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Turn 113: Coalition preparations
« Reply #75 on: September 02, 2020, 12:00:11 PM »
Month 113, Day 10, Coalition Space
On this date the leaders of the Coalition and the USSR met and agreed to an alliance.  While it had not yet been ratified, its ratification was almost certain at this point.  Therefore, the Coalition Navy began preparing for war. 

The Coalition Navy had two Colonial Defense Squadrons in its colonial territories, one based in Epsilon Eridani and the other in the Sligo system.  In addition, there were two other groups of warships present in the Coalition colonial territories, each assigned to escort one of the Coalition’s two survey fleet.  Now, orders went out to the warships in the colonial territories to reposition.  The survey group escort squadrons were recalled and ordered to join with the Colonial Defense Squadrons, to bolster their strength. 

Colonial Defense Squadron 1, assigned to the Epsilon Eridani system, consisted of three destroyers, three corvettes, a scout-frigate, and three explorer class scouts.  This squadron was often split up to patrol the four colonized systems beyond Epsilon Eridani, but now the squadron was assembled and stationed on the warp point to the Shaka system, along with the two BS3’s of the system defense group.  Fortunately, the four systems beyond Epsilon Eridani were in dead end warp lines, so the area beyond Epsilon Eridani could be considered low risk, baring the existence of a closed warp point, which could not be completely dismissed. 

Colonial Defense Squadron 2 was assigned to the Sligo system.  Originally, it was intended to patrol the colonies beyond Epsilon Indi, however, over time its mission had evolved to become a deterrent for the hostile Tarek in the Sligo system.  Explorer class scouts still patrolled the other systems, but for the most part the warships of CDS #2 remained in the Sligo system as a deterrent.   Now, orders are sent to the squadron to redeploy to the Epsilon Indi system, one jump back towards the home system, to guard the warp point to the Shaka system.  This news causes consternation on Wunderland when it gets out to the public.  The CDS stationed in the system was recently reinforced, to counter the ongoing military buildup by the Tarek, and stripping the system of ships is not what the colonists want.  The colonial government begins releasing information to educate the public about the threat presented by the D’Bringi coalition, but, while real, this seems far away to people that are looking towards a threat in the same system with them. 

In the end, the squadron departs, regardless of the feelings of the local colonists.  Three destroyers are left behind to guard the colony, and while they are out-massed and out-numbered by the Tarek fleet, they are considerably more advanced.  In addition, while it isn’t clear if they can stand up to the Tarek fleet on a toe-to-claw basis, they are intended to act more as a deterrent than anything else.  A video is prepared and transmitted to the Tarek before the departure of the squadron.  While reliable communications have never been established, the two races have learned enough about each other’s tech to send videos to each other containing at least basic information.  This video shows the Coalition squadron departing the system.  Then, an animated segment shows recognizable Tarek escort class units attacking the human colony in the system, and attacking human ships and freighters.  After the attack, the human squadron returns, only now vastly reinforced with ships clearly much larger than those that left, and one by one every Tarek installation and ship in the system is destroyed.  The next segment again shows the squadron leaving, but this time the video shows human ships moving to and from the colony unmolested.  The Tarek fail to respond to the video, and what they think about it remains a mystery.

Meanwhile, as the squadron departs, work is begun on several BS0’s by surface industry on Wunderland.  Colonial Defense Squadron #2 will reach its destination in the Epsilon Indi system in fifteen days.  The two survey escort groups will join it before the end of Month 114.  After the survey escort ships join it, the squadron will consist of three light cruisers, nine corvettes, six escorts, two scout-frigates, and three explorer class scouts. 

While the Tarek remain inscrutable, they do not react immediately to the departure of the squadron. 
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Turn 114: Known Space, pt 1
« Reply #76 on: September 04, 2020, 11:02:44 AM »
Known Space, As of Turn 114

The D’Bringi Expanses
The D’Bringi are lizard-like bipeds, and their government is a loose alliance of the three main clans that dominate D’Bringi society.  Although there are hundreds of minor clans, and dozens of major clans, the B’Regest, K’Rorin, and T’Chau are together known as the Great Clans and comprise 75-80% of the economic strength of the D’Bringi race.  They alone, along with the Keepers, are allowed to build and maintain warships.   The Keepers are clan-less and typically childless, and are regarded as the protectors of the race and their traditional values.   Under normal conditions the Great Clans operate largely independently, coming together only under great threat or in the presence of a great opportunity.  The Keepers operate independently as well, usually in service of their vision of the good of the race.  Since the advent of the interstellar age for the D’Bringi, the Great Clans have largely worked together in an alliance with the intent of conquering and subjugating as many other races as possible, as a means of building up the power and industrial and military strength of the individual clans. 

The Keepers are unique in D’Bringi society.  As the Keepers cannot officially have children, their sect must maintain its numbers by drawing members from the other clans.  The leadership of the Keepers generally is made up of younger sons and daughters of the Great Clans, who are usually exiled by their Clans to ensure clear succession rights and maintain inheritance within a certain bloodline.  The bulk of the Keeper sect comes from the numerous smaller clans and even clan-less families living on the fringes of D'Bringi society.  The Keepers as a group evolved during a time of great wars that consumed the continent that was the home of the clans that ultimately came to dominate D’Bringi society.  The wars, utilizing primitive gunpowder weaponry, threatened to annihilate numerous clans, and, if they continued, appeared to threaten the very underpinnings of D’Bringi civilization.  Therefore, the most powerful of the remaining clans gathered and agreed to appoint a group of neutral, non-clan, arbiters to help them come to a more or less equitable peace agreement.  These arbiters eventually grew into the Keepers, an organization dedicated to protecting the D’Bringi race as a whole, rather than any individual, or clan.  It was the Keepers who revealed the technology that took the D’Bringi race to the stars, and the Keepers have been responsible for several breakthroughs into advanced technology since then.   

Since the start of their interstellar expansion, the D’Bringi have focused on conquering the races they meet and then incorporating them into their interstellar empire.  They tend to view alliances as temporary conveniences, to be honored as long as necessary and then discarded when inconvenient.  Their typical pattern upon meeting a new race would be to determine their economic, technological, and military strength as quickly as possible, then, if conquest is possible, launch a surprise offensive and overwhelm the defenders before the newly contacted race can build up its defenses or expand too far.   While the D’Bringi are definitely conquest oriented, they are not particularly brutal or repressive by human standards.  The D’Bringi will not generally consider bombardment of a population, for example, and the D’Bringi have no interest in the internal politics or behaviors of the races that they conquer, so long as those races perform the duties and responsibilities required of them by the D’Bringi.   

To date, the D’Bringi have conquered the T’Pau, Doraz, and Torqual races.  The T’Pau have been released as an “Associated State” of the D’Bringi Expanses, while the Doraz and the Torqual continue to be ruled directly by occupation governments made up of administrators from the Keepers and clan troops.  As an Associated State, the T’Pau are required to assist the D’Bringi in military operations, and thus to maintain a military force for defense and assistance.  In addition, the T’Pau have been allowed to begin surveying and colonizing along a warp line turned over to them by the D’Bringi, under supervision.  The T’Pau are expected to turn over 1,000 MCr’s to the D’Bringi Expanse every month to cover D’Bringi expenses related to defending their system, and their military development and R&D are heavily monitored by the D’Bringi. 

The D’Bringi have failed in their standard pattern of conquest once, and decided not to follow it twice.  Their failure was with humanity.  Upon first contact with humanity, the Keepers determined that the two human states were too powerful together for an immediate offensive, and instead recommended a peaceful contact followed by extended preparations.  The Great Clans decided, instead, to launch a campaign of raiding in the hopes of raising the pressure on the human states until they either surrendered or even fought each other, something that had happened on D’Bringi Prime many times in the past.  Their plan failed, obviously, and the war continues to this date. 

The D’Bringi have decided to follow a plan of peaceful contact with the Rehorish and the Mintok.  The Keepers recommended peaceful contact with the Rehorish for two reasons.  One, because they appeared to maintain a very strong navy, and two, because they had a very familiar form of clan-based government.  The Great Clans agreed in this case, largely because they were already at war with the humans, and this agreement turned out to be very fortuitous, as the Rehorish have proven to be strong allies in the war to date.  The Mintok are a more recent contact, and, as the plan to attack the Soviets was moving forward, the decision was made by the senior clan leaders to make peaceful contact with them, at least for now.  Little is known about their military strength, although their economy is estimated to be approximately 75% that of the D’Bringi (including the income from their conquests). 

Border Fleet (Mintek): 3xClan CA
Clan Fleets (Home System): 2xCA, 1xCT
Damaged Units (Various Locations): 1xBC, 5xCA, 2xCT
Forward Combined Fleet (Moskva System): 3xBC, 8xCA, 13xCT
Home System Defense Force: 9xBS3
Keeper AW Unit (Leningrad): 1xCA, 2xDD, 1xCT
Keeper AW Unit (Home): 1xCT
Keeper AW Unit (Techa*): 1xCT
Keeper Home Fleet: 1xBC, 2xCA
Keeper Occupation Fleet (Doraz Prime): 6xCT
Keeper Occupation Fleet (Torqual Prime): 6xCT
Keeper Repair Fleet (Headed towards front lines): 1xMSY
Independent Survey Fleet (on the frontier): 25xEX

Under Construction: 1xKeeper CA, 2xClan CA, 2xMSY
Refit: 5xClan CA
Repair: 1xKeeper BC, 3xClan CA

*Techa is the D’Bringi name for the T’Pau home system

The D’Bringi Expanse is currently researching HT 7, and has access to some limited wild-card tech.  The main D’Bringi fleet currently consists of ships refit to HT 5 standards, with some units in the home system being refit to HT 6 standards. 

T’Pau Syndicate
The T’Pau are humanoid, but compared to humans they are elongated, thin, hairless, and have spiney protrusions from the backs of their skulls and along their backs.  The T’Pau government is a long-established confederation of states, and the T’Pau had been in space for some time, however, had not discovered warp points until they were discovered and conquered by the D’Bringi.  The T’Pau are technically independent, but their foreign policy and military are largely controlled by the D’Bringi.  While they are left largely to their own devices in their home system, they have little freedom in terms of interstellar activity or military action. 

Expeditionary Fleet (Moskva): 6xCA, 6xCL
Home Fleet: 3xCA, 2xCL
Survey Fleet: 15xEX

Under Construction: 2xCA, 1xCL

The T’Pau are currently researching HT 5 systems.  The T’Pau fleet is equipped to HT 4 standards.

Rehorish Stellar Dominion
The Rehorish are insectoids, with an outwardly republican form of government.  In their pre-space days, the Rehorish were governed by a loose federation of clans and family councils, however, in the century since that time the Rehorish society established a united planetary republic, with the clans retreating from direct political power and becoming more of a social institution.  In recent years the Rehorish Republic has tended towards a more oligarchic format, with a permanent bureaucracy wielding the real power while the democratically elected politicians act as front-men or a façade for the government. 

The Rehorish are largely pragmatic and fairly reasonable, but they do tend to view other races with disdain.  This attitude comes from the fact that their government and social order is very old and long-established, giving them something of a superiority complex, particularly with the D’Bringi, who are relative newcomers to advanced technology and space.   

Colonial Picket (Kobe): 3xDD
Colonial Picket (Kumamoto): 3xDD
Damaged Unit (Kawasaki): 1xDD
Grand Fleet (Smolensk): 18xCA, 18xCL, 20xDD
Grand Fleet Picket Groups (Various Soviet Colonies): 5xDD
Grand Fleet Bjering Picket (Tomsk System): 2xCA, 3xCL, 3xDD
Home Fleet (Home System): 9xCA, 9xCL, 6xDD
Home System Defense: 6xBS3
Repair Group #1 (Tokyo): 1xMSY, 1xCL, 1xDD
Repair Group #2 (Tokyo): 4xMSY, 3xDD
Captured Soviet Ships (Tokyo): 1xCA, 1xDD (Both damaged)
Captured Soviet Ships (Novosibirsk): 3xCT (All damaged)
Survey Fleet #1 (Asahikawa): 20xCTX
Survey Fleet #2 (Asahikawa): 20xCTX

Under Construction: 1xBC, 3xCA, 1xCT
Refit: 2xCA

The Rehorish are currently developing HT 5 systems, along with some HT 6 systems that the D’Bringi have given them data on.  The Rehorish fleet is currently equipped to HT 4 standards. 

Reformation Coalition
The Reformation Coalition is one of the two primary governments on Earth.  The Coalition is the primary successor to the western governments that mostly fell after The Last War in 1963.  The government is a confederation of state governments, primarily from the old US and Canada.  The Coalition government was intended to allow these independent states to join together for mutual defense, but allows each state government wide latitude in local issues.  The Coalition government has grown more powerful over the years, as the long confrontation with the Soviets continued, and the necessities of interstellar defense and colonization required a centrally organized response. 

The new alliance between the Coalition and the USSR means that the Coalition is gearing up for war.  The bulk of the Home Fleet has been transferred to the 1st Fleet, with the remaining forces in the Home Fleet being largely newly launched units working up.     

Colonial Patrol Group, Shaka: 5xEXS
Colonial Patrol Group, Epsilon Eridani: 3xDD, 1xFGS, 3xCT, 3xEXS
Colonial Patrol Group, Sligo: 3xCL, 6xCT, 3xES, 3xEXS
Earth Defense Command: 2xPDC
Home Fleet (Sol): 6xBC, 6xCA, 4xDD, 1xFGS, 1xEXS
Home Fleet, Sigma Draconis Picket: 3xDD, 1xFGS, 2xEXS
Epsilon Eridani Fortifications: 3xBS3
1st Fleet (Sigma Draconis): 12xCA, 6xCL, 3xDD, 1xFGS, 12xCT, 2xEXS
Sol WP Defense: 3xBS3, 3xDD(AW), 3xBS1, 9xBS0, 1xEXS
Survey Group #1: 20xEX
Survey Group #1 Escort: 3xDD, 1xFGS
Survey Group #2: 20xEX
Survey Group #2 Escort: 3xCT, 1xFGS, 3xES

Under Construction: 6xBc, 3xBS3, 3xCL

The Coalition is developing HT 6 systems.  The Coalition fleet is equipped to HT 5 standards, but some colonial squadrons are still a refit behind. 

The Enlightened Union of the Tlatelolco
The Tlatelolco are firm allies of the Coalition, however, as they are rather backward this will mean little in the coming war. 

Fleet – None

The Tlatelolco are currently IND-1 and close to achieving IND-2 level, with the assistance of a Coalition science mission located on their home planet. 
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Turn 114: Known Space, Part 2
« Reply #77 on: September 05, 2020, 08:17:34 AM »
United World Republic of the Tarek
Tarek Prime is located in the Coalition colonial system of Sligo, which contains no less than four habitable planets, two type T and two type ST.  The Coalition’s discovery of the system came at a time when the Coalition was under pressure to expand as quickly as possible, so as to match the perceived expansion of the Soviet Union.  Thus, the planet of Wunderland was colonized, in spite of the fact that the Tarek inhabited the next planet out.  Attempts were made to negotiate with the Tarek; however, those attempts were met with aggression and what can only be interpreted as threats, and to date the Coalition has not been able to decipher the Tarek language in any meaningful sense.  In spite of this plans to colonize Wunderland went forward, as the Tarek at that time were confined to their home planet and had not yet developed drive field technology.  Unfortunately, in Month 89 the Tarek assembled a shipyard in orbit over their planet and began building drive field-equipped ships.  The Coalition’s Sligo squadron has maintained the peace since then, but has had to be reinforced several times as the Tarek navy grew.  The Tarek have started exploring the planets of their system, however, to date the Tarek Navy has avoided Wunderland. 

The Coalition’s Sligo Squadron has kept the Tarek survey group under careful surveillance, and so far they have been ignored in return.  To date the Tarek have largely ignored Coalition ships in their system as long as they remain more than a light minute from Tarek Prime.  There is no indication that the Tarek have discovered warp point theory, or the location of the warp points in their system. 
Home Fleet: 17xES
Survey Fleet: 7xEX
Tarek Prime Fortifications: 3xPDC, 43xArmed space stations

Under Construction: 1xCA (Due to be launched on month 130)

The Republic is nearing completion of research on HT-2.  Once any new technology is developed, the Republic plans a massive overhaul and upgrade for its fixed defenses.   

The USSR’s fleet has suffered greatly during the war with the D’Bringi and their allies, and their losses have forced them to abandon their colonial territories and retreat back to the Solar System.  Because of this the USSR has agreed to join the Allied Nations of Earth with the Coalition.  Indeed, they had little choice given the disparity of forces that existed, and given the fact that they faced the naval forces of at least three races, the D’Bringi, the Rehorish, and the T’Pau. 

The Soviet leadership have resigned themselves to being relegated to a secondary role in the new alliance, at least during the short term.  They believe that they can use this time to rebuild their fleet and recover their territory. 

Brezhnev System (Isolated) Mothballs: 2xBC(Damaged), 2xCA, 3xDD(Damaged), 3xCT(AW), 15xEXS
Brezhnev Defense Fleet (Isolated): 3xCL, 4xDD, 3xCT, 1xCT(AW), 2xEXS
Frontline Fleet (Sol): 4xBC, 3xCA, 3xCL, 2xCT, 10xES
Home Fleet (Shakedown): 2xBC, 4xCLA
Planetary Defense: 3xPDC, 6xDefensive PDC
WP Defense: 2xAsteroid Fort, 3xTug, 1xEXS

Under Construction: 1xBB, 15xCL, 20xES, 35xMine

The USSR has almost completed R&D on HT 6 systems and has started research on HT 7.  All new ships are being built to HT 6 standards.  There are no plans to refit existing ships, as they are needed on the front line. 

Bjering Consolidate
The Bjering Consolidate is ruled by a council of five senior admirals, one of whom, Admiral Alpha, is considered “First among equals”.  The Bjering were formerly trade and military allies of the USSR, however, when the USSR withdrew its fleet to the Solar System and abandoned its colonial territories and its link to the Bjering, Admiral Alpha declared the alliance broken and retreated back to the Tomsk system, which neighbored the Bjering home system.  Once there he offered the Soviet colonies in the Tomsk and nearby systems a deal.  His fleet would remain and stop the Rehorish by presenting themselves as the controller of the Tomsk system.  Admiral Alpha offered the Soviet colonists this deal as a means of keeping the aggressive Rehorish further away from Bjering territories.  The colonists agreed and the plan worked, as the Rehorish, while they might have wondered at the relationship between the Bjering and the Soviet colonists, had no interest in starting a new war. 

The Bjering have a trade and military alliance with the new Tomsk Union, and have agreed to maintain military forces in Tomsk to counter any Rehorish aggression.  The Bjering have reactivated a portion of their reserves in the face of the Rehorish-USSR war, but their economy is straining to support the number of ships now active. 

Alpha Fleet (Tomsk): 3xBC, 3xDD, 6xCT
Beta Fleet (Tomsk): 3xBC, 3xDD, 6xCT
Delta Fleet (Home): 3xBC, 3xDD, 6xCT
Epsilon Fleet (Home): 3xBC, 3xDD, 6xCT
Gamma Fleet (Tomsk): 2xBC, 3xDD, 6xCT
Home System Forts: 8xBS4
Survey Fleet: 3xCAX, 1xDDX

Under Construction: 1xDD(AW)

The Bjering are developing HT-6 systems.  The Bjering Fleet is equipped to HT-5 standards, with some wild card tech. 

Tomsk Union
The Tomsk Union is a loose confederation of seven colonies in five systems clustered around the warp nexus in the Tomsk system.  The highest population is just over twelve million on the colony of Tereshkova in the Tomsk system.  The Union is led by Governor Orlov of the Tereshkova colony in Tomsk, which is also the largest economy in the Union, and the location where the Union’s new shipyards are being built. 

The Union has a trade and military alliance with the Bjering, and has allowed Bjering Fleets to patrol the Tomsk system to counter the Rehorish.  Governor Orlov has publicly stated that the Union is a stopgap measure to defend the people of the five Union systems, and that it will rejoin the USSR if and when the opportunity presents itself. 

Home Fleet: 3xDD, 2xCT(AW), 1xES

Under Construction: 9xES, 7xSYM

The Tomsk Union is at HT-5.

The Alliance between The USSR and the Reformation Coalition
The alliance between the two major nations formally begins on Day 1 of Turn 114.  There has been some disagreement both within the respective governments and between the two governments about the name for the new organization.  At the current time they have agreed that the new organization will be called the United Nations of Earth.  This may be subject to change.  The Russians feel that the Coalition is maneuvering to include other Earth nations within the new UNE, which they feel will weaken their position on Earth and potentially destabilize the status quo on Earth at a time when they can ill afford it.  They aren’t wrong in this belief, but currently the Coalition’s government isn’t sure how far they can push this issue.  Additionally, there are those within both governments that fear that such an “Earth-centric” name will signal that the new organization is focused solely on Earth and its benefit at a time when the economies of the colonial territories are burgeoning and becoming an ever more important factor in future decisions. 

Both nations have agreed to set up an international military framework that will start with each nation contributing its existing fleet resources, and both have agreed to work towards a goal of combining officer corps and crews into multi-national integrated forces.  Of necessity, and by agreement, the command of most fleet organizations will go to Coalition officers, with Russian officers as deputies to the higher ranked Coalition officers, as the Coalition will be donating far more hulls, and officers, than the Russians.

To provide unified oversight and command and control, the two nations have agreed to set up an organization to be called the Grand Council.  This council will be composed of representatives from each nation participating, appointed in proportion to the military strength supplied by each nation.  Members of the Council will be determined by each nation in a manner suitable to that nation, and their appointment to the Council will be for a length of time not to exceed one year.  The Grand Council will determine overall strategy for Allied military forces.

Both nations are working towards the realization of the goals set forth in the treaty approved by both nations.  It is clear to all that both nations have differing ultimate goals, so it is not clear what ultimate form the alliance will take.  The Coalition government clearly wants to make the UNE a true multinational government which gives off-world opportunities to the other nations of Earth.  The USSR equally clearly views the alliance as a necessary evil forced upon them by circumstance, and possibly a threat to the continued well-being of their state.  How long the alliance can continue isn’t clear at the current time.   
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Month 114: Coalition internal matters
« Reply #78 on: September 09, 2020, 09:17:19 AM »
Month 114, Day 1, Tlatelolco Prime, Coalition colonial territories
The Coalition had established peaceful relations with the Tlatelolco at around the same time that they had utterly failed to do so with the Tarek in the Sligo system.  For all that their relations with the Tarek had been an unmitigated disaster, the Coalition’s efforts with the Tlatelolco had been an unmitigated success.  While the Tlatelolco’s frightening physical appearance and harsh living conditions were off-putting to humans, they actually had a lot in common with humanity’s outlook on life and the universe, and with the Coalition in particular.  At the time of their discovery the Tlatelolco had just begun industrializing and using steam power in a significant way, and with the Coalition’s help the Tlatelolco were nearing Ind-2 tech level, which was the gateway to high tech spacefaring status.  The Coalition’s scientific and engineering outpost on Tlatelolco Prime had been such a success that groups of Tlatelolco students had begun attending prominent Coalition universities on Earth, and so far the students had made a big splash on Earth.  In light of these successes, the governments of the Tlatelolco Enlightened Union and the Coalition formally announced that the Enlightened Union has accepted Associate Status within the Coalition as of this date.  By an act of the Coalition Senate, Associate Status was designed for extra-Earth populations as a way for them to join the Coalition prior to becoming a full-fledged member state.  The Coalition government has stated that efforts to uplift the Tlatelolco will continue. 
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Cold War: Month 114, Humanity together!
« Reply #79 on: September 19, 2020, 10:36:56 AM »
Month 114, Day 4, Moskva system
The D’Bringi and T’Pau fleets, now composed of three battlecruisers, fourteen heavy cruisers, six light cruisers, and ten corvettes, held its position approximately thirty light seconds from the warp point to the Solar system.  As agreed, the Coalition 1st Fleet remained at least thirty light seconds from the D’Bringi Fleet, and was positioned approximately two light seconds from the warp point, off to one side from the D’Bringi fleet.  The D’Bringi had emplaced a mine field around the warp point, over the Coalition’s protests.  After negotiations with the Coalition, the D’Bringi had agreed to place the minefield a half of a light second from the warp point, instead of a quarter of a light second, as they had wanted to do, to allay the Coalition’s concerns about their civilian freighters and colony transports transiting into the system and into the danger zone of the mine field.  The Coalition’s 1st Fleet consisted of twelve heavy cruisers, six light cruisers, three destroyers, a scout-frigate, and twelve corvettes.     

Admiral Ruston, aboard his 1st Fleet command cruiser, turned from the plot and saw that there was just over fifteen minutes left until the Home Fleet began transiting.  The status indicators showed that his fleet was at action stations and cleared for battle.  He turned towards the comms officer.  “Prepare to record a message for the D’Bringi.”

The comms officer nodded and typed on his console for a few seconds, then looked at Admiral Ruston again and nodded as a small drone lifted off from the rear of the bridge and took up station on Admiral Ruston to begin recording.  Ruston had considered doing the recording on the bridge, but in the end had decided he wanted to set a more formal tone, so he left the command deck with the drone following him.  Right off the ship’s bridge was a staff room that he had prepared for this, and he moved to the end of the room to stand in front of two flags that had been draped from the ceiling.  On the left was the Reformation Coalition’s flag, and on the right was the USSR’s flag.  Ruston smiled seeing the two flags, hoping that the message would come across clearly.  They were still arguing back home about whether the new alliance should have a flag of its own, and if so, what it should look like.  For now, the two flags would have to suffice.  After a second, he turned towards the camera and cleared his throat.  “I am Admiral Ruston, commander of the Coalition First Fleet.  As of three days ago, the Coalition and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics have formally agreed to ally themselves together in the face of alien aggression.  From that day forward, the USSR and the Coalition will stand together.  I am hereby formally notifying the D’Bringi forces occupying the Moskva system, and any other human inhabited systems, that a state of war now exists between the Coalition and those races that make up the D’Bringi alliance.  You are ordered to withdraw from all human territories immediately, or you will be destroyed.”  He gestured at the drone, which bobbed and moved out of the room.  The comms officer and his people would edit the statement, and insert translations into the audio feed so that the D’Bringi and their Rehorish allies wouldn’t have to wait for their own translations. 

Once back on the bridge, Admiral Ruston looked at the plot.  Nothing had changed.  He had feared that the D’Bringi fleet might somehow detect his ships moving to action stations, but so far, their preparations seemed to have succeeded.  He glanced at the clock display on his console.  Five minutes to transit.  Time seemed to crawl as time counted down to the final seconds, and then, seemingly all of the sudden, it started.  The plot suddenly updated to show drive fields appearing on the warp point, and the silence on the bridge was broken when the sensor officer exclaimed “It’s started!”

Admiral Ruston turned to the comms officer.  “Send the message.”
“Yes sir!”   The comms officer hit an activator he had previously set up, and the Admiral’s recorded message was transmitted towards the D’Bringi fleet. 

On the warp point, as the message made its way towards the D’Bringi fleet, Coalition battlecruisers had begun transiting in from the Solar System.  With the message on its way, Admiral Ruston ordered his fleet to close on the warp point, to a previously established position just outside of the D’Bringi mine field.  Coalition heavy cruisers followed the battlecruisers, and as the heavy cruisers filed into the system Admiral Ruston’s fleet came to a halt just outside the mine field.  After the Coalition heavy cruisers entered the system the flow of Coalition ships ended and a squadron of Russian battlecruisers began entering, followed immediately by three Russian heavy cruisers.  By this time the D’Bringi had begun reacting, and their fleet had turned towards open space and begun opening the range as presumably their crews raced to battle stations. 

Two minutes later the Russian 2nd Fleet and the Coalition Home Fleet were assembled on the inside of the D’Bringi minefield, with the Coalition 1st Fleet just outside of the minefield.   As one, twelve Russian and thirty Coalition ships, all cruisers of varying sizes, moved into the minefield.  All of the ships had begun engine modulations, and all of the ships had deployed a single EDM before entering the mine field.   The human ships were as prepared as they could be for what was coming.  Immediately after entering the minefield the nine battlecruisers and six of the heavy cruisers were deluged with attacks from the mines.  Their EDM’s managed to divert some of the mines, and their engine modulations decoyed others, but every ship still suffered multiple hits.  Three of the nine battlecruisers, two Russian and one Coalition, had their shields knocked down and suffered armor damage, but all three battlecruisers came through with their armor intact.  Only one of the six Coalition heavy cruisers targeted by the mines suffered armor damage, thanks to the fact that the cruiser’s all had well trained crews, unlike some of the larger battlecruisers, and the Coalition cruisers actually had heavier point defense suites than the Russian BC’s.  It was at this point that the Russian fleet moved to the fore.  Against the Coalition’s wishes, the Russians had sent their three brand-new Borodino class assault cruisers to join the fleet for the battle.  The Coalition had opposed this move, as the ships had been launched on the first of this month, meaning that the attack planned for the first would have to be delayed until the ships could join the fleet at the warp point, and because the ships and their crews were untested, and in some cases the new ships still had contractors on board fixing last minute problems.  Indeed, none of the ships had completed their shakedown cruise.  Coalition fleet command, and Admiral Ruston in particular, had thought that sending the new light cruisers into battle in this manner would be little more than suicide, and had objected strongly, but the Russians, keen to prove their worth to the new alliance, insisted.  Fortunately for the crews of the Russian assault ships, the mines had focused their attacks on the larger ships and ignored them.  Now their moment came as they lashed out with their two force beam turrets at the mines surrounding them.  The three Russian battlecruisers joined them firing their single force beam emplacement on wide-angle, sweeping hundreds of mines as they maneuvered to attack the human fleets.  The two groups of Russian ships were the only ships in the combined fleet that could do this, as they were the only ships in the fleet that were equipped with both long-range scanners and beam weapons.  Unlike the Russian battlecruisers, the Coalition battlecruisers had no beam weapons, as the Coalition designers had believed that additional point defense was more important on a missile combatant than a secondary beam weapon.  While that may have been true in a long-range engagement, now the Russian design decision paid off and between them the six Russian ships swept four hundred and fifty mines from space. 

That left a bare handful of mines to attack the six battlecruisers that continued to move through the minefield.  These were the battlecruisers that hadn’t lost their shields in the first attack.  The few remaining mines focused their attack on the lead Russian battlecruiser, the Sverdlov, and knocked down her shields.  The Sverdlov came to a stop, while the other five battlecruisers continued moving within the minefield.  The next attack came against the Queensland, a Coalition battlecruiser.  This attack was at half strength, and once it expended itself against the big battlecruiser the mines were finished.  The route from the Solar System to the Moskva system was clear. 

With the fleets now combined, the human forces in the Moskva system now numbered nine battlecruisers, twenty-one heavy cruisers, twelve light cruisers, seven destroyers, a scout-frigate, fourteen corvettes, and ten escorts.  That gave the allied human fleets a clear two to one tonnage advantage over the D’Bringi fleet.

With the immediate threat gone, Admiral Ruston contacted General Semenov, the commander of the Russian fleet.  General Semenov had been cleared of all charges in the wake of Marshal Kosygin’s fall from grace, and had been placed back in command of the last Russian fleet.  Although Ruston was grateful to have someone like General Semenov in command of the Russian fleet, who at least had some experience maneuvering a fleet, he had been concerned from the start at Semenov’s aggressive attitude.  Based on his reading of the material turned over to the Coalition by the Russians, it was the Russian’s overly aggressive reaction to the D’Bringi invasion that caused them so much trouble.  The D’Bringi and their allies had planned a series of ambushes for the Soviet fleet, and the Russians had walked right into them, losing most of their ships.  He had no intention of following the Russians into that lunacy again, but he couldn’t merely override his new second-in-command’s opinions.  The alliance was new and fragile, and if he alienated the only Russian fleet commander it would not bode well for future cooperation.   His ruminations were interrupted when General Semenov appeared on his screen. 

The Russian general was all smiles.  “Admiral!  We are through the minefield and the path forward is clear!  We have the advantage and we must press it home!” 

Admiral Ruston settled back into his chair and smiled.  “First things first!  Congratulations!  Your ships performed well!  And I must admit, I was wrong about your assault cruisers.  They did an incredible job sweeping the mines.  We couldn’t have done this without them.”

General Semenov nodded.  “They did what we needed them to do.  And, I think, it’s a good example of our alliance!  We couldn’t have launched this attack without your fleet, and you needed our specialist ships to penetrate the minefield.  We work well together!”

“Yes, we do.  But now we need to pause and regroup.  Our capital ships’ shields are damaged, and they need time to restore them.”  Ruston could see that General Semenov was about to object, and hurried on before he could speak.  “Yuri, they are too far away.”  Both of their eyes went to their respective plots.  In the four minutes since the allied ships had started entering the system, the D’Bringi fleet had withdrawn an additional five light seconds, putting them about thirty-five light seconds away.  Admiral Ruston’s eyes went back to the monitor.  “They can see the tonnage disparity as well as we can.  They are clearly refusing battle and withdrawing towards the warp point to Leningrad.  And since they converted their ships to use military engines, they aren’t faster than we are strategically any more, but neither are we faster than them.  We can’t catch them or force them to battle, not unless they want us to.  Or they are forced to defend something they won’t give up.”

“You want to let them go?”

“No.  I want to stick to the plan we developed last month.  We restore our shields and then shadow them as they withdraw.  They won’t want to get trapped here in the Moskva system, so they will almost certainly withdraw to Leningrad, and we will follow.  If they defend the warp point, then we will crush them there.  If they don’t, we will follow them until we can.  They won’t get away from us.”

General Semenov frowned, but Admiral Ruston could tell that the other fleet commander could see the truth of the situation as well as he could.  “They will escape if they get to their closed warp point, whether it is in the Leningrad system or in Gorkij.  But we will be right behind them, and if we are lucky, we will be able to localize their hidden warp point and follow them right into their territory.  Take the war to them for once!”

General Semenov brightened at that prospect.  “Very well.  We will regroup, and then follow.  And then we will see what we see.”

The D’Bringi fleet spat out CD’s as it retreated.  Several of the CD’s headed in-system, towards the colonies in the inner system, while others headed straight for the warp point to the Leningrad system.  Interestingly, another group of CD’s headed towards the Shaka/Volvograd system. 

Even as the D’Bringi CD’s sped away, two small groups of ships split off from the main Coalition fleet.  Each group was composed of a frigate-scout and an explorer-scout.  One of the groups headed for the other warp point in the system, while the second headed in-system. 
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Cold War: Turn 114, scout actions
« Reply #80 on: September 26, 2020, 01:20:35 PM »
Month 114, Day 6, Taugh system
Two D’Bringi scout-corvettes were on a course that would bring them to the system’s two innermost warp points in two days.  Their orders were to probe the system’s four newly discovered warp points, revealed by information gained from a Soviet settlement captured in the Duril system.  The D’Bringi hoped that probing the warp points would open a route that would allow the Rehorish Grand Fleet to link up with the D’Bringi fleet in the Moskva system.  Unexpectedly, though, CD’s had arrived carrying orders from the fleet commander.  The messages on the CD’s informed the ship commanders that the fleet was in retreat, and that they were about to be cut off.  Clan Leader Fortress-Breaker ordered the corvettes to carry out their mission regardless.  It was too late for them to retreat in any case, even at their maximum speed they would be unable to reach the Leningrad system before the humans had arrived at the warp point in Moskva and closed that route of retreat for them.  There was no going back, only forward.  The corvettes continued on towards the new warp points. 

Month 114, Day 8, Moskva system
The two Coalition scout groups, dispatched when the combined Coalition and Russian fleets put the D’Bringi fleets on the run, arrived at their respective destinations on this date.  The scout group assigned to the warp point to the Shaka (Volvograd/Taugh) system arrived at the warp point without detecting any enemy ships.  Upon arrival, the frigate-scout Outreach jumped through to the Shaka system and found it clear of ships within 72 light minutes of the warp point.  There was no way to tell if there were D’Bringi ships sitting out there with their drive fields down, but, at least for now, the area appeared to be clear.  The Outreach jumped back and sent off a report to the combined fleets which were shadowing the withdrawing D’Bringi fleet. 

The second Coalition scout group arrived over the Gagarin colony in the inner system and found it abandoned by the D’Bringi.  The colonists reported that the D’Bringi had loaded up on the freighters they had arrived on and left several days ago, and since then the colonists had kept a low profile, as they had no idea what the larger picture was.  This group also sent a report on to the combined fleets. 
Later in the day, in the Taugh/Shaka/Volvograd system
The two D’Bringi scouts had arrived at their respective warp points, and both jumped through with little fanfare.  The innermost warp point in the Taugh system led to a single-star system with a yellow primary.  The central star was orbited by six planets and an asteroid belt.  None of the planets were habitable.  The scout appeared two hundred and four light minutes from the system primary.  After recovering from the jump, the scout set out towards the inner system in an attempt to determine if there were any other ships in the system. 

The other scout jumped out of the Taugh system and arrived in a binary system with a yellow and red star.  Much to the surprise of the D’Bringi scout-corvette, the warp point was surrounded by a squadron of ships and two BS3’s.  The ships and bases were alert, thanks to the scout positioned on the far side of the warp point with its drive field down.  The scout had watched the D’Bringi corvette approach, and had fed CD’s with reports through as long as it could, so the D’Bringi ship’s ETA was known, and so the squadron and the bases were at alert status.  The squadron was the Coalition’s Colonial Defense Squadron #1, composed of three destroyers, a scout-frigate, and three corvettes, supported by the two BS3’s of the Epsilon Eridani system defense group.  Almost immediately after the corvette appeared the three destroyers of the 1st Colonial Defense Group opened fire, pummeling the small D’Bringi ship with their force beams.  All six Coalition force beams speared into the small D’Bringi ship, utterly destroying it before it could turn and retreat, or even fire in its defense.  A thin scattering of life pods drifted away from the shattered hulk.  The Coalition presence in the Epsilon Eridani system would remain a secret, for now. 
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Cold War: turn 114, Pursuit and battle
« Reply #81 on: September 30, 2020, 03:21:53 PM »
Month 114, Day 9, Moskva system
The D’Bringi fleet, which had retreated across the Moskva system with the combined Soviet and Coalition fleets in pursuit, reached the warp point to the Leningrad and jumped through without delay.  During the long pursuit, the respective commanders of the Coalition and Russian forces debated the merits of going to full power on their engines to try to force the D’Bringi to battle, but neither of them felt strongly enough about the matter to push the issue, and in the end, they settled for letting the D’Bringi run ahead of them.  In truth, both wanted the D’Bringi to retreat to their closed warp point, so that they could force them to reveal it if they attempted to use it. 

The combined fleets, now re-designated as the 1st Combined Allied Fleet, would reach the warp point fifteen minutes after the D’Bringi fleet went through.   

The Allied Fleet arrived at the warp point and came to a halt, assuming defensive positions around the hole in space.  The warp link from Moskva to Leningrad was the largest type that existed, so six battlecruisers could make it through every thirty seconds with ease.  However, the two leaders of the combined fleets were unwilling to risk their battlecruisers, some of which already had armor damage from forcing the warp point out of the solar system, in a probe of the warp point.  Instead, a probe force of smaller ships lined up in front of the warp point, led by the three Soviet minesweepers, which were the smallest warships with the fleet that were equipped with long ranged scanners at this point.  Four minutes and thirty seconds after they arrived, the assault force jumped out.  It was led by the three Soviet light cruisers, and included an additional six Coalition corvettes and eight Soviet escorts.  Their plan was to jump to the far side and immediately return, and then the logs from the long-range scanners, which should reactivate right before returning, would be evaluated. 

The Allied ships appeared in the Leningrad system, on the warp point, exactly as planned.  The ships appeared on multiple headings, to avoid a situation where any D’Bringi ships that remained behind might be in the blind spots of the entire force.  What they found was shocking.  The entire D’Bringi and T’Pau force surrounded the warp point, and, unfortunately, they were all at alert status.  Eleven D’Bringi and T’Pau beam-armed cruisers, six light cruisers, and ten corvettes sat just three quarters of a light second from the warp point, waiting for the allied ships to appear.  The first to fire was a trio of D’Bringi cruisers, each targeting a different Soviet light cruiser.  As always, the D’Bringi short-range cruisers were a mix of types, carrying an eclectic mix of weapons.  One of the first to fire carried gun emplacements as its primary weapons, backed up by two energy pulse cannons.  The guns knocked down the Soviet light cruiser’s relatively light screens, and the energy cannons’ damage scorched through the light cruiser’s heavy armor and damaged its engines.  The second D’Bringi cruiser to fire carried force beams as its primary weaponry, also backed up by two energy pulse cannons.  The force beams knocked down the light cruiser’s shields, and scored its armor, while the energy cannons took out two engine rooms.  The third cruiser was actually a medium range cruiser, armed with missile launchers.  It had been slotted into the short-range data group to replace a damaged beam cruiser, and to make room in its medium-range data group for a Keeper cruiser armed with capital missiles, as the long-range data group was now filled with Keeper battlecruisers.  The medium range cruiser launched its standard missiles in sprint mode, and all nine hit the Soviet light cruiser, taking down its shields and damaging its armor.  The Soviet light cruiser fired back, targeting its tormentor, hitting with both of its force beam turrets, eliminating the D’Bringi cruiser’s shields and taking out most of its armor.  A T’Pau cruiser group fired next, also spreading its fire across the light cruisers.  The T’Pau ships were armed with lasers and gun turrets, and the heavy armor of the Soviet light cruisers absorbed their fire handily.  A Soviet light cruiser returned fire, targeting the same heavy cruiser and getting two hits, penetrating the cruiser’s light armor and shields and destroying an engine room.  The second T’Pau cruiser group fired, splitting its fire as the other cruiser groups had, and this time they managed to penetrate the light cruiser’s heavy armor and cause more engine damage to two of the three light cruisers.    A D’Bringi close-range cruiser data group fired next, splitting its fire between three Coalition corvettes.  This D’Bringi data group consisted of two cruisers armed with energy pulse cannons and force beams, and a single corvette that was replacing a cruiser dispatched to the rear for repairs.  The two cruisers each destroyed their corvette-target, while the D’Bringi corvette merely managed to damage its target’s armor.  The D’Bringi medium range group fired next, and its target, a Coalition corvette, was seriously damaged and slowed.  The Allied ships continued focusing on the damaged D’Bringi cruiser, while the D’Bringi and T’Pau ships spread their fire across the entire attack wave.  Of the seventeen ships of the probe force, only seven escorts returned to the Moskva system.  Three Soviet light cruisers and three Coalition corvettes were lost to the initial exchange of fire, and three Coalition corvettes and one Soviet escort didn’t have enough engines left to make their turn and jump out with the other ships.  They succumbed to the next round of fire, doing no damage to the D’Bringi force before being overwhelmed. 

At the cost of three Russian light-cruiser minesweepers, six corvettes, and an escort, the Allied fleet determined that the entire D’Bringi force was guarding the jump point.  No long-range scanner equipped ships returned, so there was no confirmation, but Allied intel analysts were certain that the D’Bringi had a mine field around the warp point.  The D’Bringi force suffered serious internal damage to one heavy cruiser, and one of the Soviet escorts scored an internal hit on another D’Bringi cruiser with its primary beam.  The surviving escorts observed no visible effect from the hit, but the cruiser had to have suffered at least some internal damage.  Unfortunately, the rest of the escorts missed with their primary beams, perhaps because of the effects of the transit coupled with their green crews. 

If the combined fleets were going to force the warp point, they were going to need a lot more ships, including particularly minesweepers.  In the meantime, Admiral Ruston, with General Semenov’s concurrence, sent messages back to the Solar system requesting the redeployment of DSB-L’s to their position, to either deter any D’Bringi counterattack or make it costly should they attempt to return to the Moskva system.  In addition, both commanders requested additional scouting resources be constructed and assigned to any fleets operating outside of the Solar System, given the D’Bringi penchant for ambushes. 
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Cold War: Turn 114, Contact!
« Reply #82 on: October 04, 2020, 09:06:04 AM »
Month 114, Day 11, newly discovered system
The last surviving D’Bringi scout was approaching the inner system when it detected drive fields ahead.  After some consternation aboard the scout they decided to press on, after all, they were hoping to make contact with the Rehorish main fleet.  Just over seventy minutes after they detected the drive fields, a message from the fleet in the inner system arrived, identifying itself as the Rehorish Grand Fleet, and ordering the scout to identify itself.  The scout’s crew celebrated as they sent their identity information, along with a status update from the D’Bringi fleet commander.  The Rehorish now had an open route to humanity’s inner systems!

The Rehorish fleet dispatched CD’s back to their home system, updating them, and set their course for the jump point to the new systems revealed by the D’Bringi scout.  It would take over a month for the information to make it to the D’Bringi fleet in the Leningrad system. 

(just a short one today!)
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Cold War: Turn 114, Events move forward
« Reply #83 on: October 05, 2020, 11:13:51 AM »
Month 114, Day 13, Earth
The messages from the two fleet commanders arrived on Earth, addressed to the two Fleet HQ’s.  A joint Allied Fleet HQ was in the planning stages, but would not be established for some time.  In the meantime, the two fleets had set up a temporary Joint Operations Fleet Command Center (JOFCC), staffed by both organizations, and the messages were routed to this command center, as well as to the respective fleet HQ’s.  In theory, the JOFCC was authorized to make command decisions relating to the combined fleets, but in reality, the JOFCC was currently staffed by relatively junior officers and it was understood by both sides that any real decisions would be made by the respective Fleet HQ’s.  This command structure was cumbersome and any decisions made would take time, and both sides knew this, but for now it was the best they had.  Changes were coming slowly, and required extensive negotiations, sometimes all the way up to the leadership level.  Fortunately, at least for now, an emergency atmosphere still permeated both governments and the decisions, which otherwise could have taken weeks to consider, were given high priority.  In just under a day, the fleet HQ’s decision to support the fleet commander’s request was ratified. Unfortunately, the USSR’s automated weapons at Sol’s warp point had been depleted during the war, and had not yet been built back up again.  In addition, the USSR’s DSB control systems were installed on their asteroid forts, and were not mobile, meaning that the response fell upon the Coalition.  Therefore, the response came from the Coalition’s Sol warp point defenses.  A small task group made up of a Coalition destroyer AWCS (Automated Weapon Control Ship) and several freighters carrying 230 Coalition DSB-L’s was dispatched to the Combined Fleet’s location. 

Month 114, Day 15, Coalition Sligo system
The Tarek complete their planetary survey of the innermost planet in their component of their binary system.  The planet is ST, and thus fundamentally unsuited to them, but it is the only semi-habitable planet in their component of the binary system left to them by the Coalition.  The survey results are disappointing.  The planet is rated very poor, and this is a massive disappointment to the Imperial Government.  To make up for the disappointment, the government of the Tarek blames the poor rating on the Coalition, hinting that strip mining or other “alien trickery” is responsible.  Tarek survey ships move on to begin surveying the non-habitable moons and asteroids of the “B” component, before moving on to the A component of the binary system.   
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Cold War: Month 114, Rehorish Advance
« Reply #84 on: October 06, 2020, 08:24:16 AM »
Month 114, Day 16, Taugh System
The Rehorish Grand Fleet, all fifty-three ships, transited into the Taugh/Volvograd system on this date.  Once assembled, the fleet split, with five destroyers splitting off to watch the various warp points in the system.  The rest of the ships set out for the warp point to the Duril/Moskva system. 

Month 114, Day 24, Moskva system
The Coalition scouting group assigned to watch the warp link from Sigma Draconis/Moskva to the Shaka/Taugh system was split between the two sides of the warp link.   A scout frigate sat in the Shaka/Taugh system, while an explorer class scout sat in the Moskva system, so that a watch could be kept on both sides of the warp point.  At 0730 hours the scout frigate Outreach detected drive fields approaching on a direct course from the warp point that led to the Soviet colonial territories.  They immediately sent a warning to the combined fleet at the warp point to the Leningrad system and settled in to watch the approaching fleet. 

Several hours later a message from the explorer-scout assigned to the Shaka Picket group arrived.  This picket ship had been repositioned from the warp point after the arrival of the combined fleet’s scout group, to a location approximately seventy-two light minutes inward, towards the warp point to the Soviet colonial territories.  The explorer had been positioned off of the direct route of approach, positioned to gather information on any formation approaching the warp point to the Moskva system without being detected in return.  The explorer scout reported that the approaching fleet was composed of forty-eight ships.  Based on their drive field strengths, the fleet appeared to be composed of fifteen heavy cruisers, eighteen light cruisers, and fifteen destroyers.  The explorer scout was forced to fleet after obtaining that information, as the Rehorish fleet was by then close enough to detect it even with its drive field down.  Almost immediately after the Rehorish fleet was close enough to detect the drive field down scout, a trio of Rehorish destroyers peeled off to force the Coalition scout away.  Fortunately, the explorer-scout was faster than the destroyers and able to stay out of range of their weapons. 

This information was sent on to the combined fleets on the other side of the Moskva system. 

On board the Rehorish fleet, alarms began sounding when their sensors detected the lone ship just off of their course towards the warp point.  A trio of destroyers were dispatched to force the unknown ship away from the fleet, just in case it was hostile.  Contact messages were sent, in the hopes that it was a D’Bringi ship, however, no response was received.  Shortly after that, a new set of drive fields was detected on the warp point to the Duril system, seventy-two light minutes away.   

The Rehorish Grand fleet continued on towards the warp point, but now a screen of destroyers was thrown out ahead of the fleet, to ensure no more surprises popped up. 

Month 114, Day 24, Moskva System
The Coalition AWCS destroyer arrived at the Combined Fleet’s location at approximately 1700 hours.  The 230 DSB-L’s carried by the accompanying freighters were quickly placed around the warp point, adding an extra layer of security. 

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Cold War: Month 114, Rehorish Advance pt 2
« Reply #85 on: October 07, 2020, 07:22:52 AM »
Month 114, Day 24, Rehorish Home System
CD’s carrying the messages from the Grand Fleet arrived on Rehorish Prime on this date.  They caused excitement throughout the upper reaches of the government and fleet command, as the route to the Human’s home system was now open.  D’Bringi messages had arrived the day before, informing the Rehorish that their fleet had been forced to retreat now that the Coalition had joined the war.  Now the Grand Fleet would be able to balance the scales.  Messages were dispatched to the Grand Fleet confirming their orders to seek out and join the D’Bringi fleet, while avoiding battle with the human’s fleets if possible.  Whether these messages would arrive before the Grand Fleet engaged the humans was an open question.

Month 114, Day 26, Taugh system
The Rehorish Grand Fleet began its final approach to the warp point to the Duril (Sigma Draconis/Moskva) system at 1830 hours.  The lone ship that had been shadowing them had raced ahead and joined the two drive fields sitting on the warp point.  When the Rehorish picket destroyers reached fifteen light seconds from the warp point, the alien ships sent a message to the Rehorish ships.  The message was in the human’s primary language (English, as the Rehorish learned it from the Coalition Fleet during their representative’s contact with the Coalition ships in the Moskva system).  The message informed the Rehorish that the Coalition had entered the war, and that if the Rehorish fleet continued its advance, it would be destroyed by combined Coalition and USSR forces.  The message also offered the possibility of peace to the Rehorish, if they withdrew from Soviet territory and ended their participation in the war. 

The Rehorish fleet continued its course towards the warp point, and the ships on the warp point, now identified as Coalition ships, jumped back to the Moskva/Sigma Draconis system. 
Month 114, Day 28, Sigma Draconis system
“Admiral, we are downloading a message from a courier drone that just moved into range.   Decrypting now.”

Admiral Ruston nodded towards the camera.  “Very well.  Route it to my terminal.”  He closed the connection and settled back into his chair, staring at the wall, lost in thought.  He should be sleeping, but their situation was keeping him up.  They had been at the warp point to Leningrad for over two weeks now, with no action on either side, since the loss of the bulk of their initial probe group just after arrival.  General Semenov was receiving increasingly irate messages from his HQ demanding action, and the fact that they had managed to liberate the Soviet colonies in the Moskva system wasn’t enough to placate the Marshals back on Earth.  They wanted the D’Bringi fleet destroyed or chased out of human territory, and the Brezhnev system, and the fleet that had retreated there, liberated. 

A minute later his terminal chimed, and he opened the message icon that floated in the center of the screen.  Seconds later he was swearing, and, still swearing, he reached for the comm button that would connect him with the bridge.  Before he could key it, his monitor lit up with the face of lieutenant commander Bradford, the flagship’s bridge duty officer.  “Sir, General Semenov is on the screen for you.”

Admiral Ruston shook his head, then nodded to the officer.  “Put him through.”  The screen blanked, then relit to show General Semenov.  He had obviously been sleeping, which wasn’t surprising given the time.  “General, I assume you’ve seen the message?”

The Soviet general nodded.  “Yes.  The Rehorish are in the Volvograd system in large numbers, and are likely already in this system.”

Admiral Ruston nodded.  “We have to plan our next steps.  Come on over and I’ll have my aide brew up some of that tea you like so much.”

“On my way.”  The screen flickered out, and Ruston sent a message to his aide to prepare the briefing room for General Semenov and himself. 

By the time General Semenov arrived, Admiral Ruston was in the briefing room looking at a holo display of the Moskva system.  General Semenov moved to the table and the tea set, while searching the display for anything that looked out of place.  The display had the system primary centered, with the inner planets, which contained the bulk of the colonies belonging to the two nations, all huddled close to the star.  Approximately thirty-eight light minutes out from the star an asteroid belt circled the inner system.  Several lonely outer planets orbited outside the asteroid belt, although only one, the gas giant Midas, had any colonies on its moons.  The system’s three warp points were scattered across the outer system, with the warp points to the Volvograd and Leningrad systems almost directly across the system from each other, separated by nearly five hundred and twenty-eight light minutes.  It would take the Rehorish fleet over fourteen days to reach their current position.  However, the warp point to Sol was positioned in between the two fleets, offset to one side.  Fortunately, it was closer to the human fleets than it was to the Rehorish.  The Sol warp point linked the system back to the Solar System, and to all of the supplies and ammunition they needed to keep the fleet operational.  General Semenov noted a sphere around the warp point to the Volvograd system.  “I presume the sphere represents the possible locations for the Rehorish fleet?”

Admiral Ruston nodded and gestured for the general to take a seat.  “They’ve been in the system for two days now.  We have ships shadowing them but we won’t know for around six hours what course they took when the entered the system, or if they even left the warp point.”

“If they have left the warp point, they will either come here or head to the warp point to Sol.  My guess is that they will head to the warp point.   It is a location we must defend.”

Admiral Ruston nodded.  “I’ve already ordered the fleet to prepare for departure, as I presume you have.”  Admiral Ruston saw the Russian nod, and punched a code into the keypad in front of him.  In response, the map disappeared and was replaced by a display of their fleet.  The Combined Allied Fleet consisted of nine battlecruisers, twenty-one cruisers, nine light cruisers, three destroyers, eight corvettes, and ten escorts.  The display showed a stylized hull for each class, followed by inset data windows showing numbers, weapons, and current status.  The Coalition and Soviet ship hulls were similar, basically long and angular, with living spaces, engines, and weapons built out around a long keel.  Five of the battlecruisers and two of the heavy cruisers were showing armor damage, from the effort to clear the minefield at the warp point to Sol.  In general, the armor damage was light, but one of the Soviet cruisers had suffered near-total loss of its armor, and several of the battlecruisers had lost 10-20% of their armor.  The damage had been a constant nagging issue for both fleet commanders.  For the most part the damage wasn’t significant enough to justify detaching the ships to return to the shipyards in the solar system, but any impairment to their ship’s combat status was enough to worry the two men. 

After a few seconds for the two men to take in the status of their fleet, Admiral Ruston punched another code into the keyboard and a second display appeared just to the left of the Allied Fleet display.  This display showed what little information was known about the Rehorish fleet advancing into the Moskva system.  The display showed globes in varying sizes for the Rehorish ships, as their hull configuration was currently unknown.  Underneath the globes, data windows showed what information they had.  The Rehorish fleet consisted of fifteen heavy cruisers, eighteen light cruisers, and fifteen destroyers.  There was no information on the weapons or defenses of the Rehorish fleet. 

Admiral Ruston punched in another command, and a third display appeared over the conference table, this one showing stylized icons for D’Bringi and T’Pau hulls, with numbers and known weapons and defenses below.  The last information on the D’Bringi and T’Pau fleets had their strength at three battlecruisers, twelve heavy cruisers, six light cruisers, and ten corvettes. 

Finally, Admiral Ruston called up a fleet mass comparison of the three fleets.  The human fleet out-massed each of the other two comfortably.  It was almost twice as large as the D’Bringi/T’Pau fleet, and 26% larger than the Rehorish fleet.  However, both commanders could see that if they were able to join together, the Rehorish and D’Bringi fleets would out-mass the human fleets by nearly a third. 

After staring at the display for a minute or two, General Semenov finally stirred.  “We must not let them combine.”

Admiral Ruston, who had the same thought, said, “We may not be able to stop them.  The Rehorish will almost certainly avoid combat if we move to intercept them, as we must.  We cannot let them invest the warp point to the home system, or they will cut us off from the supplies and missiles that are necessary for our continued operations.  In addition, if they do avoid combat with our combined fleets, I do not see how we can force them to fight.  Their cruisers are as fast as ours, after all.”  Admiral Ruston brought the system display to the fore again, while the fleet displays shrunk into the background.   

General Semenov grunted.  “We can either force them to fight or retreat, though.  If we detach a small force that heads for the warp point to Volvograd, they will be forced to retreat to defend their supply lines.”

Admiral Ruston stared at the display for a minute, thinking furiously.  “They would be forced to retreat, that is, unless their goal is to set the D’Bringi fleet free.  If that is their goal then they will set their course for the warp point here, and try to slip around us to attack the defenses we’ve set up.”

General Semenov nodded.  “True enough.  In either case, though, we must intercept them.”

The two commanders talked and plotted for some time, then brought in their respective staffs to begin planning the campaign to try and trap the Rehorish fleet.  The combined fleets would set out in three hours, leaving behind the warp point to be defended by the DSB-L’s.  The D’Bringi, if they knew that the Allied Fleet left, could breach the defenses, but only at a cost.     
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Cold War: Month 115 Overview
« Reply #86 on: October 08, 2020, 03:41:02 PM »
Turn 115, Day 1, Across Known Space
D’Bringi Expanses:
Repairs were completed on a battlecruiser and three heavy cruisers in the yards over D’Bringi Prime.  In addition, three clan heavy cruisers left the yards after refits to the latest standard were completed.  Finally, two new clan heavy cruisers left the yards to join the clan fleets.  These ships were returned to the Keeper and Clan Home Fleets, which were now filling out with repaired ships and new construction. 

Eight heavy cruisers and a battlecruiser left the planet, bound for the front lines to reinforce the D’Bringi fleet there.  Four of the eight heavy cruisers were shaking down, either having just been built or just finished refits. 

Rehorish Stellar Dominion:
Activity in the Rehorish home yards had fallen off in recent months, due to new tech under development and the fact that the burgeoning fleet reactivated from mothballs was straining the economy.  A lone corvette-sized ammunition ship was launched this month, and a heavy cruiser finished refitting as well.  In the Tokyo system, two ships, formerly with the Soviet fleet, were released from the Rehorish repair ships.  The two ships, a heavy cruiser and a destroyer, were now completely repaired and refitted for use by the Rehorish.  For new, the two ships join the group of warships escorting the repair group. 

Reformation Coalition:
The yards in the Coalition were filled with hulls under construction, but no new ships launched this month. 

In the Sligo system, the Tarek dispatch a fleet of freighters and personnel transports from their home planet.  The Coalition colony of Wunderland watches the colony fleet, which is escorted by Tarek warships, carefully, but it turns in-system towards the innermost ST planet.  The Tarek are expanding.  The Coalition colonists find this disquieting, although the Coalition representatives have made it as clear as they can to the Tarek that humans have no designs on any other body in their system.   

The USSR’s orbital yards and planetary construction facilities, which had been mobilized after its stunning series of defeats, were now churning out more and more ships to make up for its losses.  Twenty escorts were launched this month, and a new class of corvette sized mine control ship was laid down.  This class, while not intended to participate in combat, was the first Soviet ship to be armed with the newly developed short-ranged plasma guns. 
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Cold War: Month 115, Rehorish Advance pt 3
« Reply #87 on: October 09, 2020, 05:41:32 PM »
Month 115, Day 4, Duril/Moskva system
The Rehorish Grand Fleet had been moving cautiously across the Duril system, heading for the warp point the Leningrad/Yeack system.  At this point they were closer to the warp point to Yeack than they were to their entry point.  So far their advance had been uneventful except for the near constant duel between the Coalition scout ships trying to get close to the Grand Fleet, and the Rehorish destroyers detailed to push them back and/or destroy them.  The Coalition scout group consisted of three explorer class scouts and two larger frigate-scouts.  Cho-sho Banzan had detached five of his precious destroyers to picket the warp points in the Taugh system, something he hadn’t wanted to do but until they linked up with the D’Bringi, the Taugh system was the fleet’s lifeline back to home.  There were three unexplored warp points in the Taugh system, and a D’Bringi scout had disappeared through one of those warp points.  They must be watched, so he had detached the only ships in his fleet capable of doing so, his long-range scanner equipped destroyers.  That left fifteen destroyers with his fleet, and, if he had detailed all of them to push back the Coalition scouts, they likely would have been successful, although that was not a sure thing as the Coalition explorer-scouts were faster than his destroyers.  In any case, he had only detailed five DD’s to push back the enemy scouts, and assigned the other ten DD’s to run ahead of the fleet to detect any possible ambushes by the humans.  With only five DD’s facing five enemy scouts, the game of cat and mouse around the fleet had been continuous as Coalition scouts attempted to slip around their pursuers and make runs at the fleet to ensure it was still together, and to gather as much information as they could.  In return, the Rehorish destroyers tried to sucker the Coalition scouts into weapons range for a crippling blow.  They were still six days from the warp point to the Taugh/Leningrad system at this point. 

At 1700 hours, the sensors on the lead picket destroyers of the Rehorish fleet detected drive fields seventy-two light minutes from the fleet, ahead and approximately forty-five degrees to the right of the fleet’s course.  The information was transmitted to Cho-sho Banzan, who ordered the fleet to continue on towards its target, the warp point to Yeack and the D’Bringi fleet. 
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Cold War: Month 115, The Mintek
« Reply #88 on: October 10, 2020, 03:39:24 PM »
Month 115, Day 4, D’Bringi Prime
“Why have you brought me here?”  Skull-Splitter, chief of the K’Rorin Clan, was obviously in a bad mood, and being peremptorily summoned by a fellow chief to a more-or-less neutral meeting place likely had a lot to do with it.  Skull-Splitter thumped ponderously into the room and took the proffered chair.  He was large for a D’Bringi, and while his title, ‘Skull-Splitter”, had been handed down from some leader of the K’Rorin in the distant past, he certainly looked like he was capable of splitting any skull he encountered.  Outside, K’Rorin guards surrounded the small meeting center, joining their B’Regest fellows in setting up a perimeter.  The two guard forces were mainly concentrating on outside threats, but also were watching each other, alert for any possible treachery.  Such treachery had been common in the time before space flight, but while it was uncommon now, especially amongst the highest leadership levels, it was not unknown. 

Burning Blade, the leader of the B’Regest clan, sat a cup filled with water in front of the other clan leader, who looked at it disdainfully and pulled a flask out of his pack.  “I see the Keepers aren’t here, or the T’Chau.  Are they late, or did you just invite me?”

Burning Blade, generally considered the most urbane of the major clan leaders, sighed, and dipped his head.  “Blunt as always.  Very well.  This doesn’t involve the Keepers, at least not yet, and with Fortress Breaker off world, with the fleet, if I invited the T’Chau we’d just get one of his innumerable sons who, of course, has no power of his own.”

Skull-Splitter’s eyes narrowed as he considered what his fellow clan chief was saying.  “What has gone wrong?”

“Possibly nothing.  But…there is something strange going on out on the frontier.  This morning I received a strange report from one of my troubleshooters on Phyriseq IV.”

Skull-Splitter leaned forward.  “Phyriseq IV?  That’s that colony on the periphery, right?  The Mintek are beyond there, and the trade goods we are getting from them comes in at Phyriseq, right?

Burning Blade shifted uncomfortably.  “Yes.”  If he was surprised that the other clan chief could pull those facts out of his memory, he didn’t let on. 

“And, if I remember correctly, your clan has primary responsibility for the colony on Phyriseq IV, and thus the trade with the Mintek?  Trade that you are supposed to ensure is fairly divided between the clans.”  That last was said without emphasis, but with a focused glare that said volumes. 

“Yes, and that’s why word of the issue has reached me.”  He held up his hand when the other clan chief looked like he was going to interject.  “I employ troubleshooters to deal with clan…problems, throughout the Expanses.  These troubleshooters are usually the younger sons and daughters of the various family chiefs, and, while they have significant authority when on a mission, they have little hope of advancement or achieving a position through their family connections.”

“And thus, they are loyal to you.  We do something similar.”

“Exactly.  Five months ago, when we concluded the trade deal with the Mintek, I began receiving some troubling messages from my factors and labor bosses on Phyriseq IV.  As part of the trade agreement, we had agreed to let the Mintek move freely on the two closest colonies, Phyriseq IV and Jerothal A-II, while our traders and tourists would be allowed free movement on two of the inhabited planets in their home system.”

Skull-Splitter suddenly sat up straight.  “Wait!  Jerothal?  That system is the gateway to the human’s worlds!  Our fleet confronting the human’s lies beyond Jerothal!”

Burning Blade’s expression turned even gloomier, if that was possible.  “You begin to see at least one of my concerns.  At any rate, my contacts on Phyriseq were telling me that the Mintek were up to something.  They never were quite able to tell me what they thought the Mintek were up to, though.  Every report just stated that relatively large numbers of Mintek were visiting the colony, and that they were very friendly and were talking to everyone.  About a month later, the Mintek asked for permission to set up temples in several towns, and permission was granted.  It wasn’t long after that that the reports of troublesome behavior dwindled to nothing.  After that every report said that everything was fine, and all reports that mentioned the Mintek did so in glowing terms.  I intended to follow up, but with the war…well, to be honest, it never happened.”

Skull-Splitter’s anger had dissipated, and now he was focused on what his fellow chief was trying to say.   “So, what changed?” 

“My staff noticed a relatively minor accounting discrepancy in the accounts for one of our mines on Phyriseq IV several months ago, and so I dispatched a junior troubleshooter to determine what the issue actually was.  More than once, what appeared to be a minor error, when investigated, turned into a massive problem that we were lucky we brought to light early, so I tend to send the troubleshooters in unannounced, and early.  Reports from the troubleshooter came in like clockwork, and revealed some very disquieting events were taking place on Phyriseq IV.  There were Mintek temples in every city and town, and they were hosting daily events for the workers that were always well attended.  One of the troubleshooter’s last reports indicated that the Mintek running the temples seemed to be very friendly with the clan overseers for the various cities and corporations responsible for operations for the colony, and stated that the troubleshooter was going to try to infiltrate the local temple to learn more.  Nothing has been heard of her since.”

“This is bad!”  Skull-Splitter leapt to his feet and began pacing.  “We have warships in the system, right?”

“We do.  Three cruisers intended to show the flag and defend the border.  Two T’Chau ships and one of yours.”

“One of mine?”  He paused his pacing to punch an inquiry into his pocket comp.  “The Devastator, under Turiq.  A good warrior.  We must contact him immediately!”

“Wait!  We must be very cautious.  Think!  Why has your commander not contacted you to report these events?”

Skull-Splitter turned on the other clan chief.  “You accuse him?”

Burning Blade merely held up his hand, waiving away the others accusation.  “I accuse no one.  I merely fear that some, maybe many, officials in the system may have been suborned by the Mintek.  This may be nothing more than the fever dreams of a minor official, or it could be that the Mintek already control one of our colonies.”

Skull-Splitter resumed pacing.  “The other two ships of the squadron are clan T’Chau.  Could they be in league with the Mintek?”

“And now you see why I didn’t invite them.  We don’t know what is going on there, but we must respond, and we cannot tip off anyone in the system when we do so.”

“We have no ships left to send there, though.  Between the three clans and the Keepers, there are no more than three warships left that are ready for battle, and one of those is a corvette.”

“Yes, I know.  I propose diverting the reinforcements dispatched to Fortress Breaker and the main fleet at the start of the month.  After all, they are already heading in the right direction, they merely have to divert from their original course once they reach the Chruqua nexus at the end of month.   And, the reinforcements out numbers the border force in Phyriseq handily.”
Skull-Splitter stopped pacing and turned back to the other chief.  “That is…doable.  However, those reinforcements are needed on the front lines.  They will go a long way towards regaining the fleet’s superiority over the humans.”

Burning Blade looked troubled.  “I know, but it can’t be helped.  I fear what is going on in Phyriseq, and I fear that if we don’t investigate now it boil over and engulf us all while the fleet is deployed far away.”

Skull-Splitter stood stock still for a second, then dipped his head in agreement.  “Agreed.  We will have to bring in the Keepers, though.  The squadron you wish to divert is led by one of their commanders, on board one of their battlecruisers.  And, there are two T’Chau cruisers with the group.  If the T’Chau are in on whatever is going on, they will have to be dealt with.”

“I have called upon the Keeper-Cleric to attend us later this day, in the hope that we could come to an agreement.  As for the T-Pau, we can put the squadron under a communication’s blackout, and leave them to watch the warp points in the Chruqua system.  That will weaken the task group, but not severely.”

Skull-Splitter ceased pacing.  “I will go out to join the reinforcement squadron.  One of us must be there to evaluate the situation on-scene, and to provide command and control.”  He stared at the leader of the B’Regest intently.  “We must determine the intent of the T’Chau as soon as possible!”

“Agreed.  I will remain here to coordinate our activities and response.  I will have all of my agents begin investigating T’Chau activities across our territories, in areas where we are still receiving good information.  In addition, I will send an auditing team with you, to go over all of the colonial government’s records.”  The B’Regest leader stood and moved towards his counterpart.  “We must stand together in this.”

Skull-Splitter dipped his head in agreement.  “I will order our agents to investigate the T’Chau as well, and to report to you their findings.  In the meantime, all new construction and newly refitted warships must be held here, to act as a reserve against the possibility of military action against the Mintek, should they prove to be a threat.”

The two leaders, having come to an agreement, moved to another room to bring their respective staffs together to begin the planning that would be necessary to divert he squadron and begin investigating the T’Chau.  The Keeper-Cleric arrived just over three hours later, and having received some cryptic warnings from Phyriseq himself, agreed to place the Keeper ships in the reinforcement squadron under Skull-Splitter’s control.  In addition, he agreed to send an elite team of Keeper Inquisitors with Skull Splitter. 

Skull-Splitter would board the lone corvette in the home system belonging to the B’Regest clan, which would ferry him to the reinforcement squadron at its maximum speed, risking burning out its engines in its haste to reach the warships.  The reinforcement squadron, which would be renamed to Attack Group Skull-Splitter upon his arrival, would arrive in the Phyriseq system next month, on day 5. 

Meanwhile, on Mintek Prime, four days earlier…
The Mintek are entirely humanoid, and on first inspection appeared almost identical to humans, something that threw the D’Bringi for a considerable loop when they first encountered the newly discovered race.  The sole visible difference is that the sides and back of a Mintek’s head is covered with what appears to be a shell, although it is made of a bone-like substance.  The Mintek are hairless, and their internal organs and layout is significantly different from that of humanity, although those differences are not visible.   The Mintek civilization also includes a second race, the Beoratal.  The Beoratal evolved on the second planet of the Mintek system’s yellow-star component, while the Mintek themselves evolved on the third planet of the yellow star.  A third habitable planet exists in the system, orbiting the white star primary of the binary pair, but this planet was uninhabited until the Mintek placed a colony there shortly after exploring the system.  The Beoratal are entirely alien in appearance, being insectoid and possessing an exoskeleton.  A human would likely think a Beoratal looked like a large grasshopper.  Beoratal have been completely absorbed into Mintek society, and, indeed, largely think of themselves as Mintek at this point.  Although they are not legally prohibited from travelling, they are not common off of their home world. 

Chancellor Dukhon, the elected leader of the Mintek, smiled and rose when his Minister for Equality and Inclusion swept into his office.  Dukhon always looked forward to Turval’s visits, as he always made an entrance, and always had something interesting to say, or some relevant wisdom to impart.  The Ministry of Equality and Inclusion (MEI) was the most important bureau in the government, by almost any accounting, and certainly was the most powerful, should it choose to flex its inherent power.  Of course, it was very rare for the MEI to do so until recently.  Ever since the enlightenment of the Beoratal decades ago the Ministry, in spite of its sweeping powers and responsibility, had mostly limited its efforts to general education and oversight of the mental hygiene police.  Now, though, with the contact with the unenlightened, the Ministry had been greatly enlarged to reflect its greatly enlarged responsibilities. 

“Chancellor, good day to you!”  Turval bustled into the room and bowed before the Chancellor, as was traditional and appropriate.  “It is a beautiful morning; may we have our meeting on the balcony?”

Chancellor Dukhon smiled at his Minister.  “Of course.  I know how you love the view.”  The Chancellor rose and gestured for his aides to move their food and drink to the spacious patio on the balcony adjoined to the Chancellor’s one hundred and thirty-seventh floor office at the peak of the capital city’s main government complex.  The view was breathtaking, and both of them sat silently for a time, looking out over the city.  Unity, as the capital city was named, would have been called ethereally beautiful by most humans.  Its buildings were smooth and elegant, almost natural in appearance, and where people could be seen there was none of the hustle and bustle that was so common in human cities.  Instead, the Mintek visible all appeared to be an integral part of the city, organized but not regimented, purposeful but not driven.  The Mintek Universal Union’s two most powerful leaders often took their meals together on the balcony, as the harmony and tranquility of the city provided a useful backdrop to the decisions that had to be made, but were sometimes distasteful or disagreeable. 

Finally, Dukhon turned to his minister and said, “How goes the outreach programs?  Are the D’Bringi evolved enough to be brought to the light of Union?”

A huge smile broke across Turval’s face.  “Of course they are Chancellor, as I have said before.  I cannot believe that any sentient beings exist who are too depraved to see the light of the Perfect Union!  Even now our Speakers move across two unenlightened D’Bringi planets, bringing harmony and a desire for Unity to the D’Bringi people.”

“And the D’Bringi government?  We know from our experience with the Beoratal that regressive, pre-Unity governments can be blind to the truth, and indeed will try to organize against us and our attempts to spread the truth.”

Turval’s face took on a serious look.  “We have infiltrated and subverted many in the local governments on the two worlds we have been granted access to at this point in time.  We believe that we have prevented any warnings from getting out to the central D’Bringi government, however, we cannot be sure of this.”

“And what steps have you taken to continue the spread of the truth to the unenlightened?” 

Turval settled back into his chair, an uneasy look on his face.  “We have encouraged many of the newly converted D’Bringi faithful to emigrate to a new colony we have established for them on Mintek Tertius, in the home system.  Here they will be safe from any reprisals brought by the regressive elements in the D’Bringi government, should they become aware of our efforts to bring their people to enlightenment.  And on this new colony they can be trained in the truth of Unity.  My reports show that they hold great promise.  Many seek to become Speakers themselves, to spread enlightenment to their own people!  The response of the common D’Bringi people has been gratifying.  So far, over two million D’Bringi have agreed to come to Mintek Tertius and make a new life for themselves within the Light of Unity.”  Turval’s face, which had brightened at the mention of the new colony, now grew serious again.  “Of course, we cannot yet protect the Speakers who move through D’Bringi territory, or those faithful that remain there to assist in the spread of the truth.  We must give the D’Bringi, including those within their government, the freedom to choose.  As we saw with the Beoratal, when presented with the truth of Unity, any reasoning being will accept it and reorder their lives to live within the accepted dictates as presented by the faithful.  We must give them that freedom of choice, until they prove they cannot be trusted with the choice.  Only then are the faithful justified in sweeping away the regressive forces who would prevent their own people from reaching enlightenment.  Yes, this will place the faithful, and the Speakers who lead them, in greater danger, but such is the way of the path to enlightenment.” 

Turval stood at that point, and moved to the edge of the balcony, where he could stare out over the city.  The Chancellor moved to join him.  After a few seconds, Turval continued.  “Our efforts to bring the D’Bringi to enlightenment have paid off, old friend.  The Speakers on Phyriseq IV have convinced a group of newly converted low-level administrators within the colonial government to give them access to the D’Bringi government’s navigation databases for the region around Phyriseq.  It seems the system has four warp points aside from the one that connects to us here, and one of those leads to a system with no less than twelve warp points.  This system seems to be the center of D’Bringi exploration efforts, and there are no less than four additional systems located adjacent to the warp nexus with habitable planets and populations.  Even better, these planets house four different races!”  Turval turned to the Chancellor, his eyes blazing.  “We have been given a great opportunity to spread the truth.  Think!  With one fell swoop we can begin the spread of The One and his promised Unity to four additional races!”

Chancellor Dukhon was staggered.  This was an immense development.  He shook his head.  “It is, indeed, a great opportunity old friend.  But think of the danger!  Our expansion of the faith into D’Bringi space was done stealthily, and by stages, to ensure that the regressive elements within their government did not act prematurely and attempt to prevent the enlightenment of their own people.  We have failed to subvert the warships the D’Bringi government stationed at the border, and instead have had to settle for isolating them and cutting off or subverting their communications with their higher-level commanders.  If we launch enlightenment missions to these other populations, then we will be escalating to a new level, and inviting the regressive elements to respond, perhaps forcefully.”

Minister Turval’s face assumed a solemn look.  “Chancellor, surely you agree that we must take risks to spread the truth across the galaxy?  We cannot shirk our responsibility to enlighten those who dwell in ignorance, or we ourselves will fall from the truth of The One and their Unity.”

The Chancellor stared at his old friend for a few seconds, emotions warring within him.  His concern and fear for the fate of the Speakers and their enlightened followers battled with his certain knowledge that they must spread the faith to all unenlightened.  Eventually his faith in The One won out, as it must, and he nodded.  “You may send your enlightenment missions to the new populations.  But!  While I cannot reduce the immediate risk, I will do what I can to protect the faithful.  Our memory of the devastating losses to the faithful during the efforts to bring the Beoratal to the truth are lasting, and still painful.  I will do all I can to prevent such things from reoccurring.  I am putting the fleet on alert, and ordering it to redeploy to the warp point.   I will direct Strategos Neroon to prepare a plan to support your expansion efforts, in case the regressive elements move to stop your Speakers of the Truth.”  Turval moved to speak, but the Chancellor raised his hands.  “No, I will not hear your arguments this time.  I will not allow another massacre of the faithful while I have the strength to prevent it.”  Seeing the look on his friend’s face, he relented, slightly.  “I will tell Strategos Neroon to seek a peaceful resolution, if at all possible.”

Minister Turval bowed from the waist.   “I will do as you direct, Chancellor.”  He turned back to the table they had abandoned.  “Come, let us finish our breakfast before we begin changing the galaxy.”  He chuckled. 

That very day orders would be sent out.  Some of the orders went to the fleet orbiting Mintek Prime.  Upon receipt of the orders, the immense superdreadnoughts of the main fleet powered up their engines and left orbit, escorted by the battlecruisers and destroyers that made up the rest of the Mintek Battle Fleet.  The other orders were sent to the official Mintek Embassy on Phyriseq IV.  From there they were distributed to the faithful on the planet, when then began organizing missions to the five newly discovered systems.  They would go forth on D’Bringi freighters that had either been subverted or otherwise hired to transport the pilgrims, and they left the system without being noticed or questioned by the three D’Bringi cruisers that hovered next to the warp point that led deeper into the D’Bringi Expanses.  The squadron’s commander was just becoming aware that something was going on, and that the responses he was receiving from fleet HQ were not in synch with the messages he was sending out.  But he was not yet suspicious enough to act against D’Bringi civilian transports going about apparently legitimate business.   
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Cold War: Turn 115, Rehorish Advvance continues
« Reply #89 on: October 13, 2020, 05:24:14 PM »
Month 115, Day 5, Duril/Moskva system
The combined human fleets and the Rehorish Grand Fleet were now approximately one light minute apart, and Cho-sho Banzan now knew that he was out-massed by about 25%.  In spite of the elite crews of his warships, Banzan feared that the mass advantage, coupled with the human’s general tech advantage, would spell doom for his fleet in a general engagement.  The human’s advantage made it all the more important that he link up with the D’Bringi fleet, which, according to reports from the D’Bringi scout that gave them the warp point information to reach this position, had retreated to the Yeack system.

As the two fleets had approached each other, Cho-sho Banzan had spent some time in consultation with his staff and his ship commanders.  Their choices were limited.  They could retreat, as the D’Bringi had, and settle for bottling the humans up in their home system and the adjacent Duril system.  That choice had some merit, and would ensure that over the long run the humans would grow weaker while the D’Bringi and Rehorish grew stronger, but it also had some critical problems.  Primarily, they would be conceding the initiative to the humans, who would be able to concentrate their fleet against one of the allied race’s forces and attack at a time of their choosing.  Banzan was not in favor of any approach that conceded the initiative to the enemy.  Or, they could attack the human fleet, in the hopes that the warrior spirit of their crews, coupled with their training and experience, would be enough to destroy the human ships in spite of their mass and tech advantage.  Many of the Grand Fleet’s commanders supported this option.  While Banzan was proud of his fleet, he knew that relying on intangibles like spirit and experience to make up for material shortfalls was a dangerous trap.  The final choice was to attempt to slip past the human fleets and join the D’Bringi, and then engage the human fleets from a position of advantage.  Several of Banzan’s staff officers were proponents of this approach, and Banzan himself favored it.  He had noted during the previous engagement with the Soviets that their handling of their fleet was rough and amateurish.  He felt fairly confident that he could maneuver past the human fleet.   

In the end, Cho-sho had decided to attempt to link up with the D’Bringi.  If they could slip past the human fleet, and then reach the warp point and determine what was placed there to stop the D’Bringi from entering the system, and then deal with it, then they could turn on the human fleet from a position of strength.  Before beginning, he dispatched a group of ten CD’s at maximum speed towards the warp point to Yeack, to warn the D’Bringi of his intentions. 

And so, the dance between the fleets began in the Moskva/Duril system, as the humans tried to close on the Grand Fleet and force them to fight, or at least away from the warp point to Yeack/Leningrad, while the Grand Fleet attempted to slip around the human fleet without coming too close.  In spite of the disparity in mass, the two fleets were theoretically evenly matched in the arena of maneuver warfare.  Both fleets had the same maximum and cruising speeds, and could match the other’s speed if needed. 

The two fleets maneuvered across the system for the next twelve hours, with each attempting to force the other into an error.  The humans would have had an easier time trying to out maneuver the Rehorish had they divided their fleet, but their commanders decided that such a move was too risky, and invited defeat in detail.  In the end, Cho-sho Banzan was right, the humans were unused to working together and to fleet maneuvers on a system-scale.  The Rehorish Grand Fleet, expertly guided by the Stellar Dominion’s best admiral, made the humans look slow and clumsy.  The Rehorish fleet slipped past the humans neatly, and set out for the warp point to Yeack with the humans in pursuit.  They lost some time because of the wild maneuvering necessary to avoid the human fleet, and their ETA was now in day 11. 

After some consultation, the two human commanders decided to increase the pressure on the Rehorish in the hopes of forcing them away from the warp point, and so the human fleets increased their speed to military maximum.  The Rehorish increased their speed as well, reducing their ETA to the warp point to Day 8.  During the maneuvering and the subsequent increase in speed, Cho-sho Banzan had managed to increase the separation between the two fleets to 90 light seconds.  The humans would have no chance to reduce this as they were all at their maximum speed. 

Month 115, Day 6, Yeack (Leningrad) system
CD’s from the home system arrived on this date informing the D’Bringi fleet that their scouts had succeeded in meeting up with the Rehorish fleet, giving them a route into the human’s inner systems.  The CD’s included a general timeline for the Rehorish fleet’s advance, giving their intended arrival at the warp point in the Moskva system to the Leningrad system in the last half of Month 115. 
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