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Terpla'ns / The Terpla'ns - Chapter 11.50
« Last post by Zume on December 24, 2024, 07:28:24 PM »
The Combined Fleet held station on the far side of Gymnasium Prime’s second moon. Repair ships tended to damaged units that could be repaired relatively quickly, while those requiring more attention were sent to the Abyssal-017 starless nexus where the larger and more valuable mobile shipyards awaited them. One of those ships was Admiral Jki’s own Coral Sea, requiring two months of work. She transferred her flag to the Oknib, a capital missile dreadnaught. While listening to her staff’s various after-action reports and the latest intelligence summary Jki let a part of mind play out the events leading to the capture of the system.

In the captured records Gymansium was regarded by the Axis as a heavily populated and developed system. The defenses were taken to be strong, especially with time given to strengthen them. Jki elected to send in a probe of 120 Whale armed pinnaces equipped with scanner packs and six warp point probe ships, of which four had the same hull used by battle carriers and thus had excellent turning ability. Of the Whales only 40 came back and only two of the probe ships, both of which were based on dreadnaught hulls. The defenses were indeed formidable, comprising of 9 asteroid forts (3 large and 6 comparatively smaller ones), 21 type-5 bases, 9 type-3 bases, and 6 type-2 bases. The combat area patrol comprised 21 squadrons of F1 Hatchet fighters and 12 escort shuttles. Automated weapon buoys numbered 600 and keeping them company in the immediate vicinity of the warp point were 1800 mine patterns. Jki had no doubt that a very thin shell of mines extended all the way out in a radius of six light-seconds from the warp point, inflicting attritional losses to any armed pinnace group that wanted to take on the missile and fighter bases.

A conventional assault was out of the question, and not for the last time Jki wished the new warp-capable missile pod technology had its bugs ironed out and made available for use. Instead, it was down to a mass transit attack, complete with hundreds of armed pinnaces to tackle the inner ring of bases, and hundreds of small ships that will force the defenders to expend their weapons on them as well as maximize dispersion of their weapon buoys. As it went, the first wave comprising 500 Whale armed pinnaces, 120 small ships ranging from explorers to frigates, and 20 carriers made its entry. Subsequent waves were made in the normal manner, but each had two minesweepers with datalink jammers, 100 more Whales and a handful of additional small ships. Jki arrived in the fifth wave, finding the warp point still a maelstrom of fighters, pinnaces and ships. The close in bases and forts were gone or badly damaged, being set upon by plasma guns from the surviving small ships and the onboard weapons of the newcomers. There were just three capital missile bases six light-second out, keeping the six fighter and three defense bases company. It was the minesweepers that were being targeted now in a forlorn hope of knocking them out and giving the surviving Hatchet fighters a chance to regain datalink cohesion.

The final set of assault carriers arrived in the sixth wave, none losing passive defenses as there were enough small ships to dilute buoy fire. A group of pinnaces broke off from the warp point to accompany the fresh fighters as they went for the capital missile bases. Showing their discipline, the Axis Hatchet fighters stayed on the warp point. Those with guns engaged their Shark opposites while laser-armed Hatchets went after ships, namely those equipped with jammers. The last minesweeper, along with the remaining close-in bases, was destroyed just as the missile bases were engaged by Whales and Sharks. With a mix of spite and defiance the trio of bases fired their last combined salvo at the Jki’s flagship. The lasing warheads did their damage, but it was the firing of the last buoys that caused heavy damage. The battleship was able to transit out, though still taking spinal force beam pot-shots from the fighter and defense bases.

After transferring to the Oknib, Jki reentered the Gymnasium system and took stock. Of the 1000 Whale armed pinnaces committed only 114 remained, and the fighter loses from the assault carriers was over 80%. The close-in bases and asteroid forts all had datalink jammers, a major factor in the fighter losses. There were no defending Axis ships for some reason, but that mystery had to wait as the Combined Fleet formed up and moved in-system to Gymnasium Prime, sending task elements to investigate the system’s planets past the asteroid belt.

There were Axis ships after all; a carrier task group to be precise. It had positioned itself two light-minutes past the asteroid belt on the direct route to Gymnasium Prime. It launched a full strike against the Combined Fleet, with recon pinnaces reporting back that numerous small craft contacts had emerged from the asteroid belt and headed for the Axis carriers. This proved that the belt was lousy with fighter bases, just like the Bedrock system, and had six distinct chains of small bases, radiating out from the solar orbit of Gymnasium Prime, to feed fresh fighters for massed attacks. Jki half-expected that the carriers were the same ones that escaped Bedrock, and when confirmation that the drive field signatures were the same, she wondered if the same commander was in charge, whoever it was.

At this point, instead of heading directly for Gymnasium Prime, Jki took her fleet at an angle into the asteroid belt. Going anti-spinward in the belt, the fleet, now moving at maximum speed for a dreadnaught, forced the Axis carrier-launched strike to pursue while those asteroid fighter bases ahead had to wait to consolidate fresh arrivals from the bases behind them. The net result was that the ensuing double strikes didn’t have the time for a fully coordinated effort. Jki was thankful that the Hazen contingent had 216 Lancer interceptors, forming the close-in defense within the fleet’s jamming radius. Unable to use fighters, the Hazen were inspired by the Hamthen’s use of interceptors earlier in the war and spent a sizeable percentage of their naval budget to develop and deploy their own version. An updated interceptor had been perfected and wouldn’t reach the fleet the months but the ones in use now proved their worth.

In a relentless grind the Combined Fleet continued around the asteroid belt, destroying bases in passing and Hatchet fighters by the gross. Many were still of the F0 variety with a sprinkling of F1s, which served as escorts. The Axis carrier task group continued to pursue, but it came to a point where, even with life support packs, the F0 Hatchets couldn’t reach the carriers unless they turned around to pick them up. The Axis commander settled on moving, at full speed, to a point ahead of the Combined Fleet to receive fresh squadrons. With battlecruiser-hulled freighters filled with antifighter missiles Jki elected to have her ships resupplied on the move. Three more major waves of Hatchets were dispatched before the Axis carriers departed, heading for one of the other two warp points in the system, but not before receiving fighters, most likely F1s, into their hanger bays.

Fighter and interceptor losses for the Combined Fleet were on the order of 33%. A handful of destroyers were lost or so crippled they were scuttled. Other ships only sustained light damage to their armor. Once the ring of asteroid bases was dispatched Jki held the fleet and waited for carriers from the support group to come forward to dispense their flightgroups. The run towards Gymnasium Prime was uneventful as the Axis had exhausted their stock of disposable fighters, so there were no further inbound fighter strikes. As for the space station over the planet it still had fighters, 324 strong, backed by over 100 escort shuttles. Only three type-4 bases kept the station company. Jki had already decided beforehand on a course of action. With capital missile armed units, including the new Yoshibo carriers, moving forward at a crawl with maximum ECM the rest of the Combined Fleet charged the orbital defenses with Sharks and Lancers ready to engage the Hatchets and Stilettos.

It took three minutes for the fleet to come within effective beam weapon range, 2.5 light seconds. The huge station had a mass of 24 battleships, too big for shields, but had ample armor. The charging ships focused on the station and the horde of fighters and shuttles while the capital missile units set upon denuding the BS4s of their armor, using enhanced lasing warheads on their SBMs. Not at all tempted to destroy the distant missile-firing carriers, the Comensal crews went after the dreadnaughts with the intent on complete kills.

A maelstrom of beams, missiles and small craft, punctuated by nuclear and antimatter fireballs, served as a backdrop as three dreadnaughts were crushed as the fleet entered the designed range. At that point Tuphon and Terpla’n ships equipped with needle beams attacked the station, sniping overload dampeners. Axis fire then shifted to those ships, but not before the dampeners were greatly reduced in number. This allowed those allied ships equipped with energy beams to cut loose, destroying the station’s internal systems with massive electrical discharges. Smaller ships were reassigned to cripple the BS4s. Thanks to jammers the Axis Hatchets were cut down in job lots while the Hazen Lancers engaged the Stilettos with abandon.

Either through oversight or deliberate action an antimatter warhead on the station was destroyed, and in turn the station was utterly obliterated as other antimatter warheads were set off. Jki ordered the BS4s to be rendered weaponless by energy and needle beam fire. Just as boarding shuttles were ready a flight of shuttles and cutters took off from the planet’s spaceport. The BS4s were rammed by the craft, finishing them off to prevent the allies from capturing them. In reply the spaceport was taken out by kinetic strikes. Troopships were called from the support group, and not for the last time Jki was greeted on the comms by the Comensal governor, his smile as false as his promise of cooperation. In a few months the inhabitants will start a massive resistance movement, just like on all the other occupied Axis worlds.

Jki acknowledged the reports, and after a brace of questions she dismissed her staff with herself heading back to her quarters. Halfway there she changed her mind. With her six feet now feeling inexplicably tired she went to the Oknib’s sickbay. There she found the ship’s doctor, a well-seasoned civilian practitioner that volunteered for naval service. Two discerning eyes focused on the admiral. “Good evening, Admiral,” the doctor said with formality. “I’m Doctor Pyco. To what do I owe this visit? High ranking officers rarely visit sickbay outside of checking on wounded spacers.”

“I make it a point to visit every department of my flagship, Doctor. This happens to be the first one on the list,” Jki replied. “As the Oknib received its refit it stands to reason the sickbay was updated as well. Care to give a tour?”

Pyco’s inner eyelids blinked. Captains and admirals did indeed avoid sickbay like the plague unless directly ordered by the ship’s doctor for mandatory physicals. He shifted on his six legs as he replied. “Very good, Admiral. You’ll find the facilities here are on the same level as any dirt-side hospital. If you will…”

It took fifteen minutes, as Jki asked questions that were tempered by knowledge that could only be gained by being a recipient of medical attention. Pyco did receive Jki’s medical file from the Coral Sea’s CMO, and he was beginning to suspect that there was more to Jki’s visit than just idle curiosity. About to show his office, Pyco was sidelined by Jki at an examination station. “This looks the same as those on the Coral Sea,” Jki commented, pointing at a table contoured for Terpla’n physiology. “Mind if I try it out?”

“Go ahead. You won’t find anything better outside of a five-star hotel.”

Jki settled in, the table automatically adjusting to accommodate to prevent her from falling off. “Feels good, doc. If I was here for a checkup, would you start with the usual checklist?”

“Depends. Anything that deserves some attention?” Pyco figured that Jki was requesting help in a roundabout way to save face.

“Been having some stomach aches, haven’t told the previous doc.”

Pyco’s inner eyelids slowly blinked. “I see. Have you been taking anything to alleviating those aches?”

“Engine Room Rot-Gut,” Jki replied in a casual manner.

The doctor’s outer eyelids closed slightly. Having tried the mentioned concoction, the only appreciable medicinal effect was to dull pain. “I guess that proves the higher the rank, the more inclined people are to self-medicate. If you’re willing, Admiral, I like to perform some tests and use some of that brand-new fancy gear I have at my disposal.”

“That will be appreciated, Dr. Pyco.”


All in all, Prime Lieutenant Camden was happy with his current assignment, though he considered it to be a sideways promotion. Previously he commanded a division of corvettes for a year, guarding convoys to and from Gymnasium via Eleto. Expecting assignment as an executive officer of a cruiser or allocated to a planet-side posting Camden instead, rather abruptly due to circumstances, was given the command of a destroyer division.

Camden’s ship, the Sprinter-class destroyer Thunderfoot, and its two division mates were constructed at the Evergreen shipyards in the Eleto system. Assigned to Star Force 2, Third Advance Fleet, the ships of the division had only just cleared the slipways when Gymnasium was conquered by the abom Terpla’ns and their equally wretched allies. Normally it would take a month of work-up to bring the ships up to specs, but the AFC only gave Camden’s division a week before heading out to the Jade system, two transits out from Eleto to rendezvous with other reinforcements heading for Admiral Hovwen. In that week everything that needed to work on the destroyer worked. Shields, ECM, weapons and point defense along with life support, computer coordination, and engines. As for everything else…

The destroyer division was in the Porch system, halfway between the Eleto and Jade warp points respectively. On the bridge of the Thunderfoot Camden went through a list of items that were deemed ‘nonessential for combat’ by the Evergreen Station quartermaster in the rush to get the division to its rendezvous. The recreation compartment had no equipment, not even floormats for the exercise section. Likewise, the mess halls had only base rations because the coolers went unstocked, so no servings of preserved fruit. Even the bedding would’ve been absent had it not been for the Recreation & Morale officer, as well as the ship’s quartermaster, having gone to a storage hold on Evergreen Station to ‘acquire’ bedding assigned to a freighter due to be launched in two months. Likewise, the Chief Engineer and some ratings ‘acquired’ a soda machine, complete with two months of flavor concentrate packets, along with a dart board that happened to be next to it. Camden asked no questions, instead thanking the personnel involved for providing for the welfare of the crew.

The crews of the three ships were kept busy with drills, inspections, and instruction. Camden was thankful for getting some of his senior officers and noncoms from his corvette command to the Thunderfoot. Manned by painfully green spacers, Camden hoped to ‘remove the burs’ by the time the ships rendezvoused with Hovwen. To that end he worked on current daily schedule…

“Drive field detection!” roared the sensor rating, only three months past his qualifications. “Prime, I have six drive field contacts seven light-seconds ahead of us. Forwarding to your main plot.”

“Signals, inform the division to go to full alert,” Camden said as he focused on his plot. He scowled as he registered the information. From the drive field strengths there were three battlecruisers and three destroyers, all identified as belonging to the aboms. They had to have been here for some time, observing shipping going to and from the Eleto system to position their ships for an intercept. Porch only had a single chain of older style navigation and com buoys between the two warp points. Only scanner buoys were placed at the warp points. Most importantly there had to be a closed warp point in Porch. Immediately he had his signals officer start sending data via the com buoy chain back to the Eleto and Jade warp points. He held back on sending courier drones until the last possible moment.

There was no point in running. Even if Camden turned his ships around there was no guarantee that all their engines would achieve motive status in time. Besides, the ships had no defensive missiles on their external racks and interception of missiles coming from the rear arc would be degraded. With a grim steadfastness that one would find in a patriotic video Camden gave his orders and watched the plot as the formations closed.

One minute later at 2.5 light-second range the three destroyers had succeeded in bringing all their systems online. Still painfully green, only one destroyer achieved a hit on the designated abom battlecruiser. In reply the aboms, in three datalink groups comprised of one BC and DD each, fired on each of the Sprinters. All three ships lost shields from a mix of capital force beams and needles beams. Then came the anti-drive missiles. Receiving the worst of it and having lost some engine rooms already from general needle beam damage, the Thunderfoot was rendered immobilized. The other two destroyers were down to half speed.

The abom ships dropped to half speed, engaging erratic maneuvering as Thunderfoot’s divisionmates did they best they could to match. Again, the Axis crews’ painful inexperience played against them as a BC and DD used their tactical scanner data to locate and then sniped the hetlasers of all three Sprinters, followed by all the remaining engine rooms and point defense, equally paired away by the other four abom ships. With main power automatically adjusted to safe mode after the loss of engine rooms there was only one outcome in Camden’s mind. “Signals,” the prime lieutenant said, “inform the crew and the other ships that we’re going to be boarded presently.” As if on cue he saw on the main plot the abom ships launching shuttles and cutters, no doubt filled with marines. “Have all engineering departments arm the scuttling charges with minimum timer settings.”

“Acknowledged, Prime,” said the young rating. Axis ships smaller than light cruisers only had officers for half the bridge stations.

“Abom tractor beams have locked onto our ships, Prime,” said the weapons officer. “The shuttles and cutters will be on our hulls in one minute.”

“Acknowledged.” Camden scowled. There was no doubt the aboms will eventually take the ships, but if the charges go off then they’ll be rendered unsalvageable. Any attempt to tow them with tractor beams or even actual physical cables will fail. That only left…

“Prime,” said the Signals rating, “I’ve been unable to contact the computer operations compartment. That compartment had been pierced by a needle beam that took out engine room seven.”

They’re after the databanks, Camden thought. In this situation the ultimate responsibility in destroying the databanks is on me. Quickly, Camden passed orders to his executive officer in the auxiliary control room, putting him in charge of the ship’s internal defense. When the XO asked if he needed some marines as escort Camden declined, instead taking the weapons officer and sensor rating with him. Since there was no time to don the standard pressure suit Camden and the others had to use their issued shipsuits, which could act as pressure suits for a limited time. Each shipsuit had a pullover clear hood that could be secured to the neck collar and a pair of gloves to each wrist lock. For an air supply there was in each major compartment a service locker with thermos-sized oxygen packs that had a 90-minute supply and were secured to the chest. With laser pistols in hand the trio made for the computer operations compartment.

On the way Camden heard the announcement via his earpiece that abom small craft had latched on to the hull, quickly followed by subtle vibrations caused by breaching charges. Upon arrival Camden found out why there was no response from the duty shift. The needle beam had destroyed half of the work station desk in passing and killed the two techs with a combination of electrical discharge and intense heat. Unable to enter the data purge code that left the backup plan. Camden had the weapons officer and sensor rating cover the entrance as he opened a locker and extracted the gear inside. Said gear was a thermal rod with an accompanying protective heat-resistant glove and sleeve.

Using the thermal rod on the physical databanks will render them utterly useless. No amount of electronic forensics could extract any data from what would amount to a pile of molten glass and circuits. Opening the databank access panel, Camden was about to activate the rod when he felt vibrations from the deck. He turned to find a suited fist impacting his face, his world going dark.

A few minutes later Camden regained consciousness, finding himself on the deck with his legs bound and arms tied behind his back. He saw his two men by the compartment entrance, equally incapacitated and face down. Then he saw the suited aboms, four of them, wearing combat vac suits with helmets that had opaque visors. Bipeds, at least, and only two arms so that ruled out Hokum…

One of the aboms noticed Camden and knelt beside him, placing an oval-shaped disc to the side of his clear hood. It was a ‘skin-talk’ speaker, and through it he heard a computer-generated voice. “Good morning,” said the voice with a hint of electronic modulation and inflection, indicating cheerfulness, something that Camden didn’t find amusing. “Sorry for having to punch you, but I was concerned my stun round would’ve missed you and gone into that open panel. It wouldn’t do having the databanks scrambled by a stunner energy. Oh, rude of me. You deserve to see who’s talking to you.” The abom’s visor went clear, revealing an avian-featured face belonging to a Tuphonese. The despicable abom looked like he was talking, but a moment passed before he heard the resulting words. “That little glow rod of yours would’ve made this boarding a complete waste of time had you just one more minute. Good thing you guys don’t change the layout of your ships in a major way.”

“Sir,” said another abom, his comm channel audio being picked up by the first abom’s translation software in his suit no doubt, “I’m afraid this control desk has seen better days. The port we needed got deep-sixed by that needle beam hit.”

“We have to be overlooking something,” the first one replied, obviously not caring that Camden was overhearing the conversation. “We studied the schematics from previous captured ships and even reports from our Hokum allies.” Hearing that made Camden cringe. If cringing made a noise, then Camden’s could’ve been heard.

“Wait, Sir, there’s one place I want to check again.” The second abom looked under that portion of the work desk that wasn’t ruined by the needle beam. After a pregnant moment came a sound that the translation program rendered as a pleasant utterance. That abom stood up, and on an extended finger was a piece of… tape?

“This is manufacture’s tape, Sir. It was covering the auxiliary port, and I didn’t see on the first inspection.”

Manufacture’s tape? Camden thought. That is removed after a full… oh Providence!

The first abom made a clicking noise that was rendered into a sound that indicated affirmation. “If that’s anything like in our navy, that tape is removed after a full inspection and approval by a senior officer.”

In the rush to get this ship into action, too many corners had to be cut! If those damn aboms know this much about our ships…

“Could be this ship was rushed into service without a complete shakedown cruise, Sir? If they didn’t bother to check this aux port and sign off on it, then we have a better chance than trying to connect to the databanks directly, especially since we don’t have the appropriate Axis minicomp.”

The first abom looked at Camden. “I found your minicomp on you, but without your access code I can’t use it. Are you willing to help us out?” The inflection of whimsy in the translated voice made Camden seethe to the point that his teeth grated. The abom Tuphonese noticed. “Oh, thought not. Okay, Sergeant, use the black box.”

“Yes, Sir.” The sergeant pulled what appeared to be a tablet from a pouch on his thigh. He pulled a fine, thin cable from it and attached it to the aux port. After a few moments a cheer was heard. “Payday, Sir. There was no challenge from the operating system. Not even a password. Downloading and transmitting of the database commencing. We’re going to make out like it’s CEO annual bonus day.”

“Well done, Sergeant. Guess that proves this ship and its crew was rushed into service before all the basics were covered.” For the life of him Camden swore the avian abom was smiling at him, despite having a beak. “Don’t worry, Comensal. That’s how the market rolls. Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Damn it all! I just remembered. It was on my list. It was on my list! Today I was going to go through the first deployment checklist for Computer Operations. That damn piece of tape would’ve been removed by me no less and a password installed! Just one Providence-damned day!

“Sir,” said the sergeant, “I think we better get our prisoners on the shuttle before their air runs out.”

“So true, sergeant. This one especially. He has the rank tabs of a Prime Lieutenant. Very well could be the commander of this ship. Oh, silly me. I meant to use the security filter in our communications. Well,” the translated voice did carry a tone of observation instead of flippancy, though Camden was in no mood to listen, “it was an unintentional oversight, very much like what happened to you, Comensal. Happens to all of us.”

Camden didn’t resist as he was picked up by abom marines minutes later and hauled away like a plank of lumber. He didn’t yell or curse or squirm for he was paralyzed with rage.


Of the three Axis destroyers captured, the databanks of two of them were successfully retrieved. As for the ships themselves only on the Thunderfoot retained structurally integrity as the engineers were killed before they could prime the explosive charges The charges on the other two destroyers did go off, and being unable to be towed or considered worthwhile to repair they were obliterated by nuclear warheads. The Thunderfoot itself was tractored to a holding location where enough internal systems were restored and adapted so that it could transit to Inna and be studied by a team of Inna engineers under the supervision of Tzelen consultants.

Crajen Admiral Coopersmith, commanding the 3rd Field Fleet, was thankful that the operation provided a bonanza of data. The Eletoshani warp point was lightly guarded with only six large and one small base, backed up by scandalously thin minefields and weapon buoy parks. Only six warships and one auxiliary formed the mobile force. As for the orbital defenses over Evergreen, the second habitable planet in the Eleto system, were markedly stronger than those over Eleto itself, mainly due to the number of Comensal inhabitants. Some 70,000 Comensal were on Eleto, with 40,000 being civilians in a single city near the spaceport.

Defenses over Eleto were just three missile bases and a small space station, backed up by a fighter wing based at the spaceport. This was a major concern for Coopersmith. Even though the Axis considered the Eleto a major supplier of materials if the commanders in charge decided to nuke the population, even at the loss of their own civilians, then there was nothing Coppersmith could do about it. The captured data did provide a map of warp links, including one that lead up to Gymnasium. Finding and exploiting a fresh breach into Axis space was the reason behind the capture operation. Rescuing an occupied population would be a bonus. Reading the Axis’ own records regarding the Eleto, the Admiral sensed the wily aliens had plans to flummox their Axis overlords when the chance of liberation presented itself.

Coopersmith, in the CIC of his flagship, was playing host to Dr. Dunn, the Tzelan commanding the survey squadron, and Dr. Kunus, the Inna scientist leading the contingent of his fellow Inna. They were regarding the warp point icon on the main plot. “One hour to the assault,” said the Crajen. “In this brief period of time they couldn’t increase their passive defenses in any meaningful way.”

“Speaking of defenses,” said Kunus, “I take it that my government was reassured on the security of the Inna warp point?”

“They only needed to hear it from me, Doctor. Twenty-four large bases, with twelve more in two months, and backed up by passive defenses and a reinforced task group. Once Eleto is secured we can drive deeper into pre-war Axis space, furthering Inna security.”

Dr. Dunn nodded acknowledgement. “It will be interesting to find out what the Eleto know about us. I’ve read the captured Axis reports, damning and cursing the Eleto and their computer software sabotage."

Coopersmith clicked his crusher claws while snapping the fingers of both hands. This time Kunus didn’t flinch, now having become much more accustomed to Crajen mannerisms. “I’d say they know a good deal, Dr. Dunn. Knowing that were a multi-racial organization fighting the Axis will give us common ground when we establish contact.”
Aurora / Re: The Battle of Wolf 294... an Ad Astra chapter
« Last post by randakar on July 10, 2024, 08:50:44 AM »
For people who are interested, there's a follow-up game to this one going on right now:
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Paul M on May 23, 2024, 01:00:08 PM »
The Chantry of Light Month 85

Starbridge Station, Lathandras Orbit, Thedas System

Templar Captain Allistar Ti'Lir found himself staring at the bay holding the Enchanter class heavy battlerider as the ship neared completion.  No longer an exposed structure the ships sleek lines were complete, all work was now on the interior and would be completed by the end of the month.  The two Fearless and single Peacekeeper that would be its squadron were also nearing completion and would be commissioned with the first Enchanter.  The planning was coming together, two further Dawnbringers were under construction -- there would be two more constructed but they would be directly sent to the reserve.  A total of 36 Seekers would have been upgraded by the end of this month, and Survey Flotilla 1 should be now operating at full capacity.  The last four Spectre's were undergoing their space trials and would join the Sustainer mother ship of that Flotilla, even if it would be a few months more before their Seekers were refit.  Once the Pathfinder vessels completed their refits, he would have to decide if he finished off the expansion of the Shield's forces or the alternative of expanding Starbridge's capacity first.  And, of course, there was the ever growing maintenance costs.  Currently they stood at 6325 MCr nearly 48% of the available income.  The Circles research efforts were still ongoing and for the past several months at least half as much as was expended on maintenance was being spent on colonisation and industrial expansion.

He tapped on his pad and his force planning showed up.  The Shield needed 4 Enchanters, 2 active and 2 in reserve.  The first would be operational in 2 months.  Supporting those ships would be the Swiftsures; 6 active and 2 in reserve.  He currently had 4 so another 4 would need construction.  Filling out the squadron of the heavy battleriders would be a pair of Fearless's.  The Shield would need 16 active and 8 in reserve, at the moment including the 2 finishing construction this month there were 10.  For the lightest battleriders the numbers were a total of 16 Peacekeepers and an astonishing 50 Grace Knifes.  Currently the Shield mustered 11 Peacekeepers and 25 Grace Knives.

Force TO&E was stabilizing as well.  For the Heavy Battlerider squadrons they were:  a Dawnbringer with an Enchanter, 2 Fearless and a Peacekeeper or a Swiftsure, 2 Fearless and 2 Grace Knives.   Patrol Squadrons were a Lord of Morning with 2 Peacekeepers and 3 Grace Knives.  He wanted to have a single squadron of 6 Grace Knives carried by a Lord of Morning. 

Currently he had 5 patrol squadrons covering the systems claimed by the Chantry.  The Wardens were busy raising garrisons on the various worlds and he made a note to push for the development of a troop ship to transport them. 

He swiped and the holographich structure vanished, his gaze returning to the busy yards.   
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Paul M on April 28, 2024, 11:45:37 AM »
The Chantry of Light Month 80

Council Chambers, Lathandras, Thedas System

Divine Rosamund XII sat on her throne observing the back and forth of the budget debate.  She blinked and her smart glasses brought up a set of screens.  Templar-Captain Ti'Lir was doing an able job defending his requests even if it had come up that the projected efficiency increase in the Pathfinder Flotillas was going to be less than earlier proposed. Joy, Xi doesn't get boosted by Xr like I had hoped!  Her fingers danced in mid air and the latest census and tax results displayed themselves next to each system the Chantry had settled.  The thought that somehow the Chantry...well not somehow of course.  As the Vinter and Laysian empires had prepared for their last battle, one which could have resulted in the destruction of both, the Chantry had brought them to the peace table.  Then later the Divine Giselle, using the fact the Chantry was responsible for most of both's social services, manoeuvred them both into agreeing that it was in the best interests of them both to abdicate.  Well, Rosamund mused, likely that agreement had been a pretty clever manipulation but the Maker works in ways most mysterious.  Her fingers danced and she could see the break down of population and tax income from the systems in more detail.  Extensive investment in industrial concerns on many of the colony worlds was smoothing out the income discrepancies that earlier reports had shown.  5 of the 11 worlds had incomes near to 300 MCr, a further 5 had incomes around 600 MCr and Niagra was now producing 2000 MCr.  A further 13 systems were colonised but their income and populations were still small.  Of course they all needed protection...which meant the Shield and Wardens...and that meant new construction and...  She sighed and her fingers cleared the displays from her glasses.  That meant more meetings, may the Maker bless them all.  Her attention returned to the council's debate into the start of construction on two deep space construction vessels.

The growth turn has been good for income but the last several turns and the next several turns looks to be:  build new survey ships, refit old survey ships, transport to the max of the CFN (more or less), built some PCFs, and spend money on IUs.  TL4 is now "average" so it isn't coming soon.  But all military ships have been refit and the final construction for the 3 new patrol squadrons is just finishing.  The yards need an expansion that is for sure.
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Paul M on April 15, 2024, 03:37:24 PM »
The Chantry of Light Month 75

Starbridge Station, Lathandras Orbit, Thedas System

From the observation gantry just above the stations CIC Templar Captain Allistar Ti'Lir could see the work ongoing at the yards that made up the bulk of the stations volume.  The Enchanter was progressing, if slowly, its frame complete and artificers, workers and robotic drones starting to assemble its spinal weapons array.  Ships floated in other docks, their armour skin open to space as others worked on their system.  This month would see the Shield's refits completed excepting for the 7th squadron's 3 Fearless Destroyers.  They were currently on station in Sarnia while all other battle riders were here refitting or else shaking down. 

He could not see the latest Pathfinder vessel, the Spectre was beyond the moon doing its space trials.  It would be the eyes of the Pathfinder flotillas.  The plan was to replace the 18 Seekers currently in each Flotilla was 10 refit Seekers and 4 Spectres.  This would double the survey speed of each flotilla in addition to giving each one four ships with enhanced sensor reach.  This would increase the maintenance of each flotilla to 480.2 MCr.  That was a 14% increase and a fifth flotilla would be added, with 22 Seekers mothballed.  Three new patrol squadrons had to be built with at least part of their complements coming from the Defence Force itself as it was clear a significant re-organisation was needed.  The Fearlesses would be used with Swiftsures as leaders, and the Peacekeepers and most of the Grace Knives relegated to patrol duties.  It would require some changes to the current squadron structures and the construction of more Dawnbringers.

What to do about Sarnia though?  Even now the Fold points were not fully explored and trying to build or assemble when the latest mobile repair docks were available would still take a long time.  But clearly something needed to be done to increase the number of eyes in that system.

SEEKER R1 class ES        12 Hull    TL 3
[2] SAXiHLQsJc1 [4]
12 RCP  13 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  186/ 27.9
HTK 7   Sx1  Ax1  Lx1

The improved survey instruments replace the ageing standard systems of the original ships.  To accomadate the increased array size of the new survey instruments part of the ships shield generators were sacrificed. 

SPECTRE class CT        16 Hull    TL 3
[2] SSAXiHXrLQsJc1jc1 [4]
16 RCP  9 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  261/ 39.2
HTK 10   Sx2  Ax1  Lx1 

Incorporating improved survey instruments and the recently developed phased array and sensor enhancement computer systems the Spectre is twice as efficent at survey.  This ship is intended to perform probes as its sensor range is substantially increased. 

HALLA (TUG) class FT4     30 Hull    TL 3
[3] SAJc1x8TTJc1Jc1HQsJc1 [4]
30 RCP  45 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  242/ 18.2
HTK 17   Sx1  Ax1  Tx2

The Halla will allow the Shield to move its Sentry bases around, enabling them to be constructed at single fixed point rather than needing to be built on station.  Why bases can't be transported in jump racks is beyond me!

House Rule Change for J-small craft
Starslayer and I talked about this and we settled on the following speeds for J-small craft:
Cutter:  Tac Speed 10 Inter-System Speed 3  (Speed of a DD)
Shuttle:  Tac Speed 9  Inter-System Speed 3  (Speed of a CA/CL)
Assault Shuttle:  Tac Speed 12 Inter-System Speed 4 (Speed of a CT)

This would allow us to have fighters starting at Tac Speed 13-ish if we decide to go with fighters at all. Pinnace's are going to take some thought and back and forth since they would need to be Jc based.  I also admit I have a lot of trouble with kinetic interceptors not killing fighters a lot better than they do.  Given they do damage to ships, something no other pointdefence is capable of, and given their tracking capabilities smacking a fighter out of the sky seems like it should be childs play.
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Paul M on April 05, 2024, 09:25:29 AM »
The Chantry of Light Month 70

Starbridge Station, Lathandras Orbit, Thedas System

At last the critical technologies based on the basic research of the Circles leading Magi have reached deployment.  Laboratory research into Improved Survey Systems and an armed shuttle assault shuttle remain though the former is apparently nearing final approval.  The Shield and Pathfinders maintenance stands at 4170 MCr representing 38.3% of the Chantry's available tax base.  Ten systems now produce income sufficient to have internal commerce and Niagra has ~35% of the income of the Home system, and the next four systems in order of productivity add up to slightly more than that, so for the first time Home contributes less than 50% to the Chantry's total tax base.

The Shield's artificer staff have produced a full series of refits for the battle riders.

GRACE KNIFE R1 class CT           15 Hull    TL 3
[3] SSAZH(J)(J)QsXr(J)Kb+ [12]
15 RCP  10 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  228.5/ 34.3
HTK 11   Sx2  Ax1  Kbx1 

With this refit the Grace Knife becomes what it was intended to be, a scout ship.  It is decided to maintain its 1st generation kinetic weapon to both keep costs down but to also allow the reusing of the systems.  Further the increased range of the improved system is compensated for by the higher speed of the ships that retain the older variant.

PEACEKEEPER R1 class FG        20 Hull    TL 3
[3] SSAAZH(BbS)M2(J)(J)(J)QsDk5(J)Kb+ [12]
20 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:3        Cost =  268/ 40.2
HTK 15   Sx2  Ax2  Dk5x1  Kbx1

As the Peacekeepers function as patrol leaders it was decided after much debate to forsake their laser emitter bay for additional targeting systems and a 1st generation kinetic interceptor system.  It was also decided to maintain the class with the older kinetic projector as was done with the Grace Knife's.   

FEARLESS R1 class DD           30 Hull    TL 3
[4] Sx3AAZH(J)(J)(J)L(J)Ki+LhQDk5(J)Ki+ [10]
30 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  402/ 60.3
HTK 18   Sx3  Ax2  Dk5x1  Lx1  Kix2 

The refit to the Fearless incorporates both the new generation of kinetic weapondry but also an interceptor.  It is intended to produce a leader variant which will solve the current issue with insufficient targeting capacity or to begin using Swiftsures as Fearless leaders.

SWIFTSURE R2 class CL        45 Hull    TL 3
[4] Sx5AAZH(J)(BbM)(J)(J)(J)(J)L(J)Ki+M2(J)XrKi+LhQDk5(J)Ki+ [10]
45 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:3        Cost =  667.5/ 100.1
HTK 27   Sx5  Ax2  Dk5x1  Lx1  Kix3 

The second refit of the Swiftsure rounds out its firepower and defences.

This month a ship of each class but the Fearless enters the Starbridge's construction yards to start their refits.

Prepared by the Artificer class for prototyping is the next generation of heavy battle riders.

ENCHANTER class CA           60 Hull    TL 3
[4] Sx6Ax5ZH(J)Q(J)(BbM)(J)(J)L(J)L(J)Ki+(J)Ki+M2(J)Ki+XrLhQDk5(J)Ki+ [9]
60 RCP  40 MCP       Trg:3        Cost =  895/ 134.2
HTK 35   Sx6  Ax5  Dk5x1  Lx2  Kix4 

The Enchanter carries a quadruple kinetic rail system along it's spine coupled with a pair of laser emitter bays and an interceptor suite.  Two of these ships can be carried by a Dawnbringer and the Shield's initial plan is to build four Enchanters of which two will be operational and the second pair in mothballs.

The Pathfinder Flotillas will also be updated with the addition of a corvette sized survey vessel and in all likelyhood the number of ships per Flotilla will be revisited.
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Paul M on April 04, 2024, 01:35:55 PM »
The Chantry of Light Month 60

Starbridge Station, Lathandras Orbit, Thedas System

As senior officer of the Shield of Light administrative necessity meant Templar Captain Allistar Ti'lir spent all too much of his time in his office.  But at least the worries he had over the Minders of the Faith's interference in the growth of his force were for naught.  An increase in productivity and significant new settlements had reduced the fleets fraction of the budget to 43% reflecting that it was currently only 3975 MCr as little new construction had been undertaken the last months.  Critical were two ships however.

Mobile Construction Dock class FT5           45 Hull    TL 1
[3] SA(SYM)Hx5(BbS)Hx4Jc1Jc1HQsJc1 [3]
45 RCP  55 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  367.2/ 16.3
HTK 20   Sx1  Ax1 

The Mobile Construction Dock is the first of a pair of designs that will enable higher mobility construction in Chantry space.

DAWNBRINGER class CVS            45 Hull    TL 1
[2] Sx6H(BbM)Jc1@x14Jc1LhQJc1 [3]
45 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  712.5/ 106.9
HTK 27   Sx6 

The Dawnbringer is the larger cousin to the Lord of Morning Class.  It is capable of transporting 140 HS worth of battle riders through the Fade.  This would enable it to carry two of the largest possible hull types the Chantry believes to be possible to construct.

The first MCD is on station in Kingston and has begun construction of a Relay class base.  Two such bases exist in the home system with a third under constuction.  In Ottawa a Relay base is nearing completion.  These bases when complete will link the first 2 out-system settlements with the homeworld with near real time communication times.  The prototype Dawnbringer is approximately a third complete.

The focus was on developing technologies allowed by the Circles recent advance.  Funded so far were:  Long Range Sensors, Improved Kinetic Projector, 1st Gen Kinetic Interceptor and Tractor Beam.   The Shield and Pathfinders were waiting on the hardware to be ready for mass deployment rather than laboratory tests before further expansion. 

One of the biggest current issues for the Minders of the Faith though was the general quality of habitable worlds found of late.  Kitchner has a single planet, Wastes,...which is marginally habitable and lacking in mineral wealth, Renfrew has three worlds (Trial, Canticle, Pastoral) but Trial is the same as Wastes, while the other two, although they enjoy a compatible biome to Home, are utterly lacking in mineral deposits of significant worth.  Wallkirk in Welland is marginal in terms of habitability but average in mineral worth.  Quinte has Ravina a world of harsh climate but significant mineral wealth but the other world, Contrition, while having a mild climate is like Canticle in utterly lacking valuable minerals.   Also Quinte is a month transit time from Home so marks in its own way a border.  It also will require a further patrol squadron's deployment once a patrol squadron is available.

The Pathfinders four Flotillas are busy trying to explore beyond the Chantry's inhabited worlds but progress has been slow if steady.  Three Fold points in Sarnia remain un-probed as exploration of Welland and Quinte were prioritised. 
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Paul M on April 03, 2024, 12:09:44 PM »
The Chantry of Light Month 52

Starbridge Station, Lathandras Orbit, Thedas System

Templar Captain Allistar Ti'lir flicked his fingers changing the holodisplay's projection.  So far his requests for funding had all been approved but the cost of maintaining all the ships active currently had reached 3917 MCr, nearly 50% of the tax income available to the Chanty's Minders of the Faith and they were getting restless.  Hopefully, the reports from the various Circles researching new technologies would provide another economic boost and reduce the impact of the Shield and Pathfinders on the overall budget.  The last report looked promising at any rate.  A few finger swipes sorted the income from the various colony systems and though it was the homeworld that provided the bulk of the income it was largely consumed by the maintenance bill, and so in fact the colonies were funding both research and their own expansion.

Of his four newest battle riders, the Swiftsure CL, two were fully refit and the other two were in the yards getting refit to the new R1 standard.

SWIFTSURE R1 class CL            45 Hull    TL 2
[4] Sx5Ax3H(J)(BbM)(J)(J)(J)L(J)L(J)Kb+M1(J)Kb+LhQ(J)Kb+ [10]
45 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:2        Cost =  549.5/ 82.4
HTK 26   Sx5  Ax3  Lx2  Kbx3

The first refit of the Swiftsure class adds the newly developed targeting computers to the enable it to efficiently split fire from its laser bays and spinal kinetic projectors. 

Currently the Shield has 8 squadrons of carriers and battle riders.  A flick of his fingers and a map of local space showed up, the 1st thru 3rd Squadrons formed the bulk of his force.  Two patrol squadrons (4th and 5th) were deployed in the colonies patrolling between the inhabited planets.  The 6th Squadron was deployed in his security nightmare...Sarnia had a total of 12 areas where Folding space was possible.  The system before it Ottawa had six outgoing Fold points.  Two luckily went to systems with no further outgoing Fold points but the other 3 had a total of 9 outgoing Fold points which added to Sarnia's 12 gave 21 further exploration loci.  The Pathfinders 1st and 3rd Survey Flotillas were busy but it would take them time to determine what there.  At the moment the Chantry was tied together via a network of drones and mail carrying civilian craft.  But the first of the relay stations was now active at the Fold point between home and Ottawa.

RELAY class BS0           10 Hull    TL 2
[1] A(CC)HQs(BbM) [ 0 ]
10 RCP  15 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  153/ 7.7
HTK 5   Ax1 

The Relay base is intended to link systems with a high power communication array for in system comm traffic and a set of reusable short range Fold capable drones to link to another Relay base on the other side of the Fold point it is stationed at.

That Fold point also had 3 Sentry's orbiting it.

The 7th Squadron with its two refit Swiftsures was on station at the homeworld.

Two further Survey Flotillas explored the chain of systems connected to the other two Fold points.  Down one was 4 inhabited system including the one holding Promise, Dale and Blight, Niagra.  That system was approximately 25% as productive as the homeworld due to 2 asteroid belts and Promise's concentrated mineral wealth and near perfect climate and biome.  The other Fold point in the Homeworld lead to Toronto a collection of rock, gas and ice and so far the 3 outgoing Fold points had discovered nothing else...or in one case less than nothing as the passage through the Fade placed the vessels in a starless void, where currently the 4th Pathfinder Flotilla was surveying.
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Starslayer_D on March 29, 2024, 03:40:47 PM »
Turn 60 Pachy Patrimony

Income 13428 MCr this month. A new level of technological development was reached last month. The lore masters report that in addition to the long range scanners we are developing improved kinetic projectors adn kinetic projectile interceptors this month, leaving only a small amount for new industrial investment after maintenance costs were covered.

A new ship class has beel laid on keel and is being prototyped, a heavy cruiser.

CA LIONCRUSHER class CA            60 Hull    TL 3
[4] Sx5Ax5H(BbS)(J)(J)Q(J)Kb(J)Kb(J)Kb(J)Kb(J)Kb(J)M2KbLhQKb(J) [9]
60 RCP  40 MCP       Trg:3        Cost =  771/ 115.7
HTK 32   Sx5  Ax5  Kbx7 

Class names have been changed to better conform to our racial sense of self.

CVE VELDTTREKKER class CVE           30 Hull    TL 1
[2] Sx5HJc1Qs@x9QsJc1 [3]
30 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  461/ 69.2
HTK 19   Sx5 
15 in service

CL SHIELDBEARER II class CL            45 Hull    TL 2
[4] Sx4Ax3H(BbS)(J)Kb(J)Kb(J)(J)(J)Kb(J)KbM1(J)QLhKb(J) [10]
45 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:2        Cost =  540.5/ 81.1
HTK 25   Sx4  Ax3  Kbx5 
4 in service

DDC WARRIOR class DD            30 Hull    TL 1
[4] Sx4Ax4HQs(J)(J)(J)Kb(J)(CIC)QsKb(J) [10]
30 RCP  20 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  360/ 54
HTK 19   Sx4  Ax4  Kbx2 
4 in service.

FG CHARGER class FG            20 Hull    TL 1
[3] SSAAH(J)(J)Kb(J)QsKb(J) [12]
20 RCP  5 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  208/ 31.2
HTK 12   Sx2  Ax2  Kbx2 
9 in service

Other ship classes unchanged in name and number.

SS5 SHIELD class SS            671 Hull    TL 1
[1] Sx100Ax100QQ(SY)Qx3LhH(SY)(BbL)(SY)(CHS)(SY)Kbx8(CIC)(SY)LhQ

671 RCP  29 MCP       Trg:1        Cost =  4423/ 48.5
HTK 270   Sx100  Ax100  Kbx8 
2 build, 1 under construction.

The right hand shield bearer reports that we currently have
4 CL, 16 DD, 9 FG, 54 ES, 6 EX, 15 CVE in service, joined by a mobile shipyard, two space stations and 4 BS1 as tripfires in the Pangaea system.
A total of 3900 MCr is spend on maintenance, representing a low percentage of our total incoma after the recent economic boom phase.
1 CA, 2 CL and one space station are currently under construction, and more mobile construction units are planned as soon as machine shops have been developed, allowing the buildup of warp point watches in other systems.
Three patrol groups are currently watching over the three main warplines, each consisting of a Warrior DD and three frigates on a CVE. The other ships form the Club of the Warrior fleet guarding our world.

(Overall I'd say that development this time around is slower than for the Thebans, given we just reached TL2 and income just crested the 10k MCrs... also, no NPCs yet found except 1 pre-ind population whose fate will depend on how desirable their world is. Harsh very poor they are welcome to it, benign very rich.. off to the reservation you go, mirroring the RL historical practice all too closely.
We could have gotten along somewhat farther, but I managed to dsitract myself by further pursuing the Pachys early world history and writting several snipped about events and personal experiences of various elephants they happen to in their conflict with the humanoids who shared the rich plains with them. But I'm not sure about posting them here as they are definitely not Starfire, but sure handle environmental effects of a beginning civilization which skipped a few steps due to racial conflic effects, going from ice age stone age to industrial scale metallurgy with global warming in short time. War is the mother of invention and the father of unimaginable horrors).
Starfire / Re: Pachidermal Patrimony Power Play
« Last post by Starslayer_D on March 29, 2024, 01:45:09 AM »
First time Heinrich Müller meet an Pachyderm on a trading outpost, he was taken a bit aback by what he saw. Take an elephant, slim him down and shorten him to about eight feet of shoulder height, with an oversized cranium and a very flexible trunk with prehensile, multiple-split lips, and a coat basically covered in wide brimmed pouches hanging over his back, shoe-ed in soft rubber soled socks calmly sucking a drink from a bucked on the table. Makes you want to sober up or order another drink. But then the translator software kicks in adn you get to chat with the fellow, and he's almost like a regular fellow sharing the bar with you. He's wearing a harness with two slender smart robotic arms extended from the harness, upon command positioning themselves to grasp whatever the trunk pushed into their grippers, allowing for very fine manipulation of objects. Further attached to the harness is a polished metalic insignia, and he wonders why one is showing a large club and a shield, which leads to a nice discussion about where such signs came about. 

On the origin of the people you ask me traveler among the stars? That is lost in tales an legend, like the first groove. But you asked, and thus I will tell you of the tale.

In the beginning the people lived near the first creek, its waters sweet and its banks lined with growing green all year long. The spirits blessed the people with a quick wit, long life and tales to tell at night. Our trunks were prehensile and able to grasp fruits growing on the trees and pluck sweet grasses and life was good.
And there among the people lived a bull named Bru-Haht, he was not the largest and strongest of bulls, but he was observant and made discoveries. He found a straight branch lying on the shore of the first creek, stripped of twigs and bark by the waters, and grasped it, swinging it around playfully.
And there on the banks of the first creek grew the first JOkarus, trees of sweet shots and sweeter fruit, but the people had picked all the low growing fruits and the largest bulls uprooted the trees to get at the high branches, leaving the trees to wither and die on the ground, yielding no more sweet jokaro fruits.
And thus Bruh-Haht swung his stick in paly and pondered, and then walked to a still standing tree and used his brach to reach high and shake the fruits from the high branches, and they were sweet and full of seeds.
And as he ate the fruits, the spirits blessed Bruh-Haht with inspiration, and he had seen seeds germinate before. WHat if he took the seeds, who were hard and not sweet toeat anyway, and scattered them across soft soil? would eh not have sweet shots and and growing trees then?
And so he did, and watched over his patches of seeds and sweet shots and only plucked those growing too close to each other, and waited, chasing away animals and other people with his branch, as it gave him power to harm without meeting the tusks of larger bulls.
And the spirits smiled on him, as then the jokara blossomed all year and yielded fruit every day.
And as he over the years hand many jokara trees growing under his watch, he had many wives flocking to him and children aplenty. Children who ate the sweet fruits and thus had time to play and make discoveries instead of foraging all the time growing up. And thus the first groove was planted, and grew, and the people thrived on the shores of the first creek and Bruh.Haht is remembered by the people in legend forevermore as the first Guardian of the Groove.

And the years went by and Bruh-Haht passed away and is honored forevermore, untill one day the great bull wandered by and shock the earth with his step and trampled the first source and the first creek fell dry and watered the groove no more and the people hungered, thirsted and thus were scattered over the plains carrying seeds with them and where they found water, planted jokara and watched over them. And as the jokara away from the first groove no longer bore fruit all year, the people learned to plant other fruit and grasses to tide them over untill summer, when the sweet fruits blessed them again.

But away from the first groove, life was harsher, and other creatures hunted the people. There was the leopard, who lurked in trees and dropped down on calves and tore out their throat, and hid back in the branches again. But the people had learned use branches to shake fruits from trees, and shaking sleeping jaguars from trees was easy for the powerful bulls, and thus the jaguars were trampled.
Then there were the fierce lions, gathering in prides and as large as young-lings, with sharp claws and powerful jaws, and they hunted younglings and hid in the veldt. But the bulls gathered and worked together and charged the lions den and trampled the lions untill they hunted the people no more.
Most terrefying though were the willy plains apes, who like the people used sticks and sharp stones and discovered teh secrets of fire. They were not the fastest, or strongest, but they were clever and nimble, dancing around the people and inflicting small wounds, untill like a horde of ants to a large beetle they overwhelmed a bull with their numbers. But the people were stronger, and where a bull stepped, a plains ape was crushed. Thus the people and the apes fought over the plains. Then the apes learned how to throw sticks, and bound sharpened stones to the tips, hiding in cliffs and atop mountains only to come down to hunt the people. And Ashrat-Tam the first shield bearer pondered what to do, and took the felxible shots of a water watcher tree, adn wove them together into a shield, and this was able to block thrown sticks. And the bulls came together and found that now they were able to ward off the thrown sticks, but they then had to charge down the plains apes and trample them, as they couldn't yield a shield and a club at the same time. And the apes them often would plant their sharp spears in  he ground and te charging bull would impale himself. Then Ashrat-Tam spoke to Rhondat, the first warrior. "You are far stronger than me. Let me carry the shield and guard you, and you take your greatest club and smite the foe." And with a third bull, Harath the second shield bearer, they flanked Rhondat and guarded his sides and they went forth, Rhindat flailing the foe and driving them before him, until the plains held no more apes, and the people thrived and ate sweet fruit and stole the fire from the abandoned places of the apes and life was good.
It is said that back then the people were larger and stronger, but now we are smarter and more agile, our trunks able to perform feats the great warriors could only have dreamed off. And we were blessed by the spirits with ideas and the telling of tales and the people multiplied.

What  became of the apes you ask? They were driven to places the people did not go. The coast of the gerat salty seas, where they lived on mussels and fish and learned to ride the waves on rafts of wood, and sailed towards the islands in the sea, were the people could not follow in those times. There they build kingdoms and sailed the waves, to raid and trade with the daring, untill the sea rose adn drowned them.
Other fleed into the high mountains and the icy north north, slaying the gerat bears and wearing their pelt, becomming more carnivorous and stronger and fierce, master of fire and metall, only travelling forth to trade with the people for hard wood and fruits and feathers. So great was their mastery of fire it is said that they melted the great ice, uncovering vast swaths of land untill the melt filled the seas and drowned the isles of their sea-born kin.
But most terrible was the place of soft stone, where the apes learned to dig and ground out great mazes of tight caves, denying the bulls place to reach them. Ever delving deeper and deeper, untill their skin grew pale and their eyes grew huge and glowed in the dark like a cats. Creeping forth at night and laying herds in their sleep, they became a terror of the dark places, goblins of the night. They dug untill they found the black stone, burning it untill the smoke casta  pall over the land and the trees grew sickly under their domain, untill they smelted ore in the ehat of their kilns and forged cruels weapons of iron to bring war over the people.  Thus the age of strife and heroes was born, and the deeds were many and the innovations of the people without count, building the foundations of our civilizations as we strove to dig them trodlodytes out of their fastness, digging faster than their multitude.
We learned the way of metals from the polar apes, who kept the peace and abhorred their delving kin who turned even upon them. We learned how to form armies and build walls and fortresses and catapults, how write down our thoughts adn spread ideas, how to govern and organize.
The tales to be toled are many, too many to tell you now.
And if not for the people spreading all over the world and gathering its riches, we may not have prevailed over the place of soft stone. Only with alchemy and gun powder the people finally managed to overcome the mazes of stone and poisons and fires wich guarded the fell place, and trample down the troglodytes.
By that time we had cities and states and cast our gaze to the stars... but how we reached them is another story, and is more ancient history than legend.

(Inspired by having elephants use tools, be a little smaller and the stone age cavern cities on turkey. Hmmm... allmost souds like a setting oen could expound more upon there.. even ore-starfire. The pachyderms are not rigellians, they were not traumatized into genocidal mania by their experience, as thy in the end aranged themselves at elast with a part of the humanoinds wich they share their world with, but it gives a legend and soem colour to their background for future storytelling. :) ).
(Further edited to mention the manipulator helpers which cover a blatant weakness of the racial physology.)
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