Author Topic: A Tribute to the Fallen  (Read 1392 times)

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Offline Ehndras (OP)

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A Tribute to the Fallen
« on: May 10, 2020, 10:20:37 AM »
Inspired by Mark Yanning's "Hall of Remembrance" suggestion:

It would be amazing to read players' tributes to their most memorable commanders - and not just the usual AAR guys!

Who were your most accomplished commanders? Got a general/admiral who dedicated their life to expand, explore, or defend the empire?

Tell us their (actual & IC) story! [BONUS POINTS for non-Human empires <3] AAR guys, feel free to link at the end!

One story per post, please. Post more later!

--- My Tribute: ---

(Optional RP at the bottom)

Quote from: Actual Events:

My personal favorite was Governor George Pavelka of Mars who - after decades of loyal service as the first and only governor of Mars - suffered an "unfortunate accident"
just as Martian unrest went critical.

Most of the empire suffered from severe unrest after heavy expansion and population growth led to insufficient fleet and Sol being mostly-abandoned.

That same week we lost two of our oldest and most accomplished commanders.

Their stats significantly influenced the empire's expansion after Sol ran out of Sorium.

Thank the fickle RNG Gods...

I was NOT ready for hostile aliens.

(Settings = Real Stars; Year 2020 Human Sol start - American naming scheme)

The "assassin" = a useless commander with terrible traits who died an hour after the Martian governor.

The tribute's linked AAR also references an earlier (negative trait nobody) assassin coincidentally related (by name) to an influential commander who retired years earlier. That play-through was full of surprises.

Quote from: Optional in-character explanation RP (with references):

Excerpts from the media:

"...On Dec 29, 2057 a Firster (Pro-Earth) counter-separatist assassinated the Martian Governor during their Declaration of Martian Independence.

The assassin has been linked to various Sol factions financed by a Proxima-based "special-interests" group whose Board of Directors include the founders of the Epsilon Eridani mining colonies.

Today Federal investigators disclosed evidence that the corporate super-PAC behind "Progressives for Proxima Centauri" was established to curb widespread unrest after Colonial police arrested a dozen "Earth First" protesters accused of firebombing the "451st Laborers Union" headquarters on Orphicon III
..." -Martian News Network

"...Settle down kids. There *will* be a pop quiz tomorrow! Now turn to page 42... Jahn, read from the top:

Proxima became the second capitol of Mankind in response to mounting pressure from the Federation's industrial sector. As Earth's one-way cost of fuel more than tripled that of total transit between any two colonies, it became economically unfeasible for smaller companies to transport both colonists and goods beyond local systems. While the bulk of the empire's fuel refineries laid beyond Proxima in the Epsilon Eridani, Codalus, and
..." - Hillside Public School - Tau Ceti

"...Look, those days over, alright? Its costs us 5 times as much to send a load to Sol... and good luck gettin' a return contract! How am I supposed to stay in business, huh? We can't compete with Hyperion Industries, MacArbin Holdings, or *any* of the big names. Guys, I'm sorry - I don't like this any more than you do... Listen: HR will send each of you a packet with your final..." -CEO of Interspace Logistics

"...How is someone born on Prox or Epsilon Eridani to blame for the distance between Sol and the rest of the Federation? Earth founded colonies a dozen systems away and Earth alone should pay the consequences!" -Prox Separatist

As Earth and Mars decayed at the end of a dead jump-string, the all-powerful Federal Proxy would gradually cut ties with Sol and establish Proxima Centauri as the de-facto nexus of Humanity.

To rid themselves of future rivals, purge the federal government of Sol-based officials, and end the threat of pro-Earth revivalist factions, it funded native insurrectionists to stoke a civil war between the last two major powers in Sol...

...Spurned by years of neglect amidst the Great Sorium Collapse, which birthed Project Exodus and gave life to the Federation, the governor of Mars levied accusations of gross malpractice against Earth officials who allegedly hid evidence of early Trans-Newtonian element toxicity studies...

"Ironic, isn't it? Earth labors to found Mars; Martian industry builds the federation from scratch; then we find Proxima, Tau Ceti, and all that sorium in Epsilon Eridani... When Earth seized Martian industry and sent it all to Prox for redistribution, what did they think the outcome would be? Tens of millions dead from starvation alone! We sealed our own coffin when we stole from Mars and left them to die. Prox learned from the best, after all. If any of them could've known the can of worms we'd open in Dolman... No one would've budged from Sol, Sorium be damned. Mars and Earth would be buddies right now, and the federation wouldn't exist. Hell, better to be safe on Earth than glassed by aliens. Billions of lives... Just wiped out of existence. No one even knows what's going on beyond the Dead Zone. We haven't heard a damn thing from Prox or Earth in years. Do they know we're alive out here? Hell, are they?"- Citizen of Danzig-A II

"Dead... They're all dead. Every world we ever touched with our poison fingers and stupid ideals. Who were we to think we were masters of the universe? A bunch of cocky fools, that's what we were. The Federation collapsed and we're worse-off than when we started. Even Mars is gone because of us. Earth... *sigh*

Mars was right: we never gave a damn about the consequences as long as the money kept rolling in. Now we're stuck here, half the system is torn to smeg after that bloody civil war, and everyone we knew is dead 'cause we were too busy to pay attention to what's out *there*. God damn aliens! We'll get ours, kid, mark my words... Earth ain't dead yet.

Link to old AAR:

Link to new AAR (Work in progress):
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 11:35:02 AM by Ehndras »
"Boop!" goes the thermonuclear missile salvo
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Re: A Tribute to the Fallen
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2020, 01:23:16 PM »
I think I posted this elsewhere but this seems a more appropriate location.

Early in one of my VB6 campaigns I had an experience which was eerily reminiscent of USS Thresher (submarine lost at sea for reasons which remain poorly understood).

I had built my first squadron of geo-survey ships and had them running an initial shakedown/training cruise out in the outer solar system. Somewhere between the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, I got about 50 messages all at once in my event log, and suddenly one of my ships is a wreck floating in space.

Turns out one of the reactors blew up and via some sort of chain reaction it proceeded to take the whole ship with it. No survivors. First event in the event log was "Maintenance failure on Reactor 1" or something like that. Next were a bunch of "equipment damaged" messages and then a bunch of "secondary explosion detected" messages.

Never salvaged the ship. Left it there as a memorial to her crew... and as a word of caution to the other ship crews.
Open the pod-bay doors HAL...
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Offline Ehndras (OP)

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Re: A Tribute to the Fallen
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2020, 03:59:40 AM »
Turns out one of the reactors blew up and via some sort of chain reaction it proceeded to take the whole ship with it. No survivors.

OOF. A fine tribute, thanks for sharing
"Boop!" goes the thermonuclear missile salvo
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