My game recently lost some information related to geo surveys.
Two different types of information I am aware of the game having lost:
1) Records of completed geo surveys.
2) The existence of ground-based survey potential at a planet.
1) Lost records of completed geo surveys.
Two different geo survey fleets of mine have entries in their fleet histories indicating completion of geo surveys for bodies that are nevertheless still showing as not surveyed.
I can see in the database (FCT_SystemBodySurveys) that there is no record of my race having surveyed the bodies in question.
The logged dates of all of the missing surveys are within a roughly two-week span (which happened a few months prior to my noticing the problem).
The histories of both fleets contain completed surveys (both before and after the "missing" surveys) for which the associated record in FCT_SystemBodySurveys is NOT missing.
None of my other survey fleets have any fleet history records for completed surveys in this two-week span.
It stands to reason that I lost all records of completed geo surveys within this span--it just so happens that only two of my fleets completed surveys during that window.
I save my game sometimes quite often (in terms of game time).
It would be not at all unusual for me to save a game just two weeks after my previous save.
So, the beginning and end of the time span of missing survey records could very likely correspond to two consecutive instances of me saving the game.
The strongest suspicion I have is that the data was lost while saving the game--somehow, FCT_FleetHistory was updated, while FCT_SystemBodySurveys was not.
2) Lost records of ground-based survey potential at a planet.
About a year prior to this, a geo survey fleet completed a geo survey which revealed the potential of a ground based survey at a planet.
I dispatched a troop transport with a ground survey team to the planet.
When the transport arrived and unloaded the survey troops, the planet no longer indicated that it had any ground survey potential.
It is not the case that the survey may have completed without my noticing--I inspected the planet immediately upon the unloading of the troops (which was the last order in the troop transport's order list, so caused an interrupt upon completion), and the survey would have taken nearly two years to complete.
Apologies for this somewhat vague report, but I feel the report is merited nevertheless, if only to give you something to be aware of, and perhaps provide some useful clue in case you do notice some similar behavior.