I usually dont read anything at all, (mostly listen to an audiobook if i do) and I read the first chapter, coming from someone who really doesnt read a lot I found the first chapter quite confusing overall, and you tend to use a lot of short sentences in conjunction with each other which when reading I feel does not allow me to fully think about the information you are presenting me as we are always moving onto the next sentence or line, there is also some weird jumps, you present time as a staple at the start with it slowly going further and further in time, i presume to tell history of the world you are setting up and to world build but then you jump from like 2000 BC to 2300 AD in an instant, you also then use "the present" to describe the actions currently happening but I feel just saying the time would be better as present implies quite far in the future, when in fact its probably wat 2318 AD? due to the age of the main character (i presume he is).
so the time lines overall feel quite short and rushed and in a way dont make all that much sense, I think its fine if you want to world build like that but when it doesnt follow a completely logical path, it doesnt make the best reading experience, again I do not read a lot, I do write a bit but this is just my feelings and thoughts when reading it, also am reading from a complete outside perspective so what I am reading I am reading for the first time.
Anyway, hope the feedback helps.