Author Topic: Questions on Prisoners and diplomacy  (Read 1235 times)

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Offline vonduus (OP)

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Questions on Prisoners and diplomacy
« on: November 05, 2012, 05:55:49 AM »
In my current game I have encountered some aliens. Two races actually, one is living in wrecks, and have a bad habit of ramming my ships, the other is sort of "normal", ie. they fly around surveying stuff. The wreck people are out of diplomatic reach, which means war, when I get my act together.

The other aliens are quite friendly, they accepted my diplomatic overtures, and now I have a diplomatic relationship to them around 250 points, and I have just allowed them trade access. But their geological survey ships slow down the game to a crawl, whenever they are in or near my systems. So last time I had a visit, I decided to try out my brand new marine assault vessel. I hijacked their survey vehicle and took 18 prisoners, who were interrogated. A bit worried I looked at the diplomacy screen, expecting relations to have worsened, but no: It actually went up and is now around 300.

Question: What happened to the prisoners after interrogation? They were nowhere to be found. No quarters?

Question: Is alien races indifferent to their vehicles getting pirated? The rise in diplomatic relations could be the result of me granting them trade access, but certainly the hostile takeover of one of their civilian ships should at least balance out this rise, if not result in overall deterioration of our mutual relationship. Or is trade so much more important than pride and honor?

Offline Havear

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Re: Questions on Prisoners and diplomacy
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2012, 07:16:38 AM »
Thing is, that diplomatic rating you see? That's your view of them, not vice-versa. For all you know Home Fleet will come knocking shortly.

Offline vonduus (OP)

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Re: Questions on Prisoners and diplomacy
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2012, 08:07:41 AM »
Oh, I see, they might actually hate me without me knowing it. Hopefully my cruiser fleet will be ready for them when they arrive. If they arrive.

This is my first real game, so I am actually bent on war (to try out all my new toys). But if this game of mine was a serious game, where nothing is done that cannot be justified according to some variety of some cost-benefit analysis, what would be the best thing to do? In the long run, what is best: Living peacefully, trading with one's neighbors, or killing them all and taking over their stuff? I know what I find is most fun.  ;)