The ships themselves look fine, even if they have some issues (lack of sensors and really thin armor for beam warships).
My main issue is that what you have here is essentially three time the same ship, just with different sizes. They do the same job in basically the same way, just with minor differences in speed, efficiency and build cost. Ideally I would try to find the best parts of all three ships and try to consolidate them into one single class.
When you make two different classes ,of ships they should generally have either different jobs or be part of something like a High/Low fleet concept (part of a fleet with lower capability and lower cost for everyday missions like patrols and system protection and part of a fleet with high capability but higher cost for more involved missons.
There are a lot of factors you can vary in your ships to specialize them, you should try to ask : "What is the best combination for the job I want this ship to do?" and most importantly : "What do I want this ship to do?".
For example : Is this an in-system patrol vessel? Is this a light sprinter to catch fleeing enemy or intercept them more easily? I this a long range escort for your civilian ships? Is this a pure brawler ship that's only ever going to be used in ship engagments? I this a Scout ship? Is it anti ship? Anti-missile? Anti-Fighter? Etc...
If you try to have your ships do everything they'l probably end up a bit mediocre and not particularly efficient. I'm not saying to hyperspecialize every ships, as some versatility can be good, especially for ships you intend to have working relatively independant from fleet or logistic support, but you need to have a clear idea of what you want them to do.