--- So I've noticed that shields are a little... underwhelming in my humble opinion. I've found that 1 HS [or 50 Tons for the looney bins like me out there.] is actually quite a bit of weight for the protection they provide. Alpha Shields are 1 point per 1 HS, while Theta shields provide 4 points per 1 HS. However, Theta Shields... hell even Epsilon Shields for that matter; these things take a lot of Tech. That isn't even taking into account the RPs needed to keep the regeneration rate techs at parity with the shield strength techs. Then there is the matter of fuel consumption, which adds in even MORE weight. Without Fuel Consumption techs, yet another RP sink in and of itself, you can get to the point where 27 points worth of Shielding with a regen rate of 300s can be eating a good 1-6k of fuel per day! My ships using said shields at Epsilon Tech, with 0.4 Fuel Consumption and Regen Rate to parity are consuming a little over 2,500 litres per day! That's 50 Tons [or 1 HS for you sane folk] of fuel per 5 day increment and 200 Tons per month! Wowza! Thirsty much?
--- So the question part of this little... let's call it a rant despite the fact that I'm not mad, goes as such:
-A- How practical would you consider the protection afforded by Shields on a point per point basis?
-B- How economical would you consider Shields to be as a defense with respect to Speed and/or armor?
-C- Do you feel that ECM / ECCM degrades the practicality of Shields?
-D- What is your personal opinion on the uses for Shields? What roles do you see them filling well? What roles do they fill poorly? What kind of ships / doctrines could you see them working in?
--- The part of this post is weapon scale. I've done some VERY light reading on naval guns by caliber as a result of Lasers, HPMs, Mesons, and Railguns being developed and fielded in "XX"cm increments. This has influenced my ship designs, as I've come to find out that 155m [that's American for 15cm, by the by] is a WHOLE lotta gun. Like, dass a HOOGE piece of arty right there. Yet in the game, and on the forums too, I see 30cm weapons. They're very practical in terms of Tech costs too [relatively speaking of course] I've fit ships as small as 7,500 Tons with a pair of 35cm Railguns, and am quickly becoming fond of 30cm HPMs for their sheer shield shredding, ship blinding goodness. I've managed to cram a 30cm HPM, a 15cm Railgun and a 15cm Laser into a 6,250 Ton Jump Capable Frigate even! 300mm to 350mm of death dealing goodness... and it comes in FUN SIZE!? Nuts tell you, raving mad.
--- So my questions regarding these, erm, revelations... they are as follows:
-A- What is your opinion on "big guns"? How big of a beam weapon do you need before you go, "yeah, that's a formidably sized weapon."?
-B- Do your ships have secondaries? Have you ever found them useful?
-C- What Size-Based tech level, if ever, do you find that Beam Weapons plateau at?
-D- Are the diameters given a meaningful indication of the weapons general effectiveness? [NOTE: I'm assuming that Capacitor, B-FCS, and other relevant Technology is keeping up at a nominal pace.]
--- I feel like Beam Weapon range starts to matter a bit less as technology marches on. almost as if it is a diminishing return on investment; I'd be interested to hear what veteran players think as I find the mechanics of Aurora fascinating...
--- For those who want the designs; here's the Mjonir and the Sentinel: both WIPs. As always feedback is welcome, but I suspect I'll post them to the Bureau of Ship Design eventually...
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