Posted by: AbuDhabi
« on: September 18, 2013, 09:14:41 PM »
I have checked all the moons under the System View. None of them are anywhere resembling a habitable world.
The system is a single star.
Here is the clipboard dump of the system. Also, I've attached a printscreen of the Galactic Map.
Altair-A A7-IV Diameter: 4.5m Mass: 3.1 Luminosity: 36
Frigg: Colony Cost: 21.65, Temperature: 615.4, Gravity: 1.02, Orbit: 577m
Carbon Dioxide 96%, Nitrogen Dioxide 4.0%, Pressure: 93.83
Sif: Temperature: 286.9, Gravity: 2.20, Orbit: 996m
Carbon Dioxide 96%, Sulphur Dioxide 4.0%, Pressure: 163.00
Total Moons: 1
Balder: Colony Cost: 0.00, Temperature: -9.2, Gravity: 0.21, Orbit: 1.41b
Carbon Dioxide 61%, Oxygen (0.11) 23.3%, Nitrogen 15.5%, Pressure: 0.47
Odin: Colony Cost: 0.00, Temperature: -183.3, Gravity: 2.90, Orbit: 7.3b
Odin - Moon 8: Colony Cost: 6.80, Temperature: -191.4, Gravity: 0.11, Orbit: 726k
Hel: Colony Cost: 6.50, Temperature: -183.3, Gravity: 0.19, Orbit: 16.0m
Total Moons: 21
Thor: Colony Cost: 6.50, Temperature: -218.7, Gravity: 2.85, Orbit: 19.8b
Eir: Colony Cost: 7.72, Temperature: -216.0, Gravity: 0.26, Orbit: 711k
Thor - Moon 8: Colony Cost: 7.83, Temperature: -218.7, Gravity: 0.10, Orbit: 790k
Thor - Moon 10: Colony Cost: 7.83, Temperature: -218.7, Gravity: 0.17, Orbit: 1.50m
Total Moons: 14
Loki: Temperature: -233.6, Gravity: 0.81, Orbit: 38b
Loki - Moon 11: Colony Cost: 8.39, Temperature: -233.6, Gravity: 0.11, Orbit: 250k
Loki - Moon 17: Colony Cost: 8.15, Temperature: -227.4, Gravity: 0.40, Orbit: 3.2m
Hydrogen 89%, Helium 10.6%, Neon 0.44%, Pressure: 0.16
Total Moons: 18
Freyja: Colony Cost: 8.93, Temperature: -248.1, Gravity: 0.13, Orbit: 72b
Total Moons: 1
Tyr: Colony Cost: 9.28, Temperature: -257.4, Gravity: 0.12, Orbit: 158b
Total Moons: 1
Asteroid Belt: 15
Jump Points
1) Barnards Star (JG): Distance: 10.0b Bearing: 201