Posted by: SpaceMarine
« on: February 01, 2025, 04:32:21 AM »<United Earth Council Report>

(The 2371 Federal Elections)
Preface: The Government of United Earth
The United Earth Government is a Federal Presidential Republic similar to the United States and founded out of the United Nations, with constituent states that are made up of former fully independent earth countries. These states are granted autonomy in many of their functions but must still adhere to the federal government. Federal elections are held every five years with voters electing representatives of both an upper and lower house, these representatives belong to parties, with the lower house putting forward candidates for president of the state with the upper house confirming the nomination and the speaker confirming the appointment. Coalitions are common due to the diversity of Earth with parties compromising to ensure a candidate is selected.

The "New Horizons" Program is to be a ten year program that would set out to expand known space to one-hundred star systems and redouble efforts to colonise every useful planetary body within that space to increase the prosperity of humanity. The program proposed the following:
1. Elimination of the current exploration fleet and the doctrine it held under the previous government. New Survey ships will be developed based on a cheaper and more efficient design which will have the range and number of vessels to survey the required amount of star systems the government has called for, as part of this effort a new survey ship design will be created, the Halcyon Class, coming in at 1,650t at nearly 1/10th the size of the previous survey ship types they maintain no defensive capabilities and a complete focus on cheap civilian operations with specialisation in survey purposes also being established, two variants one for geological and another for gravitational. These vessels are a direct rebuke of the previous method of exploration and the new government promises that these vessels are just as safe and will perform for a fraction of the cost.
Code: [Select]
Halcyon class Survey Ship (P) 1,650 tons 37 Crew 233.1 BP TCS 33 TH 66 EM 0
2003 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 1-12 Shields 0-0 HTK 12 Sensors 0/0/0/1 DCR 1-6 PPV 0
Maint Life 7.24 Years MSP 153 AFR 22% IFR 0.3% 1YR 5 5YR 77 Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months Morale Check Required
J1650(3-50) Military Jump Drive Max Ship Size 1650 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Ion Drive EP66.09 (1) Power 66.1 Fuel Use 8.77% Signature 66.09 Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 166,600 Litres Range 207.2 billion km (1197 days at full power)
Cayouette Electronics AS1/R1 Radar array (1) GPS 2 Range 1.5m km MCR 136.2k km Resolution 1
Active Search Sensor AS3-R10 (1) GPS 12 Range 3.3m km Resolution 10
Active Search Sensor AS7-R100 (1) GPS 120 Range 7m km Resolution 100
Cayouette Electronics Industries F01-06 EM Sensor Suite (1) Sensitivity 0.6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 6.1m km
Cayouette Electronics Industries T1-6 Thermal Sensor Suite (1) Sensitivity 0.6 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 6.1m km
Geological Survey Sensors (1) 1 Survey Points Per Hour
2. Re-assessment of current known space potential, existing resource deposits must be exploited and planets colonised to ensure the future expansion of humanity. In that effort a new agency will be established for deep survey efforts by ground based teams, new teams will be recruited and planets with potential looked at more closely.
3. Construction of all assets required for large scale extraction and colonisation of existing colonies, including the initial procurement of 400 Mines, 200 Automated Mines, and up to 12 fuel harvesting stations, and the large scale expansion of commercial shipbuilding including the replacement of older class vessels for more fuel efficient variants and the implementation of new ways of transporting goods, with short and long range freighters instead of homogenous vessels.
Recognising the costs associated with these efforts the new government has implemented a plethora of spending cuts to the military including but not limited to:
- Cancellation of any development into the Everest Class Supercarrier
- Cancellation of further development into the new Gorgon Class Heavy Frigate
- Suspension of all further UNSC ship building
- Initial order of F-62 fighters reduced from 36 to 15
- Initial order of new Valiant class frigates reduced from 12 to 4
- Missile production is halved
- Weapons research funds are re-allocated to civilian uses
- Naval shipyard expansion is suspended
- Further naval work is to focus on refitting and modernising existing designs
These cuts caused outrage throughout the military-industrial complex and it was only with significant lobbying that the valiant and F-62 program were allowed to continue, despite the outrage the public supported this reduction with popular arguments in support stating that there is no threat to human expansion, so what is the need of military development?
General Report - 2371/72
(January - December)
(January - December)
January - 14th Additional ONI Forces arrive on new Jerusalem
January - 21st the first colonists leave Earth for Baakto
May - 23rd The first colonists arrive on Baakto and found the colony of New Andorra
June 4th - First colonists arrive on 18 Scorpii IV

(Known Space - 2371/2)
July - 30th Reach begins locally manufacturing mines and maintenance supplies with the population now reaching 66.9 million colonists
Continued exploration of reach uncovers expansive caverns of technology which are catalogued by ONI and studied in secrecy
September- 8th ONI finishes its work on New Jerusalem and begins permanent operations
October - 28th Federal Elections are held, and with 8.58 billion voters eligible the election is the largest ever held in humanities history.
January - 23rd President Alvarez Fring is inaugurated as president of the United Earth Government for a term of five years
End of United Earth Council Report - 2371/72
-Chairman Zheng Wei

Author Note: Some focus on how the government of the UEG works and a sudden change in the priorities of government. Will this lead to a golden age of humanity or leave it defenseless against supposedly fictious enemies.