Author Topic: Ability to set New Medal Conditions  (Read 1138 times)

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Offline Lornalt (OP)

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Ability to set New Medal Conditions
« on: March 22, 2023, 11:53:54 AM »
This suggestion is something that I've been thinking about since the way I play my game I tend to award medals outside of the current conditions.

Such as:
1. Medals (up to 3 different grades) for being assigned as CO of a major fleet vessel.
2. Medals (up to 2 different grades) for being assigned as Flag officer on a Flag deck.
3. Medals (A lot of different ones) for being assigned to different Admin commands - This one, I was thinking, when the admin command is selected can we set upon the officer being assigned to this command they receive the allocated medal (selectable by a drop-down box or some such to indicate what medal)? I actually have medals for Combat, logistics, survey and such.
4. Yearly randomly allocated medals. - Ok this one is a lot tougher as what I tend to do is pretend that there's a yearly competition for my navy and the combat admins (warships) and civilian admins (cargo and such) will get a medal.
5. Medals (up to 2 different grades) for being in a combat zone. - This one is like that of the US army Infantry combat badge.

The first and second options should be trackable since the officer history can track when they are assigned as commanding officers and/or flag officers.

For the 3rd one, I've already suggested a method to assign the medal.

For the 4th and 5th options is a lot harder to think of a method to assign those.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

What I'm asking for really is a way for us to add additional conditions to the game without direct input from Steve adding it himself.

Offline GrandNord

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Re: Ability to set New Medal Conditions
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2023, 01:03:32 PM »
Some nice conditions to have would be for death in naval and ground combat and for capture, these shouldn't be hard to implement. Also, maybe aging and health condition checks should be halted for dead officers.

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Re: Ability to set New Medal Conditions
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2023, 06:57:47 PM »
For #5, if the ship or ground formation is involved in battle, they get the medal.

Offline Lornalt (OP)

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Re: Ability to set New Medal Conditions
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2023, 07:41:59 PM »
For #5, if the ship or ground formation is involved in the battle, they get the medal.

Being involved in the battle and killing an enemy unit is different. The only condition that would award a medal in combat is either to destroy an enemy, destroy missiles, or suffer damage. Unless I'm missing out on something?

Let me give an example.

Combat Saber Medal - Awarded for being a combat zone. (there's no condition for this)
Combat Sword Medal - Awarded for being "in" combat (again if you are in a ship that took part in a battle and say didn't do much damage or suffer any damage but you still took part in battle this would be awarded. Again there's no condition for this)

Hence why I said condition 5 would be harder to add as a condition.

Edit - Now that I said this, doesn't the game track when a hostile ship is detected in the system? Can this be added as a condition?

You can see an example of one of my R7 Officers in the picture attachment.

Of all the medals he received, if I didn't manually award them, he would only have 2 medals, the 10 years and 20 years service medals.

For a Rear Admiral position officer don't you think that's kinda sad?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2023, 08:03:44 PM by Lornalt »

Offline Xanithas

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Re: Ability to set New Medal Conditions
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2023, 11:48:30 AM »
For a Rear Admiral position officer don't you think that's kinda sad?

I would argue no, most Navy officers don't receive any major personal decorations for much other then completing tours of duty, which aurora doesn't really model (other then the award for time in service which ironically is what these real wold military awards tend to capture) unless you manually reassign a officer to a different command at the same level. Theater awards or awards for participating in action I personally see as something you would want to award manually as it can become sticky for what you define "combat" as. I mean, for game purposes, do the fighters in your boat bay count? they were there but might not have been deployed. What about a vessel that launched a missile strike from far away or shot then jumped out? Sure they attacked but they were never really in combat per say. How about the hapless freighter CO who is in the same system a pirate raid is going on, he for sure was there but probably didn't help. I just don't think that is achievable to model automatically sadly.

I do however wish, to your point that, there was some weight or value given to commanders who's subordinates fulfilled medal conditions IE having a medal that was awarded for a fleet commander / admin commander who was in change of ships that achieved 10 kills or a award for being in command of the admin command that discovered 10 jumpoints. I also wish we had the inverse and some awards were given to the unit as a whole, such as kills or damage being awarded to the entire ships officer compliment. This would help to give more flavor to junior officers careers since as of now any officer below the command grade void of decorations unless you award them manually / they had command of a fighter / small unit

I also would like to see a award that was for time in command or time assigned to a specific type of unit. I think this should be the broad conceptual categories IE the ones that the ship is automatically assigned to when designed like "fighter" or "survey vessel" or "warship" This could lead to some cool flavor to non combat officers who specialize in like salvage operations, or in specific types of space stations.

A follow on of this would be to have more senior commands favor officers who have that specialization IE when picking the CO of a R5 warship the game would prioritize selecting a R5 "warship" officer over a R5 "salvage" officer all things being equal. Naturally if the R5 "salvage" officers stats better fit the requirements he would be selected, allowing for some flavor of officers changing their specialization or branching out to something different. Implementing this would help to simulate career progression to avoid your titular admirals who only ever had their time in service awards   
« Last Edit: April 28, 2023, 11:55:55 AM by Xanithas »

Offline nuclearslurpee

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Re: Ability to set New Medal Conditions
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2023, 01:23:13 PM »
I do however wish, to your point that, there was some weight or value given to commanders who's subordinates fulfilled medal conditions IE having a medal that was awarded for a fleet commander / admin commander who was in change of ships that achieved 10 kills or a award for being in command of the admin command that discovered 10 jumpoints. I also wish we had the inverse and some awards were given to the unit as a whole, such as kills or damage being awarded to the entire ships officer compliment. This would help to give more flavor to junior officers careers since as of now any officer below the command grade void of decorations unless you award them manually / they had command of a fighter / small unit

We really need medals awarded to all officers on a ship that meets the conditions, not just the captain - or something similar, really it is just not fair for sub-command officers to not earn any awards.