Placeholder Post for abbreviation list
AM: Automated Mine or Anti-matter
CF: Construction Factory
CIWS: Close in Weapon System. An automated phalanx-type system
ECCM: Electronic Counter Counter Measures. Counters the effects of ECM
ECM: Electronic Counter-measures
EM: Electromagnetic. Used for EM sensors, EM signature, etc
GB Engine: See FAC Engine
GB: Gunboat. Another term used for Fast Attack Craft (FAC)
GC: Gauss Cannon
FAC: Fast Attack Craft. In Aurora terms, usually used to refer to a small spacecraft of about 500-1000 tons that is equipped with a Fast Attack Craft Engine. Sometimes called a Gunboat
FAC Engine: Sometimes referred to as a GB Engine. This is a high-powered engine that has double the normal output but uses 10x fuel. Only one can be mounted on a spacecraft
FC: Fire Control
GFTF: Ground Forces Training Facility
HS: Hull Space. Ships are measured in hull spaces, which are 50 tons each. So a size 100 ship is 5000 tons.
HTK: Hits to Kill: How much damage is required to automatically destroy a ship system. If less damage than the HTK rating is inflicted, the chance of destruction is damage/HTK.
IFR: Incremental Failure Rate. This is the chance of a system failure on a ship during a 5-day increment. On the Ship Summary it shows the current IFR based on the ship's maintenance clock. On the Class Summary it shows the failure rate for a ship with one year on the clock.
JP: Jump point. Occasionally referred to as Warp Point
LP: Lagrange Point. An intra-system jump point found in the L5 lagrange point of super-jovians or massive gas giants (about sixty degrees behind the planet in its orbit)
MSP: Missile Size Point. The way in which the size of missiles, or the amount of space deciated to missile components, is usually described. 1 hull space (50 tons) is equal to 20 MSP. 1 MSP is equal to 1/20th of a hull space, or about 2.5 tons.
MSP: Maintenance Supply Point. MSP are used by ships to fix maintenance failures and carry out repairs.
NPR: Non-player Race. A computer-controlled Empire
OWP: Orbital Weapons Platform. Essentially a ship with no engines in orbit of a planet.
PD: Point Defense ?
PDC: Planetary Defence Centre. A base on a planetary surface. Designed in the Class Design window in a similar way to a ship. The difference is that the Type dropdown (middle top) is set to PDC instead of Ship. Built by industry rather than Shipyards
ROF: Rate of Fire
RP: Research Points
SM: Spacemaster. The referee in a multii-player game
SM Mode: Accessible via Ctrl-S on the main menu. Allows you to see and do more than you normally would as a player
SY: Shipyard
TCS: Target Cross-Section. The size of target for the purposes of active sensors