 12,168   Acc 1
     Sorium 1,444   Acc 1

 Asteroid #102
     Duranium 5,832   Acc 1
     Neutronium 4,624   Acc 1
     Boronide 3,249   Acc 1
     Mercassium 1,764   Acc 1
     Uridium 841   Acc 1
     Corundium 441   Acc 1

 Asteroid #193
     Gallicite 49   Acc 1

 Asteroid #70
     Duranium 49   Acc 1
     Boronide 346   Acc 1
     Mercassium 394   Acc 1
     Vendarite 678   Acc 1
     Corundium 301   Acc 1

 Asteroid #211
     Duranium 2,048   Acc 1
     Sorium 25   Acc 1
     Uridium 3,136   Acc 1
     Corundium 5,929   Acc 1
     Gallicite 9,801   Acc 1

 Asteroid #48
     Duranium 13,778   Acc 1
     Tritanium 1,444   Acc 1
     Boronide 196   Acc 1
     Vendarite 6,724   Acc 1
     Uridium 5,625   Acc 1

 Asteroid #44
     Tritanium 8,464   Acc 1
     Vendarite 1,156   Acc 1

 Asteroid #32
     Duranium 18,818   Acc 1
     Gallicite 5,476   Acc 1

 Asteroid #199
     Duranium 1,152   Acc 1
     Boronide 6,724   Acc 1
     Sorium 4,096   Acc 1

 Asteroid #170
     Tritanium 9,801   Acc 1
     Gallicite 169   Acc 1

 Asteroid #287
     Duranium 4,068   Acc 1
     Corbomite 5,112   Acc 1
     Tritanium 8,742   Acc 1
     Vendarite 11   Acc 1
     Gallicite 1,018   Acc 1

 Asteroid #197
     Duranium 7,688   Acc 1
     Boronide 4,900   Acc 1

 Asteroid #107
     Duranium 1,458   Acc 1
     Gallicite 1,936   Acc 1

 Asteroid #213
     Corbomite 5,329   Acc 1
     Mercassium 9,409   Acc 1

 Asteroid #140
     Duranium 12,800   Acc 1

 Asteroid #12
     Sorium 3,249   Acc 1
     Uridium 1,600   Acc 1

 Asteroid #9
     Duranium 18,509   Acc 1

 Asteroid #35
     Neutronium 4,356   Acc 1
     Corbomite 484   Acc 1
     Corundium 1,764   Acc 1

 Asteroid #64
     Gallicite 1,936   Acc 1

 Asteroid #179
     Neutronium 3,025   Acc 1
     Tritanium 961   Acc 1

 Asteroid #298
     Duranium 4,608   Acc 1
     Mercassium 5,929   Acc 1
     Sorium 841   Acc 1
     Uridium 1,600   Acc 1
     Corundium 8,836   Acc 1

 Asteroid #39
     Boronide 2,601   Acc 1

 Cygnus IV
     Sorium 108,300,000   Acc 0.9

 Asteroid #307
     Corbomite 729   Acc 1
     Boronide 6,400   Acc 1
     Mercassium 8,836   Acc 1

 Asteroid #340
     Duranium 10,952   Acc 1
     Corbomite 6,889   Acc 1
     Mercassium 1,764   Acc 1
     Sorium 2,401   Acc 1
     Corundium 8,100   Acc 1

 Asteroid #319
     Uridium 64   Acc 1

 Asteroid #323
     Corbomite 1,554   Acc 0.9

 Asteroid #356
     Boronide 484   Acc 1
     Gallicite 6,889   Acc 1

 Cygnus II - Moon 2
     Duranium 1,682   Acc 1
     Neutronium 7,225   Acc 1
     Boronide 1,089   Acc 1
     Mercassium 3,364   Acc 1
     Sorium 5,625   Acc 1

 Cygnus III - Moon 11
     Duranium 72   Acc 1
     Neutronium 5,329   Acc 1
     Tritanium 9,216   Acc 1
     Boronide 7,921   Acc 1
     Mercassium 225   Acc 1
     Vendarite 1,369   Acc 1
     Gallicite 2,025   Acc 1

 Cygnus III - Moon 4
     Duranium 13,448   Acc 1
     Corbomite 7,056   Acc 1
     Mercassium 5,776   Acc 1
     Sorium 8,649   Acc 1
     Corundium 3,136   Acc 1
     Gallicite 3,249   Acc 1

 Cygnus IV - Moon 2
     Duranium 12,005,000   Acc 1
     Corbomite 31,360,000   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 17,640,000   Acc 0.1

 Cygnus IV - Moon 13
     Duranium 4,170,272   Acc 0.6
     Vendarite 2,795,584   Acc 0.1


November - 24th Commercial shipbuilding sees a new boom with tankers, supply vessels and freighters seeing new orders by the government


December - 9-14th The first colonists arrive on Freedom and Charybdis

General Report - 2366
(January - December)


January - 10th The CAA and CMA Announces a plan to develop new vessels more suited to the challenges experienced on the frontier, the CMA explicitly stating its aims to provide a larger role in civilian support operations.


February - The planet of tribute reaches a new record population of ten million colonists, Reach soon follows


March - 22nd Stabilisation of Slipspace lanes continues with the network doubling in size in the last year


April - 21st The system of Elduros is discovered by the CAA Frank Drake


Stars: Quanternary (F0-V), (Y1-VII), (L3-VII), (Y0-VII)
Planets: 1 (Y1-VII), 1 (L3-VII)
Moons: N/A (M8-V)
Asteroids: N/A
Habitable worlds: 0
Potential: Low (Large system, fuel harvesting)

Code: [Select]
Elduros-B I
     Sorium 188,547,000   Acc 0.7

 Elduros-C I
     Sorium 436,800   Acc 0.9


May - 27th The system of Aleria is discovered by the CAA Carl Sagan


Stars: Unary (K4-V).
Planets: 5
Moons: 28
Asteroids: 50
Habitable worlds: 1
Potential: Average (Large system, Colonial fuel harvesting operations)

Code: [Select]
Asteroid #3
     Neutronium 1,709   Acc 1
     Corbomite 1,982   Acc 1
     Boronide 136   Acc 1

 Asteroid #12
     Neutronium 4,356   Acc 1

 Asteroid #2
     Duranium 18,432   Acc 1
     Boronide 3,481   Acc 1
     Uridium 01   Acc 1

 Aleria II
     Sorium 31,896,000   Acc 1

 Asteroid #49
     Duranium 8,978   Acc 1

 Asteroid #37
     Gallicite 2,289   Acc 1

 Asteroid #35
     Duranium 02   Acc 1

 Asteroid #23
     Duranium 3,200   Acc 1

 Aleria V
     Sorium 43,660,000   Acc 0.6


June - 4th The CMA Atlas Corvette is sent to Reach to support the Weeping Willows as the systems population rapidly expands


November - 22nd-27th The CAA commercial vessels Joliet Victory, Liverpool and Rome finish construction


December - 11th The 5th and 6th Infantry Divisions of the 2nd Army Corps arrive in the 23 Librae and 26 Draconis systems and will be stationed on Madrigal and Levosia for the forseeable future.

End of United Earth Council Report - 2365/6

-Chairman Ellaine Durant

Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: July 27, 2024, 09:57:49 PM »

<United Earth Council Report>


(ONI - Lance Base, Reach)

Reach, Alpine Highlands, 25:30 Hours...

The loud roar of a vehicles engine echos throughout the highlands as it speeds towards a cave at the base of a mountain. Suddenly coming to a stop, the occupants dismount.  A female voice speaks up "The reading are off the charts here Lucas, Iron does not create these types of readings I am telling you" -Figure 1

Then a short man covered in UNSC colours steps out after her, "You know we are not supposed to be out here, we should head back now before both of us are sanctioned by the expedition" -Lucas

Moving towards the opening she looks back "Real work cannot happen without going to the source, and besides the information they are giving us does not add up" -Figure 1

Following her in they both move past the opening while taking readings of the surrounding area they stumble across a smooth piece of metal that follows the length of the wall, following it down to an opening. "Look at it, its giving off those same readings we recorded above ground but at a higher level. shall we go in?" -Figure 1

"You want to go in? we should leave before we do anything stupid" -Lucas

She steps into the opening, looking forward a solid door with no apparent way to open it. "It seems we will not be going any further if we want to or not"-Figure 1

"Thats for the best, lets get back before we get into any more trouble" -Lucas

Walking back out of the cave they are rushed by unmarked vehicles, men with weapons disembark pointing them at the pair. "On the floor!, hands where they can be seen" -Armed Soldiers

Stepping out of the lead vehicle a man an officers uniform approaches the pair who are now face first on the ground. "Under authorisation of ONI Order 15.37-CD you are being detained" -Unnamed man

The female scientist looks up towards the man yelling "What does ONI want with this?, what is happening here" -Figure 1

"Wrong place, wrong time doctor Clarke"  -unnamed man

The pair are cuffed and put into the back of the vehicles, then they are driven away from the area at high speed.

(M23 Alligator IFV)

(CMA Infantryman)

The Colonial Military Authority on deployment

With the development of colonies on Reach, Tribute and Beta Gabriel the Colonial Military Authority dispatched thhe 4th Army Corps to protect the growing colonies, this represents 25,000 frontline personnel being deployed in a single action. Headquartered on Reach under the command of Lieutenant General Damaris Widdowson each planet was provided with a division which CMA command deemed sufficient to meet their mandate, the disposition of the forces sent are as follows.

The Army Corps Unit is the highest level deployable formation to a system, designed to be an all encompassing force that can garrison multiple worlds at once it features a 2-1 configuration between infantry and armour assets. The 4th Army Corps has deployed the 10th Infantry Division to Tribute and the 9th Infantry Division to Beta Gabriel with the 4th Division and Headquarters/logistics assets deployed to Reach. The mission for these forces involves peacekeeping, assisting colonists during natural disasters and ensuring CAA regulations are upheld, due to the nature of colonisation regular police forces are not deployed to the colonies for the time being and these forces fulfil that immediate need. With the colonisation of the star systems 23 Librae, 26 Draconis, Charybdis, CE-2-1239 and Alpha Aurigae the CMA will deploy an Army Corps level formation to these systems to fulfil this mission.

General Report - 2363
(January - December)


January - 28th The Colonial Administration Authority announce Mining reform which will widen the designation of objects that will feature heavy mining operations, Luna will see a massive expansion of mines with additional funding allocation, while the asteroid belt will aim to see all objects within the inner belt will be mined by the year 2400.


February - 25th Science Vessels deploy sensor buoys to slipspace jump points as they continue their exploration into galaxy.


May - 13th The system of CE-21239 is discovered by the Anton Staus

Stars: Binary (G6-V), (K3-V)
Planets: 5 (G6-V), 5 (K3-V)
Moons: 4 (G6-V), 16 (K3-V)
Asteroids: 112
Habitable worlds: 5
Potential: High (Terraformable worlds, high quantity of minerals and easily defensible)

Code: [Select]
CE-2-1239-A II
     Duranium 21,648,200   Acc 0.6
     Neutronium 2,592,100   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 1,254,400   Acc 1
     Boronide 705,600   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 44,222,500   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 78,400   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 39,690,000   Acc 0.8
     Corundium 313,600   Acc 0.4

 CE-2-1239-A IV
     Duranium 1,692,800   Acc 0.3
     Neutronium 48,888,064   Acc 0.8
     Tritanium 18,696,976   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 47,610,000   Acc 0.1

 CE-2-1239-A V
     Corbomite 35,760,400   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 97,614,400   Acc 0.1

 CE-2-1239-B I
     Duranium 14,450,688   Acc 0.4
     Corbomite 7,225,344   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 906,304   Acc 0.3
     Gallicite 2,286,144   Acc 0.8

 CE-2-1239-B II
     Duranium 6,602,978   Acc 0.1
     Neutronium 51,681,721   Acc 0.1
     Corbomite 1,054,729   Acc 0.1
     Tritanium 18,879,025   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 57,517,056   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 37,970,244   Acc 0.1
     Vendarite 14,379,264   Acc 0.1
     Sorium 2,022,084   Acc 0.1
     Corundium 224,676   Acc 0.1

 Asteroid #8
     Tritanium 484   Acc 1
     Boronide 5,929   Acc 1
     Gallicite 8,649   Acc 1

 Asteroid #42
     Duranium 4,232   Acc 1
     Neutronium 841   Acc 1
     Vendarite 01   Acc 1
     Sorium 2,916   Acc 1

 Asteroid #37
     Duranium 2,178   Acc 1
     Sorium 1,521   Acc 1
     Uridium 361   Acc 1

 Asteroid #95
     Corbomite 5,476   Acc 1
     Boronide 9,025   Acc 1
     Mercassium 9,216   Acc 1
     Vendarite 144   Acc 1
     Uridium 6,400   Acc 1

 Asteroid #24
     Duranium 135,200   Acc 0.9
     Neutronium 235,225   Acc 0.9
     Boronide 72,900   Acc 0.9
     Corundium 25,600   Acc 0.8

 Asteroid #96
     Duranium 8,192   Acc 1
     Tritanium 1,681   Acc 1
     Boronide 6,400   Acc 1
     Vendarite 5,929   Acc 1

 Asteroid #83
     Duranium 3,872   Acc 1
     Neutronium 100   Acc 1
     Tritanium 4,225   Acc 1
     Boronide 10,000   Acc 1
     Uridium 1,521   Acc 1

 Asteroid #60
     Boronide 15,997   Acc 0.9
     Corundium 10,465   Acc 1

 Asteroid #109
     Corbomite 8,100   Acc 1
     Sorium 4,761   Acc 1

 Asteroid #59
     Duranium 242   Acc 1
     Tritanium 1,600   Acc 1
     Sorium 2,116   Acc 1
     Gallicite 841   Acc 1

 CE-2-1239-B V
     Sorium 28,490,000   Acc 0.7

 CE-2-1239-B V - Moon 5
     Duranium 14,905,800   Acc 0.7
     Neutronium 1,016,064   Acc 0.1
     Boronide 3,572,100   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 933,156   Acc 0.4
     Vendarite 451,584   Acc 0.1
     Uridium 12,744,900   Acc 0.9
     Corundium 6,780,816   Acc 0.1
     Gallicite 176,400   Acc 0.5

 CE-2-1239-B V - Moon 10
     Tritanium 2,446,096   Acc 0.1
     Mercassium 17,139,600   Acc 0.9

 CE-2-1239-B V - Moon 8
     Corbomite 576   Acc 1
     Uridium 784   Acc 1
     Corundium 529   Acc 1

 CE-2-1239-B V - Moon 16
     Vendarite 5,929   Acc 1
     Corundium 10,000   Acc 1

 CE-2-1239-B V - Moon 9
     Mercassium 311,364   Acc 0.9
     Sorium 68,121   Acc 0.7

May - 18th The system of Charybdis is discovered by the CAA  Anton Staus

Stars: Binary (K4-V), (K8-V)
Planets: 7 (K4-V), 3 (K8-V)
Moons: 23 (K4-V), 23 (K8-V)
Asteroids: 167
Habitable worlds: 2
Potential: High (Terraformable worlds, high quantity of minerals and easily defensible)
(Still waiting to be fully surveyed)


July - 8th First stable slipspace link between Epsilon Eridani and Sol is completed, allowing quicker and more efficient jumps between the systems making civilian operation more feasible as well as opening up quicker communication between the colonies and Earth.


August - 20th The 4th Army Corps is deployed to the Epsilon Eridani system.


September - 14th Top scientific experts are sent to assess Reach for further mining efforts, the high density core of reach is also being investigated.


November - 13th Colonists onboard the CAA Siguriri land on 23 Librae-A which has thus been renamed to Madrigal

General Report - 2364
(January - December)


February - 19th Commercial ship building continues to expand as cargo ships, colony ships and tankers are mass produced to support planned expansion


September - 21st The system of Chi Ceti is discovered by the CAA Stephan Hawking

Stars: Trinary (F9-V), (M7-VII), (L8-VII)
Planets: 6 (F9-V), 1 (M7-VII), 2 (L8-VII)
Moons: 4 (F9-V), 18 (M7-VII), 9 (L8-VII)
Asteroids: 0
Habitable worlds: 2
Potential: Average (Terraformable worlds, low quality of minerals and easily defensible)
(Still waiting to be fully surveyed)


November - 7th The survey report of reach and the explanation of its Iron cores high density is given to the CAA, scientists believe that CLASSIFIED is the explanation

End of United Earth Council Report - 2363/4

-Chairman Ellaine Durant

Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: July 23, 2024, 04:48:15 PM »

<United Earth Council Report>


(Epsilon Eridani System, Reach - 2362)

(CAA Carl Sagan, in orbit of Epsilon Eridani II "Reach")

Steps echo through the corridor as titanium doors marked with 'Captains Cabin' open, walking through the door frame Captain Rahimi takes a seat"

Tapping into the console next to him a red light flashes "Initiate recording", the light flashes green and holds its colour.

February 11th, 2362 (Military Calender)

CAA Captain's Report CA675410


Subject: Assement of Epsilon Eridani for Colonisation

Reporting Officer: Captain Wilmer Rahimi, Colonial Administration Authority, Survey Corps/CAANID: 7840142

It has been one month since we arrived here, the crew has performed admirably and the Carl Sagan has remained steadfast in its operation. I will now provide an account of the star system, my science officer has also completed a detailed report which will be submitted in addition to my own.

The Episilon Eridani system has exceeded expectations, out of eight planets three of them are suitable for immediate colonisation, three will require terraforming, with the final two being a gas giant in the outer part of the system and a barren world at the far edge of the star system. Scattered between these worlds exists two large asteroid belts which my science officer has already calculated they may contain a substantial number of minerals.

The jewel of the habitable worlds is Episilon Eridani II, Earth-like in nearly all ways and featuring far more land than Earth due to its smaller oceans it is a truly impressive planet with a diverse ecosystem of plants and animals which so far seem compatible with habitation.

Recommendation: Epsilon Eridani II-IV should be approved for immediate human colonisation efforts, further exploration of the system should be accelerated with additional ships assigned.

Additional Note: Science Officer Cerys Reach has asked me to report that Epsilon Eridani-II has an Iron core significantly more dense than Earth and it is likely resource extraction will benefit as a result.


Humanity has a long history of colonisation, for over two centuries humans have spread throughout the solar  system, this proliferation of humanity has presented new challenges. In an effort to address these challenges the unified earth government has dedicated significant  resources and personnel to the extra-solar colonisation program. The program named "The New Frontiers Initiative" has existed for ten years and its primary purpose is the sourcing, training and organisation of colonists for their new lives on the first colonies of humanity. The applicants are selected based on their unique skillsets and no effort is spared to ensure those sent out of the solar system are the best of humanity, as such only a very small percentage of the population meets the requirements, with the goal being that once colonisation is proven to succeed these requirements can be dropped and private industries can take advantage of the new colonies and the opportunities they provide.

Colonist groups are divided into 25,000 people per group, this represents the number of people that will be transported to colony sites by a single colony ship, the colony ships  known as the Odyssey class and are the most advanced colony vessels ever constructed. Designed to spend years in space at a time due to the long distances estimated to new colonies even despite slipspace, they feature 25,000 advanced cryo pods with all the colonists and the crew going into cryosleep during slipspace jumps, during that time the ship assigned Aritficial intelligence oversees the running of the ship. These groups are widely publicised with each person becoming a minor celebrity over night, they represent hope for humanity and its journey to alien stars. The CAA promotes this publicity and the initiative has seen widespread public support as a result, each person is said to represent a town, city, or region of humanity.

With the successful transit of the Carl Sagan to Epsilon Eridani, the New Frontiers Initiative will finally complete its mandate, to establish humanities first extra-solar colonies.

Science report for Epsilon Eridani

The Epsilon Eridani system contains eight planets, ten moons, and six-hundred-twenty-two asteroids these bodies orbit around a single main sequence K2-V Class orange star. Three of eight planets are habitable for human settlement, three more will require little to moderate terraforming to reach that same habitability. I will outline the disposition of the star system and the exact parameters of each body of interest.

Epsilon Eridani-I

Classification: Planet-Terrestrial
Type: Venusian
Moons: N
Habitable: N
Terraforming Candidacy: Extreme Difficulty
Atmospheric Pressure: 22.8
Temperature: 685c
Gravity: 0.95g (Earth)
Diameter: 8,800km
Tidally Locked: Y
Minerals: N/A

Recommendation: Epsilon Eridani-I takes after the Venus of our solar system, its atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide and acidic gases, combined with proximity to the systems star the surface temperature exceeds six-hundred degrees celcius. An inhospitable rock it is of little value.

Epsilon Eridani-II

Classification: Planet-Terrestrial
Type: Earth-like
Moons: Y (2)
Habitable: Y
Terraforming Candidacy: (not required)
Atmospheric Pressure: 1.06
Temperature: 6.57-36.08c
Gravity: 1.10g (Earth)
DTS: 163 MKM
Diameter: 15,272km
Tidally Locked: N
Minerals: Yes

Neutronium:   5,247,765   0.90
Corbomite:   35,474,889   0.10
Tritanium:   51,521,387   0.10
Sorium:   7,142,791   0.10
Uridium:   10,285,619   0.10
Corundium:   7,982,433   0.70

Recommendation: Episilon Eridani-II Is a prize, with a diameter of 15,272km and an earthlike topography, atmosphere and general disposition it is the poster child of any colonisation attempt, its temperature, gravity and pressure is near to earth levels. Mineral deposits exist on the planet  and I recommend further exploration due to the planets unusually high density there is likely more mineral despoits than obvious.

Epsilion Eridani-III

Classification: Planet-Terrestrial
Type: Earth-like
Moons: N
Habitable: Y
Terraforming Candidacy: (not required)
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.97
Temperature: 8.12-19.60c
Gravity: 1.09g (Earth)
DTS: 187 MKM
Diameter: 8,700km
Tidally Locked: N
Minerals: N

A smaller brother to Epsilon Eridani II, III is a habitable earth like world that is more than able to support a major human population, recommend colonisation as quickly as possible.

Epsilion Eridani-IV

Classification: Planet-Terrestrial
Type: Earth-like
Moons: N
Habitable: Y
Terraforming Candidacy: (not required)
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.78
Temperature: -2.81-11.06c
Gravity: 0.492g (Earth)
DTS: 224 MKM
Diameter: 9,800km
Tidally Locked: N
Minerals: N

Recommendation: The Least habitable, habitable world in the system, its gravity and pressure measurements relative to III and II are poor, however it has an earthlike atmosphere, seas and is more than capable of supporting a large population, a worthy target for colonisation.

Epsilion Eridani-V

Classification: Planet-Terrestrial
Type: Earth-like
Moons: N
Habitable: N
Terraforming Candidacy: Good Candidate
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.78
Temperature: -2.81-11.06c
Gravity: 0.83g (Earth)
DTS: 385 MKM
Diameter: 9,800km
Tidally Locked: N
Minerals: Y

Gallicite:   3,175,524   0.30

Recommendation: The planet has a large hydrosphere, 97% of the surface is water with only a few small islands, based on initial biological testing and scans, the planet has a massive amount of biodiversity in its oceans, the world could be colonised but with relatively little living space and better targets for colonisation I recommend not moving forward with general colonisation.

Epsilon Eridani-VI

Classification: Planet-Terrestrial
Type: Ice Fields
Moons: Y (1)
Habitable: N
Terraforming Candidacy: Average Candidate
Atmospheric Pressure: 0.78
Temperature:  -149-136.42c
Gravity: 0.79g (Earth)
DTS: 385 MKM
Diameter: 9,800km
Tidally Locked: N
Minerals: Y

Duranium:   92,697,728   0.10
Corbomite:   68,558,400   0.10
Uridium:   9,784,384   0.90

Recommendation: An Icy terrestrial world it is inhospitable to human life without equipment, a potential terraforming candidate, it has access to large quanitites of accessi ble uridium. While not a fantastic target in the future it could contribute heavily to the system economy.

-Science Officer Cerys Reach

General Report
(January - December)

(Note: This section of the update and future updates contains notable things that occur but do not need their own section for)


January - 7th New commercial vessels commence construction to support the upcoming colonisation of Epsilon Eridani, the CAA Boma and Oujda, both cargo ships will be tasked with bringing additional supplies to the new colonies.

January - 9th The UNMC announces the expansion of the marine corps to four marine expeditionary forces for the first time in over two decades.

January - 12th The system of Epsilon Eridani is discovered by the CAA Carl Sagan , it will take the crew one month before contact is established to give confirmation of their success without faster than light communication.

January - 13th The system of Alpha Aurigae is discovered by the CAA Stephan Hawking under command of Captain Burl Dayley

January - 18th The system of Alpha Corvi is discovereved by the CAA Francis Baily under command of Captain Hollis Hazard


February - 10th Confirmation of Carl Sagans success reaches Earth and the colonial expeditionary fleet is immediately sent to begin colonisation.


March - 5th All inner planets of Epsilon Eridani are surveyed, Captain Wilmer Rahimi designates Priority 1 status for Epsilon eridani II, III and IV, which will later be known as Reach, Tribute and Beta Grabriel.
March - 27th The CAA Odyssey sets course for Epsilon Eridani aiming to land on Reach within a month, troop ransports from the CMA and additional logistics vessels are also to be brought to ensure security and continued exploration in Epsilon Eridani


April - 14th The CAA Kigoma lands on Tribute with 25,000 colonists, bringing colonists to the first world outside the solar system. Humanity now inhabits multiple star systems, three days later colonies on Circumstance and Reach are established.

(The 1st CMA Marine company arrive on reach to provide security)


May - 19th The first refueling operations occur on Reach as a fully maintained naval station begins its operations on the planets surface. It is expected that this  base will be used for extending the range of science vessels and providing resupply to the planned military contingent who will be defending Epsilon Eridani.


November - 29th The CAA Boma and Oujda complete construction and are commissioned into service.


December - 11th The quanternary star system of 23 librae is discovered by the CAA Anton Staus under command of Antoine Brunjes.

End of United Earth Council Report - 2362

-Chairman Ellaine Durant