Author Topic: how many terraformers would i need to terraform a planet in 5 days?  (Read 1333 times)

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Offline leonidas1283 (OP)

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i cant figure out the formula on how many i would need with max tech?
To add 0.8 nitrogen to the atmo every 5 days or one day
« Last Edit: May 25, 2018, 04:54:11 PM by leonidas1283 »

Offline misanthropope

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couple things going on here.

first, this pretty much is a far-after-the-game-crashes kind of target, barring aggressive use of SM mode, and if you're using SM mode, you can edit a planet to habitability in zero days.   or, you know, edit the Roach People from Hell who can live anywhere.

that said, max tech is . 008 atmospheres per year per module (or installation).   how much atmosphere you need to add (or remove!) depends on the planet.   The magic number is . 3334 ATM- a good colony site (such as Mars) has a temperature close to tolerable, and you can add . 1 ATM of oxygen and . 2224 ATM of nitrogen/ greenhouse/ anti-greenhouse as needed to make the temp OK and have a 0. 0 colony cost when you're done.

. 3334 atmospheres in one 5 day tick would take . 3334/ (. 008/72) = 3001 modules, ignoring the effects of leaders.   the "72" is the conversion factor, 72 5-day ticks per year.    I dont know that even SM mode can get you a naval officer with more than . 3 terraforming bonus, which would bring you down to merely 2309 terraforming modules.   with installations in theory you can have a governor bonus of . 65 and a sector bonus of . 15625, cutting your requirement to 1574.   but you need the pop to run the installations and AFAIK SM powers cant get you admins this good.

Meh, just SM a billion people on venus.   put enough ground troops there to make them quit their whining and periodically edit their numbers back up to a billion.   what's the point of being God if you're going to be a pantywaist about it?


Offline leonidas1283 (OP)

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SM to op
becomes boring if you sm everything

Offline Panopticon

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Completely terraforming a world in five days doesn't sound OP to you? I mean, you either go with a completely unrealistic number of terraforming ships or facilities, or you SM things to how you want and then RP whatever reason for it you feel like.