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New Cold War / Re: Cold War Comments Thread
« Last post by Kurt on April 11, 2023, 11:29:15 AM »
Ah, Humanity keeps on shooting itself in the foot over and over.

So if Sligo goes ahead and succeeds, how much of the Fleet goes with them, and how much of the Union's budget does it lose? Also most importantly, do they threaten the Union's access to El Dorado?

The Sligo District represents almost half of the Union's income, as although it is not as populous, it has been the Union's primary expansion and colonization site for some time.  Right now it is unclear how the fleet would shake out.  The Humanity First group has risen to replace the New Dawn Party, and Sligo and the other systems in the District are more or less solidly Humanity First.
 The Union Assault Corps was solidly pro-New Dawnist, and is now pro-Humanity Firsters in Sligo, in spite of attempts by the fleet to dilute this.  The rest of the fleet is more or less evenly balanced, however, the Union Fleet has been successful in ensuring that no one planet's population dominates any of the crews of the larger vessels. 

El Dorado is solidly in the Sol District, however, there are several other potential trouble spots.  Earth was a New Dawn stronghold, and remains solidly in the Humanity First camp, but lies within the Sol Sector, obviously.  And the Tlatelolco, who are very nearly members of the Union themselves, are in the Sligo District.  They know what the Sligo-led Humanity First party would do to them, as they had a taste of it during the New Dawn rule.  They are solidly Reform-Progressives, like the bulk of the Sol District. 
New Cold War / Re: Cold War Comments Thread
« Last post by Gyrfalcon on April 11, 2023, 03:48:21 AM »
Ah, Humanity keeps on shooting itself in the foot over and over.

So if Sligo goes ahead and succeeds, how much of the Fleet goes with them, and how much of the Union's budget does it lose? Also most importantly, do they threaten the Union's access to El Dorado?
New Cold War / Cold War: CSR Update, Month 230
« Last post by Kurt on April 10, 2023, 09:23:52 AM »
Confederated Sentient Races
Month 230 Update

Income: 182,031 MCr’s
Upkeep: 58,313 MCr’s (32%)

The CSR is finishing a massive refit to its forces to bring them up to HT-10 standards.  For the most part, mobile forces have completed refitting, while some work remains to be done on the bases of Fortress Command. 

The HT-10 refit, along with the recent incorporation of the Tomsk Union, has caused the CSR government to decide on a complete makeover for their survey groups.  The Tomsk Union had relied primarily on explorer class craft for survey work, supported by a few larger ships, and several of the Bjering survey groups contains EX class units as well.  In the modern environment, where potentially hostile races could be fielding gunboats and F2 fighters, the old EX class units, which are not large enough to carry even long-range sensors much less anything in the way of defenses, are viewed as a liability.  Therefore, all survey groups were recalled to the home systems where the EX class units were mothballed, and the remaining survey ships were refitted to HT-10 standards.  Survey ships are now the only non-carrier class craft to carry fighters and gunboats, aside from a corvette sized scout.  The fighters and gunboats are seen as flexible enough to provide both protection and striking power to otherwise necessarily fragile survey units.  The mothballing of the EX sized units has resulted in the shrinking of the survey fleet from seven groups to four, but the four remaining groups are much more capable than the older groups.  Each group is now comprised of two Berserker 6 Exploration Cruisers, two Tyr 5 Survey Destroyers, five Kresta 2 Survey Frigates, and a Ashdod 5 Survey Scout, along with a supply ship.  The group has a grand total of twenty-eight cutters for planetary surveys, and thirty-three F2 fighters and thirty-two gunboats for defense.  Each survey group can completely survey a system for warp points in two months, and its small craft can survey the planets, moons and asteroids of that system in a similar length of time.  The CSR plans to gradually increase the number of survey groups it fields over the next several years as construction capacity and funds become available. 

Since the merging of the Bjering and Tomsk governments, the CSR has undertaken an ambitious colonization program, not only of newly discovered planets but also to revitalize Tomsk Union systems that had been starved for population prior to the merger.  This project has gone remarkably well, and to date there has been only minor friction between the cohabitating Bjering and Human populations.   In fact, the program has gone so well that it has drawn observers and study groups from the Colonial Union’s government.  Indeed, the success of this program is credited with a thawing of relations between the CSR and the Colonial Union, which has resulted in the recent signing of a mutual defense pact. 

Total Fleet: 9xCV, 1xCVL, 16xCVS, 36xCVE, 12xML, 27xBC, 8xCA, 9xCL, 56xDD, 20xFF, 47xCT, 3xES, 1089xF2, 108xF0, 18xApin, 373xGBp

Refits: 3xML, 3xDD, 2xCT

Tolan Trade Federation
Income: 20,570 MCr’s
Upkeep: 5,344 MCr’s (22%)

Total Fleet: 3xCVS, 6xBC, 3xCA, 6xCL, 1xCT, 54xF1, 18xF0, 3xApin

The Tolan recently achieved HT-10, putting them on parity with the CSR.  The CSR government immediately opened talks aimed at bringing the Tolani into the CSR as full members, however, the Tolan government dragged its feet for several months over minor points in the treaty of amalgamation.  Finally, in Month 230, the Tolani government signed the treaty authorizing the union, and in Month 236 the Tolani will join the CSR as full members. 

In spite of the Tolani dragging their feet, they had little choice.  Their home system contains two warp points, one of which leads to CSR space and the other of which leads to an Alliance colony.  The Tolani colonization program was only possible because the CSR granted them permission to transit through their space, and allowed them access to previously unexplored warp points in their territory.  And, although the Tolani maintain friendly relations with the Alliance, they are thoroughly entangled with the CSR, making the choice easy in the end. 

Aldrean Contemplative Association
Income: 732 MCr’s

The Aldreans have reached HT-0 and are researching systems available at that level, with CSR assistance.  To date they have no presence in space beyond their home world. 
New Cold War / Re: Cold War Comments Thread
« Last post by Kurt on April 09, 2023, 09:46:17 AM »
I'm glad to see the % spent on maintenance is lower than 50% at the moment, the CU needs to focus on the economy and refitting to prepare for the future, at least in my opinion.

Yep.  Something that's become very clear is that once a government's maintenance percentage goes over 50%, they are in trouble.  At that point it becomes difficult to fund colonization and tech increases, and it increasingly becomes necessary to sell off industry to fund things that need to be done, which causes income to decrease, exacerbating the situation. 

New Cold War / Re: Cold War Comments Thread
« Last post by StarshipCactus on April 09, 2023, 03:39:44 AM »
I'm glad to see the % spent on maintenance is lower than 50% at the moment, the CU needs to focus on the economy and refitting to prepare for the future, at least in my opinion.
New Cold War / Cold War: Colonial Union Update Month 230
« Last post by Kurt on April 08, 2023, 09:12:41 AM »
Colonial Union
Update, Month 230

Income: 179,557 MCr’s
Upkeep: 65,059 MCr’s (36%)

Total Fleet: 4xCV, 20xCVL, 1xCVS, 100xCVE, 15 SD, 3xBB, 33xBC, 32xCA, 49xCL, 46xDD, 22xFG, 43xCT, 16xES, 2263xF0, 126xF1, 20xApin

Under Construction: 3xCVS, 4xCT(SC), 494xF1, 3xBS2, 2xBS0
Undergoing Refit: 2xCV, 6xSD, 9xBC, 3xCA, 20xCL, 9xDD, BS3, BS0

The Colonial Union is undergoing a political upheaval.  While the actual riots on Earth have either died down on their own, or were quelled by Sligo Militia troops, political protests have been rampant throughout the Sligo District, and the protests seem to be intensifying rather than dying down.  The situation in the District is serious enough that CEO Semenov is planning a trip to the Sligo District to meet with civic and financial leaders, to discuss the situation and to reassure the people of the District of the Union’s support. 

The Union Navy is currently undergoing a massive refit to bring it up to the latest standards.  These refits include upgrading fighter wings to the latest design, the F1, replacing armor with composite armor, and including jamming ECM systems in some designs.  Select capital ships will be receiving the latest in tracking systems, the Mi1, which increases the number of ships that can be targeted by a datagroup, and improves the data-group’s chance to hit the targeted ship. 

Enlightened Union of the Tlatelolco
Income: 9,092 MCr’s
Maintenance: 67 MCr’s (4%)

The Enlightened Union has reached HT-3 and has started research on HT-4, with Union assistance.  The Enlightened Union is considered a partner of the Colonial Union, and is being considered for full membership when its technology is improved to match the Union’s.  This has proved to be divisive within the Colonial Union, as the Sligo District population maintains its conservative, anti-alien viewpoint, while the more cosmopolitan Sol District is more open to interactions with alien races.  The situation is further aggravated by the fact that the human Redwing colony, which is the highest population colony in the Sligo District, was very pro-New Dawnist, and remains isolationist and anti-alien interaction to this day.  The fact that the shared sovereignty treaty which, so far at least, has maintained the peace in the Redwing system, works so well is more due to the humility and wisdom of the Tlatelolco than the human’s desire to work with their neighbors on the planet. 

The Tlatelolco enjoy significant support within the Union Senate, and the current administration has repeatedly pledged the Union’s cooperation with the Tlatelolco. 

The Enlightened Union has built four small bases for planetary defense, and is constructing two more.  These bases are backwards and small compared to the defenses the Colonial Union has built in the system, and are intended to signal the Tlatelolco’s willingness to work with their co-habitants in the defense the planet.  As of yet the Tlatelolco have no fleet or exploration forces.  This is because the Redwing system only possesses two warp points.  One of these warp points leads to a dead-end starless region of space, while the other leads to the Sligo system.  Indeed, there are no open warp points within several months travel of the system, meaning there are no suitable colonization or exploration sites within realistic exploitation range. 

The Union government is currently negotiating with the Tlatelolco concerning the possibility of allowing them to establish a small colony in the Union system of Kohl, in the warp chain beyond the Union’s capital of Epsilon Eridani.  The human colony world of New Texas in the Kohl system would be considered a benign world for the Tlatelolco, and talks with the system government have revealed that the people of the system would be excited to have a population of Tlatelolco on their planet. 

United World Republic of the Tarek
Income: 5,577 MCr’s
Upkeep: 480 MCr’s (9%)

Since the end of the Union occupation the Tarek have kept to themselves, and have been mostly focused on reactivating mothballed planetary defense centers.  Most of the PDC’s they’ve reactivated have been missile defense centers, although one large offensive base has recently been reactivated and is currently being refitted, presumably with the latest technology.  The Union currently believes that the Tarek are at HT-4, meaning that they are far behind human tech, and indeed, haven’t developed capital missiles yet, meaning that their bases are militarily impotent and would be unable to prevent a Union fleet from bombarding the planet.  Still, the Sligo District government remains uncomfortable with the Tarek, given the fact that they share the Sligo system with them.  Therefore, the District government maintains a large Militia to guard against any possible Tarek threat, and also mandates an extensive surveillance program to assess Tarek military capabilities. 
New Cold War / Cold War: Months 226-229, Colonial Union
« Last post by Kurt on April 07, 2023, 11:17:24 AM »
Month 226, Epsilon Eridani
The Union Senate approves a measure authorizing a massive colonizing effort for the El Dorado system to bring the population of one of its planets up to a level that could sustain in-system colonization without seriously depleting its population.  Such is the excitement that has gripped the Senate that this measure wins approval in spite of very vocal and vigorous opposition from senators from the Sligo District.  The tipping point in favor of the measure was reached when the representative from Earth, from which the colonists will be drawn, signals she will vote for the measure. 

The administration immediately authorizes a go-ahead for the colonization effort, and the first colony transports leave Earth within days.  Eventually, a full third of the Union’s transport fleet will be devoted to the effort, which will involve a three-month journey to El Dorado from Earth.  The costs are commensurately staggering, but the administration views this as a much-needed effort to boost colonization at a time when the Colonial colonization effort has fallen behind the other major races. 

Perhaps because of the enthusiastic approval of the Senate, including Earth’s Senator, the administration is caught off-guard when large-scale protests against the effort break out across Earth as the citizens there react to the colonization program’s renewed drawdown of Earth’s population.  When the Union’s government offers to send aid to the Earth Gov, it is declined with a curt message indicating that the Earth can handle its own problems. 

Month 227, Colonial Union, Earth
Many of the protests across Earth have devolved to violent riots as the colonization effort of El Dorado continues.  By mid-month there have been several violent attacks on colonist embarkation points, and hundreds have been killed or wounded in the resulting fighting.  It soon becomes clear that the unrest is over more than just this new colonization effort.  It appears that unrest has been simmering on Earth for some time, centered on the perception that the Earth is viewed by the Union as nothing more than a convenient source of colonists and recruits for Union star fleets. 

The administration has been caught off balance by the growing violence, as Sara Kurniawan, Earth’s Senator, continues to insist that Earth is solidly in favor of the colonization effort, despite all evidence to the contrary.  Early in the month, District Governor Holbrooke arrives on Earth to confer with the local authorities about their ongoing unrest.  As governor of the Sligo District, which had been solidly against the colonization effort, Holbrooke is seen by the Earthers as a neutral party and he is welcomed by the planetary governor and her administration.  CEO Semenov orders an investigation of Senator Kurniawan, as he suspects something isn’t right in the situation on Earth. 

Within days Governor Holbrooke announces an agreement with Earth Gov for Sligo District support for Earth’s overwhelmed security forces.  The administration gratefully accepts this deal and authorizes the transfer of significant Sligo District civil defense units to Earth.  Ground units will begin arriving early next month. 

Month 228, Colonial Union
The unrest on Earth continues, however, open fighting and rioting has largely ended with the arrival of security troops from the Sligo District.  It helps that the newly arrived security troops and their officers are largely sympathetic to the protestors and their supporters within the Earth Gov administration, and this allows them to quickly create communications conduits with the protesting groups and defuse the worst of the rioting and violence. 

While the Union’s attention is turned to Earth, the administration has largely missed the larger issue.  The economic boom surrounding the massive colonization effort in the El Dorado system has largely been confined to the populous and industrialized inner systems of the Union, commonly referred to as the “Old World Colonies”.  This reality has further polarized the Union, with the Sligo District largely missing out on the boom.  This has magnified the Sligo District population’s feeling that the Union is not being run with their best interests at heart.

Having missed the discontent in the Sligo District, the Union Senate, in a burst of enthusiasm during the colonization rush, takes up debate on a new bill that would authorize the administration to begin negotiations with the Confederated Sentient Races to form a mutual defense pact.  The immediate reaction from the Sligo District is disbelief and distrust.  Almost immediately planetary leaders across the district accuse the Union’s government of only wanting this “defensive” pact as a first step towards joining the CSR.  The Sligo District remains strongly isolationist and pro-human, and this is a rallying cry that many throughout the District are sympathetic to.  While this attitude resonates throughout the Sligo District, the coverage of the protests and political pandering surrounding this unrest has an exactly opposite effect in the Sol Sector.  In the more cosmopolitan core area of the Union, anti-alien attitudes considered at best provincial, and at worst bigotry that is an example of the worst of humanity. 

In the midst of this furor, the investigation ordered by CEO Semenov reveals extensive corruption on the part of Senator Kurniawan, including payoffs from Quartermaster Corp, a major government supplier, to support the colonization vote in the senate.  In addition, there are some indications that Kurniawan transferred funds from her accounts to several officials in BuReLoc, apparently to ensure that contracts related to the El Dorado colonization project went to Quartermaster Corp.  Quartermaster Corp is one of the larger corporations in Union space, and is centered in the Old World Colonies.  While not complete, the investigation does show that the corruption was limited to Senator Kurniawan and not a larger scheme. 

This revelation leaves CEO Semenov in an unenviable position.  The growing unease in the Sligo District is based on a perception that they are not being treated fairly by the Union government, and a public revelation of Kurniawan’s corruption would only confirm their beliefs.  It would also throw the colonization program into chaos at the exact time it was needed the most.  And finally, it would doom the Independent Party’s effort to improve the Union’s relations with its neighbor, the CSR.  While Kurniawan was not an Independent Party member, she had been voting with the Independents, and her corruption, although not common within the Independents, had favored the Independent’s stated goals. 

In the end, CEO Semenov had no real choice.  He, and the Independent Party leadership, believed that the population trap the human race had gotten themselves into would doom the Union to becoming a second-class power in the near future, and in the long run would leave humanity marginalized.  Their only real hope was to join one of the multiracial alliances, either the CSR or the Alliance itself.  And of the two, the CSR seemed the better bet for the Union.  The Tomsk Union was already a member of the CSR and by all accounts had prospered within the alliance.  If the Union joined the CSR as well, humans would be assured of having a voice within the CSR.  Therefore, the choice was simple. 

By the end of the month Senator Kurniawan would retire, ‘to spend more time with her family’.  And in the next several months, a criminal investigation would arrest several prominent Quartermaster Corp officials along with several BuReLoc bureaucrats, in a corruption scandal that would be big news for a few days before being overshadowed by the next big thing, at which time it would be forgotten. 

Month 229, Colonial Union
Once again dismissing the depth of resistance in the Sligo District, the Union Senate authorizes the administration to begin negotiating with the CSR to expand their existing trade relationship with a defensive military treaty.  The delegation from the Union arrives in Tomsk on day 10, and negotiations begin immediately.   By the end of the month the Confederated Sentient Races agree to a mutual defense treaty.  This was done over the objections of the human contingent within the CSR, as the humans of the Tomsk system and their colonies won’t soon forget the Union’s attempt to invade their system, however, a minority of human representatives to the Great Moot on Bjering Prime voted for the treaty, and with the Bjering votes that was enough to pass the measure and approve the treaty.  In truth, most humans in the CSR are coming to recognize that the politics in the Union have changed greatly over the past several years, and their resistance to this treaty was more inertia than active disagreement. 

While the Union Senate still seems unaware of the resistance to these changes in the Sligo District, the Union’s administration has belatedly become aware that the recent events in the Union has driven a wedge between the two Districts.  When the news of the new treaty is made public the administration braces itself for riots and unrest likely to spread across half the Union.  Aside from numerous, mostly civil, protests on Sligo District planets, though, the feared riots don’t materialize.  What the administration hasn’t realized is that the Sligo District’s civic and political leaders have begun discussing secession seriously for the first time. 

In the newly settled El Dorado system, in-system colonization of the best mining sites begins as the colonists get themselves organized.  With all eight major colonies in place, and a medium colony on the richest planet, the El Dorado system is already the Union’s seventh most productive system. 
New Cold War / Cold War: CFS Update Month 230
« Last post by Kurt on April 04, 2023, 11:44:05 AM »
Confederated Free Systems
The CFS was created at the end of the D’Bringi-Human war.  It was intended from the first to be a buffer state between the two powers, to act as a semi-independent divider to hopefully prevent war and reduce tensions.  In spite of the two powers discovering additional contact points over the subsequent years, the CFS remained their only official contact point, and both superpowers maintained embassies in the CFS central system. 

By necessity, the CFS was a loose association of systems.  It did not spring up organically, but rather was imposed from the outside by the two super-powers.  The CFS’s constituent systems had no unifying principles or culture, aside from all being former Soviet colonies, and indeed some of the systems would rather have been independent, or a part of the newly forming Colonial Alliance, but none were given a voice in the treaty that eventually created the CFS.  They, in effect, were sacrificed for the greater cause of peace between the two powers. 

The D’Bringi and the human admirals who created the CFS mandated that its capital system would be the system of Novosibirsk.  The Novosibirsk system was chosen, not for any innate qualities, but rather for its location.  The system lay in between the human territories and the Rehorish dominions, and was a convenient meeting site for the two superpowers.  The remaining colonies that became part of the CFS were chosen mostly because they lay beyond Novosibirsk, and the nascent Colonial Union couldn’t figure out a way to claim them without angering the D’Bringi by demanding transit rights through Novosibirsk. 

Thus, Novosibirsk became a somewhat reluctant capital of an interstellar nation.  The CFS would have remained impoverished except for the influx of colonists from the evacuation of Earth in the years after the Last War devastated the planet.  Those colonists boosted the populations of several critical systems and allowed the CIS to colonize over a dozen planets found by its survey ships.  However, the flow of colonists largely stopped when the New Dawn party took power in the Colonial Union, and eventually the CFS was forced to curtail its colonization efforts as the populations of its central systems were reduced to the bare minimums that could sustain additional colonization.  As of Month 230, the CFS possesses four medium populations capable of out-system colonization, but between them they can currently only support the establishment of nine settlement sized colonies on newly discovered planets, or the boosting of one colony to medium status. 

During its early years, the CFS Patrol Force, as its navy is known, was located in the Novosibirsk system, and was designed and intended to protect that system.  Indeed, a large percentage of the funds the CFS devoted to defense were spent on fortifications for that one system.  In large part, this made sense.  The CFS’s home system was directly between two super-powers, both of which had substantial fleets located in systems adjacent to the capital.  However, most of the system governments within the CFS saw this more as a fraud than anything else.  They owed no particular allegiance to Novosibirsk, and the CFS government in Novosibirsk was prohibited by treaty from emplacing more than token defenses around any of its warp points in the home system, as neither the Alliance or the Colonial Union wanted their buffer state getting ideas above its station.  In truth, everyone in the CFS knew that there was no way any force that the CFS built would be able to stop a fleet from either of the major powers, and, indeed, it was unlikely that the super-powers would allow the CFS to field such a force if indeed it was possible to build such a thing.  This situation caused more than a little bit of unhappiness within the other system governments in the CFS, because, to their mind, there were many more threats beyond the borders of the CFS than the two superpowers, and their systems were completely unprotected.  Because both of the super-powers supported the CFS government, there was little the other system governments within the CFS could do about it, though.  All of that began to change when the New Dawnists in the Colonial Union lost power.  This happened at the same time as the Alliance lost interest in the CFS because of the D’Bringi civil war and other rumored conflicts on far frontiers.  As the two superpowers lost interest in the CFS, the CFS central government, weak and self-centered at the best of times, found itself on the losing end of several significant votes in the CFS Duma.  While the Novosibirsk system was the richest system in the CFS, the other major systems in the Confederation could, if they acted in concert, out vote them.  Finally free of the corrupting influence of the superpowers, they did just that.  The first vote confirmed the right of system governments to control the military forces they funded and crewed, except at times of emergency.  This had been true since the founding of the CFS, but in practice the Patrol Force had retained control of all naval ships, and the Patrol Force was mandated by the CFS government to defend the Novosibirsk system as its primary, and only, responsibility.  Subsequent votes in the Duma confirmed many of the freedoms granted to the sovereign systems in the Confederation charter, further loosening the ties the CFS government had over its territories. 

The CFS government was not blind to these changes.  Seeing its support from the two superpowers drop off, the CFS government embarked upon a major military buildup, including a new class of superdreadnoughts, specifically intending to field a force that could be “rented out” to either of the superpowers in a time of need.  It was felt that by fielding a force of powerful capital ships, the CFS could increase its influence with the major powers at the same time as it increased the power and influence of the Novosibirsk system within the CFS.   The Duma allowed the “Speaker’s Folly”, as they called the superdreadnought class, to move to approval, in exchange for an increase in the construction of smaller ships that could be deployed the various member systems as protection forces. 

CFS Update, Month 230
Income: 29,268 MCr’s
Upkeep: 10,584 MCr’s (35%)

CFS Naval Forces
In response to the decentralization movement in the Duma, the Patrol Fleet, formerly based in the Novosibirsk system, has fragmented.  There are currently seven different and separate naval commands within the CFS, none of which are subordinate to any of the others. 

Patrol Fleet
The Patrol Fleet is, in theory, the national fleet of the CFS.  In reality, it is the system fleet of the capital system, although it continues to be called the CFS Patrol Fleet and is in theory the defense fleet for the entire CFS.  The Patrol Fleet is currently mandated to remain in the Novosibirsk system except at times of national emergency.  Such an emergency must be declared by a majority of the Duma, and even in such a case the Patrol Fleet is prohibited from entering any CFS system without prior permission of that system’s government. 

Patrol Fleet Deployment
Novosibirsk (Home) System: 3xBC, 2xCA, 2xDD, 3xCVE, 36xF0

The five most productive systems in the CFA, after the capital system, have set up their own system naval commands and withdrawn the ships they funded and crewed from the Patrol Fleet.  These system fleets are answerable only to their system governments, which are in turn, in theory, answerable to the CFS government.  In reality, under the CFS charter the system governments are very nearly independent.  For instance, there is no circumstance under which the CFS government could nationalize the system fleets, or demand their subordination to the national fleet.  The system governments are expected to ‘contribute to the national defense’, but just what that means is left up to the Duma, not the CFS government. 

System Defense Forces (Controlled by System Governments)
Celabinsk System: 2xCVE, 3xDD, 24xF0
Dzerzinsk System: 2xCVE, 3xDD, 24xF0
Ivanovo System: 1xCA, 2xDD, 2xCVE, 24xF0
Jarosvlavl System: 1xBC, 1xCA, 1xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Magnitogorsk System: 1xBC, 2xCA, 1xDD, 2xCVE, 24xF0

The remaining eleven colony systems, after realizing they couldn’t evenly divide their portion of the fleet, decided to band together to establish the Frontier Fleet.  The Frontier Fleet was authorized by the Duma to patrol the non-garrisoned systems of the CFS.  The command structure, officers, and crews of the Frontier Fleet were established and funded by the eleven systems directly affected.  This agreement was brokered by the Dzerzinsk system government, which as the smallest of the so-called Big Five systems, had an outsized influence over the smaller governments as they felt a kinship to the Dzerzinsk government.  Because of this, the Dzerzinsk system, which is centrally located within that area of the frontier, was chosen as a base site for that nodal force. 

Frontier Nodal Force #1, Dzerzinsk system: 1xBC, 2xCA, 2xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Frontier Nodal Force #2, Petrozavodsk System: 2xCA, 2xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Frontier Nodal Force #3, Vladivostok System: 2xCA, 2xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0

Under Construction:
1xSD, 3xCT(AW), 6xCVE

Note: The SD under construction is part of the CFS government’s proposed mercenary force.  To gain approval from the Duma, the CFS government promised to increase construction of smaller ships, which could be deployed to protect the frontier and system defense fleets, and to staff the new SD’s with officers and crews selected from all of the constituent naval services.  The CT(AW)’s are a new class of ship intended to support minefields at the warp points of various systems interested in such defenses. 
New Cold War / Cold War: Confederated Free Systems Designs
« Last post by Kurt on April 04, 2023, 11:43:13 AM »
Confederated Free Systems

The CFS Navy was originally based on designs inherited from the USSR’s navy, however, over the years it has diverged quite a bit from that standard.  The CFS navy was designed to patrol and secure the Novosibirsk system, but as its mission has changed its designs have changed as well.  Now that the system governments of the CFS have direct control of their forces, it is expected that the designs will diverge even more, although the Patrol Fleet is currently involved in a political battle to maintain control of the design of its ships.  This is a fight that it is losing, and in the near future it is anticipated that the system governments will begin demanding alterations to their ships to meet their local needs. 

The Kiev class is a new departure for the CFS.  For most of the existence of the CFS the two superpowers have discouraged the CFS from building larger hulls, and in any case cost considerations meant that such large ships would be prohibitively expensive, however, all of that changed recently.  When the superpowers became absorbed in their internal affairs, restrictions on the CFS government loosened while at the same time the CFS government began to lose influence within the CFS.  Thus, the Kiev class is intended to give the CFS a way to interest the superpowers in the CFS again, by offering squadrons of these capital ships as mercenaries for either of the major power’s use.  So far the two superpowers have been noncommittal on this project, and rumors abound that they only allowed this project to go forward to distract from carriers, which both powers consider the future of naval warfare.  In any case, the first Kiev will be complete next month, at which time the CFS government plans to begin laying down new units every month. 
Code: [Select]
SDR KIEV class SD  AM2 26 XO Racks 130 Hull TL 8
[3] S0x21Aix21H(BbS)(IIII)Q(IIII)Q(IIII)(IIII)Rcx4DzRcx4MgRcx3M4DzRcRcMgDzDzLhZiQ(IIII)Fc [5]
130 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:5     Cost =  2849/ 427.4
HTK 90 S0x21  Aix21  Dzx4  Fcx1  Rcx13  Mgx2 
180x CM, 6x EDM (Mg)

The Moskva class battlecruiser was the backbone of the CFS Patrol Fleet.  It is intended to engage enemy capital ships at long range, and must be escorted by smaller ships to prevent faster enemy ships from getting in close and picking it apart with beam weapons.  The Moskva class has become a status symbol for system government fleets, garnering prestige for governments able to afford to support a capital ship. 
Code: [Select]
BCR MOSKVA class BC  AM2 16 XO Racks 80 Hull TL 8
[2] S0x13Aix17H(BbS)Rcx3DzM1QRcRcXrDzMg(III)(II)(III)(II)RcMg(III)DzZiLhDzQ(II)Mg [6]
80 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:2     Cost =  1695/ 254.3
HTK 66 S0x13  Aix17  Dzx4  Rcx6  Mgx3 
180x CM, 5x EDM (Mg)

The Kirov class has become the workhorse of the system and frontier fleets.  This ship is designed to engage targets at long range, acting independently or in support of the Moskva class battlecruisers. 
Code: [Select]
KIROV MK II class CA  AM 12 XO Racks 60 Hull TL 7
[2] S0x9Aix8ZHs(BbS)Rcx3DzM1QRcRcXrDz(II)(II)(II)(II)(II)LhDzQ(II)Mg [6]
60 RCP  40 MCP    Trg:2     Cost =  1133/ 170
HTK 46 S0x9  Aix8  Dzx3  Rcx5  Mgx1 
60x CM

The Patrol Ship class DD is intended to act as escorts for the cruisers and battlecruisers of the Patrol Fleet, or in direct support of the warp point fortifications as close-range attack ships.  The Mark V refit replaces the earlier version’s missile launchers with the newly developed capital force beam, increasing the close-range damage potential of the class. 
Code: [Select]
DD PATROL SHIP MK V class DD  (AC) AM2 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x10Aix7Hs(BbS)QsXr(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)ZiDzQs(I)Fc [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  669/ 100.4
HTK 32 S0x10  Aix7  Dzx1  Fcx1 

The Mark IV version of the Patrol Ship class mounts advanced missile launchers, which were replaced by later updates.  Several system governments requested these older ships, as they viewed the missile design as being more flexible and better suited for the missions they would be undertaking in the system defense role. 
Code: [Select]
PATROL SHIP MK IV class DD  (AC) AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 7
[2] S0S0Aix3ZHs(BbS)QsWax4Xr(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)(I)DzQs(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP    Trg:1     Cost =  690/ 103.5
HTK 24 S0x2  Aix3  Dzx1  Wax4  Mgx1 
160x SM

The automated warfare class CT is designed to control minefields and warp points, and to support those minefields with its fighter complement.  Several system governments have commissioned the construction of these ships, and several others are considering the concept.
Code: [Select]
CT(AW) class CT  3 XO Racks 16 Hull TL 8
[2] AiHs(I)Vx4(I)(I)Xr(MCS)Qs(I)Mg [8]
16 RCP  4 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  389/ 58.4
HTK 14 Aix1  Vx4  Mgx1 
8x fG, 80x fR

The Kresta class was intended by the Patrol Fleet to be a transitional class to provide the fleet with carrier capability until larger classes could be constructed.  While the decision on which larger design would be the final carrier class had not been made, the entire question was made moot by the breakup of the Patrol Fleet.  The system governments had no interest in larger carriers, and indeed viewed the escort carrier design as being perfect for system defense.  Currently there are no plans to field a larger carrier. 
Code: [Select]
CVE KRESTA class CVE  AM 6 XO Racks 30 Hull TL 8
[1] S0S0Aix3ZHsVx6(I)Vx6(I)Q(I)(I)(I)(I)XrDzLhQ(I)Mg [7]
30 RCP  20 MCP  12 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  676/ 101.4
HTK 32 S0x2  Aix3  Dzx1  Vx12  Mgx1 
24x fG, 96x fR

CFS Fortress Command
The CFS Fortress Command is concentrated in the Novosibirsk system.  By agreement with the two superpowers, the Fortress Command is limited to a single base at each warp point in the Novosibirsk system, except at times of emergency, as agreed to by the three governments.  Therefore, the bulk of the Fortress Command’s assets are deployed in the orbit of the capital to protect the system’s population and shipyards. 

The carrier-base was designed to give the system’s fixed fortifications fighters of their own.   
Code: [Select]
BS2CV class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x4Aix4H(BbM)Vx6QTiVx12DzQVx6QVx6MgZiDzLhQ [0]
50 RCP  25 MCP  30 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  1396/ 69.8
HTK 50 S0x4  Aix4  Dzx2  Vx30  Tix1  Mgx1 
5x EDM (Mg), 60x fG, 300x fR

This missile base is the primary defender of the Novosibirsk system capital. 
Code: [Select]
BS2(R) MK III class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x8Aix7ZHs(BbS)RcRcDzQsRcRcDzRcRcXrDzQsMg [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1     Cost =  812/ 40.6
HTK 31 S0x8  Aix7  Dzx3  Rcx6  Mgx1 
60x CM

This base is designed to engage targets at long range and control minefields.  One unit of this class is deployed to each of the Novosibirsk system’s warp points. 
Code: [Select]
BS2(RA) MK III class BS2  10 XO Racks 50 Hull TL 7
[1] S0x8Aix7ZHs(BbS)QsRcRcDzRcRcDzRcMg(MCS)DzXrDzQs [0]
50 RCP    Trg:1     Cost =  922/ 46.1
HTK 32 S0x8  Aix7  Dzx4  Rcx5  Mgx1 
60x CM

This class was intended to provide cheap and quick fighter bays for the Fortification Command.  Two units of this type have been built in orbit over Novosibirsk. 
Code: [Select]
SSCV class SS  17 XO Racks 97.5 Hull TL 8
[1] S0x30Aix5H(BbS)Vx12QDzVx12QVx12QVx12DzQVx12LhQZiQDzLhQMgMg [0]
97.5 RCP  2.5 MCP  60 FCP    Trg:1     Cost =  2620.7/ 52.4
HTK 112 S0x30  Aix5  Dzx3  Vx60  Mgx2 
4x EDM (Mg), 120x fG, 600x fR

The Fortification Command refitted the system’s orbital shipyard stations to this design several years ago to better protect the system’s shipyards and provide more firepower to defend the capital. 
Code: [Select]
SSSY(A) class SS  35 XO Racks 435 Hull TL 6
435 RCP  30 MCP    Trg:5     Cost =  4609.5/ 68.2
HTK 223 S0x150  Dx10  Fx4  Rcx10  Mgx2 
120x CM
New Cold War / Cold War: Alliance Months 224 to 226
« Last post by Kurt on March 20, 2023, 04:07:37 PM »
Month 224, Lothari territory
The two Alliance survey groups working in the Lothari colony system completed their survey of the system on the 7th, revealing two new warp points.  Both led to systems with Lothari populations.  One of the systems had two inhabited planets, one of which was medium sized.  The survey groups split up, with one survey group taking each of the newly discovered systems. 

Elsewhere in the Alliance, the Aurarii Republic agrees to take the first step in joining the Alliance as a full member.  The union will not take place for at least eighteen months, but the new Aurarii government is very interested in demonstrating its loyalty to the Alliance. 

The Alliance has reached full communications with the Norn Regime, the other race that occupies the same system as the Aurarii.  Since their liberation the Norn have been very cautious, verging on paranoid, although they seem to be getting along fine with the Doraz.

The fighting continues to rage on Lothar Prime.  The Lothari ground forces have the upper hand, and are forcing the Alliance forces back on every front.  Casualties are heavy on both sides. 

Month 225, Day 7, Lothari Prime
The long-promised ground reinforcements reached orbit late in the day.  They were almost too late.  One beachhead had been forced to surrender, while the other three remaining beachheads had been forced back to their initial perimeters and were under constant attack by superior Lothari forces.  Rather than reinforce the existing beachheads, which would have been difficult given the intensity of combat in and around the landing zones, Skull-Splitter ordered the reinforcements to establish new beachheads at strategically advantageous positions across the planet. 

The Lothari, poised on the brink of victory, were caught completely by surprise as the newly arrived ground troops began dropping on their planet.  With their ground forces completely committed to crushing the beachheads, the Lothari found themselves caught flat-footed, and were out of position to counter the new landings.  Worse, the new Alliance ground force was present in immense numbers.  Rather than dropping additional nuclear weapons, the Alliance had mobilized a huge ground force from their populous inner worlds.  This new ground force outnumbered the defenders by more than two to one, and when the remnants of the original assault force were added to their number the odds became even worse for the Lothari. 

The Lothari army never recovered from their surprise.  They had been caught fully committed to the attack on the existing beachheads, and the new landings completely outflanked them and threw their defensive plans into chaos.  The new beachheads expanded rapidly, capturing critical transportation, manufacturing, and communications nexuses almost without fighting.  The Lothari army struggled to redeploy, but once they withdrew from the original landing areas they were immediately resupplied and reinforced, and began harassing the main Lothari army elements which had so recently been attacking them. 

By the end of the month the Alliance army was in control of the most critical areas of the planet and the Lothari army was finished as an organized fighting force.  Resistance continued, but the Alliance now controlled the planet and the system.   

 Month 226, Alliance controlled Lothari space
The Alliance’s 1st Survey Group completes its warp point survey of a system two jumps from the Lothari home world and discovers a single new warp point.  When probed, the warp point is revealed to be the closed connection to the Thoen system.  The arrival of the probe ship in the Thoen system is a relief for the 6th Fleet, which has been standing on the defensive in the system, awaiting any further raids from the Lothari.  With this route now known and controlled, the 6th Fleet can return to its base in the Stahat system. 

In this month the Alliance Council begins negotiations with the Chirq Cooperative over the future of the Khozun.  The Alliance’s original intention in regards to the Khozun was that Alliance forces would be in primary control of the Khozun system, with assistance from the Chirq.  The Chirq would be the primary beneficiaries of the resources taken from the Khozun during the occupation as a repayment for the destruction caused by the invasion.  However, as the Alliance descended into the chaos of the D’Bringi civil war, followed by the invasions from the Aurarii and the Lothari, the Alliance’s attention shifted and the occupation duty fell to the Chirq, with some limited Alliance oversight and orbital support from the small Alliance squadron assigned to the Chirq territory.  With the Alliance’s difficulties largely resolved the Council’s attention has returned to the Khozuni problem.  The Chirq have been fairly administering the Khozun home world, but are reluctant to allow them any freedom.  The Council fears that the Chirq have become too used to the steady stream of income provided by the occupation.  Thus, the Council is negotiating with the Chirq to transfer control of the Khozun to Alliance authorities, in exchange for guaranteed payments for a period of time.  The Chirq, for their part, seem at least interested in talking. 
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