Interesting times are happening in your game to be sure...the D'brin are certainly loosing ships at a high rate. I did notice the fleet HQ asteroid fort has no massive storage capacity in it...and I would consider collapsing systems a bit more when designing such a thing. I'll add more to Starslayers data dump over the week.
Okay, I read this and had it in the back of my mind that I needed to look at this a bit before I responded, then I got busy and forgot. I thought that I had included storage capacity on the Fleet HQ, and your comment about that meant maybe I misremembered. So I looked and saw that I had included it. So then I looked at the version I posted, and realized that it didn't show the capacity, and I realized what I had done. My original design, which I posted, didn't have extra storage capacity for fleet maintenance, but when I looked at it again, before I began building it, I remembered my intent was to provide an anchorage away from Earth where the Soviets could shelter their fleet, so I added the hold capacity and then started building it. I forgot that I had posted it, so here is the revised version that got built:
FLEET HQ class AF 104 XO Racks 554 Hull TL 4
554 RCP 21 MCP Trg:4 Cost = 3882/ 194.1
HTK 488 Sx100 Apx300 Dx8 Wx20 Tx2 Mgx5
850x SM, 30x EDM (Mg)
Note the 30 holds tucked away, buried deeply within the fortress. The holds are large enough to carry 15,000 mc, or enough to supply the entire Soviet fleet for around two months.