I think we should look for a middle ground here. I do agree that the NPR's should have some capacity for adapting in the face of their doctrine completely failing, but at the same time I agree that they should retain their flavor, rather than just sinking massive amounts of RP into whatever the optimal ship builds are. Seems to me that what makes sense is for an NPR in that situation to alter it's doctrine based on what technology it has available. So basically, it would be adapting by using more or less of a certain kind of ship, using ships with load-outs it wasn't previously using, building types of ships it hadn't previously built, and/or using ships in ways it hadn't previously used them. So, for example, if an NPR that shows a strong tendency towards large capital ships starts losing pretty badly, it might decide to start focusing on building a larger number of smaller ships, and an NPR that generally prefers large fleet on fleet battles that starts losing badly might switch to a more raiding/hit-and-run oriented strategy. In either case, they'd largely do this using the technology they have, rather than trying to totally optimize the tech aspect of whatever it is they're trying.