Author Topic: 2040-2068 The Sorium Crisis  (Read 2951 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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2040-2068 The Sorium Crisis
« on: November 05, 2010, 08:12:31 PM »

Deep Search Tags .....
25th September 2040New Shipping Line created: Stonerock Limited

The only thing that is currently occupying Earth Union's mind is Sorium. The mineral is used to make fuel and jump components for ships. The crisis fortunately is not a Fuel crisis otherwise our race would be thrown to the dogs. Each day small shipment from a couple of the asteroids, but not enough to continual the modifications to the 3 Deep Survey vessels in drydock. The same 3 vessels we need out in the galaxy finding the planet with the resources we need.

Earth Union has really stuffed up here with their lack of planning, assumptions and inadequate foresight. I envisage a period of stagnation for Earth, until this crisis is lifted we will not be able to move forward. There is some hope Venus has a small quantity of Sorium mining operations have already begun, so perhaps with enough quantity will be able to get these Survey vessel out where they should be.

Till we Fade

« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 12:51:34 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2010, 09:22:42 PM »

28th January 2041 "A day that will live in infamy" although this time,it was not a surprise attack or even an attack. We have never known incompetence could lead to murder and destruction on such as level before. We were not attack by invisible aliens that has been reported, we were attacked by BrightStar, via incompetence or purpose, I cannot not know at this stage.

Finally I have found some allies at Earth Union HQ, and I bring you this video feed from Earth Forces Early Warning Centre as proof.

The video feed shows a rather large room, full of electronic equipment, EUF personnel dart from one console to another , their grey black uniforms starched and pressed, gives the person an air of purpose and responsibility. A large warning beacon activates and red lights strobe throughout the room.

An officer shouts with an air of command to a junior officer who scurries over to a phone and make a call. What seemed busy before was nothing, to the pace activity that is now bustling around the room. The camera feed switches closer to the senior officer so voice feed can be picked up.

"Walters, have you notified CinC" you can notice the beads of sweat of the Commanding Officers face, the junior officer yell out quick affirmative before turning his attention to the console in front of him.

Another junior officer in front of the CO, swivels on her chair, panic is across her face. "Sir, we have impact in 3 minutes"

"Where?" there is a pause and recognition the young officer does not know "Well find out, Damn it!"

She turns and hammers at her keyboard, the blows are showing a sense of urgency and panic, what if it her home town, what if it is where people she loves. She yell over her shoulder with relief and despair, it is not her home town but she know a lot of people are going to die. "Johannesburg, South Africa"

The CO walked over to the Red Phone lift the reciever, "Tell BrightStar their mass driver is faulty and they have just killed 900,000 people"

As we know the attacks on the 28th January, 2nd, 6th 11th 16th Feburary caused 1.7 million casualties, destroying 4 major industrial Towns, 1 Fighter Factory, 1 Open Cut Mine, 1 Ordnance Factory. This was not the attack of invisible aliens as broadcast, it was due to BrightStar taking the Mass Driver to Venus without shutting down the other colonies first.

I have documents showing the authorisation of BrightStar Mining to a BrightStar Freighters the dismantlement and couriering to Venus a single mass driver on the 12th December 2040. Earth only had one mass driver. I think we can do the math.

The impotence I believe, is not the worse point it is lack of responsibility, Earth Union and BrightStar are mass murderers, the only good thing to happen from this devastating event, I now have powerful friends willing to hand out the truth. They have opened their eyes like I had, hopefully this will create a deeper level of information.

Till we Fade


Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2010, 04:18:29 PM »

Deep Search Tags

15th November 2041Colonel Mac Piotrowski has been killed in an accident. Assignment prior to death: C.O. 4th Assault Infantry Battalion
25th July 2042Sorium Crisis still continues will it ever end
16th March 2045An exploration of a jump point in the Alpha Centauri system has revealed the new system of Sirius
17th August 2045An exploration of a jump point in the Alpha Centauri system has revealed the new system of Luyten 726-8

The last 4 years after the disaster, the operations on Earth have been very mundane, Mars has grown to the point which each day we here protest over the lack on facilities and infrastructure, but the garrison units keep the peace and so far without any loss of life. Earth continue to have problem refitting the ships that are in drydock, their is just so little Sorium to build the jump parts.

We don't have any concerns with Fuel as we rely on Neptune and some rather large factory/tankers that convert the Sorium and bring it back as fuel. The on earth Fuel Refineries were shutdown, a vast majority of people were sacked and now looking for work. BrightStar was able to accommodates some, with roles in their ever expanding research facilities, but a vast majority are now living as another underclass of Earth

There are only two area that a growing, the corporate sector which the various mining venture that that have continue to extract more and more ore, and the R&D Field. I was hoping that BrightStar would start to endeavour to make contributions to Society, but since the unknown threat has taken hold this is a list of our research strives. This list now show the extend that there is an unpopular undercurrent in Earth Union, that finding this information for me is now about what is real information and what has been sent to me as a hidden agenda.

RESEARCH LABS 2040 to 2045

A team on Earth led by Willis Rings has completed research into Gauss Cannon Rate of Fire 3
A team on Earth led by He Gang E has completed research into 15cm Laser Focal Size
A team on Earth led by Clement Witschi has completed research into Ultraviolet Laser
A team on Earth led by Willis Rings has completed research into Magazine Feed System Efficiency - 80%
A team on Earth led by He Gang E has completed research into Reduced-size Laser 0.75 Size / 4x Recharge
A team on Earth led by Willis Rings has completed research into Magazine Ejection System - 85% Chance
A team on Earth led by Clement Witschi has completed research into Turret Tracking Speed (10% Gear) 5000 km/s
A team on Earth led by He Gang E has completed research into 20cm Laser Focal Size

A team on Earth led by Brian Grinstead has completed research into Power Efficiency -20% Power Increase 10% Exp 10%
A team on Earth led by Shirley Hackshaw has completed research into Armoured Fuel Bunker 1
A team on Earth led by Shirley Hackshaw has completed research into Thermal Reduction: Signature 50% Normal
A team on Earth led by Shirley Hackshaw has completed research into Gamma Shields
A team on Earth led by Brian Grinstead has completed research into Fuel Efficiency 3. Fuel Usage x0.7
A team on Earth led by Shirley Hackshaw has completed research into Shield Regeneration Rate 2
A team on Earth led by Willis Rings has completed research into Troop Transport Bay


As you can see Humanities division in 5 years has received a big fat zero in funding, meaning no mining operations increase, no new construction equipment, no safety equipment, no progress in the field of terraforming which could help Mars.

BrightStar is building a better future for War not peace, but war with whom?

« Last Edit: November 07, 2010, 05:06:53 PM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2010, 05:05:44 PM »

Happy New Years

Who ever thought exploration of space to be mundane and docile, the good news is our survey fleet are zipping round the galaxy discovering new systems, although our new captains of space should take care twice in the last 10 years one of the survey ships have run out of fuel and needed to be rescued by the other.

The Sorium Crisis which is still in progress, the captains and their crew are being pushed to extremes, no sooner have the crews had a day or two days leave, the ship are refueled and they are once more on the frontier of space still trying to find the elusive Sorium in mineral form.

Currently the systems we have discovered but without the Sorium in minerals form, we have 5 systems that surround Sol, and they each have other systems

Proxima Centauri
Alpha Centauri
Eplison Eridani
Barnards Star
Lacaille 9352

Barnards Star system links to Struve 2398
Epsilon Eridani system links to  Van Maanens Star, Epsilon Indi
Alpha Centauri system links to Sirius,  Luyten 726-8
Proxima Centauri system links to Wolf 359

Perhaps when I have access to a star chart, I will be able to provide it for viewing, but for now I only have the news reports they give us. Star Charts are for Military personnel only

Till we Fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2010, 10:08:12 PM »

Deep Search Tags

15th July 2055Commander Richie Schweitzer has been killed in an accident. Assignment prior to death: Communications Officer - Fleet Headquarters
11th August 2056Lieutenant Commander Felton Lachermeier has been killed in an accident. Assignment prior to death: C.O. FT Minion 002
23rd March 2057An exploration of a jump point in the Alpha Centauri system has revealed the new system of WD 1142-645
11th June 2057An exploration of a jump point in the Proxima Centauri system has revealed the new system of Gliese 563.2
7th July 2057An exploration of a jump point in the Proxima Centauri system has revealed the new system of Lalande 21185
1st August 2057An exploration of a jump point in the Proxima Centauri system has revealed the new system of EZ Aquarii
10th October 2057An exploration of a jump point in the Lacaille 9352 system has revealed the new system of Herschel 5173
21st November 2057  An exploration of a jump point in the Lacaille 9352 system has revealed the new system of Gliese 832
18th May 2059Captain Galen Weatherford has retired from the service at the age of 63

I would like to pay tribute to the men and women of the EUF. These men and women have dedicated their lives to the exploration and enhancement of our understanding of the galaxy, with little or no reward. Their lives take them away from loved ones, crammed in rooms large enough a small bed and a few personal effects, flitting from one survey point to the next.

Of course there is a few like, Captain Galen Weatherford, who enjoy the acclimations and rewards that many much more deserving should receive, but c'est la vie.

Their explorations, have currently been fruitless to find a world capable to providing Sorium to Earth, yet they struggle on with little complaint and great dedication to their work. A big shout out goes to the many loyal officers that have Earth in their hearts and minds, that understand they work for the people, not for the leaders of the people. There is a difference.

I would like to break away from slightly from this topic and look at the most dangerous position in EUF command structure. Some of my loyal viewers are thinking perhaps engineering, with all the malfunctions that can go wrong, loss of life must be high here. Well you are wrong, I am talking about the communications office, you laugh, but if you have read recent stats on the number of communication personnel that have gone missing or met serious accidents over EUF brief history, it shows a rather dark and seedy side to EUF and EU government and BrightStar. It not terrible hard to make all the linkages here, even if proving them is more difficult.

So for the Communication Section of EUF, may you truly understand your motto. "Veritas vos liberabit - the truth will set you free. Stay safe and guard one another

Till we fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 01:13:28 AM »

Deep Search Tags

8th June 2061Captain Bryon Melugin has retired from the service at the age of 65
8th June 2061Captain Loren Fricks has retired from the service at the age of 63
9th July 2061Fletcher has suffered a catastrophic maintenance failure and exploded!

Fade in

I don't know how to start on today events. I am shocked and devastated, while watching the morning news. Currently I have received, only small details from my contacts and what has being display on Earth News Four Channel.

The Fletcher and Coontz were on routine survey missions, when Coontz's Commander Okimoto Sadako reported it need to head back to Earth to refuel. This was a month prior to this event. The commander on Fletcher was to fatefully responded "I going to finish this last Grav survey Okimoto, if it the last thing I do".

What I can piece together is the Fletcher continued survey for grav points, and had no discernible troubles. At 2.02 this morning it exploded. There was no mayday and no warning it just exploded. Although it must of not been too fast as were reports of lifepods being ejected, but with only 15 days of air and supplies and the Coontz now 30 days away they know their fate.

Earths News Four is broadcasting worldwide contact portals for information or counselling services.

My contacts in the EUF are just as much in the dark as I am about this disaster, but as soon as I have more details, I will make sure it publicly acknowledged.

I have also noticed that traditional news outlets run by BrightStar have referred to these broadcasts, as a "Public Disturbance" or "Pirate Broadnet" services. I understand there are legal actions ongoing, even though nobody has been formally charged.  BrightStar lawyers are using the RIAA cases of early 2000's, to achieve their ends.

Don't worry, the voice of truth will aways be available while we have will members to take a stand.

Til we Fade
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 01:16:32 AM by ardem »

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2010, 05:20:32 AM »

Fade In

As mentioned I would provide details around the Fletcher, as soon as I knew more, the lifepods were retrieved and the recorded messages passed onto families. As expected all 262 members perished.

I have been given information, direct from EUF. The initial report of a maintenance repair job gone bad is correct. These vessels are almost 35 years of age and even though they have gone thought several refits and overhauls, it was not enough. The Fletcher and Coontz were never designed for far away missions, yet they are constantly pushing their boundaries due to the Sorium crisis.

There a members of the EUF, are pushing to retire the Coontz as well after this fatal explosion, but the brass apparently do not want to hear about it. I believe we will see another incident like this soon.

As for my court case, even though I am not starring or even in the defendant documentation, but I consider it my court case. The case is going rather poorly as expected, EFF has taken up the fight on my behalf and pushing lawyers into the fray, but the court and procedure are stacked to fall BrightStar's way.

 I can expect either the Death Penalty or a lengthy jail sentence, I have recently had contact from an interesting sponsor who works for EUD (Earth's Union Directorate) which is the new name the governmental side of Earth Union has given itself. There a members in the EUD who are trying to wrangle free of BrightStar and members who work for BrightStar is makes for interesting politics. To cut a long story short my new sponsor has the cash and the means to keep me running, and I think he has found a legal loophole so BrightStar cannot legally use EUF personnel to arrest me.

The legal loophole, is to create a religion, a charter will need to be drawn, members recruited and a persona of proper religion established. If I do this, then I am granted protection under the "Religious Act of Non Persecution", which means I can say anything without legal repercussion. The unfortunate side is I then become a visible target, but my sponsor assures me he has a ways of keeping me safe. I believe him, but not sure what he has in mind.

I have decided to proceed and name the religion, the Order of Righteous Knowledge. Plans are in place to wear old fashion monk habits, and to mix the old discipline of humility and servitude with technology. My sponsor has already recommended several personnel in helping the cause, what is interesting, is many come from EUF's communication personnel.

Life does have some funny turns.

Till we Fade

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: 2040 - The Sorium Crisis
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 12:10:14 AM »

26th November 2063Coontz has suffered a catastrophic maintenance failure and exploded!
26th November 2063  Commander Okimoto Sadako failed to escape the destruction of Coontz and has been killed.
6th July 2065Brooklyn (Brooklyn MKIII class) refitted on Earth. 380 crew were added to the ship
6th October 2066Civilian Administrator Director Brant Sperazza  has died of natural causes. Assignment prior to death: Governor of Mars
12th July 2067Rear Admiral (Lower Half) Santo Ohare has retired from the service at the age of 68
27th November 2067A new Wormhole that just popped into the system (wolf 1061) moving to investigate

Fade In

They were warned, the Coontz suffered a identifcal fate to the Fletcher, no jump capable ships were available to rescue the survivors, the Coontz Design has been decommissioned and the Brooklyn design was upgrade to a Mk III variant. Due to the Sorium crisis, they have been in drydock for 3-4 years, there has been no exploration during this period, just the continual push for resources in the home system, Venus has been giving a trickle of supply of Sorium.

Brooklyn was relaunched while the other two ships were overhauled in Drydock, it was Rear Admiral Santo Ohare last act as EUF Commander, his a career, in many respects echoed the beginnings on EUF Fleet, it was a source of inspiration early on, but has became old, senile and tired towards the end. I believe he still deserved the high honor of being awarded the Star Service Medal, but we need to gather drive to project EUF Fleet. It will be hard, the Sorium Crisis will see to that.

The appears of a wormhole in Wolf 1041, has given scientists something to argue and hypothesize about, Brooklyn is off to investigate although it has recently changed hands on Captains as Captain Jeanne Knapper has called it quits. The crew are still as proud and dedicated to this old vessel, considering it now the oldest vessel in the fleet.

Mars is still a worry there is many old grumblings and on occasion BrightStar look ready to just pull the plug, it costing them much more in resources for little return. New reports on Earth are steady showing less and less around emigration to Mars.

I can now reveal, some details about my own habitation. Grisson Limited released me as soon as it became apparent who the Head of the new religious order was. I think this was BrightStar second phone call, first would of been to the ten man hit squad, that was send to my Mars quarters to destroy. I was advised by my Sponsor not to head back to Mars, which I heartily took note of.

The Order now lives on a rock, it gives me a unique view about Earth and events that surround it. I do not feel the perspective of being on the ground, but it will allow me to publish the work in relative safety, with the help of a trusty laser turret aimed at an inbound threats.

The facility is a mass of electronic equipment and data storage devices. The communication equipment is to rival any starship, I cannot imagine the resources that pulled this facility together.

I do not share this facility alone, I have 25 other members that have joined the cause with various contacts and means of obtaining information. We will become Earths keeper of knowledge, a feel a new age is dawning on Earth and we must be prepared to record it so younger generations can learn from it.

Till We Fade