Author Topic: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)  (Read 3375 times)

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Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« on: February 05, 2011, 07:07:44 AM »
New Imperial Fleet Organization

Fleet Admiral Victor Tannenbaum
HQ Terra (North America)
Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum has been the person most instrumental in returning the Imperial Navy to what it used to be, a high-morale force capable of projecting power far from its bases and respected amongst all human worlds.  By the end of the isolation in 2350 the Navy had been changed almost unrecognizably.  Over the first decades after the collapse the Navy had been reduced to little more than a system-defense force, primarily because of internal politics accompanying the down-sizing of the Imperial Government.  Although the System Defense Force retained some of the traditions and customs of the old Imperial Navy, it was in reality a completely new organization, with few ties to the past.  This was largely due to actions taken by the Imperial aristocracy to limit the power of the Emperors and their families.  By the end of the isolation the System Defense Force was wracked by defections and battered by combat in the civil war.  In spite of the grievous damage suffered by the System Defense Force during the civil war, it was the war that was critical in the transformation of the SDF back into the Imperial Navy.  The war forged a cadre of hardened officers, including Admiral Tannenbaum, who truly believed in the Empire and the Imperial Navy, and it was these officers, under the leadership of Admiral Tannenbaum, who re-established the Navy and its traditional values. 

Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum is also the brother of the Emperor, and is known as the Emperor’s right-hand man.  Although there has been near constant rumors of problems between the two, especially since the death of their sister on Venus, there has been little evidence of this and certainly the Emperor has relied on Admiral Tannenbaum for support in many of his projects.  For all of those reasons Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum wears many hats.  He is the Chief of Naval Operations, coordinating the actions of the five fleets, commander of the 1st Fleet, and commander of Task Force 10, which is composed of the Empire’s largest and most deadly warships. 

1st (Home) Fleet
Fleet Admiral Victor Tannenbaum
The 1st Fleet is based in the Solar System and is tasked with the defense of the Home System and its approaches.  The 4th and 5th Fleets are intended to act as the Empire’s reserve, and thus only in the most extreme situation, involving a threat to the entire Empire, would elements of the Home Fleet act outside the Solar System or its surrounding systems. 

All of the task forces that comprise the 1st Fleet are stationed inside the Home System, with Task Forces 10 and 11 stationed at Terra, TF 12 at Mars, and TF 13 at Venus. 

TF 10
3xMN, 2xCL, 4xFF
Fleet Admiral Victor Tannenbaum
Victor Tannenbaum is the Emperor’s brother and is seen by most of the current officer corps of the Navy as the founding father of the new Imperial Navy.   His loyalty and bravery are unimpeachable, but in spite of his close ties to the Emperor he is seen as apolitical and a supporter of the Empire as a whole, instead of any one person or power within it. 

TF 11
Vice Admiral Rebecca Cox
6xSD, 2xCL, 4xFF
Admiral Cox was present for most of the battles of the civil war, and was promoted to command one of the system defense cruisers that became the core of the new Imperial Navy when its former commander was promoted to command the new task groups that were being formed at the time.  Admiral Cox is trusted and responsible, and has performed well in commands that ranged from cruisers to planetary defense centers, before being promoted to squadron command. 

TF 12
Vice Admiral Grace Day
6xSD, 2xCL, 4xFF
Admiral Day has risen rapidly through the ranks of the Navy, largely due to her inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm.  Admiral Day most recently commanded a cruiser group before being promoted to command TF 12. 

TF 13
Rear Admiral Sir Cord Sims
4xCV, 3xCVL, 1xCL, 4xFF
Admiral Sims is an old companion of Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum and one of his most trusted subordinates, which is one of the reasons he is assigned to the 1st Fleet.  Sir Sims has the brutal appearance of a street fighter, and his stubbornness is legendary within the fleet, but he is also known as a good man to have at your side in a fight as he will never, ever give up. 

2nd (Altair) Fleet
Admiral Sir Kane Franklin
The fleet will be based in the Altair system, however, the basing facilities are under construction on New Victoria and Mars, therefore, the fleet’s battleships will be based on Terra until they are complete.  Task Forces 21 and 22 will be based on New Victoria, Task Force 23 will be based on Verge, and Task Force 24 will be based on Sssith. 

The 2nd Fleet has a vast area of responsibility, which includes most of the out-system population centers of the Empire.  This area also includes no known external threats at the current time, therefore this fleet is made up of primarily lighter forces that can be dispersed to cover a larger area.  The 2nd Fleet will receive priority for newly constructed light units to augment its current forces and to give it a better capability to patrol its assigned area of responsibility. 

TF 20
Admiral Sir Kane Franklin
6xBB, 1xCL, 1xSC, 3xFF   
Admiral Franklin is an old companion of Admiral Tannenbaum and was known as one of the best ship-handlers in the old System Defense Force during the civil war.  Admiral Franklin has been credited by Admiral Tannenbaum as having been instrumental in several key victories that led to the dominance of the Empire, and is generally seen as one of the best task force commanders in the Navy.  For all of his ferocity on a command deck, Admiral Franklin appears in person to be nothing more than a bumbling professor with an intense interest in astronomy.  This appearance is deceptive and has led more than one opponent in the field or in the highly competitive arena of naval politics to underestimate him. 

TF 21
Rear Admiral Lily Goddard
4xCA, 1xSC, 5xFF
Admiral Goddard is an excellent ship-handler and is even better at training her subordinates, traits which have assured her rise in the Navy.  Admiral Goddard has commanded everything from light cruisers to superdreadnoughts, including carriers, and has a broad base of experience.  In spite of her skills and experience she is not well liked by her subordinates or by Admiral Franklin, largely because of her attitudes.  Admiral Goddard rose from a poor family through work and dedication, and takes an inordinate amount of pride in that achievement, which is understandable, even laudable, however, Admiral Goddard has very strong opinions on the folly of advanced education and training, and is very outspoken about these opinions.  This has several times brought her into conflict with Admiral Franklin, but to date her obvious abilities have allowed her to maintain her position. 
TF 22
Rear Admiral Imogen Miller
4xCA, 1xSC, 4xFF
Admiral Miller has enjoyed a fairly rapid rise within the ranks of the Navy, last commanding the Saturn, a planet class superdreadnought, before taking over command of TF 22.  Admiral Miller is known for her organizational abilities, and is a good ship-handler and has shown an excellent capacity for training her subordinates.      

TF 23
Rear Admiral Alex Stewart
1xSC, 2xCVL, 2xCL, 3xFF   
Admiral Stewart has previously commanded a planetary defense group composed of gunboats, as well as a terraforming group.  This non-traditional career path was seen as an advantage for the commander of an escort group, which has now been reorganized as TF 23.  Admiral Stewart has shown competency in his various commands, although several of his commanding officers have noted a significant risk-adverse attitude on Stewart’s part.  Again, this attitude is seen as an advantage in the commander of a group that is most likely to be escorting valuable assets.  The fact that Admiral Stewart’s family are the sole-shareholders of a multi-system industrial combine has not hurt his career either, and is probably partially responsible for the overlooking of his decided lack of organizational skills.   

TF 24
Rear Admiral Rebecca Austin
2xCA, 3xCL, 1xCB, 3xFF
Admiral Austin has had a more or less normal career within the Navy.  She has commanded several major units, and for several years was seconded to the Imperial Guard to act as their fighter operations officer.  Admiral Austin’s experience with the Guard was the key reason for her current assignment, as Admiral Tannenbaum prefers to have officers who have served with the Guard be in charge of groups with planetary bombardment units, for political reasons.  Guard service is general seen as an intro into Imperial politics, and such officers are often given sensitive assignments once they return to the Navy.        

3rd (Wolf 359) Fleet
Admiral Sir Sam Craig
Ultimately, the 3rd Fleet will be based at a colony in the Wolf 359 system, however, this colony is currently in the terraforming stages and thus not ready to host an entire fleet.  Basing facilities are also being constructed on Sahara in the Sirius system, but will not be ready until 2368.  Therefore the bulk of this fleet will be based in the Solar System, with the exception of Task Forces 31 and 32 which will rotate picket duties in the Wolf 359 system against a possible incursion from Procyon. 

TF 30
Admiral Sir Sam Craig
9xBB, 1xSC, 1xCL, 4xFF
Sir Sam Craig is another of the Fleet Admiral’s old companions from the civil war.  Sir Sam is known to the fleet as the Emperor’s Lion for his decisive actions during the civil war, and is trusted by both the Emperor and the Fleet Admiral.  Well liked by both subordinates and superiors, Admiral Craig is often held out as the ideal naval officer.           

TF 31
Rear Admiral Josh Gibson
4xCA, 1xSC, 3xFF      
Admiral Gibson is seen by Admiral Tannenbaum and the senior officer corps as one of the most outstanding of the younger officers who have come up since the civil war.  Innovative and resourceful, Admiral Gibson has served in both the Navy and the Imperial Survey Corps. 

TF 32
Rear Admiral Callum Cunningham
1xSC, 2xCVL, 2xCL, 3xFF   
Admiral Cunningham is the near polar opposite of Admiral Gibson.  Admiral Cunningham has risen to his current position largely through his political connections rather than through merit.  Known as an inconsiderate commander, he is not liked or respected by his subordinates.  Admiral Craig has, on several occasions, spoken with Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum about replacing Admiral Cunningham as Admiral Craig considers him to be inflexible and indecisive, however, to date Cunningham’s connections have made it impossible to relieve him without a significant reason.  Admiral Cunningham has shown some ability to organize and train his task force, making it even harder to relieve him without cause. 

TF 33
Rear Admiral Sam Hancock
1xCA, 3xCL, 1xCB, 4xFF   
Like Admiral Gibson, Admiral Hancock is seen as one of the new Navy’s outstanding young commanders.  Prior to being promoted to task force command, Admiral Hancock was known as the Navy’s premier ship-handlers and he holds the current record for the Sol Cup.      

4th (Reserve) Fleet
Admiral Kai Coles
The 4th Fleet is based in the Solar System and is intended to act as a heavy reserve for the forward-deployed fleets.

TF 40
Admiral Kai Coles
10xBB, 1xSC, 1xCL, 4xFF   
Admiral Coles is the acknowledged leader of the Young Lions faction within the Navy.  The Young Lions is composed of younger officers who have risen to power since the civil war, and are viewed by the older commanders as the next generation of leaders for the Navy.   Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum has mentored Admiral Coles for years, and Admiral Coles conservative belief in the old naval traditions is a reflection of Admiral Tannenbaum’s beliefs. 

TF 41
Rear Admiral Louis Thornton
2xCL, 2xCB, 3xFF   
Admiral Thornton has served in various staff positions under Admiral’s Tannenbaum and Craig, usually as fighter operations officer, and was seconded for a tour of duty in the Imperial Guard.  Admiral Thornton is very ambitious, and has risen rapidly as the fleet has expanded. 

5th Carrier Fleet
Admiral Sir Isaac Gibbons
The 5th Fleet is based in the Solar System, however, its Task Forces tend to be dispersed around the Empire.  Currently, Task Force 52 is based at Nova Terra in the Luyten 726-8 system, and Task Force 51 is based at New Victoria in the Kruger 60 system. 
TF 50
Admiral Sir Isaac Gibbons
1xCV, 7xCVL, 1xSC, 3xCL, 4xFF    
Admiral Gibbons is and has been Fleet Admiral Tannenbaum’s right hand man ever since the civil war.   The two men attended the naval academy together and were close during their service before the civil war, and Admiral Tannenbaum has credited his implicit trust of Admiral Gibbons as being responsible for allowing him to take the decisive actions he did early in the civil war which ultimately led to an Imperial victory. 

TF 51
Rear Admiral William Clark
2xCV, 4xCVL,1xSC, 3xCL, 4xFF
Admiral Clark has had a largely uninspiring career which included command of a freight group prior to being assigned as the commander of the Texas, a State class battleship.     

TF 52
Rear Admiral Dominic Dyer
2xCV, 4xCVL,1xSC, 2xCL, 3xFF   
Admiral Dyer has been criticized in the past as being emotionally distant and detached, but it has been his outstanding qualities as an organizer and ship-handler that have assured his rise to task force command. 

Offline UnLimiTeD

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2011, 06:47:15 PM »
You have amazing Talent in creating information out of nothing and weaving a nice story out of it.
Reading this is equally enjoyable as the regular AAR, and yet nothing has happened to further to story.

Btw, I suggest fattening the names of the TFs etc, that way it's easier to pick it apart while reading.

Offline Beersatron

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 12:52:34 AM »
Just a friendly bump so you know we still care! :)

Offline Aldaris

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 10:51:31 AM »
Just a friendly bump so you know we still care! :)
I'd like to second that, your fiction is still the first thing I check for updates when I come to this forum.

Offline Kurt (OP)

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2011, 10:16:53 PM »
I'd like to second that, your fiction is still the first thing I check for updates when I come to this forum.

Thanks to both of you.

Unfortunately, things have been a little tough at work lately, and I had run into a number of problems with Aurora that I suspect are related to the outdated version (4.77) that I am using for this campaign. 

I've come up with some ideas on how to resolve those problems, though.  Hopefully I should be able to post something soon, maybe next week. 


Offline Exsellsior

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2011, 04:45:23 AM »

The gods offer no rewards for intellect.  There was never one yet that showed any interest in it.
-- Mark Twain, Notebook

Offline ShadoCat

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2011, 01:15:27 PM »
That is really good news.

Offline Exsellsior

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2011, 03:33:39 AM »
< Whimper >

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The gods offer no rewards for intellect.  There was never one yet that showed any interest in it.
-- Mark Twain, Notebook

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Re: Imperial Fleet Reorganization (17)
« Reply #8 on: May 30, 2011, 04:53:15 PM »
I don't mean to rush you, but arn't we long overdue for an update? The last report was three months ago, and if the campaign is dead I would like to hear that so I can stop waiting.