Aurora 4x

New Players => The Academy => Topic started by: VariousArtist on January 31, 2010, 09:30:49 AM

Title: What are communication lines good for?
Post by: VariousArtist on January 31, 2010, 09:30:49 AM

Ive found already a few, sparse topics about communication lines and that working communication lines are shown in green (edit: wrong, its orange) on the galactic map.

But what are they good for? I was under the impression that e.g. survey data will be transfered (or rather made known to me) even without a working communication line.

Also I know that jump gates relay communication. But some players mentioned to use ships to relay information. What and how will information will be relayed with a ship?

I sometimes get a (delayed) message that only says "ars" - is that somehow related to relaying communication or is that some kind of bug?

thanks for help!
Title: Re: What are communication lines good for?
Post by: sloanjh on January 31, 2010, 10:28:22 AM
I suspect these are really old posts - I don't remember the term "communication lines" being used much, and we haven't discussed communication for ages (other than to answer an occasional question).

The green lines I see on my galactic map means that the two systems are connected by a jump point.  If they're thick and orange (?IIRC), then that means that there's a jump gate on both sides of the jump point, defining a sub-network that the civies will use for trade.

All communications in Aurora are role played, i.e. house rules.  I think Steve's rules are that all comms (and sensor info) within a system are instantaneous (FTL) due to some weird TN effect, and that anything at a jump point that allows transit (jump gate or jump ship) can propagate the information to the next system.  My personal rules are that you actually have to have a ship stationed at the jump point that can carry the message across (i.e. the jump gate won't act as a com relay), but I abstract away the details of the ship jumping over and back - I just assume it does so.

On the "ars" message - are you using any sort of "send message" functionality where a text box pops up for you to type into?  At present you can give a TF an order to send a message when it gets to a location.  In SA (Starfire Assistant), you could "send" a message (as a reminder) with a delay of N turns - this let you mimic message propagation time delay.  What you're describing sounds a bit like the latter, but I thought Steve took that out ages ago.  And the "ars" part is totally unfamiliar.  Maybe you could post a screen shot here the next time it comes up - there's an "upload attachment" tab below the pane when you're typing a message.

Title: Re: What are communication lines good for?
Post by: ZimRathbone on February 01, 2010, 06:49:54 AM
Quote from: "VariousArtist"

I sometimes get a (delayed) message that only says "ars" - is that somehow related to relaying communication or is that some kind of bug?

thanks for help!

is this in the event log?

if so check the entry above - there is a character limit on the size of event messages and it may be that what you are seeing is the tail end of a previous event
Title: Re: What are communication lines good for?
Post by: Father Tim on February 01, 2010, 07:42:00 AM
Quote from: "ZimRathbone"
there is a character limit on the size of event messages and it may be that what you are seeing is the tail end of a previous event

A previous event on Mars, no doubt.

Title: Re: What are communication lines good for?
Post by: VariousArtist on February 01, 2010, 08:27:00 AM
Thanks for the replies and clarification. And yes, orange lines show the communication grid, no the green ones. My mistake. Good to know that civs dont seem to use jump engines... one mistake less I will run into, hehe.

Indeed Ive used the "send message" a few times to sent me a notification about some orders I wanted to issue after a longer chain of stuff was done by the TG. But nothing ended with "ars". Im my 4th-newbie-traning-game-of-doom I strangely encountered the delayed message "years" and Im pretty sure Ive never written a message that contained this word.
Title: Re: What are communication lines good for?
Post by: Father Tim on February 01, 2010, 09:51:45 AM
It's just a normal Event Log entry that ran over the character limit, causing the "ars" of "years" to get bumped.  The occurrence of "years" most likely means the estimated time or duration was informing you about was instead of the previous message's X.x

Most likely, Aurora is displaying a cautionary message that you've assigned a ship or task group orders that will take an extremely long time to complete - probably because their speed is currently set to 1.  Take a look on the F12 'Task Groups' screen and see if you find a slow fleet.