Author Topic: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Completed)  (Read 6012 times)

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Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2015, 04:19:48 AM »
Shin Sekai Yori no Bakufu

Those are the inheritors of the Japanese colonies, altough their culture was extremely diferent from the Empire´s estabilishment, they integrated themselves rather well on the Old Empire, officially they were subordinate to the Emperor, de facto, they were a semi-independent feudal state, were multiple Daimyo fought amongst themselves for the title of Shõgun, and so it was for hundreds and hundreds of years, their Naisen no Shin Jidai (the New Age of Civil War) dated back from even before the estabilishment of the Empire and the subsequente subjugation by the Emperor.

At the end, this period of warfarfe only ended when the Aliens invaded, they had, for the very first time in their history, united under he figure of a Sõdaina Shõgun (the Grand/Majestic Shogun), the first of this title, that remains to this day, Koubuin Satoshi, a brilliant strategis and tactician, was the only reason the japanese people resisted long enough to survive into their Generation Ship, the Idaina T?s? (The Great Strugle).

But the Sõdaina Shogun who gone into the Idaina Toso wasn´t Satoshi, but his newborn daughter, Koubuin Yui (both men and woman could inherit the Sodaina Shogun, so long there were the first born), Satoshi stayed at the Capital Planet of Shin Hokkaido (New Hokkaido) to fight his last stand and delay the aliens who would, undoubtedly pursue the Idaina Tõsõ; Koubuin Satoshi is revereed today not only as the greatest hero of the japanese people but a de facto god, looking upon his subjects and caring so they do not lose themselves to the barbaric ways of the other colonists, in this aspect, their cultural exclusivity has a religious conotation rather than a secular one, like the british one.

In the centuries of the "Shutsuejiputoki" (Exodus). they remained more or less isolated in their own ways and ceremonies, communications with the other ships was limited to the bare minimum necessary for following the German lead, but they did not accepted any interference in their ways, once the Offenbach Conference was held, they did not even showed at tnhe negotiations table, so absolute was their resolve of prospering alone.

Capital: Shin Kyoto.

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2015, 04:40:29 AM »
Republica de la Nueva Esperanza (Republic of New Hope)

The people of the Republica, differentiate themselves fromt he rest of the colonists, because they never had their own cultural colony, they aways lived among other people, mostly hispanic colonies of the South American colonies (Brasil was an exeption because they spoke portuguese, not spanish), so the people of the Republica is composed of multi-national, multi-cultural and multi-etnic people, i stark contrast to the Commonwealth´s cultural arrogance or the Bakufu´s religious bigotry.

They were the last ones to arrive at the Generation Ship´s point of encounter, due to internal conflict about the way the should survive, they knew that ikf they were going to join the Germans, they would be subordinate to them, some tried to convince the people to stay and fight, others, realising all was lost, tried to direct their ship to the  other way, instead of Andromeda Galaxy, they would run to an even more remote galaxy, but it was the great speech of a common man, not a politician himself, but a mere engineer, known only as Escobar, who convinced the people to join up with the other colonists, if they were to survive, they needed to unite, not a spanish-speaking people, but as human species, against the xeno; no one known of he whereabouts of this heroic figure, some say he stayed at Nueva España colony to help the generation ship to flee and some say he lived the rest of his life as a commoner, among the many engineering crews, the truth, if it is known, was never revealed, the fact is that while the man disapeared, his ideological legacy remained, the Republic was the most proactive ship to try and unify all the disparate cultures and peoples in a single polity, who would be more prepared to a possible return of the Aliens, it was their, the idea of forming a confederation on the Conference of Offenbach, but their project failed miserably. Failing to unite the people by diplomacy, they decided they needed to unite them by force, if need be.

Their current capital city is Nueva Medellin.

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2015, 04:51:11 AM »
Backstory of the Tecnocracia Brasileira (Brazillian Technocracy):

The Brazillian people, on the third millenium, were the most advanced polities inside the Galactic Empire, aways valorizing technical knowledge, they were responsible for the discovery and proto-research on trans-newtonian theory and technology, they also were the people who invented the jump drives, cloak devices, UV Laser turrets and many other wondrous technogical wonders that amazed the entire galaxy.

Once the Alien Holocaust began, not even their awesome tech was able to hold their vastly superior foe, so, after many years fighting, they decided that the time had come to build and drive a generation ship, the "Exodo da Civilização" (Exodus of Civilization), because they had such limitations on their ship designs, there wasn´t much space on the ship, and only a few hundred thousand were allowed, selected trough a rigorous and methodical exams of technical and theoretical expertise on all the sciences, even the "social" sciences, like philosophy and sociology, there was not a single feld of expertised that wasn´t filled by the greatest minds of its time.

So they reached the German nebula just a few months after the Commonwealth, the encounter didn´t issued any paricular reaction from the other colonists, and they werent specially interested in politics, let politicians deal with such ideologies and similar dogmatic thinking, there was science to be done, and by the Emperor, it would be done. But, as the years passed, the lack of a organized, decision-making body became evident, they aways became the last to make decisions about the isues of the fleet, and this was endangering the whole mission, so, after much deliberation, they´ve decided to take inspiration from Plato and his Republic, a government of the best, not of philosophers, but of academicians and technicians, of the elightement over the base desires of the masses, knowledge, not ideology (and certainly not religion), would be finally the most important qualification for a good governor, so they have developed their own system of government, the technocracy, the government of the most inteligent and knowledgeable, every official, from the lowest to the highest had to pass exams to be able to occupy such positions, not only exams of knowledge, but psyhiatric, psychological and physiological also,they needed to be hisically and mentally fit to govern, always (altough some critized this kind of criteria, instead of embracing the diversity of personalities and quirks that helped the advancement of science so many times before, now they were trying to padronize and making sure every government official was similar, mentally, to one another). One surprising consequence of such shift, was aproximation of the Technocracy with the chinese Celestial Empire, their current emperor, a studied man, saw the many similarities betwen the confucian bureocracy and the brazilian meritocracy, this is true to this day, altough they have lost contact due to the circustances surrounding Planetfall, this affinity continue to this day.

At the Conference of Offenbach, the Technocracy even tried to make out some kind of treaty with the other remaining factions, but they proved to be inept diplomats, as their every attempt of at least share scientific advancement was met with resistance, and so, the Brazillian decided to redtire themselves from the negotiations table.

Their capital city is Nova Recife.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2015, 04:29:36 PM by Krictic »

Offline Krictic (OP)

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Re: Humanity´s Last Hope - Background (Updated)
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2015, 06:41:36 PM »
Comospolitan Republic of People

The odd one out of the colonists,  founded not long after the Offenbach Conference via a massive rebellion of the "subcultures" of the Commonwealth via a immense rebellion, after more than three hundred years of political and cultural opression in the hands of the british, they decided to use the oortunity presented by this new planet to form their own polity.

The great figure of this rebellion is their current leader, a arab-greek man called Nereus Mohammad, he was the very personification of the multiculturalism of the people who suffered through the voyage from the Milky Way to the Andromeda galaxy, and so, the perfect leader for this revolution.

Their history before the Fall of the Empire is vast and several volumes would be needed to go little beyond scratching the surface. Sufice to say, most of those people had no representation on the Galactic Empire or their own colonies died in the first years of the Invasion, so, atracted to the message of "salvation" of the British colonies, they flooded their planets in search of survival.

Their attitude isn´t of isolationism, and contact is currently being attempted, without sucess, speciall with the Republica dxe la Nueva Esperanza.

Their Capital is Néa Archikí? (New Home).