If I didn't have heavily-armed motherships and mostly 100% crews, that battle might have gone very differently. I don't think it is necessarily a terrible tactic when confronted by a large enemy force - it just turned out to be terrible in that situation. I think the underlying issues may be that the AI places too much weight on speed when assessing the threat level of its opponents, which is exaggerated when facing fighters, plus it doesn't decrease threat assessment in the immediate aftermath of a transit. On that basis, it took the option to 'retreat' through the jump point. I'll make some adjustments in that area.
I certainly think it cold be a tactic with merits. Granted, as a human player I would probably not make a blind jump without better intelligence of some sort, but given some idea what to expect it is potentially a good way to make an ambush happen or raid the enemy to flip the tables.
One thing that does sometimes confuse me with the AI though is the definition of "retreat" is often in the opposite direction from their base or colony. Seems a bit odd although in this case I suppose the Stave had another up-to-15 heavy cruisers to defend their home world, so it would work out if they weren't just plain overmatched.
In any case always glad to see AI improvements, 2.0 is shaping up to be one of the best updates yet for single-player campaigns!