« Last post by Kurt on April 04, 2023, 11:44:05 AM »
Confederated Free Systems
The CFS was created at the end of the D’Bringi-Human war. It was intended from the first to be a buffer state between the two powers, to act as a semi-independent divider to hopefully prevent war and reduce tensions. In spite of the two powers discovering additional contact points over the subsequent years, the CFS remained their only official contact point, and both superpowers maintained embassies in the CFS central system.
By necessity, the CFS was a loose association of systems. It did not spring up organically, but rather was imposed from the outside by the two super-powers. The CFS’s constituent systems had no unifying principles or culture, aside from all being former Soviet colonies, and indeed some of the systems would rather have been independent, or a part of the newly forming Colonial Alliance, but none were given a voice in the treaty that eventually created the CFS. They, in effect, were sacrificed for the greater cause of peace between the two powers.
The D’Bringi and the human admirals who created the CFS mandated that its capital system would be the system of Novosibirsk. The Novosibirsk system was chosen, not for any innate qualities, but rather for its location. The system lay in between the human territories and the Rehorish dominions, and was a convenient meeting site for the two superpowers. The remaining colonies that became part of the CFS were chosen mostly because they lay beyond Novosibirsk, and the nascent Colonial Union couldn’t figure out a way to claim them without angering the D’Bringi by demanding transit rights through Novosibirsk.
Thus, Novosibirsk became a somewhat reluctant capital of an interstellar nation. The CFS would have remained impoverished except for the influx of colonists from the evacuation of Earth in the years after the Last War devastated the planet. Those colonists boosted the populations of several critical systems and allowed the CIS to colonize over a dozen planets found by its survey ships. However, the flow of colonists largely stopped when the New Dawn party took power in the Colonial Union, and eventually the CFS was forced to curtail its colonization efforts as the populations of its central systems were reduced to the bare minimums that could sustain additional colonization. As of Month 230, the CFS possesses four medium populations capable of out-system colonization, but between them they can currently only support the establishment of nine settlement sized colonies on newly discovered planets, or the boosting of one colony to medium status.
During its early years, the CFS Patrol Force, as its navy is known, was located in the Novosibirsk system, and was designed and intended to protect that system. Indeed, a large percentage of the funds the CFS devoted to defense were spent on fortifications for that one system. In large part, this made sense. The CFS’s home system was directly between two super-powers, both of which had substantial fleets located in systems adjacent to the capital. However, most of the system governments within the CFS saw this more as a fraud than anything else. They owed no particular allegiance to Novosibirsk, and the CFS government in Novosibirsk was prohibited by treaty from emplacing more than token defenses around any of its warp points in the home system, as neither the Alliance or the Colonial Union wanted their buffer state getting ideas above its station. In truth, everyone in the CFS knew that there was no way any force that the CFS built would be able to stop a fleet from either of the major powers, and, indeed, it was unlikely that the super-powers would allow the CFS to field such a force if indeed it was possible to build such a thing. This situation caused more than a little bit of unhappiness within the other system governments in the CFS, because, to their mind, there were many more threats beyond the borders of the CFS than the two superpowers, and their systems were completely unprotected. Because both of the super-powers supported the CFS government, there was little the other system governments within the CFS could do about it, though. All of that began to change when the New Dawnists in the Colonial Union lost power. This happened at the same time as the Alliance lost interest in the CFS because of the D’Bringi civil war and other rumored conflicts on far frontiers. As the two superpowers lost interest in the CFS, the CFS central government, weak and self-centered at the best of times, found itself on the losing end of several significant votes in the CFS Duma. While the Novosibirsk system was the richest system in the CFS, the other major systems in the Confederation could, if they acted in concert, out vote them. Finally free of the corrupting influence of the superpowers, they did just that. The first vote confirmed the right of system governments to control the military forces they funded and crewed, except at times of emergency. This had been true since the founding of the CFS, but in practice the Patrol Force had retained control of all naval ships, and the Patrol Force was mandated by the CFS government to defend the Novosibirsk system as its primary, and only, responsibility. Subsequent votes in the Duma confirmed many of the freedoms granted to the sovereign systems in the Confederation charter, further loosening the ties the CFS government had over its territories.
The CFS government was not blind to these changes. Seeing its support from the two superpowers drop off, the CFS government embarked upon a major military buildup, including a new class of superdreadnoughts, specifically intending to field a force that could be “rented out” to either of the superpowers in a time of need. It was felt that by fielding a force of powerful capital ships, the CFS could increase its influence with the major powers at the same time as it increased the power and influence of the Novosibirsk system within the CFS. The Duma allowed the “Speaker’s Folly”, as they called the superdreadnought class, to move to approval, in exchange for an increase in the construction of smaller ships that could be deployed the various member systems as protection forces.
CFS Update, Month 230
Income: 29,268 MCr’s
Upkeep: 10,584 MCr’s (35%)
CFS Naval Forces
In response to the decentralization movement in the Duma, the Patrol Fleet, formerly based in the Novosibirsk system, has fragmented. There are currently seven different and separate naval commands within the CFS, none of which are subordinate to any of the others.
Patrol Fleet
The Patrol Fleet is, in theory, the national fleet of the CFS. In reality, it is the system fleet of the capital system, although it continues to be called the CFS Patrol Fleet and is in theory the defense fleet for the entire CFS. The Patrol Fleet is currently mandated to remain in the Novosibirsk system except at times of national emergency. Such an emergency must be declared by a majority of the Duma, and even in such a case the Patrol Fleet is prohibited from entering any CFS system without prior permission of that system’s government.
Patrol Fleet Deployment
Novosibirsk (Home) System: 3xBC, 2xCA, 2xDD, 3xCVE, 36xF0
The five most productive systems in the CFA, after the capital system, have set up their own system naval commands and withdrawn the ships they funded and crewed from the Patrol Fleet. These system fleets are answerable only to their system governments, which are in turn, in theory, answerable to the CFS government. In reality, under the CFS charter the system governments are very nearly independent. For instance, there is no circumstance under which the CFS government could nationalize the system fleets, or demand their subordination to the national fleet. The system governments are expected to ‘contribute to the national defense’, but just what that means is left up to the Duma, not the CFS government.
System Defense Forces (Controlled by System Governments)
Celabinsk System: 2xCVE, 3xDD, 24xF0
Dzerzinsk System: 2xCVE, 3xDD, 24xF0
Ivanovo System: 1xCA, 2xDD, 2xCVE, 24xF0
Jarosvlavl System: 1xBC, 1xCA, 1xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Magnitogorsk System: 1xBC, 2xCA, 1xDD, 2xCVE, 24xF0
The remaining eleven colony systems, after realizing they couldn’t evenly divide their portion of the fleet, decided to band together to establish the Frontier Fleet. The Frontier Fleet was authorized by the Duma to patrol the non-garrisoned systems of the CFS. The command structure, officers, and crews of the Frontier Fleet were established and funded by the eleven systems directly affected. This agreement was brokered by the Dzerzinsk system government, which as the smallest of the so-called Big Five systems, had an outsized influence over the smaller governments as they felt a kinship to the Dzerzinsk government. Because of this, the Dzerzinsk system, which is centrally located within that area of the frontier, was chosen as a base site for that nodal force.
Frontier Nodal Force #1, Dzerzinsk system: 1xBC, 2xCA, 2xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Frontier Nodal Force #2, Petrozavodsk System: 2xCA, 2xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Frontier Nodal Force #3, Vladivostok System: 2xCA, 2xDD, 1xCVE, 12xF0
Under Construction:
1xSD, 3xCT(AW), 6xCVE
Note: The SD under construction is part of the CFS government’s proposed mercenary force. To gain approval from the Duma, the CFS government promised to increase construction of smaller ships, which could be deployed to protect the frontier and system defense fleets, and to staff the new SD’s with officers and crews selected from all of the constituent naval services. The CT(AW)’s are a new class of ship intended to support minefields at the warp points of various systems interested in such defenses.