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Italian Forum / Re: Quasi nuovo
« Last post by Kaiser on January 22, 2021, 07:41:56 AM »
Ciao belli, anch'io gioco assiduamente ad Aurora, qualcuno mi conosce anche su netwargamingitalia. Sono catanese, ma vivo a Cracovia, saluti dalla Polonia.
Russian Board / Re: Приветствую, камрады
« Last post by serger on January 22, 2021, 04:58:54 AM »
By the way, I have tried just now to put translit on google translate - and it works quite fine!
The last time I have tried - it was long ago, though - there was a mess.

As for Mandarin - I had a textbook only, but it was fascinating indeed! Isolating grammar, tonal syllables, complicated system of measure words and so on, conservative cross-cultural hieroglyphics, exotic things all around!
Russian Board / Re: Приветствую, камрады
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on January 17, 2021, 09:25:48 AM »
I had to learn a little Russian for work a few years ago, although lost almost all of it now. Grammar is pretty horrific :)

Speaking of languages...

I had a Mandarin teacher here on the Isle of Man for a while. A very difficult language. It's tonal, with the meaning of a word changing based on how you pitch your voice. You can have a flat tone, a downward tone, an upward tone or a U-shaped tone where you pitch down and then back up. There are also rules about changing the tone based on adjacent words, so you can't have three U-shaped tones in a row for example - the middle becomes flat. A classic example is the word ma, which can mean mother, horse, scold or hemp depending on the inflection. Mandarin has no pitch-up for a question, as is done in many European languages, so you have to ignore your natural inflection instinct in questions or it changes the meaning of the word. I only lightly dabbled in Mandarin, but still a fascinating language. I wouldn't mind going back to it at some point.

In the last couple of years, I have picked up a little Hebrew, because it is spoken quite a lot in the office, although that hasn't been a problem recently :). That is relatively straightforward to learn - probably on a par with Italian or Spanish - apart from some of the pronunciation.

Russian Board / Re: Приветствую, камрады
« Last post by serger on January 17, 2021, 05:49:57 AM »
Google translate not really helping, but I think you meant there is no Cyrillic text in the body of the message, even though there is in the header.


Google translate cannot deal with "translit" (russian words, writen with latin alphabet transliteration).
Russian Board / Re: Приветствую, камрады
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on January 17, 2021, 05:03:58 AM »
Google translate not really helping, but I think you meant there is no Cyrillic text in the body of the message, even though there is in the header.

I tried and it came out as question marks and emoticons.
Italian Forum / Re: Quasi nuovo
« Last post by waresky on January 17, 2021, 01:49:17 AM »
I am writing this in english but xenoscepter has a good point.

Google translate isn't the meme it used to be and we can understand the italian quite well because of it.

The optimization of google translator nowadays is quite good, however, I know how my friend feels as I have been there. 10 years ago I used to live in Roma e adesso mi sono trasferito in Nuova Zelanda da 8 anni. Questo mi ha aiutato molto a venire a capo di molte cose.

Giallu, se te serve fa un fischio. Non sono tantissime le cose che devi imparare in inglese in quanto la maggior parte sono numeri e regole.

Ovviamente se devi seguire discorsi o chat diventa tropo complicato.

Se ci sono cose in particolare che ti servono spara la domanda qui, cosi rimane anche ai posteri.

 :P Frog...Come stai vecchio marpione scampato alle Regine madri?.. :D

Tutto bene grazie, spero anche tu stia bene. So che in Italia state impicciati. Almeno qui in Nuova Zelanda la vita e' come era prima se non per il fatto che praticamente non possiamo lasciare l'Isola (anzi le Isole).

In attesa della 1.13 sto facendo un super lavoro sul mio goverment simulator e devo dire che sta uscendo cazzuto, quindi sono molto contento.

Mooolto Bene!

L'Italia.. già,fortunatamente vivo nel nordest, Alpi e strade magnifiche,viceversa è divetata noia totale.
Bene per il progetto tuo. E bene per il fatto che sei in NZ.. agli antipodi. Non farti venire la voglia di tornare, non ne vale la pena-
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