Thanks for your reply...much appreciated and makes me want to persevere.
OK I hit New but I don't see anything like you describe. Rather it just refreshes the same Game Details window. This window has 11 fields, including the Game Name, orgainised into two columns with a furhter four buttons at the bottom for New, Save, Delete Game and Select. I'd add an image here but I don't see anywhere here to upload one and I'm not about to go through the hassle of finding a place to temporarily store them. Suffice to say that the window has Max Number of Systems set to 1000 and the Recall window positions and Use Aurora Themes boxes checked. Other than that all other fields remain the same. However, the New and Save buttons now show Save and Cancel and the Delete Game and Select buttons are inactive.
If I just hit Save, I get a warning message saying "Please enter a unique Game Name. Fair enough. I enter "test1" and hit Save. I get the following error message:
"Error 3265 was generated by DAO.Fields. Items not found in this collection. Please report to"
I've tried entering passwords. But still get the same message when I save.
I've checked all the boxes on the right, excluding Set this as the default game. Bingo, the 3265 error message goes away. Testing each combination reveals that Orbital Motion for Planets/Moons must be checked to avoid the 3265 error. I suggest you hard code this and remove the checkbox.
However, trying to confirm this, I got the error message again using the same combination. After spending half an hour trying to discern the rhyme or reason of a workable combination only proves to me that this is not reliable.
In any event, on the occassions when it does get past the error message it asks me for the password. I enter this and then the main menu bar appears. There is no large window titled "Create New Game".
So what am I doing wrong?