Author Topic: A Polarized Imperium  (Read 3698 times)

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A Polarized Imperium
« on: November 22, 2021, 02:59:20 AM »
> Accessing files...

> Comparing quantum patterns...

> Seven close matches with 5-25% odds. Listing by chronological order...

> Found match
: "Carthage won the Punic Wars and replaced Rome as major power - variant 0000009";
> Found match: "Roman Empire reconquered Anatolia and never fell - variant 0005721";
> Found match: "Spanish Invincible Armada did not have an ironic end - variant 100pASB";
> Found match: "Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth never collapsed - variant 0K0rW1n";
> Found match: "French Revolution was crushed by loyalists to the monarchy - variant 00fm4zA";
> Found match: "Karl Marx, while eating olives, died of asphyxiation before writing any books - variant 050hDn8";
> Found match: "Bolsheviks were defeated the Great Khan Roman I, victor of the Russian Civil War. - variant XBx1484".

> Error: None of possible matches are correct. No point of divergence identified. Direct observation and study of recorded history advised. Implications of the absence of this universe in database unknown

(OOC: I bet there is an alternate history book where someone choking to death because of an olive stuck to the throat changes history. And on another note, I used offtopic tags to better organize some parts of fluff that aren't completely necessary to understand the events narrated here)


The Novus Imperium (New Empire) is a state ruling over divided peoples, and that is not because Latin, Portuguese and English are simultaneously official languages. It is a meta-State, not a nation-State, divided by ideology, mostly within two diametrically opposed perspectives. While the collapse of several states over the 21st Century would open up opportunities for it to become an empire where the sun never sets, in Eurasia, Africa and Oceania there is very little presence of the Imperium, limited to evenly distributed but small exclaves over such continents, for most of those lands are ruled by independent States and there is no interest in changing that. The Imperium, to show loyalty to the beliefs of their political support base, intentionally refuses to become a world government, but at the same time intimidates other governments without access to technologies that make colonization of space practical to ensure they will always be conventional in technology and never leave Earth to become future rivals across the stars.

In the 22nd Century, they have expanded over the oceans of Sancta Terra, known in the past as Earth, colonizing this environment once only barely more accessible to permanent human habitation than the rest of the solar system, establishing many floating and underwater towns. The total population of Earth is theorized to be approaching its maximum practical limit despite many independent countries suffering demographic declines even now in 2163 due to their lack of energetic policies to encourage birth rates unlike the Imperium which went all-in about increasing birth rates: not only all contraceptives have been banned since 2025 but many other radical policies were enforced, from which the most notorious is a strange state-run version of Tinder that will set up shotgun marriages for everyone who is still single after turning 28, "for their own well-being and for the demographic well-being of the Imperium" where whoever is set up is obliged by law to accept it and these families must have at least 2 children, with ever increasing tax cuts for 3 or more children also granted to organically established families. While some imperial bureaucrats criticize such extreme baby booming policies due to the depletion of vital space on Earth in addition to the stubborn insistence to never become a world government limiting available territory, with Mercury, Luna and Mars perfectly habitable thanks to the efforts of decades of terraforming by the same enormous station, there is more than enough room in Sol for now.

Code: [Select]
Cornucopia class Terraforming Station      2,518,713 tons       10,011 Crew       53,004.5 BP       TCS 50,374    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 1290      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 513    Max Repair 500 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Terraformer: 100 modules producing 0.048 atm per annum

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Space Station for construction purposes
This design is classed as a n for auto-assignment purposes

Off-Topic: Liquid Humanism Overview • show
Supposedly called liquid due to some old videogame where the "Liquid" is the "true one" and the "Solid" a fraud or something like that, sometimes also calling themselves National-Humanists, they have tacit support of the imperial rule and their movement is an ethnic preservationist and human supremacist cause split across many different cultures who live in culturally homogeneous towns and rural communities and have always been the backbone of popular support to the regime. They are spread over all continents of Earth. Preference to an idyllic life away from the "Babylons", the rootless mega-cities and arcologies of the world driven only towards greed and hedonism above all else, is also a very strong ideal of this group.

Finally they oppose very strongly the practices of altering, or according to them, mutilating the human body to replace it with grotesque robotic imitations, or the creation of chimeras through stem cell grown parts, or the alteration of genes to create new xenos within the human species. That will be the end of all humanity in their eyes, the ultimate treason: for a human to voluntarily choose to no longer be human but instead become another unclean xenos scum. The word Bioconservative is sometimes used to refer to this specific part of their paradigm.

*Chimera in this case means a configuration of limbs and/or organs that does not exist naturally, extremely rare random mutations are still considered natural by most Bioconservatives if the goal of the procedure is to replicate them functionally, as in "giving a little push to natural evolutionary processes".

The most relevant element of their beliefs to the imperial greater picture is the belief humanity as a whole has a manifest destiny over the galaxy and the only good xenos is a dead xenos. Yet, this perspective would only become more than a source of memes after the existence of sentient extraterrestrial life was proven.

Off-Topic: Mercantile-Universalism Overview • show
On the other extreme, primarily trade and secondarily diplomacy oriented, this ideology shortened as OmniMerch is also called Solid Humanism by their opponents. The hubs with most adherents of this ideology are located in the still remaining megalopolises and also in very few yet truly gigantic "hive cities": arcologies across the world with populations numbered in many dozens of millions that dwarf entire nations. Most of them are independent city-states not ruled by the Imperium, only a few but populous ones ended under imperial administration. None of these gigantic cities has any ethnic group making 50% or more of their total population. These enormous Babylons are places where it is very easy to make enormous fortunes, and even easier to lose everything, fall to extreme poverty, become an incurable drug addict and then only avoid the fate of indentured servitude because that is illegal within Imperial jurisdiction. However, most mega and hive cities are beyond imperial jurisdiction.

Their perspective on hypothetical aliens is not some silly "extraterrestrial are all friends and welcome, lets hug them" but simply that the potential of interstellar trade with established alien civilizations generating immense wealth is astronomical, which will bring immense prosperity, in their view, where on the other hand acting with hostility by default will bring the obligation of victory lest all humans end enslaved or exterminated in retaliation, which brings more taxes, death and in short, it is not a good business choice.

On debates in the faction on the hypothetical scenario of encountering inherently hostile aliens that shoot first and never try to communicate, then the dominant idea is that maximizing wealth opportunities from such a situation comes above all other considerations: obviously such crazy aliens don't deserve freedom, so they should be forever slaves to their betters. The laws banning slavery only apply to humans after all and in this hypothesis the xenos should then be glad they weren't exterminated instead. Only a fringe supports giving aliens who were completely hostile to mankind citizenship rights. As for citizenship and immigration, then things are less clear. One strongly defended idea among OmniMerchs is inviting alien settlers to pioneer worlds and have their own worlds, preferably aliens adapted to environmental conditions where humans cannot thrive, yet always keep Earth for humans with restrictive immigration laws. Nevertheless, this argument finishes with how the xenos should still have some limited political rights and never be completely disenfranchised to prevent future conflict.

These debates often ended with someone remembering they were arguing over hypothetical scenarios until first contact became a reality.

OmniMerchs within imperial territory are not necessarily opponents of the government despite their ideological nemesis receiving tacit support from the same. Except for the most radical ideologues, most are content with the benefits of a single official cryptocurrency used in every continent, relatively low taxes, extensive autonomy to local governments, which range from representative republics to oligarchies and even, in one unique case, a hybrid between plutocracy and direct democracy where everyone is granted one free share upon birth and voting power is equal to the sum of all shares an individual has within all corporations in the arcology, with technology evolved from the blockchain (in the same broader way modern computers evolved from the analytical machine) used for their voting process. This variety and degree of autonomy is a bit similar to how the Holy Roman Empire worked.

Off-Topic: The Oddities of Hive Cities • show
Besides previously mentioned authoritarian policies to increase birth rates, there is no meddling on the cosmopolitan, hedonistic and consumerist culture of the mega cities where things that would be scandalous in the predominantly Liquid Humanist towns are completely normal. This is almost a separate world from the imperial cultural core in the countryside. All types of exotic and often taboo medical and genetic engineering research and practices involving alterations to every imaginable body part* and implantation of stem-cell grown stuff happen, which is the primary source of "strange medical conditions" among some imperial civilian administrators, ground force and space officers. At least those that are still on the personal files. It is said many who do have such conditions found ways to erase it from their personal records.

*Experimentation against unwilling human test subjects in the Imperium is a crime punishable by the culprit being used as a test subject in the Immaterium weapons testing division until being shot at by one of those experimental Immaterial weapons results in the culprit's death, in a stroke of poetic justice and truly honorable commitment to the preservation of human rights.

Another oddity of the hive cities, rarely found outside of them, are all kinds of weird cults. The most popular for over a century is dedicated to a deity called "She-Who-Thirsts". Rumor is their practices tripled the revenues of stem cell based body modification clinics and recreational drug stores. The details of their rituals are kept under utmost secrecy by members: somehow no whistleblower of what happens inside ever showed up. The Imperial Bureau of Investigation is discreetly conducting surveillance on them but so far nothing incriminating was found and the Imperium does not believe in the supernatural or that violently persecuting cults that may become a problem to an empire in the future is the best way to eradicate them, with the calendar system still used as of 2163 being the ultimate proof of that. The only informant for the IBI so far about these cultists, who identified himself as Calvin M. Blake Moore, wasn't very useful to the investigation, his testimony nothing more than the ramblings of a doomsayer on how this cult worships a horrible demon that will come out of a rift in the fabric of space and aether opened by the very hedonism of its worshipers.

Another odd cult of note within parts of imperial territory is the Institute of Tchort, who claim they are a "scientific organization" rather than a cult, studying some sort of primordial sentient being supposedly located somewhere very deep underground called Tchort, which they claim to be the most ancient living being on Earth. They say that they are studying this entity to apply its incredible regenerative properties through gene splicing in human beings, with the ultimate goal of artificially engineering a clinically immortal superhuman species. Despite some accusations reported directly to the IBI, so far no proof or circumstantial evidence of this cult conducting illegal genetic experiments on unwilling test subjects has been found.

An exception to the normal distribution of odd cults mostly in hive cities, the cult of the Machine Adepts of Polynesia is rather spread over small insular communities in the Pacific and is an evolution of the old cargo cults of the 20th Century which is even more curious, embracing cybernetic implants to the point the only organic part of some of their oldest members and high priests is the brain. They believe all machines have machine spirits and through cybernetic implants they are able to commune with such spirits. They even have a theological conclusion to why all AIs so far have been of the weak type, lacking in sentience: simply because their makers were trying to give sentience to the soulless, where first a soul must be summoned to become the machine sentience, for non-sentient machines have merely a spirit. They say an AI without a soul is analogous to a comatose human or to a pet like a dog or cat at best, and the word Cyber-Necromancy came up to describe their peculiar rituals of trying to summon a ghost into a machine. So far no sentient AI exists, only some very sophisticated imitations of sentience that can obviate their lack of sentience when speaking with humans if their extensive chatbot scripting clashes with something not predicted by the programmers.

Prologue Part 1: A very slow start

Much of the 21st and early 22nd centuries were dedicated towards inner development, with a strong movement resisting pursuit of research over the Immaterium, also known as Trans-Newtonian Realm or Aetherium, another dimension that has connections to this universe and could make possible space travel at speeds that only antimatter might pull off without this alternate method that completely ignores the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation and all other foundations of Newtonian spaceflight. Yet there was nothing done to test the hypothesis. Some skeptics not only refused to consider it but also lobbied the Imperium to seek manned exploration of Sol through tried and proven Newtonian physics and spaceflight principles to make a point, and besides that, the imperial population and economy thrived to further discourage research of what may be a fluke, a theoretical shot in the dark. The fact there was no specialist in the field to maximize effectiveness only crystallized such resistance to change. Why bother with pseudo-science when there is plenty of room yet on Earth? That kind of phrase was usually said by those refuting the theory at the time. Even after Immaterial technology was no longer purely theoretical, some minds obsessed with efficiency criticized earlier concepts with phrase such as:

"Are you seriously ripping off Freeman Dyson's Project Orion when all laws of Newton are thrown out of the window? And look at that fuel consumption!"

"Only three thousand kilometres per second? Too slow for milspec propulsion! We are not going to research this prototype! No way! If there are xenos, even space slugs will outrun this flying coffin!"

Prologue Part 2: Better late than never

It took over a century of research before the stubborn bureaucrats and emperors who have ruled since 2025 agreed to put such knowledge into applied results and start searching beyond Sol. Far more efficient Ion engines were the boon of taking so long dedicated to research. It was a mixed blessing because lack of information for so long on the wider universe could eventually cause difficulties. For a start, the mineral survey of Sol was very disappointing and worse, Earth's reserves of Immaterial minerals will not last much longer. But building more and more towards expansion was setback by the treasury. State-run financial centers, cryptocurrency farms and monetary powerplants, the latter part of a newer idea of using energy as currency interchangeable with cryptocurrencies, had to be built in large numbers to keep the State finances afloat, delaying other types of projects for many years.

While Mercury and Mars together had decent lodes with almost all types of minerals, none of them had accessibility above 40%, meaning their mining would be grossly inefficient, yet, with nowhere else to go and diminishing accessibility of depleting Earth minerals, after their full terraforming in the 2150s, with Mercury fittingly a desert and Mars a becoming somehow very Earthlike in its diversity of biomes, most mines on Earth were evenly distributed between both planets, each has over 20 million inhabitants by now while the terraformed steppes of Luna house the largest extra-planetary settlement due to its proximity to Earth mostly, with over 60 millions. Note that there are no horse nomads on Luna and the idea of nomads riding horses adapted to low gravity on Luna is preposterous.

The location of Sol within the jump point network was far from favorable for an easy expansion. With only two jump points leading to Barnard's Star, which is a dead end, and the formerly 4-Gruis system now renamed Huehuetlan after a forgotten Aztec deity, and Huehuetlan had no planets, only a few comets.

A grim note must be made on the state of Earth: the deeds of John Brown, Abraham Lincoln among many others were lost to extremes moral decline and depravity much of the world not enlightened by Imperial wisdom yet suffer from. The commerce of human beings as slaves returned in force in many places outside imperial law. As expected from a pillar of human rights and greater morals, slavery in the Imperium is a crime punishable with death by impalement.

Prologue Part 3: We come in peace!

The decadence and atrocities outside imperial jurisdiction are not any concern for the Emperor, specially since contact was made with the first aliens at one of the very first systems found outside of Sol, the already mentioned 4-Gruis and currently Huehuetlan, a worrisome proximity. Yet, during the first few years it seemed they were willing to compromise towards peace, causing much angry rage from the most vocal supporters of the Imperium for even considering diplomacy with the reviled xenos who do exist after all, and they were at least partly justified in their ranting rage posts across official channels of communication with the citizens. The apparent willingness of the alien towards peace was nothing but a ploy. Most modern historians consider that in 2140, these aliens were caught by surprise with the arrival of the human modular* survey ship and had most of their military somewhere else, thus they pretended to be willing to parlay, unaware of the strength of mankind's only space force, at the time a big zero, just to buy time to amass their fleet and invade Earth.

*modular because it has a small hangar with a fighter-sized module for either gravitational or geological survey, and thus can swap between either according to necessity, in addition to being able to load satellites with small passive sensors to keep a permanent watch over previously explored jump points

They never had a chance to fool the Imperium. An "emergency" build program of frigates armed with hard hitting yet short ranged plasma carronades started almost immediately, and in a few years the first flotilla was ready, but this was not yet the time to flex arms. When two flotillas were ready, it was now or never: an ultimatum was issued for all of the xenos to get out of the Epsilon Leonis Minoris system, the two flotillas orbited asteroids with some alien installations, there was no other acceptable outcome because this system is the vital location of a refueling station rightfully belonging to mankind while the Endovelicus system that also was linked to Huehuetlan was already properly claimed by the alien with a fully established refueling colony in one of its planets.

After that, at first they began to retreat their asteroid mining operations there, moving to the Huehuetlan jump point, complying to the ultimatum, but something was not right. To oversee the retreat and pull some classic gunboat diplomacy, the two flotillas totaling 14 ships: 6 Gladius class escort, 2 Immaterium class jump, 2 Malleus class and 4 Malleus Maximus class frigates followed a presumed cargo or orbital mining ship, with active sensors off, tailing it at 5,000 km distance. It was hoped such display of strength would prevent war for the time being, while the fact active sensors were off made clear there would be no surprise attack against the defenseless commercial alien ship.

A wrong hope. Suddenly the transport they followed began to move erratically away from the jump point, trying to flee. Upon receiving the report from the flotillas, Imperial high command concluded this can only mean the xenos already ordered all their ships to shoot human vessels on sight and treat mankind as hostile, despite no shots fired until this point against the xenos. The frigates boldly went with no fear to initiate a squadron jump into Huehuetlan, aware that they were everything between Earth and these reptilians, called by Imperial intelligence as the Lizardpeople Hegemony. 14 3,000 ton ships were not exactly a formidable force, yet to bow down to the alien was unacceptable.

Gauss cannons with only 20,000 km maximum range are a poor choice for fleets that can't outrun their targets. This was the lesson mankind taught to the aliens during the first battle of the conflict, the jump point assault at Huehuetlan. Despite their armed warships having a much greater sum of tonnage than the frigates, they were basically slaughtered, the best they could to is a few dents to the 8-layers thick armor of some of the the frigates. At this point it was also noticed that they were focusing fire on the gauss cannon armed escort frigates, a detail that would prove important later on. Lots of medals for destroyed tonnage in both military and commercial targets were issued after that battle.

Prologue Part 4: Bringing swords to a gunfight

Emboldened by the early victory and crushing defeat of the Lizardpeople in the gates to Sol, the Frigate Flotillas which would soon be increase to 3, for a total of 21 3,000 tons frigates, were undergoing repairs and overhauls, and preparing a new assault, this time against the identified alien-controlled system of Psi Indi, which was believed to have actual xenos populations within as well, maybe it was even their home system.

There they encountered something indeed: the first warship of the Lizardpeople capable of presenting a credible threat to the survival of the crews of the Imperal Space Force frigates. Armed with seven particle beam cannons each that shoot once every 20 seconds, during the first battle of Psi Indi, these weapons tore through all 8 layers of armor in one of the Gladius class escort frigates its engine went down due to heavy damage. By then Sol was disconnected from the stabilized jump network the aliens seemingly built all over and the only Tug of the Imperium is a big 275,000 tons ship without a jump drive, the largest commercial jump drives being only for up to 50,000 tons, thus no ship was available to rescue the stranded frigate. They could only hope to fix it through their small damage control team, and would have to be protected until then once victory is achieved.

In the end, with the xenos ships unable to outrun the Imperial frigates, barrages of 50cm plasma macro cannons at point blank ranges crushed them all before they could disable any other vessel of the empire. After this, a recon flight was initiated by the warships with still intact engines. At the first planet of Psi Indi, there were xenos: protected by visible 70,000 tons of ground units and a significant Surface-to-Orbit group. The STOs were outranged by the 50cm plasma cannons, and despite the fact shooting them beyond the range of the STO weapons is like firing a shotgun at its maximum range with some likelihood of hitting where the damage caused is pitiful compared to how powerful plasma is in close range, the STO units still fell one by one while the craters left by the rain of plasma in this alien world raised dust. However, the maintenance supplies of the frigates were at the limit, and once all STOs were clearly gone, confirmed kills, the frigates were ordered to retreat back to the jump point to Endovelicus while the damaged engine frigate was still attempting damage control over the shot engine to get out of there.

That frigate would never return, more alien ships from a new, unknown class jumped from Endovelicus to Psi Indi, coming from an uncertain source beyond either, and they were armed with something that not even 8 layers of armor could stand a chance against: particle lances, bigger particle beam cannons that can easily pierce all but the thickest armor layers that are impractical for a frigate to have. The stranded frigate was immediately cut in half by the shots while the others rushed to close in, the ones armed with plasma cannons initially holding their fire to close in for maximum damage, but they had another unpleasant surprise. These new alien ships were a few dozens of kilometres per second faster than them, there was no way to get closer. They opened fired with everything focused on destroying these particle lances. Fifty seconds later, the aliens lost all their ships, luckily before they could fire the lances.

That was another great victory, and still bold there were plans to teach new lessons to the xenos. A new frigate was already being constructed to replace the lost one, whose survivors were rescued and trying to cram themselves into the limited space of the remaining frigates, but the limitations of such small ships were becoming more and more obvious. One of the shipyards was being expanded to 15,000 tons capacity, but that would take many years yet. For now they would have to suffice.

Prologue Part 5: Plasma Cookbook

The third battle in this conflict happened thanks to a little thing that saved a modular survey ship from being destroyed when it went past Epsilon Leonis Minoris for further gravitational survey. This little thing is an Augur class satellite, a 19 tons unmanned probe with very small passive and active sensors meant to jump through an unknown jump gate with the assistance of the jump drive of its carrier or any other ship in its carrier fleet, and, if there is no danger, it would remain there as an early warning system to spot any xenos that were to cross it. One of them detected a sizable fleet with more of the particle-lance armed warships, for now designated Bank class. The hull class remain unknown as of now, but in Imperial categories, it would be termed either a Cruiser or Battlecruiser given its maximum speed and armament. Probably the former because its armor isn't anything exceptional, fortunately.

With the help of a tanker because their range is only 11 billion kilometres, three flotillas of frigates went to the jump point to engage the relatively weak force on the other side through a squadron jump. 2 Gladius class frigates were destroyed before they even could start firing. The Banks bankrupted nonetheless, and there the third victory of the Novus Imperium was secured, which would for a long time be the last battle. Over 7,000 aliens were imprisoned on Earth. The location of their prison was often visited by groups protesting for either their release as a gesture of goodwill to sue for peace and achieve it, or, far more often, for them to be exterminated immediately because they are tainting the holy clay of the cradle of humanity with their unclean, reviled, abhorred presence, shouting "to be purged, for that is the fate of all xenos!" as said in the old catechism which everyone forgot that was ripped off from in-universe quotes from a miniature based tactical board game that was somewhat popular in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Prologue Part 6: The Phony War

Things have been quiet for too many years ever since, over a decade at war has passed and despite that no more battles happened for a very long time. Thus it began to be perceived as a phony war and the Imperium was not yet ready to go all in for a conquest of the identified planets populated by the Lizardpeople in the Psi Indi system. They still had eyes and ears there however: even now a presence is maintained behind enemy lines, a courageous crew, alone in an unarmed vessel:

Orbiting an asteroid, fitted with drastically reduced thermal signature engines, they continue to monitor their signals. Magneto-Plasma propulsion was only one of the gains from this covert operation, ironically something their ship was not yet fitted with, still using old Ion engines. Its task group has the nickname some niche boards gave for spyware-infested operating systems, electronic devices, software and Internet-based services of the early 21st century. And of course it has not asked the aliens for consent to such privacy intrusion, exactly like a botnet.

Across a purple room, inspired by the glorious seat of an once mighty Roman Empire of the East, sitting over a golden throne, was a figure of great mystery. Tall, gaunt, some would dare say weak as far as it could be perceived considering imperial regalia included a finely decorated ceramic composite heavy power armor that certainly made any physical frailty of its wearer barely perceptible. This one was not a gigantic superman whose gene seed is used to mutate the bravest warriors into super soldiers. Wearing a face mask that hid all features behind a stoic facade besides a long white hair only added to the mystery. Perhaps the most absurd detail in such regalia was something akin to a white collar employee badge attached to the power armor with the full title of the most important member of the Imperium:

Amanda Carrilho, Autocrat of All Romes

A honor guard of space marines stood next to the Emperor, silent. They were trained to board alien ships and perhaps face the most dangerous of all battles, but here they had a relatively secure and risk-free duty. It was another typical Tuesday, even being the mightiest ruler of an Interstellar(barely) empire didn't change that. Not much to do in that specific day other than Public Relations duties. It was always PR, the most boring, dull thing for a head of state and government to do. Yet, in an elective monarchy, bloodlines are secondary to popularity, in addition to having decent skills, proper academic formation and competence. And in those, this now 52-years old Emperor was capable. Shipbuilding sped up on Earth by 25% through the policies only someone with real expertise in the fields of science that have direct applications in space engineering can enact properly. That competence alone was critical given the state of war, and it was only one of many skills. However, many critics accused Amanda of being unreliable, weak not only in a physical sense and indifferent.

A hologram signaled a request for a remote meeting with the Chancellor, responsible for the entire Segmentum Solar. A choice made a long time ago, the Sector Command would be ruled by the Chancellor while the Emperor would rule directly over the imperial demesne of Earth. Now there was something new, or perhaps not so new, that the young Chancellor wanted to discuss. Marta Sotomaior was known for pushing ever harder the policies to increase birth rates, even leading by example and the circumstances involved in that would make those tabloids that annoyed royal families in the past spend entire months writing about it. The rumors spun by tabloids on who Marta is intimately and how all of her 18 children were born are really crazy and considering the advances of stem cell based implants, not entirely implausible, but they are just rumors. Nevertheless all over the sector population growth increased by 10% since Marta assumed its administration. Some still criticized her as a neurotic and unimaginative bureaucrat, yet so far, things were going well mostly.

A map of the current situation was displayed as well, next to the Chancellor. Recon satellites were distributed across every surveyed jump point, giving very accurate readings of nearby hostiles. For some reason the aliens decided shooting those cheap 19 ton probes was a waste of time and had not shot down even a single of them. Which was good. With the indifferent attitude of Amanda, formal introductions rarely happened during such meetings.

Marta: The colonists of Fuel Depot Frigum are asking for a permanent defense force, they are worried the Lizards will launch a surprise attack. Understandable considering almost one million live in orbit due to the inhospitable climate of the planet, which temperature raises at a glacial pace. Their habitats have no armor or protection. Such attack would be their death in a matter of seconds. Besides the loss of our only terraforming station with one hundred modules would be a massive loss.

One million deaths? Just another statistic. Terraforming? We have enough to build more stations, give me a break. This is why I hate Tuesdays.

Excuse me, are you really going to copycat that infamous quote? Are your critics right?

Did you forget what these xenos are doing at the Grimgor system, formerly 55-Cancri? They have their most dangerous ship we know of with particle lances doing nothing where they could amass some strike force instead, but no, they are keeping the same jump point watch there for over five years with not even one reinforcement. And they also know we will just jump another cheap probe if they shoot that one down. Watching their dangerous moves is like watching for paint to dry over a wall. Either they are really, really afraid of us and don't know we have yet to build a truly worthy Battlefleet because of how much tonnage they lost to our well-made frigates. Or perhaps, despite the Botnet not identifying any comms that would suggest they are at war with others besides us, only that they know at least two other alien species we don't and have neutral relations with them. Yet perhaps a far greater threat to them than how they perceive us is keeping them busy elsewhere.

Yet they have a few ships ready to launch a raid at the jump gate to Epsilon Leonis Minoris in the Abaddon system. Do you really want to bet a million lives they won't do anything, Emperor?

They know who they are dealing with. Perhaps we destroyed over a million tons of their spaceships since the beginning of the war. Our greatest Immaterial mining operation is being made by salvage ships, the mineral shortages are over, scrapped alien junk is our motherlode for the next few years from how much we made them pay for their arrogance of claiming everything around our sacred Terra, otherwise they would probably claim and invade Sol. Besides, their force stationed in that jump point has done exactly the same as the one in Grimgor: absolutely nothing! However, I understand the concerns. Prepare Frigate Flotillas I, II, III and IV to refuel at Epsilon Leo Gas Station and strike that pitiful jump point watch! Time to remind them the galaxy is our manifest destiny!

Don't want to communicate that order directly to the space forces officers again? Alright, I will inform them of the new orders. Meanwhile, I suggest that bringing fighter factories to Epsilon Leo and some maintenance facilities and a handful of minerals would provide a solution. While relatively well protected for such small vessel, this won't defeat a real invasion, we both know, but this proposed system defense fighter will nonetheless give a feeling of security to our people in the edges of the imperial vital space

Code: [Select]
Vallum class Heavy Fighter      500 tons       20 Crew       149.6 BP       TCS 10    TH 115    EM 0
11522 km/s      Armour 5-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 3      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0      PPV 3
Maint Life 5.02 Years     MSP 43    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 3    5YR 43    Max Repair 28.8 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 days    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-57 (2)    Power 115.2    Fuel Use 1350.0%    Signature 57.6    Explosion 30%
Fuel Capacity 45,000 Litres    Range 1.2 billion km (28 hours at full power)

ALLE T10 Railgun (1x4)    Range 50,000km     TS: 11,522 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CTU 72Mm-11500 (1)     Max Range: 72,000 km   TS: 11,500 km/s     86 72 58 44 31 17 3 0 0 0
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R3 (1)     Total Power Output 3    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Nanosensor m1 (1)     GPS 3     Range 2.7m km    MCR 244k km    Resolution 1

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a e for auto-assignment purposes

Once a new naval shipyard is constructed to prepare the next phase of expansion of our space force, I will consider that.

The phony war would soon, like in the beginning, go hot again. Why were the aliens so inert and unchanging, maintaining the same fleets and compositions holding out in their jump points for so long? The reasons have yet to be discovered. The exact location of their home system is still unknown. The advances of the Imperium might have cut their territory in half, meaning their capital could be anywhere, but after years of ELINT it was concluded the Psi Indi system probably is not their home, only one of their frontier systems dedicated to mining. Yet it likely shall be the first target of conquest by the Imperium once its shipyard can start building capital ships and not only measly 3,000 tons frigates. They had hundreds of mines there, therefore it may be more valuable than the meager mineral depots found in systems near Sol. Otherwise they wouldn't put over 70,000 tons of ground forces to protect it, which probably are a lot more because that size is likely an underestimation from sensor readings.

(OOC: Yes, got quite long-winded but it's hard to condense a game that went so far from 2025 to 2163, specially when also including some fluff. I hope this ended OK and not too tiresome to read)
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 04:13:16 PM by Abridal »
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Re: A Polarized Imperium
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2021, 02:38:02 PM »
That was quite a lot to get through, but then you were setting up an entire world and the start of a war. Will all the factions on Earth come into play later or are they mostly background?

Offline Abridal (OP)

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Re: A Polarized Imperium
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2021, 08:09:30 PM »
That was quite a lot to get through, but then you were setting up an entire world and the start of a war. Will all the factions on Earth come into play later or are they mostly background?

(That all originated from the starting trade and xenophobia values, for both were high by default and the latter got a further raise to fit in with the overall not-40k theme. For me it made sense to imagine that as a population split between very divisive paradigms. If almost everyone supported unlimited purging of xenos there would be no polite requests for the aliens to leave Epsilon Leonis Minoris before things escalated into war, for example.

The hive cities cults are more than background fluff. It is kind of spoiler-ish yet strongly hinted the concept I'm going to enforce as a house rule in this game, hidden below. There is also a peculiar detail about this house rule I'm going withhold for now.

Extra-galactic invaders are disabled for now. At least one of the cults mentioned is in service of them. There is an alternative to prevent cultists from bringing them in, but it may be worse than letting the aether rifts open up. As already mentioned, I'm not going to spoil what this alternative to avoid extra-galactic invaders is going to be.

And without further ado, the next part, which will be a bit shorter.)


> Correcting corrupted qubits of data...

> Processing...

> Critical Error: Data set expected to use but completely incompatible with euclidean geometry.

> Advanced Analysis: Studied universe is a plaything of

> Translation impossible;

> Pronouncing impossible;

> Conceptualization impossible.

> Incoming Transmission, source may be an error: from beyond the event horizon of an unidentified singularity.

> Failed to record transmission.

> All life signs at zero, yet crew members observed shambling and screaming under insurmountable agony.

> Enacting Order 01331: Multiverse studies must be aborted permanently. Self-destruct sequence initiated.

> Erasure of vessel's and all crew existence from past, present and future in 3, 2, 1

Cyber Kayak Fishermen: Mars. Season 1

Mars. Once a barren, lifeless world, now is home to almost as much biodiversity as Earth. From the extremophile bacteria that cling to the highest reaches of Mount Olympus to desert snakes, Martian jaguars in the few jungles across the equatorial band and the polar bears, all which have already changed compared to their siblings on Earth to adapt to the lower gravity of this now blue planet. It is a breathtaking world, the miracle of life which once existed here during the earliest eons of the solar system returned. Across the many Martian lakes, rivers and seas lie countless species of fishes brought from Earth, where the lower gravity has resulted in a very particular phenomena: these fishes are much, much bigger, and the reduced gravity in addition to that results in a very unique experience for Martian fishermen. Over the Martian seas, a thousand-years old tradition is still practiced by settlers originated from Polynesia, previously encouraged by their Machine cult to move to Mars, confident the greatest of the spirits they believe in, the Omnissiah, could be very, very close. Their use of simple but effective kayaks stands in contrast with themselves. More machine than men, their cybernetic limbs allow them to achieve superhuman feats of strength and dexterity and fish in ways impossible for humans made only of flesh and blood.

Amanda Carrilho: Why am I watching this "documentary" again? Oh well, because this day I'm here just because it is my duty to be here, nothing but paperwork and PR I could procrastinate and leave for tomorrow so I am bored enough to have a holo display on this show. Hey there Alberto Barbosa, you were born in East Timor, right? These Machine Adepts are very popular there. Do you think this "Omnissiah" is something real?

Alberto Barbosa: ...

The personal guard took protocol more seriously than the one they protected. Amanda sighed and said:

You should know I am automatically authorizing you to break your silence from perceived necessity to perform your duty as a cautious guardian and speak freely when I start a conversation. And such a thing will never distract anyone as capable as you anyway, no need to be so stiff, specially when nobody else is around.

Emperor, with all due respect, your predecessors were much more rigid on protocol and formality, thus we would prefer to not get used to your way, should we still be young enough to stay here instead of retiring by the time of your successor.

Hey! I am still young, you will retire from your duties while I'm still here, but in any case, what are your thoughts?

I doubt this so called Omnissiah is real.

Most likely the truth, however, these Machine Adepts are the only cult which is aligned with imperial politics and values and whose leadership has acted with complete loyalty so far. It would be foolish for me to state any skepticism towards their faith, so lets keep our disbelief of this Omnissiah among us.

Suddenly an urgent hologram showed up. It was from the chancellor.

Marta: Emperor! The commanding officer of the Justicar has gone mad!

What? How? He was always so reliable.

Whatever expression Amanda had was hidden by her duranium mask.

That strike cruiser, loaded with two hundred and thirty space marines, is departing to the Abaddon system to engage the xenos on its own while the frigates that were due to perform that operation are still undergoing overhaul. And that cruiser has no jump drive!

Code: [Select]
Aphobia class Strike Cruiser      15,000 tons       364 Crew       2,798 BP       TCS 300    TH 2,040    EM 6,870
6800 km/s      Armour 8-54       Shields 229-536       HTK 78      Sensors 16/16/0/0      DCR 8      PPV 35.32
Maint Life 1.47 Years     MSP 1,020    AFR 212%    IFR 2.9%    1YR 524    5YR 7,866    Max Repair 510 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 1,250 tons     Troop Capacity 500 tons     Boarding Capable   
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   ENG   
Intended Deployment Time: 9 months    Flight Crew Berths 25    Morale Check Required   

Coelho PEB MION-1020 (2)    Power 2040    Fuel Use 68.80%    Signature 1020    Explosion 17%
Fuel Capacity 1,290,000 Litres    Range 22.5 billion km (38 days at full power)
Gellar Manufactorum Theta Scutum 229 (1)     Recharge Time 536 seconds (0.4 per second)

TriOptimum PAX-60 Heavy Macro Cannon (1)    Range 480,000km     TS: 6,800 km/s     Power 96-6     RM 10,000 km    ROF 80       
Twin Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (1x10)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CTU 480Mm-6750 (1)     Max Range: 480,000 km   TS: 6,750 km/s   
Marques Eletro CTU 240Mm-20k (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s   
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R6 (1)     Total Power Output 6    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Camara Sistemas Sensor EM-16 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km
Carneiro ST 1.5x m1 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km

Strike Group
5x Memento Mori Assault Shuttle   Speed: 23065 km/s    Size: 4.99

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

Who told you that?

The captain of the World Eaters squadrons, Angelo Angronio, who was very furious because they were not invited to join this unauthorized operation... wait a moment. You didn't authorize this and "forgot" to tell me about it, did you?

Not really. However, I see no reason to put a stop to it. Lord-Captain Geraldo Amaral is one of the finest officers in the space force. He knows what he is doing and definitively has a perfect plan to compensate for the lack of a jump drive and the tactical consequences of it. The potential gains are more than worth the risks.

Meanwhile, in the bridge of the CS Justicar:

Commander Renato Barbosa, Chief Engineer: Is that wise, Lord-captain? The Emperor does not approve of this action.

Geraldo Amaral: No. The Emperor calls this maneuver Shock and Awe. We will emerge victorious from this, thus all our actions shall be approved.

But the only ones who will be at shock will be us! The Justicar lacks a jump drive.

The xenos won't know what is coming to them. They will be surprised, very surprised, for jump shock does not affect assault shuttles or the mightiest power of the Imperial Space Force inside them, and their ships can only fire once every twenty seconds, more than enough for a greeting party to reciprocate their particle beams.

Code: [Select]
Memento Mori class Assault Shuttle      250 tons       12 Crew       66.6 BP       TCS 5    TH 115    EM 0
23065 km/s      Armour 1-3       Shields 0-0       HTK 2      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0      PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 0    AFR 49%    IFR 0.7%    1YR 6    5YR 94    Max Repair 28.8 MSP
Troop Capacity 100 tons     Boarding Capable   
Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 1 days    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-57 (2)    Power 115.2    Fuel Use 1350.0%    Signature 57.6    Explosion 30%
Fuel Capacity 1,000 Litres    Range 0.05 billion km (0 hours at full power)

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a Troop Transport for auto-assignment purposes

Image: Fireteam leader dual-wielding Plasma Bolters and Plasma MG armed Rhomaioi Space Marines.

Code: [Select]
Space Marine Squad
Transport Size: 100 tons
Build Cost: 10 BP
18x Space Marine - Plasma Bolter
3x Space Marine - Plasma MG
2x Space Marine - Fireteam Leader

Boarding intact alien vessels. What if the inevitable deaths make victory impossible and we lose all space marines?

They are our finest, they are prepared to die for the emperor and they will capture at least one, if not two of the Badger class cruisers while the last one will stand no chance.

Despite the skepticism of the Chief Engineer and of the Executive Officer, the lone strike cruiser continued its journey to Abaddon.

Several weeks later, after activating its void shields during a stopover at Epsilon Leo Gas Station, the Justicar would face its first battle. Outgunned, outnumbered and about to face jump shock. Whether Geraldo Amaral was an absolute madman, a military genius or both was about to discovered.

Memento Mori! Ave Victoria!

The captain shouted this war cry immediately after a barrage of particle beams reduced the void shields of the Justicar to 66%. Answering to it, the five assault shuttles emerged from the hangars with unbelievable speed and finesse and intercepted Badger 004, a risky maneuver given its speed and status as completely intact. Due to jump shock the Justicar could not yet open fire.

In less than 5 seconds the boarding operation was already completed and the assault shuttles returned to the safety of the hangars before they could be shot down. However, due to the speed of the Badger cruisers, while the extremely fast shuttles allowed for a chance, even before the combat inside the ship began, some did not make it and died in the boarding attempt. In total 23 space marines were lost, the exact number of a single squad.

The VII Alphas lost six marines: 1 Plasma MG, 4 Bolter and 1 Fireteam Leader;
The VIII Angels of Death lost three marines: 1 Plasma MG and 2 Bolter;
The IX Dark Angels lost three marines armed with plasma bolters;
The X Invincible Soldiers suffered heavily with nine losses out of 23: 2 Plasma MG, 6 Bolter and 1 Fireteam Leader;
The XI Rhomaioi were the luckiest, having lost only two marines armed with plasma bolters during the attempt.

While the remaining marines attempted to breach through the alien ship's armor, the battle was ongoing, with the Justicar in a retreating move to get away from the range of their particle beams and recharge shields before attempting a strafing move once jump shock was over, focusing on Badger 006.

It was a harrowing, tense battle. At first it seemed this was a foolish move, to attempt to fight against a force that had over twice the tonnage and thrice the numbers, and with the void shields getting closer to zero every twenty seconds, the concern was more and more visible in the faces of the officers and crew of the Justicar. They could not lose, otherwise the ongoing boarding action would be in vain.

Battle Log:

15:41:05 - The Justicar has gained distance and is now 111,385 km away from the pursuers. They fire another salvo of particle beams. Thanks to the limitations of their fire controls only five shots hit out of twenty-one, yet void shields are now only at 9% strength, about to be depleted. Badger 004 not yet breached by the space marines.

15:41:25 - 139,525 km distance. Other five hits of particle beams deplete the Justicar void shields and graze superficially its armor. "Bullet Proof" medal awarded to Lord-Captain Geraldo Amaral, hopefully not posthumously.

15:41:45 - 167,665 km distance. Only 3 out 21 particle beams hit the Justicar. Barely regenerated void shields only mitigate slightly far more substantial damage to armor.

15:41:55 - 181,735 km distance. Justicar finally recovers fully from jump shock and opens fire against Badger 006 with heavy plasma macro cannon. Hit chance at 64% thanks to superior fire controls to those used by the xenos despite optimal weaponry for short range combat. Alien vessel suffered only about 5% of the damage a shot at less than 10,000 km distances would have caused.

It is over for them! Maintain this distance until shields are fully recharged! Let us ensure that by the time the space marines have secured the xenos ship there won't be any risk to them!

Boarding Log:

15:44:35: Space Marines engage xenos crew. Despite outmatching them by far, one fireteam leader of the Alphas is lost, but the xenos pay for that with 37 lives.

Exact time of further engagements lost. Report continues below.

Code: [Select]
Phase 2 - 29 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 3 - 18 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 4 - 23 iguanas-on-a-stick. 1 Angel of Death - Plasma bolter died
Phase 5 - 25 iguanas-on-a-stick. 1 Miles Invictus and 1 AoD - Plasma bolter died.
Phase 6 - 38 iguanas-on-a-stick. 1 Miles Invictus died.
Phase 7 - 21 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 8 - 28 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 9 - 36 iguanas-on-a-stick. 1 Angel of Death - Plasma bolter died. Strike Cruiser with fully recharged shields closes in, enduring the barrages of particle beams.
Phase 10 - 28 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 11 - 33 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties. Strike Cruiser is finally at point-blank and targeting Badger 006

All boarding missiles into the disabled ship!

This time there were no losses during the boarding attempt. The remaining alien ships, where one would eventually be taken over, for their crews had no chance against the space marines in their heavy power armor, began a retreating move, their apparent superiority in numbers and tonnage only a foolish illusion given superior speed and the unremitting courage of those ready to throw their lives into the void for the most hazardous and dangerous of all battles: the conquest of a spaceship. At the same time, the battle of the first boarding assault was not yet over and to get away from the range of the weapons of the disabled vessel while approaching the others to ensure it would not allow the boarding action to be lost because of the captured ship being fired at, the Justicar moved "north" towards a temporarily set waypoint.

Badger 004 combat reports:

Code: [Select]
Phase 12 - 29 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 13 - 26 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties

So, a great victory was potentially secured not through conventional spaceship firepower, but through the courage of the finest scions of Holy Terra, who risked their lives in a dangerous boarding operation against a completely intact alien vessel and while many did not live to see this great victory, they nonetheless triumphed. Rushed, a skeleton crew attempted to control the alien vessel and target the other alien ship, but due to the fact everything was interfaced for xenos, it was very tricky to understand how to operate the thing. They set course to distance themselves from the last alien ship still on the move and under their control while the Justicar approached to hunt it down and destroy it.

Particle beams from the captured ship fired with little effect. The skeleton crew had no idea yet how to use the fire controls, with such being a too alien technology for them to hit anything at all, and even the maximum speed they could achieve for now was a pitiful ~50 km/s, however help was on the way. They suffered some hits from the other xenos ship, but fortunately none caused critical damage or disabled its engines, and thus while Badger 005 was hunted down, they set course to the jump point to Epsilon Leonis Minoris, to refuel at its station and head for Earth, where any useful technology from it the Imperium lacked would be studied for reverse engineering and the rest scrapped. Two ships with tractor beams, a tanker and a tug, were already on the way should this still working ship remain sluggish and require a push.

Badger 006 combat reports:

Code: [Select]
Phase 1 - 42 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 2 - 36 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 3 - 46 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties
Phase 4 - 38 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties. Strike Cruiser almost paralyzes Badger 005 with crippling point-blank heavy plasma shot.
Phase 5 - 36 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties. Strike Cruiser twin gauss turret paralyzes Badger 005.
Phase 6 - 34 iguanas-on-a-stick. No casualties

Thus, at 16:00, a devastating hit of 60cm heavy plasma completely pulverizes the Badger 005. The First Battle of Abaddon was a complete victory, the fall of the last alien ship, stranded and being cleansed by over a hundred space marines, was only a matter of time.

Only three minutes later that would happen, with far better results than the first and riskiest boarding action: not even one space marine died during the capture of Badger 006, a truly remarkable performance. Immediately the shuttles headed towards Badger 004 to load the space marines back, leaving only the skeleton crew and finally take in the xenos who fled the destruction of Badger 005, while the Justicar would load the marines at the stranded Badger 006 with both engines damaged by a devastating hit of 60cm heavy plasma, which likely would only get out of there once the tug arrived. For now there would be a tense wait, protecting this ship, but even if there is a hidden fleet of xenos heading in that would force the Justicar to abandon the skeleton crew over the stranded alien ship to its fate, for it cannot risk another battle because parts of its armor were already penetrated at 5 levels of depth out of 8 and it was alone there, this would still be a great victory. From it the knowledge of the exact specifications of the Badger and the real name of it were now available as well. Apparently it is Zun and it is classified as a Destroyer:

Code: [Select]
Zun IV class Destroyer      11,570 tons       347 Crew       2,065.4 BP       TCS 231    TH 1,248    EM 0
5393 km/s      Armour 7-45       Shields 0-0       HTK 74      Sensors 8/8/0/0      DCR 3      PPV 56
Maint Life 0.63 Years     MSP 334    AFR 357%    IFR 5.0%    1YR 527    5YR 7,903    Max Repair 312 MSP
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 2   BRG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magneto-plasma Drive  EP624 (2)    Power 1248    Fuel Use 50.64%    Signature 624    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 950,000 Litres    Range 29.2 billion km (62 days at full power)

Particle Beam-6 (7)    Range 200,000km     TS: 5,393 km/s     Power 15-4    ROF 20       
Beam Fire Control R256-TS4000 (2)     Max Range: 256,000 km   TS: 4,000 km/s   
Stellarator Fusion Reactor R5 (7)     Total Power Output 32.1    Exp 5%

Active Search Sensor AS78-R125 (1)     GPS 12000     Range 78.2m km    Resolution 125
Thermal Sensor TH1-8 (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
EM Sensor EM1-8 (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

ECCM-1 (1)         ECM 10

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

A few hours later Badger 004 would safely reach imperial space, on its way to refuel and then head to Earth. The Justicar maintained a vigilant watch over the the stranded captured ship for now. It would take several weeks for the Tug that would bring it back to arrive. It was an old and dated design deemed low priority to refit to more advanced magneto-plasma propulsion, but still very fast for a commercial spaceship when unloaded, for it was designed to tractor over 2,500,000 tons.

Code: [Select]
Ferrata class Tug      273,482 tons       2,760 Crew       9,646.4 BP       TCS 5,470    TH 31,250    EM 0
5713 km/s      Armour 1-375       Shields 0-0       HTK 615      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 222    Max Repair 156.25 MSP
Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 48    Tractor Beam     
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Tartaruga PEB MION-C625 (50)    Power 31250    Fuel Use 2.24%    Signature 625    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 5,000,000 Litres    Range 147.2 billion km (298 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a a for auto-assignment purposes

This victory had many consequences. Proposals to create entire fleets centered on boarding action, with even more capacity to load space marines or assault shuttles, were already being made when the news arrived to Terra but the greatest question was yet to be answered: is this the moment that shall usher the Imperium as a galatic superpower, or simply a lucky streak that will end soon? The Xenos so far remain timid, weak and passive to a point that makes no sense. Preparations for the eventual invasion of the Psi Indi system, meanwhile, were still far, far away from completion.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 08:20:11 PM by Abridal »
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Re: A Polarized Imperium
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2021, 03:09:41 AM »
Action packed start!

Offline El Pip

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Re: A Polarized Imperium
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2021, 06:34:13 PM »
The X Invincible Soldiers suffered heavily with nine losses out of 23: 2 Plasma MG, 6 Bolter and 1 Fireteam Leader;
In fairness they were absolutely asking for it with a name like that. Such arrogance is rarely not punished.

An interesting doctrine and it seems to be working for the Imperium. Though as noted is it just the luck of audacity?

Also the Emperor is playing with fire with such 'deniable' missions, all is well when they are successful but if they fail will the officers really take all the blame or will they confess to the Emperor's involvement to save themselves? Problems for the future though, for now let all celebrate this triumphant victory!
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Re: A Polarized Imperium
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2021, 02:22:12 PM »
Cornucopia class Terraforming Station      2,518,713 tons

Given the limitations of Aurora, I approve of this suitably Warhammer size for a terraforming station.

Off-Topic: Liquid Humanism Overview
Off-Topic: Mercantile-Universalism Overview

I eagerly look forward to seeing how the conflict of these two ideologies ends up driving Imperial policy and doctrine.

Another oddity of the hive cities, rarely found outside of them, are all kinds of weird cults. The most popular for over a century is dedicated to a deity called "She-Who-Thirsts". [...]his testimony nothing more than the ramblings of a doomsayer on how this cult worships a horrible demon that will come out of a rift in the fabric of space and aether opened by the very hedonism of its worshipers.

If this campaign ends with the Imperium being blown to bits by a certain spoiler race we will already know who to blame. It might not be their fault, per se, but they will be blamed anyways.

Thus far I am very intrigued by what is on one hand quite obviously, shall we say, "inspired by" WH40K lore, yet on the other hand this is applied to a quite different setting than the Imperium of Man. It will be I am certain an interesting collision of cultural forces ultimately driving all kinds of harebrained space schemes and I am very much here for it.

Note that there are no horse nomads on Luna and the idea of nomads riding horses adapted to low gravity on Luna is preposterous.

I hadn't even thought to ask and now I am glad I did not, for I did not need to.

A grim note must be made on the state of Earth: the deeds of John Brown, Abraham Lincoln among many others were lost to extremes moral decline and depravity much of the world not enlightened by Imperial wisdom yet suffer from. The commerce of human beings as slaves returned in force in many places outside imperial law. As expected from a pillar of human rights and greater morals, slavery in the Imperium is a crime punishable with death by impalement.

In an alternate history of this alternate history, brought on by several arguably-fortuitous choking-on-olive events, a world war is instigated in 2136, ostensibly for the purpose of eradicating slavery, but in reality driven by the powerful impalement pole-makers lobby which wished to generate market share for their admittedly not in demand products.

these reptilians, called by Imperial intelligence as the Lizardpeople Hegemony.

This is the kind of culturally-sensitive, racially-aware classification we expect in our Aurora AARs and I wholly approve of this truly scholarly naming convention.

Prologue Part 4: Bringing swords to a gunfight

I quite love this section. It is not too often that a NPR really takes the fight to the player race and particle lances are one of the best ways to do it, or at least one of the most terrifying to face off against.

The part where the Hegemony loses in the end anyways is of course rather less surprising.

The Banks bankrupted nonetheless,

Pfft. I bet you're fun at parties.  ;)

shouting "to be purged, for that is the fate of all xenos!" as said in the old catechism which everyone forgot that was ripped off from in-universe quotes from a miniature based tactical board game that was somewhat popular in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

Pictured: this AAR.  :P

Quote from: Abridal
even now a presence is maintained behind enemy lines, a courageous crew, alone in an unarmed vessel:
Quote from: Also Abridal
Botnet 1

It is heartening to see that in this universe, robots are considered crew capable of courage without first having to go on trial to defend their existence from Federation Imperium lawyers with punchable faces.

I mean, you could also just go with the explanation given in the text, I guess, if you really wanted to.  :P

For some reason the aliens decided shooting those cheap 19 ton probes was a waste of time and had not shot down even a single of them. Which was good.

I've found similar in my own experience. Seems to be a bug(?) with <50 ton crafts that NPRs sometimes will not target them for some reason.

Excuse me, are you really going to copycat that infamous quote?

What is the point of being an Emperor if you don't copycat famous quotes all day? Answer me that!

(OOC: Yes, got quite long-winded but it's hard to condense a game that went so far from 2025 to 2163, specially when also including some fluff. I hope this ended OK and not too tiresome to read)

It is generally the long-winded stuff that is the best material on these forums...

...he said with absolutely no self-interest in the matter whatsoever...

> Advanced Analysis: Studied universe is a plaything of

This is not ominous at all.

Over the Martian seas, a thousand-years old tradition is still practiced by settlers originated from Polynesia, previously encouraged by their Machine cult to move to Mars, confident the greatest of the spirits they believe in, the Omnissiah, could be very, very close.

Absolutely no one could possibly have seen this coming. Absolutely no one, I say.  :P

He knows what he is doing and definitively has a perfect plan to compensate for the lack of a jump drive and the tactical consequences of it.

Pictured: The Emperor.

Memento Mori class Assault Shuttle

This is not even remotely ironic.

Phase 2 - 29 iguanas-on-a-stick.

The absolute finest cultural sensitivity training has been made mandatory for all officers of the Imperial Navy, I see. As it should be, of course.

Thus, at 16:00, a devastating hit of 60cm heavy plasma completely pulverizes the Badger 005. The First Battle of Abaddon was a complete victory, the fall of the last alien ship, stranded and being cleansed by over a hundred space marines, was only a matter of time.

I...I can't believe this actually worked. Truly a glorious victory!

Thus far an excellent and entertaining piece of work here. I suppose the major narrative question at this stage will be whether the NPRs, this one or others, will eventually bring some aggression into the picture, ideally we can start having multiple fronts of warfare so the Imperium will begin to feel pressured despite having a wealth of resources in a vacuum. I am also curious about this hinted alternative to a certain spoiler race and hope we get to see it at some suitably dramatic moment.

Offline Abridal (OP)

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Part 3: Space Marines know no fear (2163-2165)
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2021, 06:37:39 PM »
The absolute finest cultural sensitivity training has been made mandatory for all officers of the Imperial Navy, I see. As it should be, of course.

Imperial Space Force would be the correct name. The Imperial Navy is an actual navy that protects the Imperium floating cities over the oceans of Earth.


> Memoirs of an Imperial Space Force Officer

> Be 41
> Live in The Current Year + 145
> Emperor shouts "Ave Victoria!".
> Shout "Ave Victoria!" and salute the Emperor.
> Emperor shouts "Ave Victoria!" again.
> Shout "Ave Victoria!" and salute the Emperor again.
> Remember good old days just before joining Schola Sancta Terra, when was part of the Imperial Youth movement.
> Joined death squad to hunt down mutant scum who willingly have chosen to no longer be human, festering hive cities.
> Pal with weird tastes invites me to an Anime convention at a hive city, unaware of my membership.
> Convention is filled with furry mutants and also some scalies and others even weirder, all who once were human.
> At first I was like:
> *Cringe*
> Then I was like:
> *Purging Intensifies*
> "Friend" calls me a bunch of words ending with -ist and goes on and on like a gigantic crybaby.
> I summarily judge this ex-friend as a traitor to mankind and *BLAM* this heretic mutant lover with a bit of sadness. May Imperial justice always be fair. The Emperor Protects.
> Pile up horrible doujins all over the convention with heretical drawings of mutant women with cat ears among other abominations for book burning ceremony.
> Be given the honor to be the one who shall light the fire that will purge all such degeneracy and consign it to oblivion.
> Nothing of value was lost. Bonfire was really large by the end of the ceremony.
> Stench of some really low quality imported junk food from Japan called pocky is overwhelming.
> Suddenly I wake up and realize all of that was a no more than a dream, I have no idea what an "Anime", "doujin" or "pocky" is.
> What the hell did I just dream of and why?
> Some quack reads my comments in the Net and claims I dreamed of an alternate universe.
> Don't care personally about this, just sharing with fellow anons for entertainment.
> HFY³

--Anonymous copypasta dated from 2160

The Daily Stormemes, 27th of May, 2163

Editorial: The Hos of Babylon

A cancer still festers upon every continent of the planet, a remnant of the "progressive" degenerate non-civilization which ashes the Imperium built itself from, purifying the filth and crushing the enemies of its superior values, when necessary. A cracked, corrupted corpse of long lost cultures, of peoples who lost their identity, their roots, who forgot their past and have forsaken their future, betraying in the most abject and vile way their ancestors. Why imperial authority refuses to end forever the remnants of such blight is a mystery. At least very restrictive migration policies prohibit the genetic sewage of these necropolises from ever leaking out of this planet.

"Why should the hive cities be called non-civilizations?", first-time readers may ask. They are non-civilizations for their absolute denial of every foundation of any successful civilized society: Blood, Honor and Soil.

The Denial of Blood: behold a sewage of rootless dregs of the dregs of mankind, inferior beings without any real cultural identity which combine the genetic flaws and the worst traits of all peoples on Earth, a septic tank of human genes thrown into a gigantic totem of consumerism commanded by gigantic capitalists who control finances, media, "education", everything with absolute power, where atomized and doomed individuals exist for no other purpose than to be exploited.  The open borders of hive cities are no more than the open mouth of a Venus flytrap to ensnare and devour fools who think they will find prosperity and dignity in the self-proclaimed "culturally rich and tolerant" hellhole every hive city is. The only tolerance is the tolerance over the most crass abuse, cruelty, inhumanity and exploitation and the only enrichment has nothing to do with culture and everything to do with the ever-expanding wealth of a monstrously decadent, cowardly and immoral elite of useless parasites to mankind. Beyond what is evident, who knows what horrors happen in the dark corners of Earth where creepy cults these Babylons are always attracting congregate? Human sacrifices, babies thrown to pyres in the name of false gods, babymeat cannibal black markets? Even worse?

The Denial of Honor is obvious. There is no honor or honour(sic) to be found anywhere within a hive city.  It's normal for a "best friend" to stab the other "friend" in the back for only one cent or even for less. No ties to anything result inevitably into a culture of selfish pursuit of wealth, power and pleasure above everyone and all else in this soulless theme park, a dark and twisted parody of authentic cultures. No binding promises ever are respected in such a place except at gunpoint or through force of contractual legislation also enforced at gunpoint. Even families are just a facade, blood ties as worthless as "friendship". Babies in most hive cities are literally merchandise to be bought and sold in slave markets, and not even one individual will speak up against families that conduct such an abominable act against their own children for selfish interest. Truly a spectacle of horrors, the ultimate form of democracy in all its grotesqueness, the proof of the superiority of the Fourth Way and that all the ideals of the "Enlightenment" are lies, lies of a false Enlightenment which once threatened to cast a veil of perpetual darkness, a funeral wreath upon mankind only barely avoided thanks to the bravery of the forerunners of our great movement who resurrected their peoples from degeneracy.

The Denial of Soil comes most evidently from the lack of any official borders, for the spider always welcomes the little insects blindly immigrating to its web. The denial of soil also has another meaning in the heavily stratified hive: most inhabitants have less than illegal migrants stopped at the border checkpoint of every society that isn't a hellhole: their living standards and work conditions are analogous to slavery, even in imperial hive cities where explicit slavery is forbidden, and they are truly denied soil and any form of private property: every single piece of land belongs to a tiny minority arguably even worse than the worst xenos scum, for only the greatest monsters in human guise have any chance to rise to the top of the hive city societal pyramid, ensuring through genetic inheritance their descendants will always be born like their parents, a minority so devoid of humanity their mindset is as reptilian as that of the Lizardpeople Hegemony. We have no hesitation to affirm they are a greater threat than the xenos and should not be considered human, therefore their extermination would not be a crime against mankind but a favor to mankind.

Will we one day pay the highest price in a distant or not so distant future for toleration of such corrupted and immoral enclaves within our Imperium that reward dishonor, treachery, cowardice, decadence and all other traits that shape up only heretics, traitors and the greatest of all internal enemies? What will it take for the authorities to wake up, an entire hive city becoming 99% inhabited by grotesque, reviled anthropomorphic parodies of natural animals who once were human and making nuclear purification the only solution? Hopefully not before a wiser Emperor cleanses the planet of these festering tumors. Time will tell.

The Emperor was reading this peculiar piece with relative lack of interest, just the usual thoughts to be expected from the most radical National-Humanists, yet after finishing this relaxing reading for the pursuit of inner peace, she commented:

If they knew the crooked vermin who rule every single hive city have a "dead man's switch" at their disposal, they wouldn't be so eager for the annihilation of these remnants of the Old World Order. Containing them is the only option that won't result in billions of deaths, and while they surely are probing us for weaknesses, trying to corrupt and infiltrate our government and institutions, paying shills through their intelligence agencies to puppeteer protests and so on, for the next centuries it is unlikely our civilization will be weak enough to fall into their lies. Hopefully we shall lift the greatest and finest off this Earth long before the first symptoms of decline hit this empire and force more final measures to prevent them from subverting and subjugating the Imperium.

Why keep the knowledge of these "dead men' switches" a state secret even now?

Because, Chancellor Marta, the effectiveness of such threats is much weaker without general knowledge of their existence. There will be a Day of Reckoning, but not in our lifetime. I suspect the goblin elites have their own reasons to not publicize their dead men' switches, perhaps they are afraid letting everyone aware of it could backfire against them. A dead man's switch is no defense against those who would rather die free than live as slaves and are ready to initiate the ethic cleansing of their oppressors without remorse or hesitation.

Ethic cleansing? Did I hear that correctly?



And Might is Right. In the wars we fight the victors are heroes who do nothing wrong and the losers are always vilified war criminals. This is how "history" is written since the beginning of time. Essentially, the only war crime is to lose.

I see. Now, changing the subject, about the disassembly of alien technology, things are going very well. All captured ships are on the way to Sol, there was no attempt at the Abaddon system from the xenos to engage our forces. The first captured destroyer should be here by the end of June.

While the gains from disassembling particle beams are not expected to be high or much useful, the salvage will definitively help, alien ships broken down to construct more imperial spacecraft for the Space Force, an ironic process in many ways. Perhaps far more tempting was the lone destroyer(?) in the Grimgor system, but the Justicar armor would have to be repaired and space marine squadrons reinforced first. The Emperor this time would be more clear. By 12th of July of 2163, an explicit Imperial order was given for the Strike Cruiser to head to the Grimgor system and capture the solitary alien ship guarding its jump point.

Meanwhile, in 17th of July the ELINT ship was returning to friendly territory for another overhaul, and by 22nd of July reserve forces of space marines were available to reinforce the squadrons that suffered losses in the previous boarding actions and also mostly likely for those which will suffer further losses in the ongoing operation at Grimgor.

The signs of past battles lingered, the folly of sending short ranged Gauss cannons against the frigate flotillas still there, but this would be a dangerous operation. The target for boarding would be faster than the previous alien ships that were successfully boarded. Yet, those who were ready to risk death in this daunting task knew no fear.

At 26th of July, 13:54:30, the shout of "Ave Victoria" was given while three particle lances tore through the shields of the Justicar, now reduced to 76%. This was a salvo from only one Bank 007. A whole fleet of these alien ships armed with particle lances could have been devastating beyond measure. While the alien vessel was recharging to fire again, the assault shuttles emerged to a far riskier boarding action, for this alien ship had a speed of 6766 km/s.

Battle Report:

Code: [Select]
13:54:35 - Heavy casualties suffered during boarding attempt, 42 out of 115 space marines lost. List of fallen heroes:

I Romulus Ravens - 7 losses. 5 Plasma Bolter, 2 Fireteam Leaders
II Northern Varangians - 10 losses. 7 Plasma Bolter, 3 Plasma MG. Survivors not reporting any attempts to breach armor. Total squadron loss might have happened.
Either MIA or the most senior surviving officer of the Northern Varangians disbanded them to reinforce other squadrons.
III Duranium Triarii - 11 losses. 8 Plasma Bolter, 2 Plasma MG, 1 Fireteam Leader
IV Space Wolves - 7 losses. 5 Plasma Bolter, 1 Plasma MG, 1 Fireteam Leader
V Ultrasolarii - 7 losses. 5 Plasma Bolter, 1 Plasma MG, 1 Fireteam Leader

Given the extremely close maximum speeds and pointlessness of destroying the alien ship while boarding is underway,
Justicar is ordered to jump back to the Omicron Piscis Austrini system. The surviving space marines are on their own.


Justicar strike cruiser successfully disengaged and left the Grimgor system, heading back to Epsilon Leonis Minoris. Bank 007 does not attempt to pursue it through the jump point.


Space Marines breached through Bank 007 armor and commence their courageous offensive.

Round 1: 12 gecko pelts collected. Ultrasolarii lost 1 Plasma Bolter marine without a Spiritual Liege here to Mary Sue them.
Round 2: 25 gecko pelts collected. Space Wolves lost 1 Plasma MG and 1 Plasma Bolter. Ultrasolarii lost another Bolter marine.
Round 3: 17 gecko pelts collected. Ultrasolarii lost 1 Plasma MG. Fate of II Northern Varangians remain uncertain.
Round 4: 15 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 5: 21 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 6: 22 gecko pelts collected. Romulus Ravens, Duranium Triarii and Space Wolves lost 1 Plasma Bolter each.
Round 7: 11 gecko pelts collected. Space Wolves lost 1 Plasma Bolter marine.
Round 8: 15 gecko pelts collected. Space Wolves lost 1 Plasma MG and Romulus Ravens 1 Plasma Bolter.
Round 9: 12 gecko pelts collected. Space Wolves lost 1 Plasma Bolter marine.
Round 10: 10 gecko pelts collected. Duranium Triarii lost 1 Fireteam Leader and Ultrasolarii lost another Plasma Bolter.
Round 11: 11 gecko pelts collected. Duranium Triarii lost 1 Plasma MG.
Round 12: 12 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 13: 12 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 14: 18 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 15: 19 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 16: 11 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 17: 15 gecko pelts collected. Space Wolves lost 1 Plasma Bolter marine.
Round 18: 12 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 19: 13 gecko pelts collected. Ultrasolarii lost 1 Plasma Bolter.
Round 20: 12 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 21: 13 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 22: 11 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 23: 12 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 24: 10 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 25: 14 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 26: 10 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 27: 16 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 28: 10 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 29: 7 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 30: 9 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.
Round 31: 11 gecko pelts collected. No casualties.

26/July/2163 14:29:30

Bank 007 is successfully captured by the space marines despite very heavy losses, including all 23 proud
and fearless II Northern Varangians, their complete loss confirmed once control of the vessel was established.

72 out of 115 space marines gave their lives to secure this victory with not even a single shot from spaceship weapons fired. The II Northern Varangians have crossed the Gates of Valhalla and ascended to the hall of legends, they shall never be forgotten. Their bravery is an example for all.

Press F to Pay Respects

o> o> o> o> o> o> o>

With this victory, the technical details of Zun V, the particle lance destroyer, were now available, and made it clear Imperial propulsion technology was still lagging behind the xenos tech, only the general fuel efficiency was better, which allowed for designs with more emphasis on speed over efficiency compared to the alien ships without taxing fuel logistics too much, which in turn made such technological advantage less tactically useful for the xenos than it would be otherwise.

Code: [Select]
Zun V class Destroyer      13,892 tons       414 Crew       3,457.5 BP       TCS 278    TH 1,880    EM 0
6766 km/s      Armour 6-51       Shields 0-0       HTK 90      Sensors 11/11/0/0      DCR 3      PPV 72
Maint Life 0.32 Years     MSP 466    AFR 515%    IFR 7.1%    1YR 1,455    5YR 21,821    Max Repair 470 MSP
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 2   BRG   ENG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Internal Fusion Drive  EP940 (2)    Power 1880    Fuel Use 46.13%    Signature 940    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,250,000 Litres    Range 35.1 billion km (60 days at full power)

Particle Lance-18 (4)    Range 240,000km     TS: 6,766 km/s     Power 55-5    ROF 55       
CIWS-200 (1x4)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Beam Fire Control R320-TS5000 (2)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 5,000 km/s     97 94 91 88 84 81 78 75 72 69
Tokamak Fusion Reactor R6 (4)     Total Power Output 22.9    Exp 5%

Active Search Sensor AS105-R125 (1)     GPS 15750     Range 105m km    Resolution 125
Thermal Sensor TH1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
EM Sensor EM1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

ECCM-2 (1)         ECM 20

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

Disassembly of its engines would help but also delay production of more cruisers due to retools, and in any case, such research would take time. For now the focus of propulsion research was on even better overall fuel efficiency. However, something else was happening.

This might be their home system. We might have finally located it. Why else would such reinforcements arrive this soon?

Maybe, but it could as well be a very important star system for the xenos instead.

Observation through the conveniently ignored recon satellite identified the arrival of 2 other Zun V class particle lance destroyers towards the jump point by August the 2nd. Maybe Grimgor is the home of the Lizardpeople Hegemony as hypothesized.

We need more shipyards. At least eight. Look at that! So many particle lances. We are lucky they seem afraid of going in an all-out assault against our space for now. Twenty-five destroyers with three particle lances each. For now we have only one strike cruiser, one heavy cruiser still undergoing refit and thirty-four frigates. They lack jump drives though, so if we deploy everything we have at a jump point against such mass, were them to thrown everything on the offensive, we could have a chance of victory despite the fact the Space Force is outnumbered by far right now. They have much, much more in tonnage of combat vessels and only one shipyard is already in shape to build 15,000 ton cruisers for now.

Attacking their home system would be more suicidal than the latest boarding action that barely succeeded given the casualties. This limits immediate strategic advance opportunities to securing a refueling station at the Endovelicus system, and that is it. Preparations for the invasion of their mining colony at Psi Indi are far from complete.

At 5th of November, research of extreme temperature adaptation for ground forces was complete. While it was questioned if the so called "Forlorn Hope", as the space marines that would engage in planetary combat as the first wave of offense would become known as, would truly become better with this adaptation that would make their equipment more expensive and slow to produce, the mining colony was very cold and the first wave was deemed better focused on quality given the odds it would have to face while reinforcements were underway. The overall structure would differ a lot from the armored legions, using a new type of unit that was larger than a regiment but smaller than a legion, a trio, roughly one third of a legion, commanded by a very different type of legion HQ formation.

Code: [Select]
Infantry Legion HQ
Transport Size: 29,994 tons
Build Cost: 2,194.3 BP
2x Legion HQ m2
749x Logistics Motorcycle (LamCom)
48x Aquila m2 Motorized AA
164x Lupus m3 Mech Rocket Artillery

Each HQ would command 3 trios.

Code: [Select]
Forlorn INF Trium
Transport Size: 10,000 tons
Build Cost: 520.9 BP
6x Space Support Director (LamCom)
250x Logistics Motorcycle (LamCom)
1000x Ice-7 Forlorn Plasma Rifleman (2163)
92x Ice-7 Forlorn Plasma MG (2163)
16x Ice-7 Forlorn Flak Team (2163)
20x Ice-7 Forlorn BFG Team (2163)
2x Trium HQ (LamCom)

And each trio would command, in addition to the troops directly in its formation, two cohorts:

Code: [Select]
Forlorn INF Cohort
Transport Size: 9,999 tons
Build Cost: 507.5 BP
2x Cohort HQ (LamCom)
255x Logistics Motorcycle (LamCom)
1121x Ice-7 Forlorn Plasma Rifleman (2163)
100x Ice-7 Forlorn Plasma MG (2163)
10x Ice-7 Forlorn Flak Team (2163)
20x Ice-7 Forlorn BFG Team (2163)

A total of about 120,000 tons of ground units that would conquer Psi Indi A-1, including logistics, once the time was right and they were constructed. The greatest difference compared to armored legions was the replacement of logistics trucks with smaller motorcycles, which could not supply units outside of their own formations but were much cheaper. To recover losses in these units a formation with nothing but more logistics bikes would be built to be deployed to a planet a while after the front lines were secured.

Code: [Select]
Replacement Logistics Bikes
Transport Size: 120,000 tons
Build Cost: 2,400 BP
12000x Logistics Motorcycle (LamCom)

Other infantry waves, if necessary, would not have the "luxury" of heavy power armor or specialized equipment for extreme temperatures. Besides that detail they would be identical to Forlorn Hope units. A similar replacement unit for logistics trucks was also defined, and the cost difference was no small matter.

Code: [Select]
Replacement Logistics Trucks
Transport Size: 119,970 tons
Build Cost: 4,798.8 BP
1935x Logistics Truck (LamCom)

Despite that difference, the cheaper logistical option would be reserved for infantry legions, simply because the regimental model with 20,000 ton regiments instead of 30,000 ton trios made the necessary granularity of logistics when not using vehicles more inconvenient and likely to result in losses of firepower that were not worth the cost reduction. Besides, armored units weren't the first choice when time and cost to build ground forces were at a premium anyway.

And so the year of 2163 was coming to an end. It was a year of great victories and heroic deeds.

By 18th of January of 2164, the number of particle lance destroyers protecting the Lizardpeople Hegemony home system increased to 26. There was no offensive battle plan feasible with the existing imperial forces against such numbers. The only way to conduct a successful jump point assault was not readily available with existing technology:  to jump away from the range of the lances and second: use weaponry which doesn't perform horribly at longer distances in the way plasma does. Research was already happening to fix both: first to allow for jump drives that can achieve greater distance squadron jumps and second, research into missiles, which would likely be the only path in the future for the small 3,000 ton crafts of the Imperium to remain relevant outside of trade lane interdiction and convoy raiding.

In February 2164, the Badger 006 (Zun IV) was finally scrapped, the first boon of the victorious boarding assaults during the previous year.

The necessity of jumping away from the range of the particle lances was finally closer at hand by March. Max squadron jump radius was now 250,000 km. However, the lances had a range of 240,000 km, making that too close for comfort for future jump drive designs. Further research to increase the maximum radius to 500,000 km was immediately initiated.

One of the most limiting factors of any plans involving ground troops was the fact that, outside of limited room for boarding action, there was no real transport available for ground forces. Until now. in 31st of March finally the Ecce Signum, the first Strategic Troop Transport, was completed and unfortunately obsolete on arrival. The shipyard would have to be retooled to the also technically obsolete Magneto-Plasma upgrade of this design.

Code: [Select]
Expeditionis class Strategic Troop Transport      50,000 tons       300 Crew       2,949.5 BP       TCS 1,000    TH 2,500    EM 0
2500 km/s      Armour 15-120       Shields 0-0       HTK 96      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 186    Max Repair 156.25 MSP
Troop Capacity 20,000 tons     Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 6   
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Tartaruga PEB MION-C625 (4)    Power 2500    Fuel Use 2.24%    Signature 625    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 393,000 Litres    Range 63.3 billion km (292 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Troop Transport for auto-assignment purposes

Immediately Ecce Signum loaded 4 geological survey units to verify possible mineral wealth in Venus.

Code: [Select]
Geosurvey Battalion
Transport Size: 4,989 tons
Build Cost: 394.4 BP
22x G.E.O.D.E. m1
1x Battalion HQ (LamCom)
3x Aquila m1 Motorized AA

In 21st of April they concluded their survey with the following report:

"Conclusion: Useless unless overpopulation of humans with exceptionally
below average intelligence justify sending idiots there thinking it is a tropical paradise."

They headed to Ganymede which might have undiscovered Trans-Newtonian reserves immediately after.

And in 7th of May they found out their survey of Ganymede was yet another complete waste of time.

For now no location with potential for ground based geological survey was anywhere safe and firmly under imperial control, so these battalions would remain idle.

Intelligence was not idle on the other hand, although not all of their discoveries were useful. They just found out the location of another system known by the Lizardpeople Hegemony, with nothing but a number to define it. It was just a number really, for it has just a star with no planets orbiting it. As useful as three stooges with chainsaws.

By June an important milestone in the buildup of the Imperial Space Force was achieved. The shipyard responsible for the light cruisers was ready to build both light cruisers and armored replenishment vessels, and immediately began the construction of the Carnifex.

Code: [Select]
Carnifex class Light Cruiser      7,500 tons       191 Crew       1,579.7 BP       TCS 150    TH 1,021    EM 2,910
6805 km/s      Armour 8-34       Shields 97-404       HTK 42      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 3      PPV 32.4
Maint Life 3.09 Years     MSP 985    AFR 129%    IFR 1.8%    1YR 155    5YR 2,330    Max Repair 255.2 MSP
Troop Capacity 100 tons     Boarding Capable   
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 9 months    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-510 (2)    Power 1020.8    Fuel Use 51.21%    Signature 510.4    Explosion 14%
Fuel Capacity 512,000 Litres    Range 24 billion km (40 days at full power)
Gellar Manufactorum Theta Scutum 97 (1)     Recharge Time 404 seconds (0.2 per second)

TriOptimum PAX-15 Plasma Autocannon (6)    Range 60,000km     TS: 6,805 km/s     Power 6-6     RM 10,000 km    ROF 5       
Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (1x5)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CT 240Mm-6750 (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 6,750 km/s     96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 62 58
Marques Eletro CTU 240Mm-20k (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s     96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 62 58
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R36 (1)     Total Power Output 36.6    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

If strategically useful it would also be capable of building this, or a yet to be designed upgrade of it using internal confinement fusion thrusters.

Code: [Select]
Auxilia class Replenishment Ship      7,500 tons       168 Crew       1,417.4 BP       TCS 150    TH 1,021    EM 2,910
6805 km/s      Armour 8-34       Shields 97-404       HTK 36      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 8      PPV 8.4
Maint Life 16.02 Years     MSP 9,095    AFR 56%    IFR 0.8%    1YR 67    5YR 1,001    Max Repair 255.2 MSP
Troop Capacity 100 tons     Boarding Capable    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 2   
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 9 months    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-510 (2)    Power 1020.8    Fuel Use 51.21%    Signature 510.4    Explosion 14%
Fuel Capacity 512,000 Litres    Range 24 billion km (40 days at full power)
Gellar Manufactorum Theta Scutum 97 (1)     Recharge Time 404 seconds (0.2 per second)

Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (1x5)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CTU 240Mm-20k (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s     96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 62 58

Camara Sistemas Nanosensor m1 (1)     GPS 3     Range 2.7m km    MCR 244k km    Resolution 1

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

The fact what is essentially an armored logistics vessel capable of surviving the rigors of combat was designed to have its own complement of space marines and the ability to conduct limited boarding assaults was just one of the many  influences of the boarding operations that succeeded during 2163. Certainly would be a surprise to those expecting such a humble design would be defenseless and have no offensive capability whatsoever.

Things were quiet over the year. With the forces the aliens had to defend their home system too massive to be defeated with available forces, offensive legions still being trained at the ground unit training facilities on Earth and the retooling for the Atlas Class Dropship, which would be able to drop an entire legion at once, still ongoing because such was a 275,000 tons troop transport, there was no readily available strategic move for the Imperium to try that would be sensible, at least for now. Until, in 24th of July:

A mostly commercial convoy escorted by puny warships armed with only Gauss cannons was detected at an uncharted jump point in the Xenophon system, Survey I fleet kept their distance and attempted to avoid engagement at any costs, perfectly sensible given they have no armor, shields or weapons.

Cautious maneuvering was performed and when the hostile fleet was far away enough, the Survey fleet headed to this jump point, jumping a single recon satellite through it. This identified it as another jump point leading to the Abaddon system. One more uncharted jump point to go.

28th of July, and with no more hostiles detected, another probe is jumped into the unknown. This is the 2-Gruis system, renamed Yagnoloth. Ultimately unremarkable and uninteresting, yet it could be part of another route into the Lizardpeople Hegemony home system of Grimgor.

After this Survey I is recalled to Sol, with recon probes monitoring hostile fleet moves across the charted jump points.

At the end of August and beginning of September of 2164, a large fleet moved to the Xi Piscis Austrini system, only for it to return to Xenophon and wherever it came from. Later on 2 Barge Class PD(presumed as point-defense for now) ships and 3 Zun IV particle beam destroyers arrive from the Manticore system to XPA. These moves seem to not be going anywhere for now

An important milestone that shall be employed in future jump drives is achieved at 16th of September, for now the maximum radius of squadron jump could be raised to 500,000 km, very far from the dreaded particle lances protecting the reptilian home system.

October 15th, and finally the second cruiser of the Imperium was no longer undergoing refit, ready for action. The Vindico was now as modern as it can be until Internal Confinement fusion is researched.

Code: [Select]
Vindico m3 class Heavy Cruiser      15,000 tons       426 Crew       3,035.6 BP       TCS 300    TH 2,042    EM 6,870
6805 km/s      Armour 8-54       Shields 229-536       HTK 93      Sensors 16/16/0/0      DCR 8      PPV 77.4
Maint Life 2.28 Years     MSP 1,177    AFR 209%    IFR 2.9%    1YR 305    5YR 4,582    Max Repair 357 MSP
Troop Capacity 100 tons     Boarding Capable   
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   ENG   
Intended Deployment Time: 9 months    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-510 (4)    Power 2041.6    Fuel Use 51.21%    Signature 510.4    Explosion 14%
Fuel Capacity 1,025,000 Litres    Range 24 billion km (40 days at full power)
Gellar Manufactorum Theta Scutum 229 (1)     Recharge Time 536 seconds (0.4 per second)

TriOptimum PAX-60 Heavy Macro Cannon (3)    Range 480,000km     TS: 6,805 km/s     Power 96-6     RM 10,000 km    ROF 80       
Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (1x5)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
ALLE T10 Railgun (4x4)    Range 50,000km     TS: 6,805 km/s     Power 3-3     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CT 480Mm-6750 (1)     Max Range: 480,000 km   TS: 6,750 km/s   
Marques Eletro CTU 240Mm-20k (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s   
Marques Eletro CT 240Mm-6750 (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 6,750 km/s   
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R30 (1)     Total Power Output 30.4    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Camara Sistemas Sensor EM-16 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km
Carneiro ST 1.5x m1 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

Unfortunately it wouldn't survive a concentrated barrage of particle lances, but it might not have to endure them at all, considering how large the squadron jump radius of future jump drives can go now.

A worrisome sight would happen by the end of October.

They were there, so dangerously close to the few Imperium assets in this system, yet they luckily did nothing but to dare to linger so close to Sol. Yet, by the time the two cruisers were by that jump point on either side, they were no longer there.

The final reaction to this xenos show of either strength or foolishness was to prepare a minor operation is ready. The World Eaters, long frustrated, are unleashed upon the xenos refueling base of Endovelicus A-1 while the Vindico and the Justicar orbit the same planet, ready to pick them up once they are finished.

The complete lack of opposing ground forces results into 23 very ragingly furious space marines wearing snakeskin boots when the refueling base at such extremely hostile planet with gravity above 2g was fully secured with no resistance by 11th of November. Wait, that is not snakeskin!

By the end of November, at last, all planned frigate flotillas were constructed. 35 3,000 tons ships that were not as capable as the cruisers, limited in range, but still served a very important strategic role. For now frigate production would cease completely outside of reinforcements over future casualties.

Furthermore, that force that was spotted in Huehuetlan was once again detected by probes at the jump points. This time their presence would no longer be suffered.

Yet, by 4th of December, another force was spotted elsewhere. 45 Bark Class ships stood at the Jump Point to Manticore in the Xi Piscis Austrini system. They use commercial propulsion and therefore are presumed to be either freighters or colony ships. Ripe targets if only any fleet was close enough to hunt them down.

Three days later these 45 ships and their escort force, which showed up a few days later, retreat back into the Manticore system. Such behavior makes no sense, what are they doing? Meanwhile the same hostile fleet found lingering close to Sol before is now detected at the jump point to Endovelicus in the Huehuetlan system. Frigate Strike Fleet ordered to hold position at the jump point to Epsilon Leonis Minoris.  35 frigates are far from a weak defense.

Intelligence is doing its job well, and by 9th of December 2164 some piece of mostly trivia for now finds its way into the files of the Imperium intel:

Code: [Select]
Yabon V class Survey Ship      14,592 tons       222 Crew       1,233.6 BP       TCS 292    TH 1,692    EM 0
5797 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-53       Shields 0-0       HTK 66      Sensors 22/33/1/0      DCR 6      PPV 0
Maint Life 1.02 Years     MSP 317    AFR 284%    IFR 3.9%    1YR 307    5YR 4,606    Max Repair 169.2 MSP
Kapitan vtorogo ranga    Control Rating 2   BRG   SCI   
Intended Deployment Time: 36 months    Morale Check Required   

J14700(3-50) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 14700 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3

Internal Fusion Drive  EP564.0 (3)    Power 1692    Fuel Use 12.86%    Signature 564    Explosion 6%
Fuel Capacity 3,800,000 Litres    Range 364.4 billion km (727 days at full power)

Thermal Sensor TH2-22 (1)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  37.1m km
EM Sensor EM3-33 (1)     Sensitivity 33     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  45.4m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Survey Ship for auto-assignment purposes

This would definitively be handy to board for reverse engineering.

By 10th of December, the eighth Naval Shipyard was constructed on Holy Terra. Unfortunately continual capacity expansion will take a long time before all of them are ready to allow for rapid cruiser production and, for a few, rapid destroyer production.

In 21st of December, the fleet previously detected in Huehuetlan is spotted once more. Frigate Strike Fleet heads towards them to wipe them out and create more TN mineral reserves for the military buildup program.

More of a convoy raid than of a real battle, with most ships being commercial and the only hostile weaponry very short ranged Gauss cannons from PD escorts. Besides some minor armor damage, Frigate Strike Fleet emerged almost unscathed by the time the battle was over. Upon their return the number of Lizardpeople in captivity surpassed 10,000 and some mostly useless laser tech was acquired from the survivors.

2164 was not a very intense year in the war against the Lizardpeople Hegemony. It might become phony for a while again and the Imperium certainly proved it could hold its small territory with the forces currently available. By 13th of January of 2165 finally the Bank 007 was scrapped. The disassembly of its particle lances was far from useful, but its internal fusion thrusters were a different matter, closing the technological gap even further.

Only by 2170 the preparations for the first ground invasions against the Xenos would be completed. For now the plan was to ignore the dozens of particle lance armed ships protecting their home system at Grimgor and to instead focus on conquering their other holdings. Apparently they were already cut off from much of their space in the jump point network, by accident mostly rather than design. For the moment, there was a kind of stalemate outside of foolish alien deployments of mostly commercial targets near Sol. Eventually that would change, one way or another.
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Early 2165: Debut of the World Eaters and Preparations for Bold ELINT
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2021, 10:22:46 PM »
Optional theme song to help imagining how the boarding actions during this update were like.

Also time to use a better way of separating paragraphs than excessive spaces. Not sure if this makes the readability better. I think it does.

Things are slowing down. I could go with less detail in space battle reports to make each update encompass a longer period of time in game, but it doesn't seem like the optimal way to do this. Also there was a mistake with increment lengths. It is kind of obvious when it happened.


> wget ogresarelikeonions:impedia.aix?query:"prime directive"
> cat "prime directive.aitxt"

> Impedia Thought of the Day: Never trust encyclopedias claiming to have a "Neutral Point of View".

> Prime Directive

> The Prime Directive is a permanently binding international law established in the Constantinople Conference of 1880 to ensure the primitive and civilized worlds shall remain mutually isolated
> "for eternity" according to the conclusion primal peoples are ultimately unfit to live in a civilization and should neither be immorally exploited or foolishly "aided" by civilized peoples.
> In addition to the non-interference to primitive tribes regardless of intent, the directive also guarantees the independence of all technologically backwards civilizations on Earth.
> Since the foundation of the first hive cities, violations of the prime directive have become more common. A complete embargo against perpetrators has not yet happened by other signatories.
> The Novus Imperium uses the Prime Directive as its main justification to deny other civilizations access to Trans-Newtonian technology.

> Its largest consequences were most of Africa remaining an unknown Dark Continent and migration of Boer and other previously existing European colonists to South America.
> As a compromise, already existing colonies in Africa were exempted from the directive, but any territorial expansion further into the heart of the continent was completely forbidden.
> Besides Africa, it also demanded immediate decolonization of Indonesia and the independence of the East India Company. The EIC became the first Megacorp-State on Earth.
> Several contemporary Hive Cities are direct descendants of the EIC, such as the Pakistani subsidiary of the Mega Kebab corporation and Hive City Kali Yuga[1].
> In the Middle East the decolonization would result into the dawn of the infamous OmniVentures Megacorp-State headquartered in Jerusalem, in addition to the also notorious
> S.A.G.[2] Consumer Products in the Fertile Crescent and Allat[3] Thermoplastics in the interior of the Arabian Desert over a century later.

> The Directive is composed by four principles: non-interventionism, avoidance, preservation and merit.

> Non-interventionism is its foundation. No matter if the motivation is predatory exploitation or "humanitarian" aid to help on famines or similar, any interference  in the affairs of primitive
> peoples is considered ultimately destructive in the long term, with either the philanthropy or the profits from colonial exploitation becoming meaningless compared to the future
> consequences of such meddling which will harm both civilized and primitive peoples in ways both proven by history and yet unforeseen.

> Avoidance goes farther than non-interventionism. The primitives must preferably be unaware of the existence of technologically advanced societies, or have so little contact that they will
> eventually treat them as mythological beings, deities or spirits rather than something reachable. Should any situation demand communication with primitives, those engaged in it should
> attempt to disguise themselves as wandering tribesmen from far away. Likewise, technology should never be willingly shared or traded to vastly backwards civilizations. An exception exists
> to address a backwards civilization catching up through espionage. It states that with the enormous advantage in surveillance and counter-intelligence an advanced civilization has, if somehow
> they have their knowledge involuntarily acquired in such a way, those responsible will not be sanctioned for they have proven they are worthy of such technology. Any attempts to masquerade
> a trade to share technology with backwards civilizations as an act of espionage will result into severe sanctions for the advanced civilization responsible, however.

> Preservation is the principle all primitives should be treated as part of the ecosystem, indivisible to the environment and therefore any environmental program must include them,
> to be protected without awareness of such protection, through the restriction of any dumping of pollutants into the territories inhabited by such peoples and by keeping them
> blissfully ignorant of the immense complexity of the civilized world: forcing or luring them to join civilization would only cause them immense stress and unhappiness, consigning them
> to become a perpetual underclass and a constant source of problems with drugs and crime.

> Merit states that a people unable to develop a science or technology on their own is undeserving of it. Ultimately they will regress to their most primitive living conditions
> without the constant aid and meddling of more advanced civilizations over their affairs, making sharing of technology with them completely meaningless in the far future.

> Some have attempted to refute the Prime Directive with a so called "Mission to Civilize", but this alternative was long debunked as nothing but a flimsy pretext for the
> irresponsible exploitation and subjugation of the primitive communities the Prime Directive has protected since its inception.

> [1]Ironic self-refutation of the concept their civilization is slowly collapsing and decadent despite evidence to the contrary. [2]Saddam, Assad and Gaddafi, former dictators who partnered
> as corporate moguls to adjust to changing times and secure their own survival through the obsolescence of their old ways of government. Their families are rumored to own
> 20% of the Middle East GDP, while the other 79% are owned by OmniVentures high ranking executives and only 1% by those who don't belong to the top of the megacorporations.
> [3]Named after a goddess which worship remains very popular in the desert, specially in the Empty Quarter where it is claimed 100% of the small population is devout.

Vorador Mundus

     While the frigates returned to Sancta Terra for repairs to their armor and eventual modernization, things were going quietly, until the movement of several lizard spacecraft across the Xenophon system resulted in additional concern. With their distance, the frigates from which several were being repaired would require a slow tanker to reach that system, so logically, the two constructed heavy cruisers were the only option. While normally the fact they were vastly outmatched in tonnage would be a reason to not commit to destroy such force there, this fleet was made only of commercial unknowns and escorts armed with very short ranged Gauss turrets. Reinforced space marine squadrons were readied inside, including the World Eaters this time, and they departed from Sol to intercept this new threat.
     Meanwhile, a slumbering giant stirs. The rhetoric of hatred that has grown popular against the excesses of the hive cities and the elites within was starting to cause concerns for some megacorporations ruling over regions nominally under the authority of the Imperium, but in practice almost independent. Treason was punishable by death, but hypothetically, were all hive cities to collectively declare secession from the Imperium and were them to have a little aid of smuggled Trans-Newtonian technology and desertors among the military and get some independent countries and hive cities as allies, things could escalate quickly. Perhaps aware of this risk even if it may seem small considering the threat of a hostile xenos keeping such secessionist ambitions at bay for the moment, the Imperium has already transferred all Financial Power Plants to Luna, to reduce their economic dependence upon the hive cities. In a dark room, on the top of a great arcology, a secret meeting was ongoing, far away from what the Imperial Bureau of Investigation or Imperial Intelligence Agency could poke their eyes into.

??:  Was the offer accepted?

??:  The blueprints for all Trans-Newtonian technology used by the Imperial Space Force are already in this building.

??:  Excellent. I am impressed, there is a much larger rotten underside of corruption within this so righteous Imperium than the Emperor would like to admit after all, and you managed to convince all scared opportunists with irresistible bribes. Everything will soon be ready, except building a TN army or space force in secret without drawing attention is going to be very challenging. Besides, building anything spaceworthy with more than five hundred tons in secret is completely impossible, but I know how to militarize our corporation covertly. Not yet. I am committed to the preservation of mankind. Let us bide our time. Once the war with the dragons is over, we will be ready to fight for our independence and emerge victorious.

??:  Perhaps a diplomatic outcome would be much better.

??: Certainly, but we need leverage to negotiate a peaceful independence from the Imperium. Having enough ground forces and hundreds of 500 tons crafts full  of box launchers loaded with nuclear missiles would certainly be enough leverage to make an independence war unnecessary, and then, the stars will no longer be their monopoly.

??:  Is that all?

??:  Your reward will be deposited today, in addition to ten million shares as promised for such a perfect operation. You definitively earned it all. Now we shall forget we had this meeting until the time is right.

??:  What meeting?

     Back to the war against the xenos, in February 22nd the Cruiser Flotilla finally arrived at the Xenophon system to engage the detected forces. They went towards the Yagnoloth jump point the same alien fleet was spotted arriving from a long time ago, and like expected the passive sensors detected this force heading towards it. This would be the first real operation of the World Eaters, who were really eager.

     Call it a lapse or just maverick attitude from listening to the war cries of the World Eaters, but senior officer of the flotilla just barged in at point-blank, a far from recommended move given how many Gauss cannons this force had. The shields of the Justicar lost over three quarters of their strength in five seconds, and rather than panic, a very, very bold move was initiated. The Memento Mori assault shuttles would attempt to board one of the smaller but perhaps more advanced Gauss PD escorts while, confident of their superior speed, the two capital ships also were about to launch boarding missiles with six squadrons of space marines, including the World Eaters, against the other vessel, and then the shuttles would ideally hide inside the hangar before the next barrage of Gauss fire happened.
     Then, five seconds later:

    The Justicar strike cruiser lost all its shield strength and suffered heavy armor damage to the barrages of Gauss cannons. Against all odds the five Memento Mori assault shuttles managed to launch the boarding missiles and retreat back inside the Justicar strike cruiser barely in time, covered by the shields and armor of its mothership from a cobalt rain that tore enormous holes in the thick but far from thickest for a 15,000 ton craft armor plating of their mothership.
    40 out of 138 space marines perished during the first stage of the boarding assault, all from the slower capital ships, while none from the assault shuttles died during the boarding attempt. This would make the battle to capture the Highcastle IV 053 much more difficult. How does Imperial intelligence knows it is #053? Nobody really knows.

  • The Space Wolves lost 7 bolter marines and 1 fireteam leader
  • The Duranium Triarii and Romulus Ravens lost 4 bolter marines and 2 fireteam leaders each.
  • The World Eaters lost 5 bolter marines and 1 plasma MG, sworn to slaughter tenfold the amount of xenos for the Blood... Emperor.
  • The Dark Angels  lost 6 bolter marines.
  • The Ultrasolarii lost 5 bolter marines, 1 plasma MG and 2 fireteam leaders.

     While the boarders were trying to open up a breach through the armors of each alien vessel, the Cruiser Flotilla rushed to stay out of the range of the Gauss turrets and crush the remaining ships with impunity.

     If they had railguns with much longer range and only half or even a quarter of their rate of fire and damage potential, this move would have resulted in a disaster instead. On the other hand, this escort would demand a lot of missiles to break through so many Gauss turrets.

Boarding report:

Code: [Select]
Round 1

Highcastle IV 053

43 lizard skulls collected for the skull throne of K... the Emperor.
Amidst screams of "Blood for the Blood... Emperor!", 2 World Eaters with plasma chainsaws perished during their berserker rage.
A plasma chainsaw is the World Eaters unique plasma bolter: a ridiculous gun with a permanently attached chainsaw "bayonet".
It is not more effective than the normal bolter most space marines use, but its usage results in more gory and bloodier deaths.

Highcastle IV 019

Due to the superior speed of the Assault shuttles ensuring no initial casualties, in this ship it was like shooting fishes
in a barrel. 35 out of untold billions to go and join the dinosaurs in the list of extinct species of the universe.
Not even one marine died in combat.

Round 2

Highcastle IV 053

While another Ravensburg Heavy PD escort is about to be blown to pieces, the hardships continue for those who lost over
50% of their combined strength during the initial boarding attempt. Yet this time, the only deaths were from xenos.
Driven by the ax crazy murder feast of the World Eaters, the other space marine squadrons were really more trigger
happy than ever and 41 lizardpeople died, with six of them dying incredibly brutal deaths in the hands of the World Eaters
who were very eager to dye the entire hull of the xenos ship with red from the spilled blood, their favorite paintjob.

Highcastle IV 019

Rumors would persist much later after this operation that the presence of the World Eaters is a psychological force multiplier
among space marines, almost as if some intangible blessing for carnage and the spilling blood was bestowed upon those fighting
side by side with the most polemic and violent among all the space marines. On this other ship, despite being more numberful,
they killed only 27, on the other hand, no casualties among space marines this time.

Round 3

Highcastle IV 053

A less impressive number of 29 lizards and luckily no loss of marines. 5 among the xenos had a grisly fate.
They were quartered and butchered with chainsaws by the completely sane and loyalist World Eaters, who them used lower
temperature plasma to melt everything but the skull from their decapitated heads and collected them as trophies.

Highcastle IV 019

36 xenos down, no marines lost. Boring boarding action to witness without the flesh tearing chainsaw carnival of the World Eaters.

22/Feb/2165 04:52:10 Round 4

Highcastle IV 053

While another Ravensburg V with its super short range 20,000 km gauss is slain like a sitting duck, a much more personal
slaughter continues. One particular lizard annoyed the World Eaters so much for some reason they spent several minutes
chopping its corpse into thousands of pieces with their chainsaws while the other space marines scored much larger kills
this time. By the time they realized that, they did such a work to this dead reptilian only mincemeat with special mystery
guts additives and bone meal powder remained once they got bored and moved on to more carnage.

33 panicking lizards of this ship's crew met their end.

Highcastle IV 019

34 dead lizards and no casualties. Like a repetition. Textbook boarding assault with zero losses is not the most thrilling of

Round 5

Highcastle IV 053

Again, despite being less numberful due to casualties than those boarding the other targeted xenos ship, the marines here
achieve another glorious crushing of xenos like skulls of pig, 48 of them. 9 had their entrails torn from their bodies
to be worn by those who butchered them among the World Eaters like sashes. This gruesome act further increased their infamy.
The power armor of the World Eaters had no paint and normally a dull grey tone. Right now however it was a mix of red
and copper hues, just like the walls around them.

Sadly one of the Romulus Ravens with a bolter took an unlucky hit to a weak spot in the armor and died.
Rumor is they know who among them will die long before the battle, a pretty ridiculous rumor for sure.

Highcastle IV 019

36 xenos purged at the cost of the loss of one of the fireteam leaders of the XII Emperor's Hands.

Round 6

Highcastle IV 053

The last of the Ravensburg V class heavy escort cruisers went down 5 seconds ago, and another wave of unremitting carnage
ends, this time with no losses among the space marines.

5 out of 30 xenos had the misfortune of becoming decoration for festive trees with balls, garlands and a star on top,
where the balls are either decapitated heads or skulls, the garlands entrails and the star an impaled xenos on the top of
the tree. Their tradition says that a World Eater named Santa Kharn will drop a red bag filled with skulls wrapped as gifts
next to one of those trees, signaling his arrival with the sound of a chainsaw and a laughter "Ho Ho Ho" accompanied
by the turning of a chainsaw again. It is said that if the decorations of the tree were to be faked, then this Santa Kharn
will make decorations out of the corpse of the fool who did such fake World Eater Bloodmas Tree. Such a great guy!

There will be plenty of material for such tree once this first real combat by them is over.

Highcastle IV 019

While not as gorily spectacular, the combat in this other xenos ship was much more efficient. 45 xenos down without casualties.

22/Feb/2165 04:55:10

     The sight of several xenos throwing themselves out of the airlock of the Highcastle IV 053 is certainly a very interesting one. Between dying by the hands of the World Eaters and dying in the vacuum of space without a space suit, many reptilians have made their choice. Even if the statement all reptilians lack emotions is true, then the World Eaters made them learn the meaning of fear and terror beyond all measure.
     With its interior painted in crimson and copper colors of the drying or dried blood of xenos, the brutality of this boarding would not be so easily forgotten. The skeleton crew that went in to try take control of the ship, while hardened and certainly convinced xenos lives are worth no more than the lives of cockroaches, were still utterly shocked by the  handiwork of the World Eaters, from how over the top brutal and gory it was. In a particularly tall room within the xenos ship they actually did a Bloodmas duranium tree, decapitated heads and skulls hanging from the branches, entrails as garlands and the presumed commander of the ship, or what is left of it, impaled on top. The tree on the other hand was made out of armor scrap left from the breaching point.
     However, the other ship was not yet captured, and could fire against this freshly taken ship at any moment. 36 xenos died there. The Cruiser Flotilla approached to point-blank range to protect the captured ship while it retreated, or would retreat if it had any fuel, for the last surviving aliens also threw all the fuel out of the airlock in addition to themselves.
     Highcastle IV info:

Code: [Select]
Highcastle IV class Destroyer Escort      11,592 tons       217 Crew       1,705.5 BP       TCS 232    TH 1,248    EM 0
5383 km/s      Armour 6-45       Shields 0-0       HTK 49      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 3      PPV 77.46
Maint Life 0.46 Years     MSP 275    AFR 358%    IFR 5.0%    1YR 604    5YR 9,062    Max Repair 312 MSP
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 2   BRG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magneto-plasma Drive  EP624 (2)    Power 1248    Fuel Use 50.64%    Signature 624    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 950,000 Litres    Range 29.1 billion km (62 days at full power)

Twin Gauss Cannon R100-100 Turret (3x4)    Range 10,000km     TS: 16000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 10,000 km    ROF 5       
Beam Fire Control R64-TS16000 (2)     Max Range: 64,000 km   TS: 16,000 km/s   

Active Search Sensor AS15-R1 (1)     GPS 96     Range 15.6m km    MCR 1.4m km    Resolution 1

ECM 10

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

22/Feb/2165 04:55:25

Under a barrage of railgun and Gauss fire while the heavy plasma cannons were reacharging to finish it off, the Elvandar IV 012 jump cruiser surrendered, adding another one to the list of captured xenos ships. It was not an unconditional surrender, for they begged to not let the World Eaters anywhere near them first. Like the boarded ship before it, it is out of fuel. A Tug and a Tanker with a tractor beam are on the way to bring them to Sol or, when possible, refuel them so they can return on their own.

22/Feb/2165 04:56:10

     While 4 point-blank shots of heavy plasma obliterate an Elvandar IV Class jump cruiser, the other Highcastle Class Destroyer Escort is finally fully secured. Also completely lacking in fuel which is peculiar. A tanker will join with both captured Destroyer Escorts so they can refuel and head back to Sol. It is presumed their crews ejected all fuel to the vacuum upon realizing they were doomed. This time none of the Invincible Soldiers had an ironic end, emerging completely unscathed from the capture of Highcastle 019.
     All remaining ships are unarmed. Therefore a bold plan is put into action, for the boarding force there is, besides a single casualty, mostly intact. At least one out of four of the 112,518 tons Ironpass class commercial ships will be captured. Immediate the cruisers cease fire, for none of the Ironpass ships suffered critical damage yet, and continue following  the commercial ships closely while holding fire.
     Upon hearing of this, the World Eaters were eager, but unfortunately for them they suffered heavy losses and retributed more than tenfold in their collection of lizard skulls and blood-crazy antics, now it was time for other serial killers and crazy murderous psychopaths to redeem their heinous crimes by redirecting their murderous urges towards the enemies of Holy Terra and humanity by joining the World Eaters, the only way out of the death row for those condemned for such crimes, but the training of this infamous chapter is more merciless than the type of individual who joins it. Only 1 out of 100 candidates succeed and becomes a World Eater space marine. The others die during the brutal training regime for initiates.
     Elvandar IV Info:

Code: [Select]
Elvandar IV class Jump Cruiser      23,175 tons       537 Crew       4,142.8 BP       TCS 463    TH 2,496    EM 0
5385 km/s    JR 4-100      Armour 7-72       Shields 0-0       HTK 105      Sensors 24/24/0/0      DCR 6      PPV 0
Maint Life 0.14 Years     MSP 670    AFR 716%    IFR 9.9%    1YR 4,795    5YR 71,927    Max Repair 1685.5 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 2   BRG   AUX   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

J34800(4-100) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 34800 tons    Distance 100k km     Squadron Size 4

Magneto-plasma Drive  EP624 (4)    Power 2496    Fuel Use 50.64%    Signature 624    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,900,000 Litres    Range 29.1 billion km (62 days at full power)

CIWS-160 (3x4)    Range 1000 km     TS: 16,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Active Search Sensor AS78-R125 (1)     GPS 12000     Range 78.2m km    Resolution 125
Thermal Sensor TH3-24 (1)     Sensitivity 24     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  38.7m km
EM Sensor EM3-24 (1)     Sensitivity 24     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  38.7m km

ECM 10

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a f for auto-assignment purposes

22/Feb/2165 05:04:25

     Full gravitational survey info of Manticore system acquired from the Lizardpeople Hegemony. Nothing that wasn't already known by the Imperium.

22/Feb/2165 08:01:20

     Space marines commence boarding assault agaist a ship much larger than those captured in previous actions. Emperor's Hands lose one bolter marine to the masses of redshirt lizards inside Ironpass IV 012 during the initial phase of combat.

Detailed Boarding Action Log:

Code: [Select]
Round 2 - 32 snakeskin replacement products, 1 bolter from VIII Angels of Death, 1 bolter and one fireteam leader from Invincible Soldiers lost.
Round 3 - 33 snakeskin replacement products, 1 plasma MG from Emperor's Hands lost.
Round 4 - 32 snakeskin replacement products, 1 plasma MG from Invincible Soldiers lost.
Round 5 - 36 snakeskin replacement products, Angels of Death and Invincible Soldiers lost 1 bolter marine each.
Round 6 - 39 snakeskin replacement products, Alphas lost 1 bolter marine and Angels of Death lost 1 bolter and 1 MG.
Round 7 - 42 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 8 - 35 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 9 - 33 snakeskin replacement products, Angels of Death lost 1 bolter marine.
Round 10 - 38 snakeskin replacement products, Alphas and Rhomaioi lost 1 bolter marine each, Emperor's Hands 1 bolter and 1 MG
Round 11 - 28 snakeskin replacement products, Alphas and Rhomaioi lost 1 bolter marine each, Emperor's Hands 1 bolter and 1 MG
Round 12 - 30 snakeskin replacement products, Invincible Soldiers lost 1 MG.
Round 13 - 22 snakeskin replacement products, Emperor's Hands lost 1 bolter marine.
Round 14 - 29 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 15 - 27 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 16 - 32 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 17 - 24 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 18 - 22 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 19 - 21 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 20 - 32 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.
Round 21 - 27 snakeskin replacement products, no casualties.

The Ironpass was revealed as a troop transport. With slower speed than the Atlas and a tonnage that would  demand three of them to transport an entire Legion, while it may have some temporary use as a stopgap until the retool for the Atlas class dropship is done and the first of them built, it would be useful for scrapping, and that is it. With all squadrons available having suffered significant losses and the fact this design was useless for the Imperial Space Force, this was more than enough boarding for this battle, and it was time to just destroy the others so they won't ferry xenos scum to desecrate the sanctified clay of Holy Terra.

Code: [Select]
Ironpass IV class Troop Transport      112,518 tons       648 Crew       5,261.1 BP       TCS 2,250    TH 4,608    EM 0
2047 km/s      Armour 9-207       Shields 0-0       HTK 282      Sensors 8/8/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 29    Max Repair 200 MSP
Troop Capacity 50,000 tons     Drop Capable    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 4   
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Commercial Magneto-plasma Drive  EP256.0 (18)    Power 4608    Fuel Use 5.06%    Signature 256    Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 3,800,000 Litres    Range 120.1 billion km (679 days at full power)

CIWS-160 (2x4)    Range 1000 km     TS: 16,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Thermal Sensor TH1-8 (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
EM Sensor EM1-8 (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Troop Transport for auto-assignment purposes

     And so, with a mighty display of the immense shock damage potential of the heavy plasma macro cannons, all hostile ships in the Xenophon system are either captured or destroyed. With several captured xenos pressuring life support systems and the Justicar armor heavily damaged, the Cruiser Flotilla heads immediately to Sol for an overhaul and repairs. Another, this time spectacularly gory exhibit of the potential of boarding as a key tactic in space warfare is finally completed, but a really decisive action remains distant.


     Construction of the Zeus Vult, the first of the new Aphobia m2 class Strike Cruisers, starts. The new design has twice hangar space at the expense of using a single Gauss instead of a twin turret and most conveniently can be built using the same shipyard tooled for the Vindico m3 Heavy Cruiser. Its full complement of 253 space marines with 10 out of 11 squadrons loaded in very fast assault shuttles should suffice to conquer any spacecraft or even a large space station. Upon arrival at Sancta Terra,  the Justicar shall also be upgraded in the spare slipway in this shipyard.

Code: [Select]
Aphobia m2 class Strike Cruiser      15,000 tons       334 Crew       2,850.5 BP       TCS 300    TH 2,042    EM 6,870
6805 km/s      Armour 8-54       Shields 229-536       HTK 80      Sensors 16/16/0/0      DCR 10      PPV 27.4
Maint Life 2.53 Years     MSP 1,252    AFR 180%    IFR 2.5%    1YR 273    5YR 4,094    Max Repair 357 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 2,500 tons     Troop Capacity 100 tons     Drop Capable   
Lord-Captain    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   ENG   
Intended Deployment Time: 9 months    Flight Crew Berths 50    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-510 (4)    Power 2041.6    Fuel Use 51.21%    Signature 510.4    Explosion 14%
Fuel Capacity 1,135,000 Litres    Range 26.6 billion km (45 days at full power)
Gellar Manufactorum Theta Scutum 229 (1)     Recharge Time 536 seconds (0.4 per second)

TriOptimum PAX-60 Heavy Macro Cannon (1)    Range 480,000km     TS: 6,805 km/s     Power 96-6     RM 10,000 km    ROF 80       
Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (1x5)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CTU 480Mm-6750 (1)     Max Range: 480,000 km   TS: 6,750 km/s     98 96 94 92 90 88 85 83 81 79
Marques Eletro CTU 240Mm-20k (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s     96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 62 58
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R6 (1)     Total Power Output 6    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Carneiro ST 1.5x m1 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km
Camara Sistemas Sensor EM-16 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km

Strike Group
10x Memento Mori Assault Shuttle   Speed: 23065 km/s    Size: 4.99

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a b for auto-assignment purposes

     Meanwhile the design of the Vexillus Class Command Cruiser is firmly established for now. While very weak in firepower, its capability of supporting six other up to 15,000 tons warships in squadron jump far away from the range of the alien particle lances, its powerful sensor suite and complement of recon fighters and a flag bridge to direct the battle are its greatest strengths, a mobile space force HQ across the stars to spread the light of the Emperor to the darkest corners of the galaxy.

Code: [Select]
Vexillus class Command Cruiser      15,000 tons       427 Crew       3,160.4 BP       TCS 300    TH 2,042    EM 6,870
6805 km/s    JR 7-500      Armour 8-54       Shields 229-536       HTK 75      Sensors 1/121/0/0      DCR 10      PPV 13.4
Maint Life 2.34 Years     MSP 1,356    AFR 180%    IFR 2.5%    1YR 337    5YR 5,061    Max Repair 357 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 150 tons     Troop Capacity 100 tons     Boarding Capable    Cryogenic Berths 200   
Commodore    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   FLG   
Intended Deployment Time: 9 months    Flight Crew Berths 3    Morale Check Required   

Via Immaterium S15000-7L m1     Max Ship Size 15000 tons    Distance 500k km     Squadron Size 7

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-510 (4)    Power 2041.6    Fuel Use 51.21%    Signature 510.4    Explosion 14%
Fuel Capacity 1,025,000 Litres    Range 24 billion km (40 days at full power)
Gellar Manufactorum Theta Scutum 229 (1)     Recharge Time 536 seconds (0.4 per second)

ALLE T12 Railgun (1x4)    Range 100,000km     TS: 6,805 km/s     Power 6-6     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (1x5)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CTU 480Mm-6750 (1)     Max Range: 480,000 km   TS: 6,750 km/s     98 96 94 92 90 88 85 83 81 79
Marques Eletro CTU 240Mm-20k (1)     Max Range: 240,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s     96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 62 58
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R6 (1)     Total Power Output 6    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Sensor AM 42 (1)     GPS 42     Range 12.1m km    MCR 1.1m km    Resolution 1
Camara Sistemas Sensor EM-121 (1)     Sensitivity 121     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  87m km
Carneiro ST Nano m1 (1)     Sensitivity 1.1     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8.3m km

Strike Group
1x Iris Recon Fighter   Speed: 16800 km/s    Size: 2
2x Augur Recon Satellite   Speed: 1 km/s    Size: 0.37

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes

     For now this is the only Imperial spacecraft that uses 12cm railguns, simply because nothing else was small enough to fit in with the amount the new jump drive demanded in tonnage.


     The Justicar has only 15.1 % of its fuel left. Fortunately it is about to reach the Epsilon Leo Gas Station for refueling, an example of its critical importance for power projection, one step closer to the home system of the Lizardpeople Hegemony.


    The surrendered xenos jump cruiser is being transported to Sol by the existing tug which finally arrived in the Xenophon system.


   The only tanker of the Imperium finally arrives in the Xenophon system to refuel captured alien vessels so they can reach Terra for scrapping.


     With a new shipyard ready to build 3,000 tons, finally the existing intelligence corvette awaits an upgrade to a new, bold design, intended to jump just beyond the range of the jump point defense of the alien homeworld, outrun all known alien spaceships, disappear from their sensors like a ghost and get as close as possible to their homeworld for ELINT. Including a cloaking device will definitively have to wait many, many more years of research and development, plus the drafts are cramming as much as a 3,000 tons spacecraft design can fit inside already.


     The captured troop transport will be used to deploy the Regimentum I Hastati to the defense of Epsilon Leo Gas Station, to reassure the over 2 million colonists there. An old problem becomes now critical, with shortages of neutronium delaying several shipyard operations. Except an error resulted into a shipment of too many minerals for maintenance purposes once planetary defense fighters are constructed to be redeployed to the Epsilon Leonis colony. The mistake was corrected in time to prevent further delays in production. Only 100 units of each TN mineral will be sent there for now, in addition to a single maintenance facility. More will be shipped later if necessary.
     In addition to the Vallum class Heavy Fighter, armed with a railgun, the planetary defense fighter forces will also include another, slightly less armored design with smaller fuel tanks and no sensors fitted in to make room for a bigger gun. The Brutus had a quarter of the firepower of a Malleus class frigate and sacrificed optimal anti-missile point-defense for better damage potential with a plasma autocannon.

Code: [Select]
Brutus class Heavy Fighter      500 tons       20 Crew       135.9 BP       TCS 10    TH 115    EM 0
11532 km/s      Armour 4-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0      PPV 4
Maint Life 4.80 Years     MSP 37    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 3    5YR 40    Max Repair 28.8 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 0.3 days    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-57 (2)    Power 115.2    Fuel Use 1350.0%    Signature 57.6    Explosion 30%
Fuel Capacity 11,000 Litres    Range 0.29 billion km (7 hours at full power)

TriOptimum PAX-15 Plasma Autocannon (1)    Range 60,000km     TS: 11,532 km/s     Power 6-6     RM 10,000 km    ROF 5       
Marques Eletro CTU 72Mm-11500 (1)     Max Range: 72,000 km   TS: 11,500 km/s     86 72 58 44 31 17 3 0 0 0
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R6 (1)     Total Power Output 6    Exp 7%

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a e for auto-assignment purposes


The Emperor: My memory is not so bad. All this reviewing is just boring protocol to me, so lets get over it

Chancellor: It is important regardless of how good you think your memory is. To start, expansion of construction factories will take over two years, while the fighters that will be shipped to Epsilon Leo by the Justicar should be ready much sooner.
Next news at eleven is?

With the new design of the Strike Cruiser, where some still insist on the inane debate it should be categorized as a carrier instead, being something that can be built in the same shipyard tooled for the Vindico m3, in the next five years we will have a formidable capacity. The refit of the Umbra class Intelligence Corvette will open up for the operation you already authorized to jump behind enemy lines and spy their very homeworld. The satellite at the jump point the xenos didn't bother shooting down will relay any intelligence back home.
How will the intelligence corvette jump back again?
That was not yet planned. Luring the jump point defenses to flee them in circles then outrun them back to the jump point is likely the way it will be achieved.
You could just remind me the crew of an intelligence corvette is completely expendable, same thing as what you just said.
There is a chance above zero they could return alive, so not necessarily. Their ship will be faster than any alien ship, so there is definitively a chance for them to escape.
Optimism is not something wise rulers should cling to. Next?

The mineral situation remains tricky, but on the plus side the salvage of destroyed xenos vessels is helping a lot and there is enough gallicite for us to consider approving designs that are analogous to muscle cars and gas guzzling SUVs.
The military engines used right now are more focused on speed than efficiency, which is why the xenos despite using internal confinement fusion cannot gain an edge of speed over our space force. More than this might not be the most efficient approach unless necessary to match the speed of the enemy forces. Next?

Research is going well. Soon another major improvement in research efficiency will happen. Building more research labs is an option but with the purchases from the civilian sector to ensure we will not face mineral shortages any time soon, it may be too expensive to build more research labs in the near future. Soon missile technology will be sufficiently mature for a metamorphosis of existing frigates into missile destroyers, or rocket cruisers which are a potential way to crush the masses of particle lances.
Those rockets are interesting, and with how much gallicite is stockpiled, building large amounts of them possible, but isn't it a waste of potential to build them with such very short ranges?
Not at all. One million kilometres effective range is enough to outgun any conventional "beam" spacecraft. It still is tactically a beam spacecraft in a sense, only with limited ammunition that can be intercepted by point defense, but using the smallest missile size not for so called anti-missile missiles but for a very short ranged anti-ship missile will allow for a very massed barrage of rocket fire, specially with reduced size launchers, a much greater volume of fire than conventional beams could achieve, and that without considering how heavy and expensive a beam fire control capable of hitting something reasonably at such distances would be, if we had technology to build one which we don't.
Perhaps a rocket beam cruiser will truly break the stalemate for once and all. Next?

Our knowledge of the stars beyond what crude and vastly outdated readings from telescopes of them light years away can bring expanded only slightly as of late. Several systems known only as numbers were found through intelligence, systems the lizardpeople know about, we have no idea how to reach them yet. For now only in Sol, Epsilon Leo Minoris and Endovelicus there is any real presence. Now let me recap the overall numbers as of this month of June.

    A display showed all the information on the extent of the Imperium in population and facilities:

Code: [Select]
Solar System

Sancta Terra
Population: 4570.54m
Naval Shipyard Capacity: 93,063 tons
Commercial Shipyard Capacity: 375,000 tons
Repair Yard Capacity: 275,000 tons
Maintenance Capacity: 256,250 tons
Research Facility: 45
Ground Force Construction Complex: 5
Construction Factory: 415
Ordnance Factory: 30
Fighter Factory: 150
Mine: 70
Fuel Refinery: 50
Maintenance Facility: 205
Deep Space Tracking Station: 20
Mass Driver: 13
Military Academy: 5
Naval Headquarters: 1
Sector Command: 1
Spaceport: 2
Cargo Shuttle Station: 3

Population: 115.41m
Financial Centre: 660

Population: 33.22m
Mine: 300
Mass Driver: 1

Population: 33.02m
Mine: 104
Mass Driver: 1

Camões Mines Corporation (Quaoar)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 8

Camelo Mines Corporation (2005 QU182)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 5

Esmeraldo Resources (Comas Sola)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 5

Veiga Minerals Group (Pluto)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 5

Alagoa Ventures Limited (1996 SZ4)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 4

Faria Company (Tempel 1)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 4

Agra Ventures Limited (Schaumasse)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 3

Ataide Resources (Tethys)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 3

Oliveira Mines Corporation (Stephan-Oterma)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 3

Pacheco Precious Metals (Io)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 3

Tourinho Precious Metals (Herschel-Rigollet)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 3

Coca Mines Corporation (Chariklo)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 2

Dias Mining and Refining (Whipple)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 2

Nogueira Minerals (Kolga)
Population: 0m
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Mass Driver: 1
Civilian Mining Complex: 1

Epsilon Leo Minoris System

Fuel Depot Frigum
Population: 2.21m
Spaceport: 1
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1
Infrastructure: 950

Endovelicus System

Endovelicus-A I
Population: 0m
Refuelling Station: 1

     And the new intelligence Corvette, the Alpharius, was so good nobody even acknowledges it exists. It has no cloaking device because cloaking device technology still has to be researched and the necessity of being faster than any known alien ship and a longer jump radius really limited available space in a 3,000 tons design. Thermal sensors will have a really hard time spotting it regardless, and with some wise maneuvers it could easily hide in "plain sight" at the heart of the Lizardpeople Hegemony. It has slightly less range than its predecessor, being more optimized for speed than fuel efficiency, but it still has a pretty long range.

Code: [Select]
Alpharius class Intelligence Corvette      3,000 tons       82 Crew       923.8 BP       TCS 60    TH 79    EM 0
8280 km/s    JR 3-250      Armour 1-18       Shields 0-0       HTK 22      Sensors 16/11/0/0      DCR 3      PPV 0
Maint Life 3.63 Years     MSP 577    AFR 24%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 68    5YR 1,015    Max Repair 558.9 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 13 months    Morale Check Required   

Via Immaterium S3000-M     Max Ship Size 3000 tons    Distance 250k km     Squadron Size 3

Machina Secretorum Alpha (1)    Power 496.8    Fuel Use 25.89%    Signature 79.488    Explosion 11%
Fuel Capacity 257,000 Litres    Range 59.6 billion km (83 days at full power)

Carneiro ST 1.5x m1 (1)     Sensitivity 16.5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  32.1m km
ELINT Module (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Intelligence Ship for auto-assignment purposes

    With all required prototypes ready, modernization of the Umbra class intelligence corvette is initiated at a single of many naval shipyards. A bold plan, to jump right into the home of the xenos and, only 10,000 km away from the maximum range of their particle lances, flee from the vast fleet guarding its jump point. Will it succeed?
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Re: A Polarized Imperium
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2021, 09:43:59 PM »
(OOC: I decided to give a more accurate telling of how exactly Earth is divided among States in the fluff setting for this game. Here it is.

And don't worry about the mix of the two war hammers resulting in unpleasant things. State records do not recognize the existence of Stormcast Eternals.)


2165 Political Map of Holy Terra

(Click on the  image to view a larger version)


  • Xenos lovers within the staff smuggled fertilized Lizardpeople eggs away from the POW camp and left them to their fate in the middle of the jungle of Yucatan. Some claim they were released on purpose by secret Imperium orders as part of a xenological social experiment to study the effects of feral upbringing on aliens, which is downright preposterous.
  • However, the allegation above has even more far-fetched versions. One that claims these hatchlings are being artificially indoctrinated into the lost culture of the Mayan civilization as part of the strange social xenological experiment their release in Yucatan is supposedly part of. Mayan Lizardmen in Yucatan? Really?
  • The primary cultural difference between the Albion and Imperium portions of Britannia is that within Imperial areas most worship Celtic gods while within Albion the Sigmarite Church of Odin is the religion of the majority.
  • The Old Empire was founded by Sigmar the Great during the turmoil of the collapse of the Elder Empire across northern Europe. The reformation of the old worship of the Norse gods as a clear set of rites with a proper church hierarchy was one of the most important elements for the unification struggle that formed this empire, which was an inspiration for the Novus Imperium. The Luso-Celtic Catholic Church of the Elder godhead established in the Imperium was directly inspired by the Sigmarite Church of Odin. High priests with big hammers included.
  • Estalia is a long lasting monarchical union between Spain and Italy, with a few inherited gains of counties over southern Britannia linking both kingdoms. Tilea is the only part of old Spain that wasn't included, but instead was merged with the Kingdom of Lusitania over many centuries of strategic marriages and inheritances, give or take unsavory methods to ensure the right heirs to the throne. A long, long time ago Estalia, like Lusitania, was part of the Elder Empire during its heyday.
  • The official name of the invasion of Madagascar by OmniVentures is most obviously corporate doublespeak for slave purchasing from local markets.
  • Monotheism outside of the arguably monotheistic and well established Zoroastrianism is mostly made of odd cults which have existed for less than a century, mostly. The hardy Persia is in fact a Zoroastrian theocracy, this feels sort of ironic in an intangible way.
  • City names may not be positioned perfectly next to their locations.
  • The Nippon Zaibatsu Co-Prospherity Sphere is not, despite its name, a nation-State, but a Megacorp-State dominated by Nipponese corporations. However, a few Korean, Taiwanese, Indochinese and Insular Indochinese corporations are growing in influence over time and this bias may change in a not so distant future.
  • Never in history has any foodstuff from Mega Kebab corporation been approved by the food hygiene inspection authorities of the Imperium. Avoid eating such Soylent things even in the extremely unlikely scenario the other choice would be to die of starvation.
  • Polytheistic theocracies have existed for a long time, and two of them in particular are very suspicious. The Church of the "Enlightened" Abdul Hazred, based upon his infamous work, the Kitab Al-Azif, also known as the Necronomicon, is located in the barely inhabited, most hostile and dry parts of the Empty Quarter of the Arabian desert. The Church of Father Dagon and Mother Hydra is located in the region of New Albion, to the north of Hive City Miskatonic where most follow this dark religion that may be linked to trans-dimensional xenos locked away from Earth for now, but who, once the stars are aligned properly once every untold eons may return to this planet to supplant mankind as the masters of Terra, for that is not dead which can eternal lie, and in strange eons even death may die. Many Imperial authorities consider concern over such cults ridiculous, for only a scared fool would think such "Great Old Ones" are real in their opinion.
  • All of the Varangian space marines are recruited from Norsca, where on the other hand, many Norscans voluntarily apply to join the World Eaters despite the 99% casualty rate among initiates, a fact that raises many eyebrows. Why should it be reason for worry? It's not like these Nordic warriors secretly worship some twisted gods of chaos, right?
  • The most curious historical trivia on the Polish-Kislevite Commonwealth is that back in the heyday of cavalry, they attempted to tame bears as a more fearsome form of cavalry for their legendary winged hussars. It did not end well.
  • One of the most silly myths of the Earth that somehow persists even today is that between Persia and Ind lies a secret Ogre Kingdom, where grotesque, gigantic humanoids worship a deity called the Great Maw. Where do people come up with such preposterous superstitions? And some thought Bigfoot was ridiculous enough already.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2021, 09:51:20 PM by Abridal »
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Late 2165 to Early 2167: the meaning of squadron jump radius
« Reply #9 on: December 23, 2021, 09:48:34 PM »
(Just for clarification, both the real world name of America and the Warhammer Lustria and Naggaroth are valid names in this setting, with Lustria being obviously South and Central America and the tropical climate portions of North America while Naggaroth is the other northern portion. No pointy-eared arrogant pricks on Earth in this setting besides persecuted minorities who genetically modified themselves to look like elves and are pejoratively known as "LARPers".

And FYI the intro blurb in this update is going to feature truly absurdly over-the-top grimdark. The subject title is a meta reference to... you will see.)


> To Serve Lizardpeople
> By the deceased Spartacus Cathulus Nylaarhottep, World Eater Premier Chef, posthumous editing by Santa Kharn the Betrayer.
> DISCLAIMER: This is a work of entertainment and art, not a cookbook. Eating Lizardpeople flesh will kill you. Don't feed them to your pets either or they will also die of food poisoning.
> Preparing inedible dishes from the flesh of xenos scum is an inherently ephemeral form of humanitarian artistic expression, a truly avantgarde class of contemporary art.

> Roasted long iguana-on-a-stick

> Ingredients
> 1 lizardman. Specifically a male for this recipe. Preferably preemptively tenderized and still alive by the time this culinary craft is started.
> A huge high quality impalement pole. Oak from the same quality used in fine wine making or better and at least 14 cm diameter recommended.
> 1 kg of curry powder
> 5 kg of chili peppers
> Glue
> 10 kg of salt or more
> 2 litres of Chianti wine.
> (Optional) 400 litres of lizardpeople blood

> Preparation
> Force the lizardman, which should be completely broken and immobilized through fractures, to eat 5 kg of chili.
> Leave it to rest for 2 hours or less if the lizard scum will die sooner than that from previously inflicted injuries
> Raise the impalement pole over a barbecue pit, cover every inch of the pole with glue then salt to ensure it will stay glued over it.
> Impale the lizardman. Optimal technique is to make it very, very slow, up to 1 hour.
> Wait until the lizard stops screaming.
> Flay the lizard alive, then cover it fully in salt, curry and bathe it with Chianti.
> Before lighting the fire for the roast, vivisect the lizard if it still alive. Remove all entrails regardless.
> (Optional) Separate the liver then cook it with the leftovers of the Chianti.
> Roast it over a fire for any time of your artistic preference between almost raw and extra-crispy. It doesn't matter because it's inedible anyway.
> (Optional) Spill 400 litres of xenos blood over the roast to make a truly great statement.
> Serve light refreshments of edible foods and drinks to your guests entertained by the spectacle.


Enlarge your Everything!
A S.A.G. Consumer Products GeneticsTM Advertisement

Are you tired of being ashamed of the size of anything in your body?
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S.A.G. Consumer Products GeneticsTM: if your bank account has enough digits, we make you into whatever you want to be, even an attack helicopter!

Amanda Carrilho: Really? They bypassed our newest ad blocker too? Turn this holotheater off, I'm not wasting my precious limited idle time watching ads!

Chancellor Marta: Does this ad bother you because you are ashamed of genetic modifications done to you in the past?

No, I am the Emperor. What about you?

I have no shame either about any gene mods on me, or of the mutation I was born with. But, talking more philosophically about this, are you sure you truly are who you think you are? What if your original self died from the drastic genetic and neuronal changes to your brain and you are a clone?

Ship of Theseus, Marta, that old text explains it all. Also, if you truly have no shame why do you hide it?

Because I am aware of certain subcultures that write fan fiction involving famous and powerful people like us, imagine the hackneyed literature with my name within that would flood the Aethernet if they knew. In fact, there are already a few trash slashfics focused on me. I do not want to think about it. About your mind and body, don't you find it strange the dissonance between their chromosomes?

    The Emperor chuckled over the explanation and continued:

No, and you are not exactly in a position to define what is normal regarding chromosomes. And really Marta, you are the second most powerful person on Earth yet you are obsessed over some people writing risque fan fiction of you? You are joking, right?

I was infertile as everyone else born like me, I am grateful we live in an age where such extremely rare mutation is no longer a life sentence of sterility, yet I don't want to publicize it. Let me have at least one very silly and inane concern so I can at times distract myself from the serious questions we both need to solve every day. Changing the subject to something more strategically relevant, the Neptune Lagrange point is finally stabilized, we should have much faster travel within Sol from now on thanks to this valuable public work.

Now it is heading for Uranus, correct?

I hope you are not going to make that centuries old and overused pun over Uranus, but sure, it is heading for Uranus to stabilize Uranus Lagrange point so any spacecraft can quickly travel to Uranus.

You just repeated the word Uranus a lot for someone who does not wish for puns about Uranus. Good news though, this will speed up expansion towards whatever is the best source of Neutronium, which is shaping up as the bottleneck of mineral resources that will become a problem eventually.

Disregard my comment about Uranus puns. Once that is over, the Jump stabilizer will head for Saturn and after it finally start a very slow stabilization of Earth's Lagrange point given how low Earth's gravity is compared to those gas giants.

Code: [Select]
Cadia class Jump Tender      36,020 tons       141 Crew       1,090.5 BP       TCS 720    TH 1,250    EM 0
1735 km/s      Armour 1-97       Shields 0-0       HTK 32      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 618    Max Repair 600 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Jump Point Stabilisation: 360 days

Tartaruga PEB MION-C625 (2)    Power 1250    Fuel Use 2.24%    Signature 625    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 55.9 billion km (372 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Stabilisation Ship for auto-assignment purposes


    Perhaps the most colourful of rulers in the history of the Imperium, the Chancellor and Emperor were certainly perceived as capable and competent regardless of their peculiarities, and so far they had yet to make any major mistake in the war against the Lizardpeople Hegemony or in their domestic development policies. Over the rest of the year of 2165 things were becoming more slow paced for those most interested in knowing of war, the last victory securing quite a haul of profitable salvage that made even many pacifists among the Mercantile Universalist ideologues change their mind upon noticing the profit margins of blowing xenos ships and salvaging them. Unfortunately for them private military fleets to conduct piracy and raid xenos primarily for profit at their expense were not really an option in the current political climate. If a so called "xenophile" among them concludes there is more wealth to be gained from treating the xenos as loot pinatas rather than as customers to milk wealth from in the long term, they will turn xenophobe overnight. The eventual extinction of xenos given persistent acts like those meaningless in the short-sighted greed of those types.
    Everything was going well over the Imperial TN economy. While some reserves were getting low, the scrapping of the Badger 004 by the only Repair Yard in Sancta Terra was over, and immediately its only slipway was occupied to now repair the damaged armor of the Justicar strike cruiser.


    Another great year in the Imperial history was coming to an end, and a new Heavy Cruiser with its mighty three heavy plasma macro cannons and not so mighty Gauss turret and four 10 cm railguns was just christened. The Incendrius shall set the xenos on fire with the burning light of the Emperor wherever it goes.


    The first two fighters set to become a permanent defense force over the Epsilon Leonis Minoris system, where cargo ships dropped maintenance facilities beforehand, finally were brought in by the already repaired and unoccupied Justicar strike cruiser, which would continue doing this less glorious but still important mission compared to boarding xenos vessels for many more months.
    Parallel to this, the survey program restarts after a long time without signs of xenos vessels in known space beyond their home system. Survey I with gravitational modules and recon satellites and II with geological modules head for the very promising system of Iota Ursae Majoris, having multiple potentially inhabitable planets. While some suspected this system was colonized by the Lizardpeople Hegemony, the lack of any jump point defense force signaled a different possibility.

I have received reports the Iota Ursae Majoris system is not inhabited, at least not by lizardpeople. Something else is there and their EM signature is very substantial

All survey ships there are heading out already, correct?

Correct. They are on their way to the León system instead. It is strange that not even a single spacecraft was detected at all, but the orders are for them to avoid endangering themselves, these aliens don't seem to have expanded as much and as far over the systems we know as the Lizardpeople, but my instinct tells they cannot be reasoned with.

    The war with the Lizardpeople was no longer the only worry. There were more xenos. For now the choice of the Imperium would be to avoid them and ignore the system where they were found, but sooner or later this would have to be investigated in a more through manner. Whether to eliminate their threat for once and all or perhaps  to try to not have to wage war over two fronts by securing last peace if the instinct of the Chancellor is mistaken, much to the anger of the Suffer Not the Xenos lobby.
    At the same time, the research of the commercial deck opens up the way for a dedicated commercial carrier to transport system defense fighters over Imperial space. It also opens up the possibility of easy repair of planetary defense fighter forces by orbital fighter bases that do not demand maintenance themselves. Two initial proposals are drafted to make use of this technology. The first is a completely unarmored orbital fighter base to repair fighters within planets, which still has some CIWS final defense capability, the Sentinel. Given its hangar space, it also houses a few shuttles.

Code: [Select]
Sentinel class Fighter Base      22,584 tons       218 Crew       1,535.1 BP       TCS 452    TH 0    EM 0
1 km/s      No Armour       Shields 0-0     HTK 53      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 2      PPV 0
MSP 5,084    Max Repair 100 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 12,000 tons     Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 2   
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Flight Crew Berths 240   

Fuel Capacity 1,000,000 Litres    Range N/A

Taurus PDW-200 (1x10)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1

Strike Group
11x Vallum Heavy Fighter   Speed: 11522 km/s    Size: 10
11x Brutus Heavy Fighter   Speed: 11532 km/s    Size: 9.99

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Space Station for construction purposes
This design is classed as a b for auto-assignment purposes

    The second draft is far more ambitious and no commercial shipyard currently available would serve it. Not only a commercial fighter carrier, the Defensor also could be a frigate carrier to extend the limited range of a squadron jump capable force of 7 frigates, or even load an entire heavy cruiser inside it. However, it is meant for long range transportation rather than repairing ships in its hangars and lacks the large amount of maintenance supplies of the Sentinel fighter base. While it is not completely unprotected by armor like the fighter base, it is not intended for front line operations. An alternative proposal already exists that sacrifices all armor thickness to give it more maintenance supplies so it can repair anything that can fit inside its 21,000 tons maximum capacity hangar, and more than one voice question the point of having armor in a spacecraft like this. If it gets attacked without an escort, it will blow to pieces anyway, they say.
    It may take many years before the construction of something like this design starts, first there will be the need to build a new commercial shipyard and all construction factories are still busy building more construction factories and mines to ship off-planet, then it would also have to be expanded to 80,000 tons capacity.

Code: [Select]
Defensor class Transport      80,000 tons       746 Crew       4,861.4 BP       TCS 1,600    TH 6,400    EM 0
4000 km/s      Armour 4-165       Shields 0-0       HTK 156      Sensors 11/1/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 287    Max Repair 200 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 21,000 tons     Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 2   
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Flight Crew Berths 420   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-C800 (8)    Power 6400    Fuel Use 1.68%    Signature 800    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 888,000 Litres    Range 119.1 billion km (344 days at full power)

Taurus PDW-200 (1x10)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Camara Sistemas Nanosensor EM m1 (1)     Sensitivity 1.1     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8.3m km
Carneiro ST Básico m1 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a b for auto-assignment purposes


    One of the new shipyards is ready to begin the construction of the next generation of beam frigates while its predecessor in the same role is still being expanded to 15,000 tons capacity. With more speed through the long overdue and already technically obsolete upgrade from Ion to Magneto-Plasma, the new frigates will be able to outrun any known xenos spacecraft design for now.


    Refit of the Immaterium  Jump Frigate to its new model 2 commences. All frigates will be refitted to have the same maximum speed and also have their fire controls replaced with bigger ones with more tracking speed to take advantage of it. While the velocity leap isn't that big, it will make a major difference in battle.

Code: [Select]
Immaterium m2 class Jump Frigate      3,000 tons       86 Crew       618.2 BP       TCS 60    TH 518    EM 0
8641 km/s    JR 7-50      Armour 8-18       Shields 0-0       HTK 18      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 8
Maint Life 3.04 Years     MSP 336    AFR 58%    IFR 0.8%    1YR 55    5YR 820    Max Repair 259.2 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Morale Check Required   

Evento Horizonte S3000-7 m1     Max Ship Size 3000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 7

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-518 Turbo (1)    Power 518.4    Fuel Use 97.20%    Signature 518.4    Explosion 18%
Fuel Capacity 215,000 Litres    Range 13.3 billion km (17 days at full power)

TriOptimum PAX-15 Plasma Autocannon (2)    Range 60,000km     TS: 8,641 km/s     Power 6-6     RM 10,000 km    ROF 5       
NI Ballistica CTU 120Mm-8500 (2)     Max Range: 120,000 km   TS: 8,500 km/s     92 83 75 67 58 50 42 33 25 17
Alfaro Aeromarine Stellarator R6 (2)     Total Power Output 12    Exp 7%

Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes


    The xenos recycling program continues with the scrapping of the Highcastle 019 completed. The TN minerals acquired through these means and also salvage still completely overshadow the mining output from planets, and this will continue for some time with most mines trying to metaphorically milk rock by being stuck in low accessibility veins in Mercury and Mars and depleting veins in Earth, for now. Epsilon Leonis Minoris, the only inhabited system by humanity outside of Sol, is unfortunately lacking in mineral potential. Either that or someone made a big oversight.


    Decently accessible reserves of Sorium are located by Survey II in the hot Jupiter León-A I. The low colony cost León-A II planet is unfortunately devoid of TN minerals, but the geological survey of this system has only started. Maybe it could have a motherlode in addition to Sorium.


    Survey of the León system finds out a huge reserve of 53,444,000 units of Sorium at the fourth planet, a Super-Jovian. Definitively this system will be valuable for fuel production despite having nothing else of value, most unfortunately. None of the other Trans-Newtonian elements exist in any significant amount, unless the last bodies still to be surveyed hold out something.


    Corbomite, more specifically 432,964 units of it, is located in the 9th moon of the Super-Jovian León-A IV, the only noteworthy and large reserves of any TN element besides Sorium in this system so far. The really important elements exist only in trace quantities, when they exist at all.


    The lone unmanned probe at the Grimgor system detected a curious situation. Most of the enemy ships left their watch over the jump point to Omicron Piscis Austrini. This was another opportunity to weaken them further that couldn't be wasted. What were these xenos thinking? Do they expect this will bait the space force of the Imperium so they will recklessly charge as if there were not almost a hundred if not more particle lances awaiting them further in-system?

    Boarding attempt against the unknown Bank 001 is initiated by the Memento Mori assault shuttles in the Justicar. This unknown xenos design seems to lack weapons. All five shuttles return to their mothership without any risk to them while the shields of the Vindico absorb the particle lances. Significant losses are suffered by the space marines however, due to the high speed of the targeted vessel.

Tell me again: why are old names being reused on new detected xenos ships which real names we do not know? Wasn't the Zun V Class designated Bank before?

A lot of our intelligence is composed by hacks devoid of creativity to give unique designations to every xenos ships we find, so they are reusing stuff.

So from a destroyer with four particle lances, the same name is given to a completely unarmed commercial spacecraft? Hacks is an understatement.
(The name list "NATO designations for Soviet Aircraft" just got depleted)

    The boarding action casualty report is here:

The I Romulus Ravens lost 6 bolter marines and 1 fireteam leader named Henrique Boreale.
The III Duranium Triarii lost 6 bolter marines and 2 plasma MGs.
The IV Space Wolves lost 7 bolter marines and all fireteam leaders. Two space marines got promoted to lead the fireteams.
The V Ultrasolarii lost 4 bolter marines and also all fireteam leaders, including an once promising Roberotti Guilhermann.
The VI World Eaters lost 7 bolter marines and 1 plasma MG. The survivors are once again eager for another chainsaw party.

    The Bank 001 is definitively not a military design, it simply stays there in the jump point instead of chasing the Cruiser Flotilla, which is barely gaining distance for it is only 34 km/s faster than the pursuing vessel.

02/Aug/2166 23:13:05

    While the armor of the Bank 001 was penetrated, another salvo of 4 particle lances hits the Vindico, reducing its shields to 47%. Worrisome is the fact the fleet remains under jump shock and unable to return fire. At this point it is obvious trying to get far away enough to not get hit is useless. Instead the only choice is to keep at point-blank and hope the jump shock will be over before the lances deplete all force from the shields and start causing serious damage. 7 heavy plasma macro cannons will quickly change the tide of this battle, once they are online.

02/Aug/2166 23:13:40

    3 gory remnants of xenos out of 25 killed reptilians are the first redecoration of the World Eaters within the Bank 001. Not even one space marine was lost in boarding combat for now. The Cruiser Flotilla still has not managed to open fire, unfortunately.

02/Aug/2166 23:13:50

    The Vindico finally recovers from jump shock, unleashing a brutal point-blank salvo of plasma, rail and Gauss gun fire that immediately paralyzes the Zun V 033 with the three shots with strength rating 96 from the heavy plasma macro cannons.  While it seems wasteful  to not have brought more marines to board this ship for this particular operation, this is  by all accounts the home system of the Lizardpeople Hegemony, therefore no window of opportunity exists to send a tug all the way from Sol to move it out of here in the first place.

5 seconds later...

    The Justicar recovers from jump shock and finishes the job against the only nearby armed alien ship for now, with another blast of heavy plasma and its Gauss cannon as a finisher. Cruiser Flotilla I will "rescue" the life pods from the destroyed xenos ship, then wait on the other side of the jump point for Bank 001, whatever it is, to be fully conquered by the space marines, for the best in life can only be this: To crush your enemies in boarding combat, see their ships driven before you in the shipyards of Holy Terra and hear the lamentations of their "women", the Earthling xenos lovers.
    It has been decided that boarding action reports in operations with zero casualties among space marines from combat are as redundant as reporting how many reptiles a hunter in the swamps of the Pantanal or Louisiana got in a routine lizard season. Right now it's Lizardpeople Season and the big hunters are really making it big in the big leagues, specially the World Eaters who also make this hunt very brutal.
    The previous statement is not wholly correct. There is a report on numbers of hunted alligators, crocodiles and the likes for Earth, a necessary bureaucracy to ensure lasting species preservation, but that is small scale compared to the "hunt" that is happening in the void of space. The population of xenos is not under any environmental protection laws for sure and nobody will shed a tear should they go extinct outside a minority of bleeding hearts. Their tears are music to the ears of most.
    Rumor is a World Eater wrote a book called "To Serve Lizardpeople" and recorded  his feasting over his first recipe, Long iguana-on-a-stick, where the long is an allusion to the infamous word "long pork" as an euphemism for cannibalism. He died of food poisoning that day because no Earth being  can metabolize xenos carbs, fats or proteins due organic molecules between worlds being completely different and incompatible as a result of dramatic evolutionary differences over eons of parallel development of biological life across the universe. The book still sold five times more after the author's death no matter its apparent uselessness. The World Eaters would follow the recipes regardless of that, not to eat, but to add some literal spice to their methods of killing xenos.
    Later someone decided to adapt these recipes for a plethora of Earth reptiles including snakes, iguanas, crocodiles and "cloned dinosaurs", this last idea quite far-fetched. Would someone really clone dinosaurs as livestock for a gourmet reptilian meat restaurant? Reptilian meats took a high rise in popularity ever since the war against the Lizardpeople.

02/Aug/2166 23:19:40

    The Duranium Triarii lost one bolter marine, but the xenos are going down very fast.

02/Aug/2166 23:20:40

    Another loss for the Duranium Triarii, a fireteam leader this time.

02/Aug/2166 23:23:40

    The World Eaters finally do a real slaughter, 7 out of 35. Everyone did great in this moment. The World Eaters are throwing salts and spices over the dead corpses of xenos, as if rushing one first step to prepare recipes just for the spectacle of horror and carnage once the battle is over in honor of the writer of the great book "To Serve Lizardpeople".

02/Aug/2166 23:24:40

In a throwback to another infamous boarding operation, several xenos throw themselves out of the airlock because witnessing the World Eaters trying culinary with the corpses of their fallen drove them to such desperate act. The fact not all of the fallen were actually dead when the VI World Eaters eviscerated them, flayed them then salted their flesh or chopped their limbs off, not necessarily in this order, and their final screams of excruciating agony also contributed to such an outcome. Bank 001 fell and was identified as a new type of xenos ship, the Sarth V Class Scout:

Code: [Select]
Sarth V class Scout      13,879 tons       262 Crew       1,911.3 BP       TCS 278    TH 1,880    EM 0
6772 km/s    JR 5-250      Armour 1-51       Shields 0-0       HTK 63      Sensors 66/66/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
Maint Life 0.03 Years     MSP 86    AFR 1541%    IFR 21.4%    1YR 3,356    5YR 50,347    Max Repair 470 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Morale Check Required   

J14000(5-250) Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 14000 tons    Distance 250k km     Squadron Size 5

Internal Fusion Drive  EP940 (2)    Power 1880    Fuel Use 46.13%    Signature 940    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 3,900,000 Litres    Range 109.6 billion km (187 days at full power)

CIWS-200 (1x4)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Active Search Sensor AS128-R125 (1)     GPS 23625     Range 128.6m km    Resolution 125
Thermal Sensor TH6-66 (1)     Sensitivity 66     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  64.2m km
EM Sensor EM6-66 (1)     Sensitivity 66     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  64.2m km

ECM 20

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a f for auto-assignment purposes

    A Thermal Sensor called TH6-66 and an EM Sensor called EM6-66. World Eaters are the VIth of the first space marine squadrons. Some believe this is no coincidence. 666, the number of the World Eaters repeated three times. Is it a preternatural sign, a leftover of a blessing given by an unknown deity who favors them?


    Two Barge unknown class ships, three Highcastle IV Gauss and three Badger particle beam destroyers move in to protect the jump point from Grimgor to Omicron Piscis Austrini. The recently boarded vessel is on its way to Sol and it is clear this error of judgement by the reptoids is going to end.


    More six Barge Class unknowns and twenty-seven Zun V particle lance destroyers join the jump point defense at the xenos home system. They don't seem interested in leaving that position again any time soon.


    Training of new reservists for space marines is completed. All space marine squadrons are now reinforced to full strength and ready for more boarding operations. An incomplete overview of all forces as of this date is available below:


    The captured SC Bank 001 finally arrives at Holy Terra. There is no immediate slipway available to scrap it yet. The bounty of the boarding operations of the last years has been big after all.


    Uranus LP stabilized, resulting in 3 Lagrange points in Sol, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune. Facere Cadia heads now for Saturn to further accelerate in-system traffic. No dumb Uranus puns this time, really.


    Highcastle IV 053 is finally scrapped. The slipway where this happened is now occupied with the refit of the Justicar to the new Strike Cruiser design, that will have not 5 but 10 Memento Mori Assault shuttles for maximum boarding capabilities.


    Survey II, after overhaul and complete survey of the somewhat disappointing León system is sent to investigate the mineral worth of the much closer Abaddon system, from where no enemy activity has been detected for a long time, and thus it is no longer deemed under hostile control. Hopefully some very precious motherlode will be found there.


    Four Gladius III Class Frigates are refitted to the new, faster and better Gladius IV while the Carnifex Light Cruiser is finally built. The new Gladius IV uses separate, single Gauss turrets for better anti-missile defense, in addition to being faster of course. However, it had to downgrade its fire control maximum range a bit to fit in everything.

Code: [Select]
Gladius IV class Frigate      3,000 tons       77 Crew       761.4 BP       TCS 60    TH 518    EM 0
8641 km/s      Armour 8-18       Shields 0-0       HTK 19      Sensors 11/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 16.8
Maint Life 2.10 Years     MSP 278    AFR 72%    IFR 1.0%    1YR 84    5YR 1,265    Max Repair 259.2 MSP
Captain    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Morale Check Required   

Itaipu Trinuclear MagPlasma-518 Turbo (1)    Power 518.4    Fuel Use 97.20%    Signature 518.4    Explosion 18%
Fuel Capacity 215,000 Litres    Range 13.3 billion km (17 days at full power)

Taurus CEMB-5 Turret (2x5)    Range 50,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 0-0     RM 50,000 km    ROF 5       
NI Ballistica CTU 120Mm-20k (2)     Max Range: 120,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s     92 83 75 67 58 50 42 33 25 17

Camara Sistemas Microsensor m1 (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Carneiro ST Básico m1 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

This design is classed as a Military Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a c for auto-assignment purposes


    Lizardpeople asteroid mining operation detected in Abaddon's Asteroid Number Two(that is its name for now, such creativity), completely undefended and ripe for conquest.


    Another asteroid mining operation from the xenos detected, this time in Asteroid Number Fifteen.


    Forty-five Bark Class unknowns detected in the Manticore system escorted by a few Gauss PD escorts built using inferior tech to the Gauss cannons of the Imperium, at the jump point to Xi Piscis Austrini. The Vindico and Incendrius Heavy Cruisers and the Carnifex Light Cruiser are dispatched to identify the threat level and if possible eliminate this force.


    Surface-to-Orbit force detected at Asteroid Number Thirteen in the Abaddon system, but strangely it did not attack the Survey II fleet. The number thirteen was a lucky number for the Imperium this time.


    The Elvandar IV 012 finally scrapped is in Holy Terra for more precious minerals. Alien forces in the Manticore system just vanished from short range jump point sensors of the recon satellite. A sweep through identified jump points there will be performed to attempt locating it, for it is probably heading to another jump point.

    One term describes the battle in the Manticore system: piece of cake. With one exception: the eagerness and reckless maneuvering during the opening phases allows the xenos to launch two barrages of Gauss fire in return causing internal damage to the Vindico Heavy Cruiser and the loss of 3 crewmen. After that rather than attempt to follow the convoy directly, they position themselves in static waypoints. With the targeted fleet moving at less than 200 km/s and the escorts refusing  to detach to move faster than that and engage the ad-hoc Cruiser Flotilla II, this becomes a very boring battle, so much the Emperor did not have even anything to comment about it and that is it.

   One of the Bark ships surrenders. It is a Fuel Harvester. About as exciting as it is fast. The shooting gallery, turkey shooting game, boring routine xenos purging or whatever name it is that depicts this battle with utmost accuracy continues.

Code: [Select]
Tulan XVIII class Fuel Harvester      94,826 tons       426 Crew       1,617.2 BP       TCS 1,897    TH 360    EM 0
189 km/s      Armour 1-185       Shields 0-0       HTK 210      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 10    Max Repair 68 MSP
Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Fuel Harvester: 35 modules producing 1,400,000 litres per annum

Commercial Internal Fusion Drive  EP360.0 (1)    Power 360    Fuel Use 2.01%    Signature 360    Explosion 3%
Fuel Capacity 950,000 Litres    Range 89.2 billion km (5463 days at full power)
Refuelling Capability: 80,000 litres per hour     Complete Refuel 11 hours

CIWS-200 (2x4)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Fuel Harvester for auto-assignment purposes

    Shortly later, Captain Aldina of the Carnifex is given another Raider medal for over five hundred thousand tons of xenos commercial shipping destroyed. That is right, it is not an exaggerated number, this is the scale of this convoy raiding damage.

02/Feb/2167 19:40:30

    Two more Fuel Harvesters surrender, both with their engines intact. However with their speed being pitiful 189 km/s the only Tug of the Imperium will have a lot of work to do this year because having them reach Sol on their own will take forever. These designs are pretty useless for the strategic necessities of humanity. Better to scrap them and use their harvester modules on future vessels that won't take forever to reach a gas giant with Sorium.

02/Feb/2167 19:43:25

    Another Fuel Harvester surrenders. No armed alien vessels remain. This will certainly be a setback for the xenos. From "rescued" xenos after this battle was over, something of dubious utility is also discovered:

Code: [Select]
Spaces End VI class Construction Ship      70,729 tons       246 Crew       1,804.3 BP       TCS 1,415    TH 2,700    EM 0
1908 km/s      Armour 1-152       Shields 0-0       HTK 67      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 15    Max Repair 1000 MSP
Kapitan tret'yego ranga    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Jump Point Stabilisation: 180 days

Commercial Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP450.0 (6)    Power 2700    Fuel Use 2.01%    Signature 450    Explosion 3%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 31.6 billion km (191 days at full power)

CIWS-200 (2x4)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
This design is classed as a Stabilisation Ship for auto-assignment purposes

    Not completely useless, for it exposes a worrisome knowledge: the Lizardpeople Hegemony just had another leap in their propulsion technology, but they have yet to build anything using this new Magnetic Fusion. The existing Imperial cruisers being slower than the new Lizardpeople particle lance destroyers once they start showing up will be a death knell for any future offensive operations by the Imperium until such advantage is neutralized by yet another refit.


    After being threatened to be sent to the World Eaters special arena and "culinary" reality show  to entertain them, one of the Lizardpeople share technical details that will accelerate Shipbuilding for the Imperium (560 BP)
    Meanwhile the mysterious aliens at Iota Ursae Majoris apparently have a neutral relationship with the Lizardpeople, but Intelligence specialists still advise caution, these other aliens might actually be even less willing to negotiate than the already known reptoids.


   The Abaddon system is confirmed as a dead end by Survey I gravitational modules and gathered Intelligence data from captured Lizardpeople. Its complete conquest is a low priority now as the continued geological survey has yet to detect some really great mineral reserves.


    The refit of the Umbra to the new Alpharius Class intelligence Corvette is complete. Immediately it sets course for its most dangerous and bold espionage mission so far, if not the most dangerous espionage mission in the entire history of the Novus Imperium.

Emperor. We must stop this Operation Glow in the Dark IIA Blackbird immediately, which name sounds funny too. Someone might have misinformed you about the tactical meaning of squadron jump radius

This is the best shot we have to catch up to xenos in propulsion technology, by having ELINT right in their home world. The risks are more than worth it.

But there is no really significant chance of success, I am telling you! Do not complain I did not warn you later

I will take responsibility for this operation, but I will not put an end to what could drastically turn the tide of this war in our favor because of high failure chances.

Success chances are almost impossible, but if you insist, so be it.


    The Saturn Lagrange point is finally stabilized, the Facere Cadia is now going on a much slower project to stabilize Earth's LP to truly maximize space travel velocity across Sol. Meanwhile the great operation of intelligence is about to reach its dramatic moment of truth. For this endeavor the saying a picture is worth a thousand words, even if the picture itself contains words, is probably very accurate. Let the images speak for themselves of these men of courage who now travel through the void of space with no fear.

    The long past of success of the ICV Umbra is the source of Magneto-Plasma propulsion and many other great successes in espionage for the Imperium against the Lizardpeople Hegemony, and now the high water mark of this venerable ship is about to begin, an example for all in service of the Imperium, the dauntlessness that is inspiring in a completely unarmed and unarmored ship, its defenses only speed and wits. Let all remember its approach into the great space-time shortcut, for this is the moment this particular spacecraft and her crew will never be forgotten, come what may.





A Polarized Imperium: Episode 5

(Of this Episode)

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