VB6 Aurora > Aurora Chat
Nice Find
Paul M:
The Draak are having a bit of a duranium crunch, their current production is about 2700 tonnes a year (2100 on the homeworld and the rest scattered over 5 other colonies). They had a really good Xeno team (rated 170) and there was a destroyed outpost on a x2 T-planet 3 jumps from the homeworld*, the planet has 10 of 11 TNT minerals and duranium at 0.9. So after a bit of debate they scrape together 48 infrastructure, 1 fabrication facility and 2 mines and send that plus 160,000 colonists and the team there. The team promptly activates an additional fabrication facility, 160 infrastructure, 1 mine and then finds 14,400 tonnes of duranium. The motherload...a wholey unexpected Christmas gift...astounding good luck....just what the doctor ordered.
That duranium will reboot the economy big time with virtually all of it going into facilities and most of those mines or automatic mines.
*3 tankers are available on that branch so that is the limit of colonization.
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