DISCLAIMER: PLEASE DON'T TAKE THE INTRO TOO SERIOUSLY COVID-19 PANDEMIC TIMELINEDecember 2019First sightings of coughing, restless people loitering around the streets of Wuhan, China.
January 2020Local police forces receive more and more reports of aggressive patients sick with some kind of pneumonia.
Government announces Wuhan is to be quarantined.
Some people need to be welded into their apartments as their aggressiveness rises and they break into the streets to literally attack everyone on sight.
February 2020Chinese government approves use of military force to pacify the most aggressive infected.
Novel coronavirus cases spotted in Asia, Europe, Middle East and USA, many patients show aggressive, antisocial behaviours.
16th February, a Chinese soldier bled out after receiving severe bite wounds during violence outbreak in local hospital.
Consipracy theories about 5G and aliens grow in popularity.
China introduces "shoot on sight" protocols when dealing with infected.
24th February, soldiers shot a journalist to death after he tried to leak info about the massacres to the world.
USA: COVID is a hoax.
March 2020Sightings of large gatherings of aggressive, sick crowds.
Europe enters quarantine.
Small Chinese village bombed with napalm, reasons and attackers remain unknown to the public.
Switzerland evacuates citizens into the nuclear shelters.
Patrols of Swiss army seen sweeping the streets of desolated cities.
Rumours about armies of the world to shoot infected on sight.
USA president receives a report on the pioneer studies of effects caused by novel coronavirus and claims it a hoax.
Report leaks into the public (official news say hackers hijacked president's twitter account), seeding mass panic.
Novel coronavirus, aside from pneumonia- and flu-like symptoms causes insomnia, paranoia, a spike in agression and need for compulsive biting and neverending hunger, symptoms appear roughly after two weeks.
Zombie apocalypse is officially inaugurated as US citizens stockpile guns.
Panic store looting begins, toilet paper shortages.
Armed groups seen in Texas, gunning down the infected they encounter.
USA: COVID is a hoax.
Citizens of Europe stay at home in fear of the zombies.
China claims they dealt with COVID, gets praised by WHO, several cities recover after severe napalm bombardments.
People in US buy even more guns.
April-May 2020USA: COVID is a hoax.
US citizens seen giving zombies hugs and getting bitten volountairly to prove that coronavirus is a hoax.
Swiss army successfully purges the country from zombies, citizens slowly emerge out of the bunkers.
Ammo shortages across the entire US.
Rumours about microchips in the awaited vaccine and mind-controlling devices in face masks.
Still no toilet paper.
June 2020European armies decimate zombie populations.
Survivors step out of their shelters.
Coughing is banned under capital penalty carried out immediately by the nearest COVID response team.
Despite way less guns around, Europe holds on much better than US. Maybe because less people in Europe claim that COVID is a hoax than in US.
USA: COVID is a hoax.
Riots break out, mass panic looting ensues.
Zombie hordes rapidly decimate American population in the biggest cities, just like in zombie movies.
Toilet paper becomes an official currency of the post-apocalyptic world.
Strictly organized societies of South Korea or Japan deal with zombies efficiently.
First societies of the post-apocalyptic Europe emerge, expanding, reclaiming, trading and fighting. And killing zombies.
July-August 2020Europe continues to recover, although more and more news about zombie sightings appear.
USA: COVID is a hoax.
Independent psychologists' team claims to have found the potential to manipulate with the wearer's mind hidden within the structure of a face mask.
Several US cities bombed with napalm in order to stop the zombie threat.
China bombs a few small towns, officials deny any new rise of COVID cases.
September-November 2020USA goes silent, the last reports claiming up to 40% of the population becoming zombified, the country falls into total anarchy, experts estimate it's a matter of weeks before 99% of the population gets either zombified or killed in brutal fights over the last few toilet paper rolls.
Europe recognizes the second wave way too late and most of the surviving population falls to the zombies, established societies get torn apart as the world ends for the second time.
Switzerland government evacuates its citizens into the bunkers once again, military reinforces chokepoints in the Alps to easily fend off infected.
Supposed alien sightings increasing.
December 2020COVID vaccine arrives at last.
Most of the zombies starve to death due to lack of prey.
Immune survivors finish off the rest.
During 2020 the population got decimated to roughly half a billion, the Old World and its economy and politics are permanently gone.
18th December, the World Government reveals itself officially at last as the microchip bundled with the vaccine subtly mind-controls the remaining population. Half a bilion human survivors don't oppose.
5G allows very effective and reliable communication across the entire solar system. Human eyes turn into the night skies.
Microchips keep the subtle mind-control activated, allowing the survivors of the COVID-19 pandemic to cooperate. Space-X brings back the topic of Mars conquest.
30th December, Swiss astrophysicists discovers the long-debated 9th planet of the Solar System, orbiting the Sun at the distance far greater than any other known celestial bodies within the Solar System. Name "Nibiru" sticks as a form of legacy of some conspiracy theories from the first two decades of XXI century.
DAWN OF SPACE ERAJanuary 2021Scientists across the globe discover an array of new metal and plastic alloys like never before - much lighter yet much sturdier than conventional alloys. Industrial productions skyrocketes.
2020sNew alloys find applications literally everywhere, laying theoretical foundations for next generation of supercomputers and electronics, nanobots capable, at least in theory, of even modifying and enchancing genetics, cybernetics implants, ultra light yet tough vehicles which can be anything ranging from a small car to a huge spaceship, new propulsion technologies and energetic weapons.
Global police forces appear, wielding pioneer laser weapons and stun bats.
Alongside the microchip, first cybernetics implants make it to the market. Dawn of the cyberpunk begins.
Engineering team from Australia designs super sensitive geological sensors capable of detecting valuable mineral deposits of a celestial body directly from the orbit.
26th March 2026 Space-X launches first
manned mission to Mars. Space suits and landers made out of the new alloys allow landing on Venus and entering the upper atmosphere of gas giants safely as well.
Nuclear propulsion technology finally arrives in first prototypes.
A spaceship capable of reaching all the celestial bodies within Solar System up to Pluto is designed, hosting its crew for up to a year-long stay in deep space. It's mission: find potential targets for mining and colonisation.
Scorpion class Geological Survey Vessel 3,178 tons 50 Crew 257.3 BP TCS 64 TH 150 EM 0
2360 km/s Armour 1-19 Shields 0-0 HTK 19 Sensors 0/0/0/1 DCR 1 PPV 0
Maint Life 1.58 Years MSP 50 AFR 81% IFR 1.1% 1YR 23 5YR 346 Max Repair 100 MSP
Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months Morale Check Required
Nuclear Thermal Engine EP50.00 (3) Power 150 Fuel Use 100% Signature 50 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 14.2 billion km (69 days at full power)
Geological Survey Sensors (1) 1 Survey Points Per Hour
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
The mission turns out to be a huge success, the ship is insanely fast, like no human vessel was before.
4th February 2028 due to hidden fuel tank leakage Scorpion 001 gets stranded drifting through deep space beyond Saturn's orbit. The crew successfully managed to deccelerate enough for them to not fly away from the Solar System at the speed of 2360km/s, burning last reserves in the process. Desperate race with time begins.
A concept of a new ship is born, designed specifically to deliver fuel to help any crew unfortunate enough to get standed out there in the enternal darkness.
Zephyr class Tanker 6,852 tons 100 Crew 316.1 BP TCS 137 TH 350 EM 0
2554 km/s Armour 1-32 Shields 0-0 HTK 46 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
Maint Life 0.41 Years MSP 28 AFR 376% IFR 5.2% 1YR 69 5YR 1,033 Max Repair 25 MSP
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months Morale Check Required
Nuclear Thermal Engine EP50.00 (7) Power 350 Fuel Use 100% Signature 50 Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,000,000 Litres Range 26.3 billion km (119 days at full power)
Refuelling Capability: 50,000 litres per hour Complete Refuel 20 hours
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
17th September 2028, Scorpion 001 crew reports severe engine failure, engineers manage to repair it enough so it can still fly without irradiating everybody on board.
2nd October 2028, Scorpion 001 crew reports food running low, tight rationing begins. A small scratch appears on the window in one of the crew rooms, the room gets sealed off immediately and all the air gets vented out of it.
15th October 2028, Zephyr 001 finishes construction and is ready for the rescue mission.
20th October 2028, Zephyr 001 successfully delivers fuel, both ships return to Earth, Scorpion 001 is repaired and overhauled. All crewmembers survived and didn't suffer from any long-term health problems.
After the successful rescue the World Government establishes an honourable organisation called
Fuel Rats incorporating all the ships, crews and everyone involved in fuel-related deep space rescue operations.
Scientists begin to think about setting up a mining colony on the Moon.
Forgotten questions and hypothesis about terraforming of Mars resurface again.
Industry on Earth blossoms as the new alloys find wider and wider applications, the entire economy becomes dependent on it.
2030sInfrastructures for keeping humans alive on the Moon permanently are designed and prototyped.
Construction of an orbital shipyard and spaceport begins.
1st April 2034 first human being successfully enters and exits cryostasis sleep. The test gets redone the next day to dement gossips that it was a joke pulled out by some bored Winterspell Inc scientist.
Improvements to the nuclear engines are being made, new designs appear.
First cargo ship gets designed, it's mission - deliver the necessary installments and facilities to the Moon.
Bee class Cargo Ship 21,236 tons 94 Crew 294.4 BP TCS 425 TH 313 EM 0
735 km/s Armour 1-68 Shields 0-0 HTK 40 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 8 Max Repair 20 MSP
Cargo 10,000 Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 6
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months
Commercial Nuclear Thermal Engine EP62.5 (5) Power 312.5 Fuel Use 11.18% Signature 62.5 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 18.9 billion km (298 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
World Government announces contest for civilian corporations for the improved design.
Private sector begins to catch up to the governmental efforts of conquering the space.
First implants slowing down ageing appear.
Medicine blossoms thanks to synthetic organ farms and blood cells replicators.
First ship to transfer civilian passengers and security forces appear, experimental use of cryogenic chambers to cut the costs on life support and allow easier colonisation of Mars in the future.
Arden class Colony Ship 18,557 tons 101 Crew 430.6 BP TCS 371 TH 313 EM 0
842 km/s Armour 1-62 Shields 0-0 HTK 49 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 14 Max Repair 100 MSP
Troop Capacity 6,100 tons Cryogenic Berths 10,000
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months
Commercial Nuclear Thermal Engine EP62.5 (5) Power 312.5 Fuel Use 11.18% Signature 62.5 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 21.7 billion km (298 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
SOLAR SYSTEM CONQUEST15th November 2039, first colonists land on the Moon. It's a small step for the man, but one giant step for the mankind.
Mining operations begin, colony infrastructure expands.
Fleet of Bees is used to transfer smelted alloys from Moon to the Earth. Private corporations help keep the colony resupplied.
2040sMillions of carefully selected colonists arrive on the Moon.
21th July, 2045, a small outpost is established on Mars. Dreams come true for many. Extensive research of the terraforming processes begins.
Cargo fleets can't keep up with sending minerals from Mars and Moons and keeping both colonies well-sustained. A group of African Engineers propose a seemingly insane solution - use the latest breakthroughs in the nuclear pulse technology to send the packets of alloys through a carefully-designed devices called
Mass Drivers placed on orbit. The usage assumes calculating the speed vector needed for the alloys to arrive at desired destination, propelling them and having similar devices surrounding the target body, responsible for catching the packets and deccelerating them. Over the fear of accidential "asteroid strikes" which could happen due to Mass Driver failures sent alloys are divided into the packets small and fast enough to completely burn in the target body's atmosphere should the capturing process fail.
Mass Drivers get updated with experimental laser cannons just to have another layer of security should the capture fail.
2nd August 2047, first packet of alloys is sent from the Moon, Earth's array of Mass Drives successfully intercepts the package. Civilian space shipping lines raise concerns over Mass Drivers ruining their buisnesses.
First experminetal complexes for sucking out and pumping in gases on a planetary scale are developed in North America, seeding foundation for terraforming technology.
A dozen milions colonists inhabit the Red Planet.
21th December 2049, terraformation of Mars officially begins. First goal: remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, leaving only small traces of it for the future plant life to blossom.
Two new cargo ships appear:
Pelican class Cargo Ship 69,904 tons 150 Crew 626.2 BP TCS 1,398 TH 800 EM 0
572 km/s Armour 1-151 Shields 0-0 HTK 51 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 5 Max Repair 50 MSP
Cargo 50,000 Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 9
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months
Commercial Nuclear Pulse Engine EP160.0 (5) Power 800 Fuel Use 8.84% Signature 160 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 400,000 Litres Range 11.6 billion km (235 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
Gremlin class Cargo Ship 22,075 tons 162 Crew 526.1 BP TCS 441 TH 800 EM 0
1812 km/s Armour 1-70 Shields 0-0 HTK 57 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 14 Max Repair 40 MSP
Cargo 5,000 Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 15
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months
Commercial Nuclear Pulse Engine EP160.0 (5) Power 800 Fuel Use 8.84% Signature 160 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres Range 46.1 billion km (294 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
2050sA team of psychologists, psychiatrists, neurologists and programmers lays foundation for the development of psionic technology beyond the limited capabilities of COVID-19 vaccine microchip.
Bionic body parts grow in popularity after engineers successfully plant artificial skin on them, making them indistinguishable from the natural parts even with the help of all six senses.
People still wait for the premiere of Cyberpunk 2077, scheduled for 10th December 2077.
Sucking out carbon dioxide out of Mars's atmosphere proceeds as expected, minor improvements to the technology involved are made, speeding up the process a bit.
Earth's population crosses first billion.
With the design of latest laser beams small celestial body mining directly from space is now a possibility.
Asteroid mining becomes a profitable possibility at last, a new fleet of spaceships is being prepared for the task. Several civilian space corporations come up with their own ideas and designs.
Albatross class Mining Platform 70,911 tons 425 Crew 1,462.9 BP TCS 1,418 TH 625 EM 0
440 km/s Armour 1-152 Shields 0-0 HTK 101 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 12 Max Repair 120 MSP
Cargo 25,000 Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 30
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months
Orbital Miner: 5 modules producing 70 tons per mineral per annum
Commercial Improved Nuclear Pulse Engine EP125.0 (5) Power 625 Fuel Use 11.18% Signature 125 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 700,000 Litres Range 15.9 billion km (417 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
20th November 2055, large, fully automated and controlled by AI mining and smelting facility is established on the surface of Mercury.
A loose proposal of a terraforming space station being placed on the Venu's orbit is written. Due to the sheer complications associated with the project and the terraforming technology still being experimental, the World Government cancels the project, focusing on properly terraforming Mars before heading for something as difficult as terraforming Venus.
A better colony ships are being constructed to help accelerate the growth of Martian population.
Project Zion assumes bringing in at least ten milion additional colonists within short span of time.
Zion class Colony Ship 55,821 tons 312 Crew 1,890.6 BP TCS 1,116 TH 750 EM 0
671 km/s Armour 1-130 Shields 0-0 HTK 106 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 21 Max Repair 100 MSP
Troop Capacity 10,000 tons Cryogenic Berths 100,000 Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 30
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months
Commercial Improved Nuclear Pulse Engine EP125.0 (6) Power 750 Fuel Use 11.18% Signature 125 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 1,000,000 Litres Range 28.8 billion km (496 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
Future goals for the Project Zion include reaching out to distant celestial bodies like Titan or Europa and establishing permanent populations there as well.
As colonisation of gas giants' moons is brought up, a young scientist comes up with an idea of a fuel harvesting space station which would get placed on a gas gaint's orbit and have all the neccessary facilities for shiponing components directly from a gas giant's atmosphere and synthesising fuel out of them which would then get distributed across the inhabited worlds using an upgraded version of Zephyr class ships.
In order to place the behemoth of a space station large enough to fulfill the necessary criteria for such an undertaking out there on gas giant's orbit, the young genius proposes usage of a special ships that'd be almost pure engine and fuel mass, capable of accelerating and deccelerating installations linked to them with a tractor beam.
The government firstly rejects the project as being way too expensive for the time being and intends to freeze it until the industry grows large enough, but eventually accepts it being persuaded by the argument that such station could serve as a deep space refuelling point, easing the task of Fuel Rats and Zion Project alike, and most importantly allowing spaceships to reach Nibiru and uncover the mysteries of this planet.
The work on the
Project Aether responsible for shiponing gas giants begins. Soon the project of the harvesting space station is drawn:
Aether class Fuel Harvester Station 147,436 tons 140 Crew 3,169.6 BP TCS 2,949 TH 0 EM 0
1 km/s Armour 1-248 Shields 0-0 HTK 82 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 13 Max Repair 2400 MSP
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months
Fuel Harvester: 13 modules producing 520,000 litres per annum
Refuelling Hub - Capable of refuelling multiple ships simultaneously
Fuel Capacity 2,000,000 Litres Range N/A
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
To organise the logistics of fuel transport to the inhabited worlds a new transport vessel is proposed, meant to replace the Zephyr class who served in the Fuel Rats till then:
Hamster class Tanker 10,727 tons 90 Crew 301.6 BP TCS 215 TH 625 EM 0
2913 km/s Armour 1-43 Shields 0-0 HTK 35 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
MSP 17 Max Repair 31.25 MSP
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months
Commercial Improved Nuclear Pulse Engine EP125.0 (5) Power 625 Fuel Use 11.18% Signature 125 Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 1,500,000 Litres Range 225.1 billion km (894 days at full power)
Refuelling Capability: 50,000 litres per hour Complete Refuel 30 hours
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This new spaceship maintains a decent speed while being able to transfer quite a lot of fuel given it barely consumes any through its voyages to the gas giants and back.
The hardest part is figuring out how to transfer the 150k tons monstrosity into the gas giant's orbit. After a long debate a tug ship gets prototyped and accepted, proven powerful enough to accelerate and deccelerate both itself and the Aether space station. At some point plans to build the station directly in the target's orbit appeared, but they were quickly rejected as it'd take way too much effort and time while removing the possibility to transfer the station around as needed in the future.
Hammerhead class Tug 10,206 tons 142 Crew 964.9 BP TCS 204 TH 1,250 EM 0
6124 km/s Armour 1-41 Shields 0-0 HTK 95 Sensors 0/0/0/0 DCR 1 PPV 0
Maint Life 2.30 Years MSP 859 AFR 833% IFR 11.6% 1YR 221 5YR 3,314 Max Repair 100 MSP
Tractor Beam
Lieutenant Commander Control Rating 1 BRG
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months Morale Check Required
Improved Nuclear Pulse Engine EP62.50 (20) Power 1250.0 Fuel Use 247.05% Signature 62.5 Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 2,000,000 Litres Range 14.3 billion km (26 days at full power)
This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
Assembling the harvesting fleet is expected to take several years, despite exponentially growing industry.