I decided to spend some time really cleaning up the wiki for C#, because it's in a pretty archaic state right now - realistically, it should probably use C# as the main version, but for now I'd be happy just establishing equality between VB6 and C#. If anyone here wants to help, I'd appreciate the extra hands.
A few organizational notes, to make sure it's all consistent:
1) Version-specific pages should now have names starting with "VB-" or "C-", as appropriate. If a page doesn't have either one, it should be a generic page that's applicable to both versions.
2) I've created new wiki templates to help with this. Type {{bothversions}} at the top of a page that's valid for both VB6 and C#, or type {{generic}} at the top of a page that doesn't have those details. It'll give explanations of what the page is, and the {{generic}} template includes links to the VB6 and C# pages automatically.
3) If C# mechanics are similar to VB6, it's usually best to just add a few notes about the differences and use {{bothversions}}.
4) If the mechanics have changed a lot, it's usually best to copy-paste the full page to VB-PAGENAME, add a note on top linking back to the generic page, and then replace the generic with a brief explanation of the topic that only covers things that the two versions have in common. Use {{generic}} in that case.
Also, Erik, two things for you. First, I'll be cross-posting this request on Reddit and Discord - don't be surprised if a few people PM you for wiki accounts. Second, can you set the
Wanted Pages cache to update more frequently, or failing that maybe perhaps do a manual update? That'll be a useful resource to clean up missing links, if it's more up to date than 2016.