Author Topic: Aurora 5.40 Patch  (Read 3508 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Aurora 5.40 Patch
« on: April 24, 2020, 06:57:00 PM »
Aurora 5.40 Patch;sa=view;down=2

Important! This is a database patch so if you upgrade you will lose your saved game. Don't upgrade if you want to keep playing the same campaign.

As usual, please treat this new patch as a beta release and don't put a lot of work into new campaigns for the next few days until I get chance to see initial bug reports. This patch can only be applied to version 4.2 or later. To apply the patch just unzip the file into the installation directory, overwriting two files.

NOTE: The Aurora.exe in this patch was changed to v5.42 at 17:30 GMT on March 14th so you don't need to download the extra v5.42 patch if you are downloading this patch after that time.

This database in this patch contains my current campaign as an example game.
