I've gotten the idea into my head to make a few Aurora scenarios designed to be playable by email. At present the instability of v6 (can't do SM race starts) is prohibiting me from doing this, but as soon as Steve fixes these little things I shall get the ball rolling. The idea would be to create 'War' scenarios, not empire building scenarios, with expected durations of between 6 months and a year. Enough time for some limited research and expansion, but not enough time to outtech your opponent.
I need three things now. I need to know if anyone would be interested in this, I need ideas for scenarios and I need ideas for PBEM rules.
PBEM rules: As I have them so far
No SM access. Nobody starts with any tech points or OOB points anyway, all their tech and ships are already assigned.
No specific victory conditions, but victory guidelines rather. The winner is the one who can hold planet so and so, but there is no arbitrary requirement of 'a month' or anything silly like that. Instead, the opponent decides when he no longer feels he has a chance to oppose this condition.
Each player may press any of the time buttons at the top in his turn, but only once. Where the game stops, that's the next turn.
No spoilers except the basic ones.
No NPR's at the start, but perhaps allow them to be discovered?
Scenario ideas:
Just as an example, I present a simple scenario I call 'Crossing the Tee'.
Both sides have single system empires with a single system between them (scouted but not surveyed) containing a <1 colony cost planet. This planet is the victory guideline, whoever holds it is the 'winner'.
The only exit(s) from these three systems lie in the middle system itself. The home systems only have a warp point to the middle system.
Both sides start with TN and fighter (box launcher, etc) technology, ion engines and a fleet.