VB6 Aurora > Aurora Suggestions

Choose the destinations of new jump points in SM?


One thing I miss from the designer-mode in VB6 is the option to choose the destination star when exploring new jump points.  For RP reasons when I'm doing a Real Stars game, I like having Sol connect to Alpha Cen, Barnard's Star, etc. , and eventually having connections to sci-fi staples like Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Sigma Draconis.

Would it possible to move the old "Choose JP Dest. " checkbox into SM-mode on C#?

Father Tim:

--- Quote from: SpaceCowboy on May 03, 2020, 12:11:39 AM ---One thing I miss from the designer-mode in VB6 is the option to choose the destination star when exploring new jump points.  For RP reasons when I'm doing a Real Stars game, I like having Sol connect to Alpha Cen, Barnard's Star, etc. , and eventually having connections to sci-fi staples like Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Sigma Draconis.

Would it possible to move the old "Choose JP Dest. " checkbox into SM-mode on C#?

--- End quote ---

Can you not edit the system number a JP goes to in SM?  I thought I saw that option last time I was in System View.

I dont think it is currently possible, I was searching for it as well. You can change the position of jump point, but there is no option to select the destination.

Yeah, it doesn't seem possible currently.

But, I also just realized that I posted this in the VB6 suggestions, and not the C# suggestion forum.  I'm going to repost over there, since I suspect few people look in here anymore.


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