I am considering changing the way torpedoes work so I thought I would post my still vague ideas here and let everyone comment. Unlike virtually every other beam weapon, torpedoes have no real defensive applications. They are purely offensive, which makes them less attractive than some of the alternatives. There is also no real incentive to use the better models of torpedo because you can research range separately and in terms of size vs damage the low model torps actually do similar damage to the larger ones with the same range. So I am considering making them a much longer ranged weapon, perhaps 25-30% the range of equivalent tech missiles. They would still be energy weapons and would require charging, although they would probably require more power than at the moment. However, they would be a seeking weapon and use some form of missile fire control. What I can't decide on is the exact mechanics.
What I am currently contemplating is to make them a photon torpedo type weapon that would do constant damage over its range. Improved tech would increase range, damage and speed, although they would still be generally slower than missiles. When designing a launcher you would design it in a similar way to designing a missile, where you allocate the available launcher size between speed, range and damage, although perhaps with a little less flexibility than missiles. Maybe a minimum amount allocated to each area to avoid the design of very long range torps or fast anti-missile torps. Those parameters would be fixed for all torpedoes fired from that launcher. Their primary disadvantages vs missiles of a similar tech level would be range and speed plus the fact you couldn't just design a better missile for the same launcher. Their main advantage would be that they didn't run out of ammo, didn't require magazine space and outranged all the beam weapons (although unlike beam weapons they could be intercepted). I think the easiest thing from a mechanics POV would be to make Torpedoes behave like missiles after launch with the possible exception that they would either be automatically detectable or that they would have a larger thermal signature. This would allow you to destroy them with AM fire. In short, they would be similar to an inexhaustible supply of short-ranged, easier-to-detect, easier-to-destroy missiles.
A second option is to make them more like an SFB Plasma Torpedo. Faster than the above idea (maybe even light speed) but with decreasing damage over range.
I am open to comments on the above or any suggestions with the same general idea of making torpedos a mid-range seeking weapon that sits between missiles and beam weapons