Author Topic: January 2127 to December 2128 (13)  (Read 1661 times)

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January 2127 to December 2128 (13)
« on: October 27, 2007, 08:42:01 AM »
Jovian Republic

1/26/2127   The Terraformer Fleet is ordered to the Epsilon Eridani system, to begin work on EE A-II, also known as Trans Jovian Tech Systems Site #2.  The movement is projected to take just over 100 days.

4/26/2127   The Montezuma is released from the Rhea yards after refit to the Mk 3 standard.  Although it is not armed, with a maximum speed of over 4,100 kps it is the fastest Jovian ship in space.  In spite of the refit, the Montezuma is in desperate need of a complete overhaul, but Commander Carr, the ship?s CO, is ordered to take the Montezuma to 61 Virginis to re-establish the picket of U-10.  

10/24/2127 The Mars colony completes a shipyard complex, then closes down again due to lack of funds.  The shipyard complex is immediately loaded on to the 1st Cargo Fleet for transport to New America.  

2/5/2128   The first extra-solar shipyard is in operation in orbit around New America.  The yard?s first task is to refit one of the freighters that brought it to the system.  

4/26/2128   Vice Admiral White is recalled from New America to take over as the Navy?s coordinator with the civilian government of Europa.  Rear Admiral Francesca Cunningham is given Vice Admiral White?s position on New America, as the liaison with the civilian government there.  

9/16/2128   The CO of the cruiser Absolution is killed in an accident while attempting to save a newly assigned midshipman who had suffered an EVA-suit casualty.  Captain Metcalfe, who had been overseeing minor hull repairs, risked, and sacrificed, his life to save the young woman.  The Admiralty has authorized the award of the Navy Star, in honor of Captain Metcalfe?s sacrifice.  Captain Danielle Freeman is appointed to command the Absolution.

9/28/2128   The terraformers continue to work on the atmosphere of Epsilon Eridani A-II.  The atmosphere now contains enough oxygen to be breathable, but, the oxygen is now present at too high a concentration to be safe.  

11/11/2128 Yet again, Mars-based factory complexes are forced to shut down due to a general shortage in government funds.  The factories were engaged in building factories and bases for the new planetary defense boats, which are currently under development.  

11/16/2128 Instel Labs on Callisto completes work on their new Jump Gate tech, including a proto-type construction module.  The labs are immediately re-tasked to support the planetary defense program, and a new construction ship class design is authorized.  Construction will start when a shipyard is free.  

Jovian Republic, Overall Status, January 2129
Total Population: 542.81 million 120% the 2112 level
Populated Colony Sites: 9 (1xMars, 3xJupiter, 2xSaturn, 1xNew Hope, 1xEpsilon Eridani, 1xPerseus)
Largest Population: Mars (194.08 million)
Naval Academies: 3 No growth
Shipyards: 7   116% growth since 2118
Research Labs: 35 (In four research colonies) 125% growth since 2118
Total Factories: 582 116% growth since 2118
Ordinance Factories: 100 no growth
Mines: 90 272% growth since 2118
Automated Mines: 1468 101% growth since 2118
GFTF: 4   no growth
Divisions: 16 (ten are engineer divisions)   no growth
Fighter Factories: 10
Fighter Bases: 1
Fuel Refineries: 36

Military Situation
The Navy has nearly completed refit of the fleet with the magneto-plasma drives.  Only four ships remain to be refitted, and two of those are currently in the yards.  Little new expansion of the fleet is planned for the next several years due to funding shortages and the planned diversion of yard capacity to refit and overhaul the civilian fleet.  

Tensions with the UNE are low, in spite of the recent spate of UNE probes of the neutral zone, due to the fact that a large number of UNE warships have been sent to their orbital yards for refit.  Naval Intelligence has not been able to determine the extent of the refits that are taking place, however, it appears that the UNE Navy, like the Republican Navy, is replacing their engines with more advanced versions.  This obviously raises concerns about the UNE?s capabilities once they?ve completed their refits, and the Navy is considering redeploying its squadrons to counter the threat represented by the UNE.  

The new Planetary Defense Initiative is well underway.  Research has been completed on the basic systems for the PDB?s, or planetary defense boats, that are the cornerstone of the new defense structure.  Unfortunately, the infrastructure to support the new PDB?s is not yet in place and has been plagued by delays and shortfalls.  Naval HQ on Europa has decided to delay deployment of the PDB?s while further research on more advanced systems is completed, to give the construction teams more time to set up bases and factories to produce the actual final design.    

All research resources are currently devoted to the Planetary Defense Initiative.  Once research in this area is complete, Naval HQ plans on initiating the Escort Improvement Project, which will involve improvements to the standard laser weaponry and turret mounting systems.  This project involves a major upgrade of the weapons systems available for escort class units.  Once development of systems for the Escort Improvement Project is complete, resources will be devoted either to the Munitions Improvement Project or to the General Defensive Capability Project (shields and armor).  

Economic and Exploration Situation
All exploration has ended in the aftermath of the loss of the bulk of the 1st Survey Group.  Currently, the remaining survey ships are either in the yards, or are devoted to the picket of the U-10 system.  It has been three years since the attack in the U-10 system and the picket group has not detected any sign of activity.  It appears that the aliens either have no interest in expansion, or do not have knowledge of jump drive technology, or both.  It is likely that the picket force will be withdrawn in the near future, and that cautious exploration will begin again.  

With the completion date for the overhaul of the Navy?s warfleet approaching, the government has authorized the diversion of yard space towards the refit of the civilian fleet with the newly developed N-P engines.  This refit will boost the average speed of the civilian fleet to 4,500 kps, which will drastically increase the amount of tonnage that can be shipped to the colonies over any given time period.  The period of refit will coincide with a drawing down of the colonization efforts in Phase I colonies, prior to the initiation of Phase II colonies in the U-03, U-06, U-02 and Lamda Serpentis systems.  Note: Phase I colonies were initiated with a specific goal, like the Epsilon Eridani colony?s focus on research, or the Perseus colony?s focus on fuel mining and refining.  Phase II colonies, as currently envisioned, are intended to be generalist colonies focusing on resource collection and manufacturing.  

Unfortunately, the expansion of Phase I colonies and the establishment of Phase II colonies will depend heavily on the funds available to the Republic.  Currently, manufacturing efforts on the colonies continues, but the Republic?s largest single manufacturing center, on Mars, is idle due to lack of funds, and will remain so for the foreseeable future.  Without the manufacturing capacity of Mars, the Republic will be unable to initiate any new colonies and will have difficulties expanding the current colonies.  

The Republic?s Council of Ministers is struggling with this situation.  The successful completion of the jump gate project offers hope for the plan to establish a revenue generating trade network between the Republic?s solar populations and the out-system colonies, however, the first construction ship won?t be launched until September, 2130, and it will take at least a year to assemble the first jump-gate pair, and that is assuming that the Republic can find the funds to keep the manufacturing centers on Mars going for long enough to build the gates.  Only two solutions to this dilemma have been offered to date.  The first is to divert research resources to streamlining and reorganizing the Republic?s economy, to increase the amount of taxable wealth generated.  Unfortunately, current estimates show that the research and development for this option would require approximately five years to complete, and would require the diversion of the Republic?s best research centers.  The second option is very controversial, as it involves trade with the UNE.   While the possibility of selling resources to Earth is relatively unobjectionable, it is not currently known if Earth needs resources.  While it is almost certain that Earth would buy technology, there is very little support for this idea given the Earthers continuing rivalry and apparent inability to accept the Republic?s independence.  The debate continues.  


United Nations of Earth

Total Population: 2,901.6 million 145% of the 2112 level
Populated Colony Sites: 2 (Earth, New Chicago)
Largest Population: Earth
Naval Academies: 4 no growth
Shipyards: 16   114% growth since 2118
Research Labs: 19   158% growth since 2118
Total Factories: 1080 135% growth since 2118
Ordinance Factories: 300 no growth
Mines: 1129 1.02% growth since 2118
Automated Mines: 152 380% growth since 2118
GFTF: 10
Combat Divisions: 68
Engineer Divisions: 46 (all currently located on the Moon)

Military Situation
The UNE Navy is currently undergoing an extensive refit, replacing its older nuclear pulse engines with the newly designed ion engines.  To date, nine ships have been refitted to the new standard, eleven are in the yards, and twenty five are awaiting their turn.  

The recent Naval exercises have been a complete success.  The 1st Battle Squadron has succeeded in openly penetrating the neutral zone several times, and during one test succeeded in deeply penetrating the neutral zone at low speed without being detected.  These exercises have given the Navy much information about Jovian capabilities and response patterns.  

Because of political pressure, it seems almost certain that research resources will be turned towards civilian economic projects for the foreseeable future.  Currently, research is being conducted on construction techniques, with the anticipated result that construction efficiency will be improved by approximately 20%.  Once that is complete, the UNE Council has directed that the research labs begin R&D focused on improving their own efficiency, followed by fuel production efficiency.  

Economic and Exploration Situation
All colonization resources are currently focused on expanding the colony at New Chicago, which currently comprises just over two million colonists.  Extensive mining facilities have been transported to New Chicago to jump start their economy, and once the population is capable of manning them, construction factories will follow.  The real purpose of New Chicago, though, will be to act as a central collection point for the automated mining centers the UNE plans to set up throughout the Progress system, particularly on the resource rich Progress A-III.  

Exploration has stalled out while the survey fleet is overhauled and refitted, but will begin again as soon as the ships are ready.  

That's it for now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Kurt »