Author Topic: Nemesis Campaign  (Read 35211 times)

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Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #105 on: March 03, 2011, 12:45:55 AM »
October 2204  part 8


This month saw a large amount of activity from everyone, just no huge battles.  Most folks had taken too much of a beating to keep up the previous levels of combat, but preparations for the next round of battles was underway.
Focus shifted to new construction and refits, or ground ops on New Home 3/Triton.  Research was still a focus but only bore fruit in a few places.  The only battle was a see-saw affair that I had thought was going to be entirely one-sided.

For the Pan Euro,
This month was mostly about staying out of trouble while she finished up repairs on the Red October, shook down the crews on the Attack Escorts she had repaired last month, and tried to get farther on her research projects that she hoped would change the balance of power.  She continued to colonized in the belt and invest in IU, but this month was spent by my wife hoping nothing would happen to her.

For China,
With his ships gathered at Venus, it was time to restart his grand project.  But as he looked at it he decided that a few more ships he could quickly put into service was more important than tying down half of his construction assets in a project that would take a year to complete.
He continued his colonization of Titan so he was pleased to see his income actually growing again, abet slowly.  He also managed a success on his roll for his research in Q to SL1,   Not a game shaking event but it still improved his mood.  
His random event roll turned up a breakthrough that would be shared with all races in contact with the world it occurred at.  I decided that tractors would be a boon to the players without giving them a huge advantage and that no one would be to upset if everyone got it but one person was successful in implementing it first.

For the US,
This month the US was the only player to see ship to ship combat.  It was a frustrating combat for both sides as the balance swung back and forth, but the loss truly frustrated the oldest boy.  He was torn between trying to cripple up or destroy more alien ships or save his admiral.  In the end he decided that the loss of Jack Ryan would be far worse than letting the aliens win an engagement.
He continued to pump his income into colonization and IU to try and even the current imbalance in resources, but he was already looking at what it would take to capture an alien pop unassisted.  His focus on production of Q Ships was more of a drive towards this than a desperate attempt to rebuild his combat forces.
He also had a random event for the month that I had been struggling with.  It had turned up an act of heroism that would give his ships a +2 on advancement rolls that month.  I had been trying to come up with some FT rescue or such to justify it, but the heroic stand of the Taylor at Triton fit the bill.  The lucky shot narrow beaming the Lb on the Taylor and taking out an Attack Vessels Pta was a real battle changer in itself.  The 'dance of death' with the Armed Colony ships put the icing on the cake and the legend of Capt Randall Brown was born - who destroyed two alien ships and crippled two others with an outdated US design to save the ground troops he had helped for so long.
It helped the Sai and Yari make it to Elite, the Vigilance and JFK to Vet, and a roll by the Steadfast got her from Poor to Average in one month (technically still against the rules, but if combat could get a ship there in one month for us, the Taylor's sacrifice felt like it merited the same consideration).  

For the FSC,
This month saw the oldest girl take over the battle on Triton's surface.  What looked to be a cake walk turned terrifying for her as she watched the troops destroyed and her helpless to intervene.  Discussions on using the underground shelters to save some ended up with the ruling that one Qv of troops could shelter in each unoccupied PTU capacity of shelter.  In this way she saved some.  The arrival quickly thereafter of the supply ships kept her from ending up with no H to support her troops.
A lucky roll put her over the top and she managed to succeed on the assault phase and next month would enter the consolidation phase.  Her luckiest roll was on trying to open communications.  She managed another good roll (the dice favored her this month) and she got partial communication.  In that she would need full communications to enter the peace phase, she was quite pleased.
She didn't realize her older brother was possibly even MORE pleased.

For the Nemotians,
The big gamble for the month was the rescue at New Home 3.  The loss of one Colony Vessel prevented the complete evacuation, but getting 30 of the 35.2 PU off that world was still a huge victory.  The loss of one Attack Vessel and a converted FT was acceptable in light of the increased income the victory represented.  The loss of a US Interceptor (the player with the most interest in continuing the fight out system) made it an even better trade.
The success of the Armed Colony Vessels did make me look at the possibility of reactivating the last five of the Colony Vessels as a quick boost to Nemotian fleet strength.  They had proved rather durable.
The success on the Da was a big bonus, but would require another round of refits for the Nemotians.  The return to combat (and slowing the players) would be delayed, but I hoped the addition of the Da would make a large difference.

I will edit in the ship statistics for the battle tomorrow night.  I just realized as I was spell checking this at work that I hadn’t included them.  Oops.

This was pretty much it for month 22.  Thanks again for reading.

Ok, here is the battle I forgot to post.

Releif of New Home 3

US Task Force 3
Admiral Jack Ryan (LG+2 / Navigator)

Interceptor MkIII Yari (BG+1)
Class: CTf      16HS
[2] S S S Hs Mgs Qa Ya (Cp) Ra Ra (Cp) [7/1]  cg x1

Interceptor MkIIb Z Taylor (BG)
Class: CT      16HS
[2] S S S H Mgs Qa Ya Lb Ra (Cp) [6/1]  cg x1

Nemotian Patrol Group

Patrol Vessel  24 (BG)
Class:  CT      16HS
[2] S S A A Hs (Bsa) Qa Mg Ya (cpCp) Pta [6/1]  cg x1

Attack Vessels 3 (BG) , 4 (BG)
Class:  ES      12HS
[2] S S H Ya Qa (Cp) Pta [6/1] 

Armed Colony Vessels  1 (BG-2) , 7 (BG-2)
Class:  FT4      30HS
[2] S H H A H H Qv (x15) Kb+ (Cp) Qa (Cp) [4/1]  cg x1

Colony Vessels  2 (BG) , 3 (BG) , 6 (BG) , 10 (BG)
Class:  FT4      30HS
[2] A H H A H H Qv (x15) H (x7) Qa (Cp) [2/1]  cg x1

This battle started with the Taylor hiding behind Triton and the Yari about 2 hexes away.  The Nemotians started at the outside of sensor range with the Armed Colony / Colony Vessels in a group about 12 hexes behind Patrol Vessel 24 and all of the Nemotian ships shields down.
The opening parts of the battle went about as I expected, and I wasn't too worried about the Taylor hiding behind the moon.  I had expected to maybe lose the hold and sensor on the undamaged Attack Vessel, or for the Lb to speed the destruction of the damaged Attack Vessel.  The lucky roll on the narrow beam taking out the Pta was a rude surprise.
In the end the Taylor's twisting battle with the Armed Colony Vessels left it open for the long range attacks of PV 24.  And so ended the little ship that had cost the Nemotians so many ground troops and PTU on Triton.  But it did manage to destroy one Attack Vessel, leave a second unable to fight, and destroyed a third armed vessel in a single engagement.
Not bad for an average grade crew on the oldest boy's second line ship design.

But as the saying goes "Show me a hero and I shall write you a tragedy...."

« Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 04:17:11 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #106 on: March 09, 2011, 05:38:29 AM »
November 2204  part 1

November 4th  0800 hours/Queen Victoria, Earth orbit

   Admiral Brenna Muldoon tapped aimlessly at her keypad.  She had come to enjoy the quiet time after the morning briefings.  She could spend time in her quarters on the 'Vic' alone.  No pressure.  No decisions.  Just a chance to rest.
   Other than ship reassignments there was little new.  The Red October had been cleared for duty and was spending her time with the US Interceptors near Earth.  They two US ships couldn't even keep up a decent general quarters rotation by themselves.  Their speed was a waste in a stationary assignment here in Earth orbit, so it just seemed natural to pair the high speed US ships with the Red October and assign them to near Earth patrols.  Their high maximum speeds would allow them to engage or break off as the situation warranted.  With three ships in the group they could efficiently rotate eight hour general quarters shifts without over taxing the crews.
   The four Attack Escorts of 3rd Battle Group had been folded into the 4th BG for the moment.  Between the Queen Vic and eight Attack Escorts the 4th BG should have as good a chance as any against alien incursions.  The Chinese warships were still absent, but their civilian lines seemed to be running at a normal pace.  Having the extra firepower of the Chinese ships would be handy if the aliens showed up, but the tension their presence created made it a mixed blessing at best.
   Brenna looked over the progress reports from the Pan Euro Space Station.  The ground crews and equipment that had been shipped up were starting on the task of repairing the damage to the station.  It would take many months, but with the Earth Station representing the only space borne construction assets left to the Euro, the station would have to be repaired.  The slipway that was still operational was beginning work on another Royalty Class Destroyer.  When it was completed she would become the lead ship for the 3rd BG.  The new ship was projected to enter service sometime in early 2205.  Until then the 3rd and 4th BG's would operate as a single group.
   Brenna turned off her monitor and leaned back.  For twenty more minutes she could relax and think about whatever she wanted to.  After that the pressures of command would return.  She would have to resume her station on the bridge and deal with the thousand and one issues that would need her attention today.
   But that was twenty minutes away.

November 7th  1215 hours/Elders' Chambers, New Home 1

   The Supreme Elder waited quietly near the edge of the chamber.  The Elders had assembled to review recent events.  They would discuss and debate what needed to occur to improve the situation in respect with the native race.  The war was not going well.  The native race had suffered setbacks, but so had the New Homes.  Efforts were underway to strengthen the New Homes' position.  The refugees of New Home 3 were already being settled onto New Home 4.  Additional industrial and manufacturing assets were already being constructed on New Home 4.
   The Assault Vessel was being refitted with a pair of the new torpedo defense systems, while Patrol Vessels would receive one.  It would take a few months to implement all of the refits, but they would be completed as rapidly as existing assets would allow.  Armed Colony Vessel 2 was also undergoing refits to add more magnetic field generators and a defense installation as well.  Two more of the Colony Vessels were being reactivated and refitted to strengthen current fleet levels.  These things were all well and necessary.  They would all improve the current situation.  And they would occupy the Elders for the duration of this gathering.  But they would not solve one fundamental problem.  A problem that if not addressed would spell the doom of the New Homes.
   No Combat Group had yet to engage the enemy's Assault Vessels and defeat them without being destroyed in the process.  It was clear the enemy had at least two Assault Vessels left, accompanied by several of their Heavy Patrol Vessels.  The fact the native race's ships were superior was a subject that the Elders avoided.  The thought that another race could be superior was taboo.  Unthinkable, let alone open for discussion.  But the fact remained.  The enemy Combat Groups were superior and current designs and tactics would not be able to defeat them.  And it would take an Elder who could not be questioned or reproached to address this.
   The Supreme Elder quietly monitored the gathering, and struggled with the question that would decide their fate.
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2011, 05:36:48 AM »
November 2204 part 2

November 12th  0710 hours/Washington DC, Earth

   "Members of the Defense Committee, at this point I will open the floor to questions."  Admiral Bradley Walters turned from the presentation screen and looked over the two dozen people in the room.  'Being stuck on Earth is bad enough.  Having to be at these peoples' beck and call while I'm here makes it even worse.  At least when I was on the space station they were willing to tele-conference most of the time.'
   A woman spoke up.  "Admiral, you say that we have only two Interceptors here at Earth while the Euro maintains a fleet of ten ships near the planet?  And that the Euro has as many ships at Mars as we do?  And that the ships here at Earth aren't even close to the planet most of the time?  Isn't this inherently dangerous?  Why do we not have more of our fleet deployed here at Earth?"
   Bradley knew these questions were coming, and they were not the important part of what had been presented.  There was always someone who felt they had a better idea of where the fleet needed to be, and it was always wherever they were.  "Honorable member or the Committee, I will answer this in two parts, although I feel it was already addressed in the briefing.  The relations between the Euro and ourselves are very stable and the presence of their ships is a sign of their commitment to our joint operations to destroy this alien menace.  The fact that they field more ships than us is simply the consequence of war.  We have lost a number of ships defending the inner system and in offensive actions out system. Euro losses have also been substantial, but they have fewer off world populations and assets to defend at this point."  Bradley hoped he didn't have to tell her the Euro didn't have to guard Mercury now that its colony and shipyards were gone, but that the US had kept Mars and its shipyards reasonably well protected.   And that had cost the US, dearly in one case.  "We have two new ships coming into service.  As I mentioned earlier they are the Defiant and Resolute.  They will start their maiden voyage to Neptune soon.  When they reach Triton they will be joined by the Vigilance and Steadfast, plus the Interceptor Yari.  They will land supplies on Triton and then extract all of the US troops from that location.  The five ships will then return to Earth.  At that point the Earth will have seven combat vessels stationed here."
   'But I don't have to tell you that they won't always stay here to guard your precious little selves.'
   "For the second part, the two Interceptors here at Earth are stationed farther out to improve our sensor range.  Ground based sensor arrays can see significantly farther than the ship mounted sets, but if the aliens chose to approach the planet with their protective fields turned off, we still can't see them beyond nine light seconds.  As the alien weapons have a range of over five light seconds, this only gives Earth based defenses less than two minutes warning before the aliens will reach a range where they can fire on ground targets.  Two minutes after that and their high speed bombers would be in the atmosphere."  Bradley waited as what he had said sank in.  Looking around the room, he could see that several of the members were shifting uncomfortably in their chairs.  Others were more composed, if slightly paler.  Most had probably never realized that four minutes was all that separated them from oblivion.  "With the two Interceptors patrolling at fourteen light seconds, we hope to increase our warning time by nearly two more minutes.  The high speed of the Interceptors will allow them to return to Earth rapidly in the event of alien contact."
    The Committee Chairperson, Harland Meyers cut in.  "We have confidence in your current deployments and operations.  I want to hear more of the data involved in Lieutenant Commander Ryan's work."
   Bradley turned to face the chair.  This had been the real heart of the morning's briefing, but it was also the part that he had the least understanding of.  This committee didn't want to know that.  In fact, he was sure they wanted to feel the exact opposite.  'That I am in control of this and it will be key in our victory over the aliens.  Hell, Megan's out on a limb here trying to figure this out and I can't make heads or tails of her work.'
   "Lieutenant Commander Ryan seems to have figured out how the aliens communicate, although actual two way communication has proven difficult.  Several linguistic specialists accompanied her to Triton, along with several electronics experts.  They are all currently pooling their talents to come up with a reliable method of communicating with this species."  Bradley paused.  He wasn't sure that 'species' was the correct word as it almost implied a common origin with the life of Earth, which the aliens seemed to lack completely.  "They are also in regular contact with specialists here on Earth who assist them.  It is hoped that at some time we will be able to communicate with them fluently, but it is unclear if that is even possible.  As Lieutenant Commander Ryan put it, 'We are still just imitating bird calls and hoping we get the right one.' "
   Bradley could feel the auto stabilizers activate to maintain his posture as he prepared to address the next subject.  He wasn't very comfortable with it, but it had been necessary.  "Our data on this is also available to the other nations of Earth.  With the FSC in command of the operations at Triton, and the Euro and Chinese troops providing the bulk of the combat forces there, they also have need of this information.  The Euro has given us strong reassurances that any information this data allows them to ascertain from the salvaged portions of the Alpha they were able to salvage will be shared with the US government freely.  It is hoped that either the surviving alien population of Triton or the systems of the damaged Alpha will give us more information on the location of any other colonies they may have in the Solar System, or beyond it."  Bradley remembered the briefings where they had focused on where the aliens had come from and how widespread they might be in the galaxy at large.  Thinking about it had been hard enough.  Actually coming face to face with the fact that this could be just the tip of an immense galactic presence was enough to give anyone a cold chill.
   "Is there a projected time frame for this operation, Admiral?"
   He had to know the answer, but it had to be asked all the same.  "No Honorable Chairperson.  This particular operation has no precedent to guide it.  We haven't even managed to establish fluent communications with another form of life here on Earth.  We have no way of knowing if this project is even possible.  That Lieutenant Commander Ryan managed to discern how they communicated at all is nothing short of a miracle.  We may never be able to understand them more than we can a sparrow."  'This is a form of life based on chemicals our best scientists are still trying to figure out, and who seem to communicate and even perceive in ways we can't even sense.' Bradley thought.  'We're damned lucky we got this far.'
   He knew that wasn't what they wanted to hear.  They were hoping for one miracle after another.  The fact that humanity had come face to face with an advanced alien race and managed to survive this long was a miracle.  Learning how some of their technology operated and how they communicated was nothing short of another.  Hoping for more than that was probably a pipe dream.
   "Thank you Admiral Walters.  That will be all for now."

November 15th  2210 hours/Beijing, China

   Minister Po pulled the piece of paper across the desk and looked at it one more time.  He had left it for last, intentionally avoiding it.  He had hoped that time would give him another option.  Another answer.  But there was none.
   Paper was never a good thing for those involved.  It meant the subject was considered too sensitive for electronic storage.  It would be used and then destroyed, with no trail for anyone to reclaim afterwards.
   The students who had published the research concerning applications of the alien technology had been identified.  Not detained yet, that would be too obvious.  They had managed to penetrate the government’s electronic security measures.  Done it without being discovered.  And then they had used the data to come up with their own findings and designs.  Technically, they were incredible.  Politically they were inept.  And that would kill them.
   China could not allow this to endure.  They were a danger.  They could be valuable, but allowing them to live would expose China to the danger that others might discover what they had done.  They may also engage in the same activity in the future, with far more damaging consequences.  They would have to die.  Die in ways that appeared to have nothing to do with the government.
   An accident for one, infection for another.  The third would suffer health problems.  None of them would survive.  What a waste.  So much talent.
   Funds were already being allocated for the development of the designs the group had come up with.  This technology could be very useful, and to allow the other powers to get ahead on ‘research’ that had originated here would be damaging for the morale of the people.  Morale had already dropped related to the FSC’s return of Chinese troops to Earth, and the publicity they had created for the occasion.  China would suffer no more doubt of it government and the decisions it made.  They must know that they were destined to rule, and that no one else was fit to do so.
   Po signed the paper.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 05:42:48 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #108 on: March 23, 2011, 01:38:18 AM »
November 2204 part 3

November 19th  1640 hours/Queensland Research Facility, Australia

   Chairman Mukata sat in the small office.  The monitor in front of him had long ago shut down from disuse, and his tea was cold.  None of this concerned him.  The presentation had finished two hours before, but he intended to sit there as long as it took to decide what needed to be done.  And it was obvious that things needed to be done.
   The presentation had been all he had hoped for and more.  The frame and designs were complete, and a prototype was even under construction.  A timeframe for completion and initial testing had not been available, but most estimates expected to see production of the first units to begin within six months.  All this was very good news.  It had complications though.
   Projected costs to put the new system into production would strain the FSC.  The FSC had never been able to maintain over three armed vessels in its fleet prior to this, and two were in service currently.  To put this system into service would require even greater costs as no current design would be able to properly utilize it.  But it would need to go into production.  Funding would have to be made available.  How that would be done was the question.
   Mukata stared at the monitor.  It was a question he would have to answer before he returned to present this information to the boardmembers.  And he would not leave this office until he had that answer.

November 21st  1700 hours/Surface of Titan

   Li Xue could feel her heart pounding as her chest heaved, trying to get more air.  'How did I ever let Mae talk me into this?' she wondered.  Grabbing her towel from the bench she wiped the sweat from her face and sat down heavily.  Looking up through the large glass pane she could see Mae suddenly vault from the floor to a wall and then brace herself on the ceiling as she hammered a vicious backhand that sent the small ball hurtling toward the far wall.
   Li settled back against the wall.  It was cold and made her back cramp a little, but still felt good.  'What was I thinking? Racketball has always looked a little like an organized way to get yourself hurt.  In this low gravity with every wall and ceiling in play, it looks more like organized suicide.  And somehow Mae still makes it look easy.'
   Li looked at her arms and legs.  They were showing more of their old tone again.  The workouts were helping.  Then she looked at the young man sitting beside her.  'I know the pills I take in the morning are to help me keep from losing bone and muscle mass on this moon, but he definitely is getting way more than a maintenance dose.'  The man beside her was covered in thick muscles, and she was sure he was physically powerful even without his military suit on.  He wasn't watching his friend or Mae play out their match.  He was just staring.  Li looked at the young man.
   'He's not on this moon.  He's still on another one.  When they shipped the soldiers that came back from Triton here, they were just trying to aviod any incidents that the other nations' media could exploit.  But they didn't do them any favors.'  Li elbowed the young man and he startled slightly.  "Looks like your friend just lost another round to Mae."
   The young man looked down at the court.  Li looked down also to see Mae smiling and talking to the young man's friend.  Another soldier.  'The little flirt.  Well, while your young.'  Li heard the young man beside her talk.  "Your friend is pretty good.  For a girl."  Li turned back to see the young man looking down at the pair with the slightest hint of a smile.  But this hint disappeared quickly.  'What happened to you?'  Li thought as she looked at him.
   "Unless you are a whole lot better than your friend, your about to lose to a woman."  Li elbowed him harder as she stood up and picked up her racket.  She wasn't sure she could really back up her words, but she was going to give it her best shot.  She started to walk for the stairway down to the court.
   "That's what you think."  Li looked at the glass and could see the young man standing up and following her.  Watching her walk.
   'He's on this moon now.' she thought.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 03:20:51 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #109 on: April 02, 2011, 11:41:20 PM »
November 2204 part 4

November 26th  1850 hours/Patrol Vessel 17, dark side of asteroid belt

   The Commander of Patrol Vessel 17 waited impatiently as the testing of the new system progressed.  Both Patrol Vessels 13 and 17 had been refitted with the new defensive system and initial testing was underway.  Both vessels had moved to the edge of the debris field and were in the process of calibrating the mass drivers with the onboard fire controls.  Initial tests had been frustrating with the system.  The mounting had proven to be capable or rapid adjustment which was good, but precision had been lacking.  Harmonics with the ships inherent magnetic field produced excessive dispersion of the projectiles.  Recent adjustments to the systems' cyclic rate were improving the mass drivers' ability to concentrate fire.  Adequate saturation of an engagement zone was now possible and impacts on stationary targets had been achieved.  This in itself was progress.
   Now integrating the Patrol Vessels' sensor arrays with the mass drivers' targeting system was underway.  The system had been designed with substantial integral tracking and fire control equipment to allow it to engage targets without taxing the ship's fire control equipment, but it would still need to be tied in adequately so that it would coordinate its fire with the Patrol Vessels' drives.  If it were to attempt to engage a target while the drive was active it would destroy the system.  It could possibly destroy the entire vessel if the mounting was to fail.  Unfortunately, the systems' inherent fire control had never been designed for this and it was proving difficult to achieve.  Manual control of the system's operation was still necessary to ensure proper employment.  The crew had assured the Commander that the system would be fully integrated, but a time frame had yet to be established.  Until then no further operations could be conducted against the native race.
   Most frustrating was that the adjustments to the operating system were affecting the whole vessel.  Fire control of the torpedoes, drive manipulation, and a host of other systems were currently degraded due to the necessity of integrating the defensive system with the rest of those on the Patrol Vessels.  The Patrol Group would be almost helpless in combat in its current state.  This was unacceptable.
   Time to calibrate these systems was not a luxury they could afford.  The native race had been dealt a severe blow but would recover if given time.  If this war was to be won, the native race could not be afforded these opportunities.  Victories would not only need to be achieved, but built upon.
   One success had been achieved unlooked for.  The maneuvers that the native race had devised to thwart and evade the torpedoes had been analyzed.  It was not possible to improve the current torpedoes to be able to overcome this obstacle, but future weapons should be able to do so.  More importantly, programs had been devised that would allow the warships to employ this maneuver.  With both a defensive system and the evasive maneuvers, the native race would find it much more difficult to make successful intercepts.
   Hopefully, they would find it impossible. 

November 29th  0630 hours/US Interceptor MkIII Yari, orbit of Triton

   Rear Admiral Jack Ryan stared at the monitor in front of him.  The visual feed of Triton would just be a dark circle against the background of stars, but the optical systems of the Yari gave a clear view of the moon.  Visible were the marks of combat across the surface.  Dark patches where lasers had scorched the surface.  Blackened scars where missile drive detonations had evaporated the volatile ices and charred the substrate.  Hundreds of scars.  No, thousands.
   The second convoy had completed its work.  Supplies had been landed on the surface and the last of the US 2nd Armored Division was now on board the Q Ships and ready for transport home.  The remaining Pan Euro, FSC, and Chinese troops would continue to consolidate the gains that had been made.  Combat on the surface had almost ceased with only sporadic resistance from the aliens.  Megan's work seemed to have stopped the alien resistance.  There was even talk of open communication with the creatures.
   And for that reason, she would stay behind.
   The ships wouldn't though.  They would leave in half an hour.
   The Q Ships would relieve the Pan Euro 3rd Light Battle Group at Mars when they returned.  The Euro ships were helping US Task Force 1 to guard Mars Station and her valuable shipyards.  With most of the Euro and US space based construction facilities in ruins the few left were invaluable.  So security for Triton would be reduced while the convoy moved back to the inner system.  Triton would have no ships defending her until mid way through January.  The shipyards were the priority.  They would have to be guarded.
   Not Megan.
   And if the aliens returned, again, she would die.
   Jack turned off the visual feed.  Displayed on the monitor was a resignation.  His resignation.  It would let him go down to the surface with his little girl.  She had already gone through too much alone.  He had spent too much time away from her.  And if she was to die out here, he would rather spend what time they had left together.
   It wouldn't work.  Jack knew it.  They would never accept his resignation.  If he traveled down to the surface a message would be sent to have him retrieved.  Security Teams would 'escort' him back to the ship.  Drag him home.  All he would do is cause his little girl more pain.  Cost the convoy time.  Put more lives at risk.
   Jack tapped on the armrest and watched the resignation disappear.  There was only one thing left to do before the convoy left.  Jack keyed the override for the comm system and patched through to the ground relay station.  Moments later the screen picked up another visual feed.
   "Hi daddy, I wondered when you'd call."
   "Hi Megan, I just needed to tell you good bye for now and that I love you."
   Jack, for the first time, was glad that a cyborg's faceplate couldn't show tears.
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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #110 on: April 22, 2011, 04:13:22 AM »
November 2204 part 5


This month saw a great deal of work done on paper, but no real action.  Everyone was doing their best to avoid conflict while they prepared their fleets.  Other than necessary movements, the players even cut back on patrols to look for the Nemotians.  Guarding of infrastructure, construction, research, and saving for the next batch of ships was the main activity of the players this month.
But for all of their mutual support earlier in the game, only the Euro did not spend this turn worrying about the other players.

For the Pan Euro,
This month started with a great deal of hand wringing and doubts.  The damaged SS shipyard at Earth needed repaired.  If she used the other SY on the station, it would tie up all of her space based construction assets.  The cost of new ships would be increased by 50% for the next 6 months if she did this.  If she used ground assets to repair the station, she would be able to continue some warship construction at normal costs, but the station's repairs would cost an extra 50% - which she would have to come up with all at once.  With her research on SL3 & R and colonization/IU eating up huge amounts of her income, she would have to make a choice.
In the end, she backed off the investment in IU and paid the cost to use ground industry for the SS repairs.  She decided that she would face more expenses with increased warship costs over 6 months that she would for the repairs.  To make good on that, she started a new DD just to take advantage of the cost savings.
She ended up with a real stroke of luck though, and happened to make a first month success on her EL research roll.  She was quite tickled that the jump to EL3 would increase her income significantly for December and open the chance to research D - which the players had asked about incessantly as we debated the threat response research rules of Ultra.  The fact that her only SA was tied down already and not available to undertake verifying the breakthrough for D bothered her a bit when she realized it.

For China,
This month was all about spending his accumulated savings.  With two light cruisers, 6 frigates, and the SS defense modules guarding Venus, work on a new heavy cruiser was begun.  He also piled money into research on Ta.  He had read that Cp tractors could pull 100HS for each engine, and understood that meant even a small ship could tow a huge (for our game anyway) BS or AF.  Those big defenses would be far cheaper to maintain than a mobile fleet and the extra weapon range would give him an advantage.  He knew his assets on Earth were vulnerable, but doubted the other players would try anything.  He also began colonization at a rate 50% higher than any other player at the time to try and make up for lost ground.  When Titan had turned out to be an mT*, he had decided that it would become a priority for him.  He shipped some Qv to help protect against alien small craft, but understood that it would do little good.  Until the CA was done though, Titan would still be the second priority.
He also managed to finally get his roll for EL2, which would take his already substantial income and give it a boost.  It would also allow another round of IU construction on Earth.
China was looking like it could become the dominant power if something didn't happen to shift the balance.  Tech-wise he was behind.  His ability to project force was still unmatched though.

For the US,
The US spent the month continuing its investment in IU and colonization.  He was able to get his fleet of Q ships up to 4 this month, giving his dwindling fleet some flexibility.  He was worried that the US was about to become nothing more than the Euro's lackey if nothing changed.  With an income only 80% of the Euro's, and his entire fleet of warships amounting to little more than an understrength Euro battle group, he felt he was occupying a position that was becoming more and more like the FSC.  With Euro ships at both Earth and Mars, he could make no move that wasn't monitored.
So began the plan to relieve the Euro ships at Mars and assume a position somewhat like China.  He would guard his off world assets and relegate the defense of Earth to the Euro, secure in the fact that as allies the Euro would protect him, not attack.  He would then be able to build up troops and ships for an invasion of Sedna without the other players monitoring the whole situation.

For the FSC,
This month saw more quiet plans advanced.  She managed several successes on research, and started a hidden PDC with some armor and a leftover laser.  If discovered, she intended to explain it as a defense against alien bombers, which it was.  With no missiles it did not violate the Pax Terra treaty so there was little the other players could complain about.  The limited range of the laser made it little threat to the other players’ warships.  But the PDC and her two hidden missile silos would help to blunt any ground invasion by another player.  She knew China would like to make good on its initial attempt to take her out, and was fairly sure that either the US or Euro would be willing to try the same thing to level the playing field with China by adding her populations to theirs.
The real reason behind it was that she had no off world construction sites.  She couldn't build anything that the other players weren't going to scan from the very first moment she began construction, and she had no intention of giving away the research she had poured so many resources into.  So the 'Defensive' installation was actually the beginning of an underground construction facility.  She hoped to have it finished before construction of her new class of ship entered service.

For the Nemotians,
I spent most of this turn trying to consolidate what holdings the aliens had, upgrading their ships, putting more ships into service that would be effective against the players designs, while somehow balancing the cost against the Nemotian's dwindling resources.  This turn only spent 400MC more than they made, which was much closer to a balanced budget than most of the preceding turns.  It also got most of the fleet refitted.  This would still mean that the Nemotians would not be ready for an offensive until February of 2205.  This was going to give the players a lot of time to make up for the losses they had taken in the last attacks.  Most would actually be stronger.  The Nemotians really needed something to set the players back on their heels or the war would be over before the start of 2206.
My biggest problem was what I talked about in Nov part 1.  I had yet to face China's cruisers and win.  Any attack would eventually have to face them.  They might be tied down to Venus for a while, but they would eventually return to the fight.  And the Nemotians needed a way to face them.  With the two Chinese Cruiser Groups throwing 12 to 15 missiles in a volley while the entire Nemotian fleet could only scrape together 9 Pta's, the balance of power in an engagement was not on my side.
December would see the plan I came up with set into motion.  My answer to the Chinese Cruiser Groups.

 Thanks again for reading.

*Ok, somehow this little bit got missed by me earlier in the story.  To set the stage…

All of the players knew the habitability of the various planets/moons in the solar system at the start of the game.  This way they wouldn’t have to guess which dwarf planet/moon was colonizable or not.  It also gave them a hint as to what it was.  We said it was from prior, cursory surveys of the solar system.

Titan was on the list, and was known to be ‘Desolate’.

So all the players assumed it was an O2 moon.  No big deal.  Only Callisto was listed as Hostile – giving a big tip off that it was an mT and setting the stage for the battles over the Jovian orbit.

They didn’t know that I had decided that Titan was also an mT, but would require Desolate colonization costs.  It would still have the mT population limit.  Which could make it VERY valuable as it was also going to get the ‘ringed planet’ bonus I found in the random system tables, making the moon very rich for its REI.  Callisto was only normal REI.

So yes, when the players thought they were giving China the shaft as Titan was the only colonizable body at Saturn, they didn’t realize that they had given away one of the jewels of the system.

As this info is only on the system sheet and not the turn notes, I managed to miss it and forget to write about it in the story.  Oops.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2011, 04:18:50 AM by procyon »
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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #111 on: May 15, 2011, 06:01:19 AM »
December 2204  part 1

December 2nd  0850 hours/Queensland Complex, Australia

   Chairman Mukata waited as the Board members seated themselves.  Most had never been this close to one of the active centers of the FSC, content to remain in the shadows.  Anonymous.  Safe.  The draw to see what was occurring was great though.  This project would place them in peril in many ways.  Ways that living in the shadows would not save them from.
   This meeting would reveal many of the details of the operations occurring here.  The work on finalizing the prototype that would place them in a position of power among the nations of Earth.  That work was nearly complete.  What would place them all in danger had only just started.
   Mukata looked out across the open fields nearby.  The scars of the nuclear strike still lingered.  What was truly important was buried beneath those fields.  A dozen meters below the surface was the beginnings of an underground hanger.  In it the first prototype of a new class of vessel would be constructed.  There it could be hidden from the prying eyes of the other powers.  The other nations would take time to find the hidden hanger, but they would in time.  But its contents would remain a secret and that would place them all in danger.  China was near and had already displayed a willingness to use force to acquire what it wanted, or to prevent others from gaining what it feared.  The US and Euro were on more amicable terms, but would still react poorly to such developments.  Although unlikely to attempt open conflict, they would be far more likely to begin covert operations to penetrate the complex.
   And while the US and Euro would likely be willing to simply disrupt the FSC commercial interests through extensive trade tariffs and customs delays, it was possible that China might attempt to seize or destroy the FSC's warships.  To protect them, orders had been sent assigning the Mary Reed and Krait to assist in convoy escort duties.  The Chinese would be unlikely to attack the FSC's ships if there was risk to the US and Euro.  China could ill afford to lose ships fighting the US and Euro if the aliens returned.
   As the last Board member sat, Mukata stood and began his presentation.

December 5th  2210 hours/Elders' Chambers, New Home 1 (Eris)

   The Elders reviewed the latest actions of the new Commander of Fleets.  The Commander's decisions could not be reversed in military matters, but the review of actions was necessary to coordinate all of the assets available to the New Homes.  It was obvious to anyone that the Commander of Fleets was engaged in the formation of a new Combat Group.  With changes in the Patrol Vessels' and Assault Vessel's designs, they should be more effective against the native race.  But there was only a single Assault Vessel remaining, and only five of the Patrol Vessels.  It was equally obvious that more effective or not, these few ships would be inadequate to defeat the native race.
   The conversion of two additional Colony Vessels was now underway to increase the current number in service from three to five.  This would add to the Combat Group's capabilities, but they were limited designs.  The hulls were more fragile than the warships, and their sensors unable to resolve targets to the full range of the weapon system.  The Armed Colony Vessels also lacked the speed of the Patrol and Assault Vessels.  They did carry enough field generators to withstand several interceptions by the enemy torpedoes and they were quick to put into service, but this would not completely compensate for their shortcomings.  Regardless, the resources had been allocated.
   What concerned the Assembly most was that the orbital construction complexes had been assigned by the new Commander of Fleets to construct a pair of new Combat Vessels.  The old design had been changed and this would cost additional resources, as the shipyards would be reset to construct the new design.  The drain on the New Homes would be substantial by the time the two vessels were completed.  And if this were not enough, as soon as the Combat Vessels were completed the complexes would begin construction of enough high-speed bombers to fill both Hive Vessels once again. This would occupy the complexes for a great deal of time.  
   But with an Assault Vessel, two Combat Vessels, five Patrol Vessels, five Armed Colony Vessels, and the two Hive Vessels with full complements onboard, this Combat Group would represent the largest collection of warships ever sent against an enemy.  When fully trained and ready they would represent an enormous threat.  They were also an irreplaceable resource if they were to be lost.

December 6th  2230 hours/Beijing, China

   Minister Po relaxed in his office.  Plans were beginning to again fall into place.  The fleet assembled at Venus was second to none, and the ships under construction there would give it an even greater advantage.  The treasury was sufficient to not only cover the costs of operating the new fleet, but of increasing its size and replacing losses.  This was mostly due to the Ministry's work at improving the education and output of the average worker, combined with modernization of the industry.
   The outpost on Titan was also beginning to create enough resources to offset the cost of moving even larger groups of colonists.  Enough to warrant that the Missile Frigate under construction at Venus would be assigned to guard the new outpost when it was cleared for service.  It was only a matter of time before China would be able to deal with this alien menace, and then with the other nations of Earth.
   The only weak link was the limited construction assets available.  With only two space based shipyards at Venus and the one Mobile Construction ship Zhuang, China could find itself badly crippled if it were to lose any of these.  The station at Venus was well protected by its defense modules and the fleet stationed there.  The Zhuang was much more vulnerable.  Limitations of its design made it impossible to mount even the most rudimentary magnetic field generators, while its drive limited it to only one third of the top speed the Frigates could achieve.  This made the Zhuang far too vulnerable to leave in an area the aliens might attack.
   It had been decided to move the Zhuang to a location near Titan.  It would be able to assist in the construction of defenses for the new colony while remaining out of harms way.  The aliens had never been detected near Saturn and would have no reason to believe that there was any population near it.  It was as safe as anyplace the Zhuang could be located.
   China would need time to fulfill its plans, but nothing else.  Now it was only a matter of time.  
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 06:07:03 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #112 on: May 16, 2011, 03:03:37 AM »
December 2204  part 2

December 8th  0730 hours/Queen Victoria, Earth orbit

   Admiral Brenna Muldoon keyed the prompt that sent the orders to the Communications Station for transmission.  With the return of the US Q Ships due to occur in the next three days, the 3rd Light Battle Group would be transferred back to patrolling the asteroid belt.  'Then when the Queen Jane Grey clears the slip at the end of the month, the Red October will leave Earth to join the 3rd LBG in the belt.'  Brenna looked for a moment at the roster for the 3rd LBG.  Listed in the ship roster was the Heavy Escort Tatianna.  'She was my flagship over a year and a half ago.  The flagship of the 3rd Battle Group.  It’s good to know she is still here.  Back then the 3rd BG was the Tat, Catherine, and Isabelle.  They are all still here.  But now together my old command would only make a Light Battle Group.'
   Brenna pulled up the progress reports she had received on the research into the new drive and missile systems.  She had ordered that the two programs were to share data to see if the new drive would be able to improve the performance of the new missile.  It would increase the possibility of security leaks, but anything that could give the Pan Euro a chance to field a weapon system superior to the alien's was a priority.  Reports indicated that the research on the drive was showing promising results, and might be able to show a working prototype within the next two months.  Series of magnetic generators had proven capable of controlled graviton emission, but calibrating the generators to make a controllable drive was still underway.  Its most serious drawback was the size of the system.  The smallest linkage that appeared to be able to fulfill the function as a warship drive required four times as much space and mass as a nuclear drive would require.  It would only cost half as much though, due to the lower stress tolerances it would be required to withstand.
   Brenna closed out the reports and pulled up the last item she would have to cover in the morning meeting with the civilian leadership.  It was plans for a new class of warship.  Code named the Lady Di, she was the Pan Euro's answer to the Chinese Cruisers.  The designs were not finalized as the ship would not be constructed until the new missiles were in service.  She was planned to employ as many launch bays as the Chinese Cruisers with superior range and accuracy, but it was unlikely she would see service for some time.  It was hoped she could begin construction within the next few months, but the missile research was going much more slowly than projected.  It was now considered unlikely that the Lady Di would enter service until late in 2206.  Assuming the Pan Euro was still in the war at that point.
   Brenna turned off the monitor and tried to relax.  It was still thirty minutes until the briefing.

December 9th  0015 hours/Andvari Crater, Surface of Triton

   Lieutenant Commander Meagan Ryan finished the last revision of the magnetic modulation protocols that the linguistic teams had given her.  Backpack size magnetic generators had been devised that allowed the Xeno teams to communicate with the aliens.  True communication was still problematic, but the newest upgrades would allow most of the teams to be able to not only broadcast information and commands, but to interpret the responses from the aliens. Miscommunications were still common as many concepts seemed to be completely incomprehensible between the aliens and a human.  The aliens had no concept of color, as they apparently lacked any ability to sense visible light other than as low powered magnetic phenomena.  Humans seemed to have no ability to comprehend what the linguists labeled as 'magnetic texture' that the aliens used to differentiate various segregations of objects and individuals. The aliens seemed to be completely unable to differentiate between one speaker and another as they claimed there was no difference between them when they 'spoke'.  Lying was also completely 'alien' to the aliens, although they were beginning to face the concept.  They seemed to be unable to transmit any signal that was not the 'truth' without attaching a 'texture' that would make a falsehood obvious.  The lack of texture to the Xeno teams' transmissions obviously frustrated the aliens as they could not 'feel' if what was being transmitted was real or not.
   Many concepts were shared though to some degree, even if the importance of the concept may vary wildly.  Family was a concept both races seemed to share, although the alien concept of family seemed to be much more diverse than any that humanity had.  Leadership was also a common concept, with the aliens having leaders that directed activities.
   The Xeno teams had managed to accomplish what the soldiers had been unable to.  They had finally convinced the aliens to cease the resistance to the occupation.  Cooperation was still not evident, but conflict had stopped.  The aliens seemed to be returning to some form of their 'normal lifestyle'.  The surviving alien population numbered nearly three hundred thousand and had begun to repair the damage that had occurred during the fighting.  They didn't seem to be interested in producing anything that didn't pertain to rebuilding their homes though.  Useful exploitation of the population might never be possible.
   Meagan transmitted the new communication protocols to the various Xeno teams, along with the command staffs of the various military units.  The relay station on the surface would attempt to make a transmission to the inner system, but the protocol was extensive and the transmitter for the small surface station had difficulty maintaining extended contact at the long distances involved.  They would have to continue trying until the full protocol was transmitted though.  Humanity needed to know this.  The ability to decode the alien transmissions depended on it, along with any data stored on the systems the Euro recovered from the alien Alpha.
   Most important to Meagan was one fact that was related to her research.  When it was done, she would go home.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 03:13:24 AM by procyon »
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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #113 on: May 25, 2011, 12:02:02 AM »
December 2204  part 3

December 11th 1330 hours/Mars Station, Mars orbit

   Commander Scott Moreland sat on the chair in the hallway.  The civilian dining facility was beyond the doors, but the noise let everyone know that they were rearranging it.  In half an hour he was to report there for his promotion ceremony to Captain, and then be given command of the four Q Ships.  He had already received his orders but the brass wanted to 'pin it on' themselves.  'Good PR' and such.  Scott was also sure his crew would be using this absence to be preparing their own 'ceremony' for him when he returned.
   'Sure to be a better time than sitting here.'
   Scott pulled one of the civilian display pads from its slot in the wall.  The power cable trailed along lazily in the low gravity.  'We aren't in the hub, but not in the outer ring either.  I suppose the gravity here is about what it is on the surface of Mars, so the workers don't have to adjust when they go down to the planet.'  Scott tapped on the pad and pulled up the civilian news reports.  First on the list was the return of the two battalions from the 2nd AD that had come back to Mars on the Q ships.  'Knew that already.'  Skipping past that he saw the battalions were being folded into a new division, which was being raised on Mars.  'The First Martian Light Mechanized Division.  Didn't know about that.  Looks to be mostly power armor and light vehicles.'  Scott thought for a moment.  'All the easier for us to move and land I suppose, but where.  We just pulled our troops off of Triton.'
   Scott felt the chair begin to buzz on the floor.  It continued for several seconds and then stopped.  'Rebuilding Defense Module Five is way overdue, but whatever they are doing is shaking the whole damn station.  Why didn't they build it as a separate entity and then have just one operation to connect it, instead of shaking everything up every few minutes?'
   A light flashed at the edge of Scott's vision.  It was a prompt on his HUD.  They were ready for him to report in for the promotion ceremony.  Scott let go of the pad and watched the power cord slowly reel it back into the wall.  'Time to get this over with.'

December 13th  0215 hours/Near Food Preparation Area, Shelter 17 of New Home 3

   Brood Mother 218 moved with her young toward the food preparation area.  There was some damage still evident from the fighting that had occurred here, but workers were busy clearing most of it away.  The Elder had decreed that no one was to conduct any attacks on the machines, and that any commands given by them were to be followed.  Repairs to the shelters were to take first priority and that contact with the enemy was to be limited, as much as was possible.  Only activities required to maintain the lives of the colony, and repairs to the needed living space were to be conducted.  Nothing else.
   Brood Mother could sense as she approached the feeding area that seven of the machines were present.  They always seemed to be here, or any other place that they might find a crowd.  One of them had the strange apparatus that allowed it to speak.  The machines were becoming more refined in their ability to communicate.  They had progressed from only a few commands at first to nearly being able to state anything they wanted.  But it was definitely a machine.  No emotion.  Every machine that spoke sounded the same.  Felt the same.  Was the same.  Soulless.  They lacked the power of an Elder, but were to be obeyed nonetheless.
   She shooed her young away from the nearest of the machines.  They would keep as much space as possible between it and them.  One of the machines had pushed her away when she had moved close to it.  Her side still hurt where the intense heat of its appendage had burned her.  How could the creatures exist and function at such temperatures?
   The Brood Mother had spent a great deal of time around the machines.  Her young needed to move to areas that the machines lingered in.  She had listened to the machine's commands often.  She had tried to respond to them when they spoke, but if the machines understood they only ignored her.  She knew that her field was weak compared to an Elder, or even the field the machines produced to command.  Her's was only strong enough to command her young.  But she was also used to listening to them.  To the slight fields they had.  To their whispers.  Without being able to sense the tiny fields, she could not provide for them or answer their questions.
   She could also sense tiny fields in the machines.  All of them.  Even the ones that carried the thing that allowed them to give commands.  She had paid a great deal of attention to the fields.  They were very alien, but for some time now she had wondered if that was how they communicated.  She had listened to the whispers that the machines made even as they generated the field to give commands.  Perhaps they could speak with nearly the force of an Elder, but only hear whispers.  It seemed strange, but so did everything about these machines.
   Brood Mother 218 moved to the far part of the room, as far from the machines as possible.  "Stay here.  Do not follow me,” she told her young.  And then she began to move back across the room.  She would have to get close to hear the whispers and she did not want one of her young to get hurt or killed if they got too close to a machine.

   0220 hours/2700 meters below Sector 52.07 of Triton's surface

   Soldier Chen Hyang stood near what seemed to be the 'kitchen' of the alien mess hall.  The aliens seemed to file through here regularly to consume what looked like a mix of ice and rock.  'Yum.  I suppose my rations aren't exactly fine dining either, though.'  Chen wondered how long it would be until he heard from his family again.  He had received one message from them a week ago, but personal correspondence was low priority and the limited capacity of the receivers meant that 'mail' from home was a rare thing.  'At least everyone at home is fine.  So many families of those who defected to the FSC aren't.'
   Chen looked at the rest of his squad.  They were one of the few groups of power armored Chinese troops left on Triton.  Most had perished when the Chinese had cut off all supplies to the power armor battalions.  Only the cyborg troops had received the supplies they would need to survive.  'If we hadn't been in a Euro hospital, we would be dead too.  There aren't enough of us left to form a company now.  Just three sections attached to Chinese cyborg battalions to assist with security.'
   Chen watched as the US squad members messed with the 'Alien Communication Array'.  The FSC General said that they were working on smaller versions.  The current one was about the size of his mother's stove, and could get you stuck in a lot of the alien tunnels.  But the aliens had stopped fighting shortly after it was introduced. They even responded to the commands it gave most of the time.  Most, but not all.  There seemed to be some holes in its ability to 'talk' to the little crawly, floaty things.  And you never had any idea of what the aliens were saying.  That was another upgrade the higher ups said they were working on.
   Chen watched as one of the middle sized specimen moved toward him.  It had left behind a crowd of small aliens in one corner, which was unusual.  The little ones seemed to never be more than a meter or two from their 'handler.'  Chen slid his hand onto the grip of the US made M34 Laser Rifle and turned off the safety.  Ammo for Chinese weapons was in short supply, and the power slugs the US weapon used had been left behind when their troops pulled out.  It wasn't much use against an alien suit but would tear apart the unarmored ones quite well.  The aliens could slam you around without ever having to touch you if they got close enough.  'It's been seven days since the last two soldiers died, and there's a fair chance that was an accident, not an attack.  But I'm not taking any chances.'
   The creature stopped a few meters from Chen and simply hung there about half a meter above the floor.  "Hey Chen, I think you've got a new friend."  Chen's gaze never shifted from the alien in front of him as he answered.
   "Hey, just because you didn't get blown up in battle with the aliens, doesn't mean I won't blast you."  Chen could here the chuckles from the rest of the squad, but everyone was watching the alien floating in front of him now.
   Static began to crackle on Chen's audio, accompanied by a high-pitched whine.  "Check the ACA.  I'm picking up static again.  Have you got the broadcast setting off?"  Chen hoped the US soldier could understand him and would fix the malfunction.  It wouldn't be the first time the communication rig had created interference for the radios.
   The whine was beginning to give him a headache.  It was almost to high of a pitch to hear but was becoming so loud that it hurt.  And suddenly the whine had meaning.  Not words, but meaning nonetheless.  Emotions also. All entwined with the high-pitched whine and buzz.  Chen could 'feel' it coming from the alien in front of him. Could feel it branch out to the other aliens in the room.  But most of all the 'whine' wanted to know if he understood.  
   Then it was gone.  No whine.  No headache.  Just the crackle of the radio and chatter of other soldiers.  Chen leveled the laser at the alien and spoke to the US soldier once again.  "Use the ACA to tell this alien not to move.  Then tell her that I hear her."  Chen wasn't sure how he knew this alien was a 'she', he just did.
   The US soldier replied in broken Chinese that he wasn't sure how to tell the aliens "hear", but he would do his best.  He definitely knew how to tell her to hold still.

    0223 hours/Near Food Preparation Area, Shelter 17 of New Home 3

   Brood Mother 218 could feel the whispers of the creature in front of her even before the command to hold still washed through the room.  She knew that in some way it had heard her.  It was such a strange form of life, not the machine she had been told of.  It was male, and not old.  She had felt fear and confusion among the whispers, but not a single other life.  It was utterly alone.  There was no connection to the other whispers in the room at all.  The whispers it made couldn't be how it communicated with its brothers and sisters.  It had understood her though.  Brood Mother 218 reached out to the other mothers and workers in the room and tried to let them know what she had done and what she had found.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2011, 12:07:41 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #114 on: May 26, 2011, 12:44:51 AM »
December 2204  part 4

December 13th  1810 hours/US Interceptor MkIII Yari, Earth orbit

   Rear Admiral Jack Ryan walked through the docking hatch into the waiting lifter.  'It feels weird not reporting to Admiral Walters on the station.  Riding a lifter down to the surface is not what I would call a change for the better.'  Jack looked out the small viewing port of the lifter to see that a number of GTORs and GTOSs were already docked to the Yari.  Workers were scrambling across the hull to begin the initial repairs.  'We took a beating out at Triton.  It's going to take them a while to pound the dents back out.'
   Jack's thoughts wandered back to the distant moon.  He hadn't been able to protect the Taylor or the troops from the aliens when he had been there.  Now his daughter was on that moon with no one to watch over her.  She was supposed to come home as soon as her work was complete.  The very first supply ship that arrived after that would bring her home.  Jack had checked the flight plans and movement orders though.  There were no supply runs scheduled for Triton for the next month.  That would mean it would take at least two months before the first ship would arrive to bring her home.  Two months for the aliens to show up.
   Jack sat down in one of the forward passenger stations on the lifter.  There weren't many on this lifter, perhaps a dozen, as it hadn't been designed as a passenger craft.  The seats were hard plastic with a simple harness.  Jack strapped himself in as two members of the lifter's crew finished the dock release sequence.  They wore simple EVA suits and their chatter almost irritated Jack.  The work repairing the US Space Station was placing a high demand on the available orbital lift capacity.  Many of the older liquid fueled lifters were being pressed back into service to meet the need.  Just like this one.
   Jack watched as the two men strapped themselves in at the far end of the row from Jack.  'Just as well.  I'm not in the mood for chit-chat.'  Jack saw the warning light go on in the cabin and felt the lifter begin to move.  It would take several hours for the ship to come down from orbit and land.  God only knew how long the briefing for Admiral Walters and all the ground lovers would take.

December 19th  0415 hours/Habitat Two, Surface of Titan

   Li Xue snapped the forearm back onto the 6.5mm Type 72 Pulse Rifle, function checked the weapon, and then placed it on the table in front of her. She risked a quick glance at Mae and saw that she was still struggling to get the bolt carrier assembly back into the receiver.  Li tried to stifle a small smile.  'At least there is one thing I can do better than Mae.'
   "DO YOU THINK YOUR FINISHED WORM !"  The scream of the drill instructor made Li jump.  She stared back into the red faced mountain of a man in front of her and stuttered for a moment.  "WHAT WAS THAT WORM, I CAN'T HEAR YOU !"
   "YES SIR."  Li tried her best to sound sure of herself, but it sounded weak in her ears.
   "Pick up your weapon WORM !  INSPECTION, ARMS."  Li grabbed the weapon off the table, snapped it quickly to port arms, opened the bolt, checked the ejection ports, and then back to port arms with the bolt open.  The instructor grabbed the weapon from her and stepped back as he looked at it.  He function checked the weapon and then heaved the 6 kilogram rifle back to her.  Even in the low gravity the weapon slammed into her chest as she caught it.  She didn't fall, but did have to shift one foot back to keep her balance.
   Li stared straight ahead as the instructor moved off to torment someone else.  All she could think off was 'How do I let Mae keep talking me into these things?'  The colony ministers had announced that they would be raising and training a new power armor division on Titan.  'Mae wanted to find a way to impress and spend more time with her soldier boy.  So here we are in a section of the habitat designated as a barracks with three hundred other women.  And my back hurts just as badly as it did at the factory.'
   Li heard the instructor shouting orders again instead of insults.  "WEAPONS IN THE RACKS.  FORMATION IN BAY SEVEN IN TWO MINUTES.  FALL OUT."  Li turned and rushed to put her weapon back in the rack at the rear of the classroom.  Bay Two was two hundred meters down the main hallway.  It was where the power armor suits were stored.  They had spent three hours a day for the last two weeks in that bay learning how the suits worked.  Today they were to be fitted for one.  Li was only a step behind Mae when they reached the doorway out of the classroom.
   "Come on lady.  Last one to the bay really is a worm!"  Mae was actually smiling as she ran out the door in front of Li.  Li could feel the weight belt digging into her back with each step as she tried to keep up with Mae.  Li struggled to keep up but managed to stay right behind her.
   "And why are you smiling young lady?"  Li struggled to talk as her breathing came in gasps as she ran.
   "Jeng is going to be one of the cadre helping to fit us for the suits.  Guess whose line I'm going to be in?"
   Li started to chuckle but almost choked as she tried to breathe at the same time.  She lost a few steps on Mae as she caught her breath.  'Leave it to her to find a way in the middle of hundreds of women to get her boyfriend's hands on her.'

December 25th  0800 hours/Queen Jane Grey, Earth orbit

   "Quite the little Christmas present, isn't it.  To go from commanding a battle proven ship and crew down to a bunch or guppies.  I'm sure 'Battling Brenna' feels nothing but love for you, Rear Admiral McNeely."
   "Welcome aboard Ensign Deeter.  And she must be just as fond of you to have you put on board as your first assignment out of OCS."
   "Sorry to disappoint you admiral, but I requested this assignment.  Must not be as bright as you thought I was."
   Robert was glad to see her again.  He had personally recommended Midshipman Gretta Deeter for officer training after the action at Triton, along with a few awards.  She had somehow managed to get a half damaged helm station to turn around a mostly damaged ship.  Without her, the Red October would have been destroyed at Triton back in June.  Now she would be part of his staff here on the newest Royalty Class Destroyer, the Queen Jane Grey.
   "Let's hope our new girl lasts longer than her namesake.  Nine days won't even give me time to break in my station."  Gretta looked over her station and monitor on the flag section of the bridge.
   Robert settled into the Admiral's Station and locked it.  The monitor flashed to life in front of him.  "If you don't get in your station and lock it Ensign Deeter, we won't even leave dock in the next nine days.  Admiral Muldoon's waiting.  We begin training maneuvers against the 3rd Battle Group in fifteen minutes."
   Robert watched as Gretta sat in her station and locked it.  "We won't even last nine days against her.  Well, it was fun while it lasted."

December 30th  2200 hours/Washington DC, Earth

   Admiral Bradley Walters sat in his quarters and scrolled through the data.  A Pan Euro military courier had delivered the data chip to him six hours ago.  The data had apparently been considered too sensitive to transmit.  After reviewing it, Bradley agreed.
   Data on the operation of the alien systems from the damaged Alpha had been completed late in October and forwarded to the US for study.  The function of the life support system had shown them the tolerances the aliens could withstand.  The salvaged magnetic field generators had proven to be of a vastly different design than either the US's or the Euro's, but seemed no more powerful or effective.  And the launch system for the alien missiles had been studied, but would not be pursued.  The alien system would give better range, but was much larger than what the current Hera Missile required.  Refits would be expensive and time consuming for only a slight gain in combat effectiveness.  But the information in what appeared to be the alien data storage systems had been a mystery.  Until now that Meagan had unlocked the puzzle of the alien's language - if it could be called that.
   The data was old now.  It had given the size of the group the Alpha had been stationed with when it had been crippled, but that was unlikely to be accurate anymore.  It had also indicated that the group lingered in or near the inner system, particularly by the belt.  This was also valuable but unlikely to help.  The records showed that the commander of the group the Alpha had belonged to was unpredictable in his deployments and would be nearly impossible to track down with the data that was available.  He was also 'The Baron'.  Records on the ship showed that the Alpha had been the one of the alien ships responsible for the destruction of the colony on Mercury and had been involved in the destruction of US Task Force 3 and the attack on Mars in February before it had been damaged and captured in June.  Again this was interesting information, but of little value at the moment.
   Of value was that the Alpha had been activated sometime in October of 2203 at a location the aliens seemed to refer to as New Home 2.  Navigational data showed that this New Home 2 was actually the dwarf planet Orcus.  This was truly valuable data.  Initial reports seemed to indicate that Triton was known as New Home 3 to the aliens.  With Rear Admiral Ryan's discovery that there was likely another alien colony on Sedna it was possible that the location of the missing New Home 1 was actually not a mystery.  There was still one mystery held in the data though.
   Prior to the activation of the ship in October, there was only a small amount of navigational data preceding that date.  Perhaps a few days at most.  It was currently undecipherable as to its location, but that was not the disturbing part.  It was the alien designation in the data storage system and the scans that it held.
   It was the fact that the first data recorded a planet known as Home 7, in a system that was obviously not Sol.  And that around Home 7 had been a fleet of ships that dwarfed anything that had been seen so far.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 12:51:46 AM by procyon »
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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #115 on: May 27, 2011, 12:48:05 AM »
December 2204  part 5


This month could easily have grown to three of four times its current size if I was simply writing a story instead of chronicling a game.  Just the communication between human and Nemotian could fill its own book.  There were also a number of events that ended up under the radar for the story that I will touch on here.  A lot went on, but the opening months of 2205 will likely be monsters.  Months with over a dozens parts after editing are definitely in the future.

For China,

China enjoyed another increase in his income, jumping up about 110MCs.  He also began to reinvest in IU on Earth to continue the trend.  Put this with his colonization of Titan at a rate 50% greater than any other power and the middle boy was making it plain he intended to hold onto his economic lead.  His biggest worry was for his CA under construction.  Even with the faster build rate EL2 brought, it still wouldn't clear the docks until Sep of 2205.  That was a long time to tie his fleet down.  He also got a research success for Y at SL1, which he didn't get very excited about as I remember.  My biggest question that he wasn't sharing on at this point was his sudden troop build up at Titan.  He had no knowledge of any other alien settlement that I was aware of.  So why the extra troops, along with stationing both his troop transports and the mobile construction ship near Saturn?
It just felt like he was up to something....

For the Pan Euro,

With the increase in EL came an increase in build rate, so her newest destroyer the Queen Jane Grey was done at the end of December instead of early January, completing her second full Battle Group.  This meant that it would be finished shaking down by Feb. and green instead of poor.  This tiny detail will become huge later.
She, like China, enjoyed a fair increase in her income, with a jump of about 130MC over the previous month.  She also managed a success on Y SL2.  But worrying about the breakthrough for Yc was way back on the burner, behind verifying the breakthrough to D and getting XO's.  She failed her roll for R SL3 and Ica though.  A lucky training roll moved the Queen Vic up to Veteran this month also.  With full communications being completed at the end of Nov in the game (not in the story), she was able to finally get the data rolls from Section U on her captured Alpha.  She didn't get the hull home, but she had stripped everything else so I gave her all the rolls with just a -10.  This in turn gave her the location of another New Home.
She was quite pleased with this month for a change.

For the US,

The US kept up the trend of research success with no tangible results by completing R at SL1.  He also decided to start work on the Ta.  It had occurred to him that stationary defenses would be a good idea with his limited fleet of ships.  With only CT as his largest ship, and only FG prototyped, any ships that could compete would take a loooonnng time to build through the prototype stage.  With only two SY available - one of which would be tied down until mid 2205, building a DD or bigger would be a project that would not be completed until 2206.  That was to long he decided.  But you don't have to prototype an AF (at least we don't), and he could start work on a BIG one soon if he could just get it to Mars or Earth.

For the FSC,

The oldest girl was the only player with no research successes.  The fact she only had one project that she had just started that month pretty much made sure she wouldn't though.  She continued her slow growth in the belt, and with IU.  Her big project was building the underground hanger that would be the site where her newest ship would be built.  She was getting so antsy about it.  Luckily for her, none of the players made a roll to find the complex this month.  She was looking forward to Jan, as it would be a growth month for her due to our ruling on the grower governor on Earth - and she would get the income from Triton due to her good roll completing the consolidation phase.

For the Nemotians,

This month saw the last of the refits on the existing ships and two more colony vessels turning them into the armed variant.  I also started two new Combat Vessels/destroyers of the new design.  I was sure this would likely be the last offensive the Nemotians would ever be able to mount, and I wanted to make the best of it.  Timing would be everything.
With the treasury dwindling, two of the New Home sites known to the players, full communication available for them to loot populations and captured ships, and the Euro and FSC close to implementing several ship designs that would radically tip the balance of power - the writing was on the wall.  My job at this point was to make the closing chapters of this something the players would remember.  I struggled with what I could do to really strain the players with what I had left.

I could never have foreseen at this point what the opening months of 2205 would bring.

There were no battles for this month, once again, other than the ground combat on Triton that completed the consolidation phase.  Earth had captured its first of the New Homes.  Two more were on the chopping block.  But this time the huge Chinese fleet was tied down, and the US/Euro had no intention of asking their help.  Instead of a united front they had shown for the last year, they were each ready to try and stand on their own.

Anyone remember a famous saying about a house divided.......
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #116 on: June 11, 2011, 10:25:39 AM »
January 2205  part 1

January 1st  0630 hours/Armed Science Vessel Red October, asteroid belt

   Commodore Stephan Vasilikos stepped off of the ship's boat into the bay of the Red October.  Even as his feet snapped onto the deck he heard the XO call the honor guard to attention.  "Thanks all, as you were."  Stephan had never put much store in protocol, just results.  It had gotten him in trouble often enough, but wouldn't now.  Stephan walked right by the group and to the hatchway leading to the bridge.
   Minutes later Stephan entered the bridge.  Before anyone could even call the group to attention he snapped off "At ease, as you were."  He walked over to the flag station and looked at it.  Stephan turned to the Communications Station.  "Give me the intercomm and all ships now."  Stephan waited until the display on his HUD showed that the comm link was active.
   "Third Light, this is your Commodore.  For the benefit of the folks who just joined this little party on big Red, we are going to get some things straight.  This ship was the command of several admirals.  Kushnir, Muldoon, McNeely.  They all commanded from this ship.  Each one of them fought the aliens from this ship.  And that, ladies and gents, isn't going to change now.  A lot of folks think of the big Royalty Class ships and the Chinese war fleet when they think of the war with the aliens.  We know better.  Big Red has fought the aliens almost everywhere they can be fought.  With the US at Mars, the Chinese at Ceres, deep out system at Uranus and Neptune.  In the death trap of the belt at Pallas.  Even within sight of our home Earth.  The only battle she missed out on was at Jupiter.  But sitting in space right here with us is the Tati.  And she was there.  The ships here are the real face of this war."
   "Our job out here is to protect the colonies in the belt.  We have a problem.  The Euro has six separate colony sites.  The US has four.  Even the South Seas has one.  None of them are even remotely close to each other most of the time.  We can't baby sit all of them.  The best way I can see to keep them safe is to give the aliens something a lot easier to find.  That, ladies and gents, is going to be the Third Light."
   Stephan paused for a moment to let what he had said settle in.  "The fact that this ship is going to fight isn't going to change.  But there are a few other traditions that this ship has.  No matter where she has fought.  No matter who sat on this bridge.  No matter what she faced.  First, at the end of the day, she has NEVER left the field to the aliens.  And lastly, she ALWAYS comes home.  And we aren't going to let this change either.  Commodore Vasilikos, out."
   Stephan sat in the flag station and ran his hand across the keys and controls on the armrest, then looked about the bridge.  'Jude sat here on you. Then Brenna.  Last was Bob.  And you brought them all home.  They were all good boys and girls, and you brought them home safely.'  Stephan tapped on the keys and sent the commands to lock stations and activate the magnetic shields.
   'So what will you do with a rebel old Red?  Let's find out shall we?'

   1820 hours/Elders' Chambers, New Home 1 (Eris)

   The Supreme Elder moved among the gathered Elders.  Waves of concern and fear washed through the assembled group.  The bulk of the mobile assets had left the New Homes for the inner parts of the system.  The last mobile assets, and those under construction, would leave shortly.  The New Homes would be responsible for their own defense.  There would be no warships to help in the defense.  None to rescue a world or moon when it came under attack.
   To help with the New Homes' defense, the ground based defense stations were now having the rapid fire mass drivers installed.  This would allow them to intercept and destroy the torpedoes of the native race.  With no drive shield or magnetic protective field, the ground bases would have a much easier time calibrating the systems.  With luck this would allow the New Homes to destroy up to half of the torpedoes targeted on them.   But this would still allow half to reach the surface.  This was much of what was causing such great concern.
   The worst fear was evident from the Elders of New Home 4.  They had no ground bases.  And with the transfer of their two smaller orbital defense stations to New Home 5, they had only a single orbital base to defend the population there.  Nothing else.  They also lacked the industry to begin construction of any extensive ground based systems.  If time permitted, a Mobile Repair Vessel would be moved to New Home 4 to begin construction of basic defense structures.  This would not happen for some time though.
   The Supreme Elder understood the fear, but by moving among them he made it understood that this was the right course of action.  The approval of the Supreme Elder would ensure that the New Homes supported the actions being taken.  They would be called upon to commit much of their resources and supplies to support this move and the combat that would occur.
   The Supreme Elder concealed within the powerful fields he projected the small concern he felt.  The concern that if this offensive failed the New Homes had no chance of defeating the native race.

January 2nd  0200 hours/New Delhi, India

   Chairman Mukata stood behind the podium as he addressed the board members.  "Two hours ago the order was given to increase the rate of construction on the underground hangar in Queensland.  This hangar will hold the new ship that had been planned, safe from the prying eyes of the other powers.  But the construction will now become obvious.  In hours the rest of the world will know it is there.  When they analyze the scans, they will be able to identify the large laser array housed there.  An array that obviously violates the limits of the Pax Treaty."
   "The FSC will be able to plead that the main intent of the Pax Treaty is to limit the use of nuclear weapons near Earth.  We will also claim that the laser is only meant to safeguard the FSC and Earth from alien bombers.  It is unable to target any land based targets and is therefore of no threat to the rest of the world's populations."
   Chairman Mukata was cut off as one of the members of the South African cartel rose from his seat.  "They will also know that it is quite capable of targeting ships within a few light seconds of Earth.  And that the laser will pass right through the protective fields that the warships rely on so heavily.  Will it be possible to dismantle the array to avoid this situation?"
   Mukata looked out at the assembled board.  "I consider it unwise to disassemble the array.  The other powers will request to inspect the site.  We will of course refuse.  Without the array there is no reason for the other powers not to destroy the site.  Need I remind the board of the Chinese strike little over a year ago?  It would take little for them to dispatch a ship to Earth to destroy the construction.  They could even use a land based launcher.  And I believe once again the US and Euro will not intervene to stop such a move if we have refused them access."
   "What if the other powers choose to launch on the site from beyond the range of the laser to engage an orbital target?  The laser would serve no use in this situation."  The South African seemed in no hurry to be brushed aside.
   "In the event of a launch on the site, it has been hardened to withstand several drive detonations without damage to the underground structure.  I believe the US and Euro will be unwilling to incur the loss of civilian lives that would occur if they attempted to reduce the complex.  I also do not believe they will attempt a ground invasion to gain access to the site."
   The South African man leaned on the table as he addressed Mukata again.  "And what of the Chinese?  As you have already pointed out, they have shown a willingness to use nuclear weapons.  The loss of FSC civilians is unlikely to bother a government that was willing to abandon its own troops to the aliens."  A murmur of approval began to spread.
   Mukata stepped around the podium.  "Unknown to the other nations of Earth the FSC has constructed two silos.  Both silos are capable of launching a single Devil Class missile.  In the event of a Chinese strike the missiles will be targeted on Chinese cities.  Troops are also prepared to launch invasions of Chinese Imperial soil from points in both Australia and India.  In the event of a Chinese first strike, we are within the rights described by the Pax Treaty to defend the FSC with such measures.  This should give us adequate time to complete the project."
   The room quieted and the South African man paled slightly.  "You propose to start a war with China?"
   "Would you prefer we abandon the project?"  Mukata stared at the man in front of him.
   An older woman of the Chilean cartel rose from her seat and held a small monitor screen in front of her.  "We have confirmation that the Pan Euro ship Queen Victoria is transmitting from orbit on a priority channel and beginning active radar and lidar scans of the Queensland Complex.  They have found the site."

« Last Edit: June 11, 2011, 10:31:25 AM by procyon »
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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #117 on: June 13, 2011, 08:31:04 AM »
January 2205 part 2

January 3rd  0415 hours/Converted Freighter Mary Reed, 16 light minutes from Hygeia colony

   The Dutchman watched the sensor returns.  Travel in the belt was always a dangerous thing.  It had once just been the danger of a stray rock escaping the sensors and tearing through a ship.  That in its time had been bad enough.  With the arrival of the aliens it had become very hazardous.  Even the rocks you could see might be hiding an alien warship.  But the aliens had shown little interest in attacking civilian shipping.  An occasional freighter may go missing, but that had been the extent of it.  
   'Now we have to worry about even the human ships.  The US, China, and even the Pan Euro have filed official protests at the construction going on in Australia.'  The Dutchman saw that the belt colony was only an hour out.  He keyed open the ship's intercom.  
   "Ok people.  The rest of the world hasn't announced that they are going to interdict FSC shipping, but they aren't going to let us know until after they show up.  In a few minutes we will arrive at Hektor colony.   Once there we are going to land and ride this out.  If the US or Euro show up, they won't risk firing on the ships due to the chance of civilian casualties.  They should be happy enough to keep us parked there.  If the Chinese show up and start shooting, the civilian ships will surrender and submit to boarding while we run for it.  Hopefully it doesn't come to that."
   The Dutchman turned off the intercom.  Fourteen civilian cargo and passenger ships flying various flags, two cargo ships flying under the FSC colors, plus the Mary Reed and Krait.  Eighteen ships that represented the entire FSC fleet, civilian or 'government'.  With the fleet parked here in the belt the FSC would struggle to keep its budget.  Trade with the belt colonies brought in a larger portion of the FSC's income and resources. The cartels are going to have to squeeze every last penny they can out of the various FSC member nations on Earth.
   'I doubt any human ships will actually start shooting at us.  Even China would rather seize the ships if they had the chance.  Even as scrap they would be worth a small fortune.  If the aliens show up though.'  The Dutchman felt a sudden chill as he thought of it.  The aliens would be more than happy to attack a population.  The ships would be a bonus.  'Eighteen ships and three quarters of a million colonists on this outpost in the belt.  We definitely have all our eggs in one basket.  For the aliens this would be hitting the jackpot.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have the US or Euro put up a blockade here after all.'

January 4th 0030 hours/Queen Jane Grey, Earth orbit

   Rear Admiral Robert McNeely scanned through the civilian news broadcasts.  News of the FSC construction in Australia and the laser array there had been leaked to the commercial networks six hours ago by an unknown source in the US.  It had spread like wildfire since then.  Public reaction in the Pan Euro seemed to swing between outrage and panic.  None of the networks were calling for prudence and restraint though.
   "So, just what are we supposed to do if they start firing?"  Robert heard Ensign Deeter's question but waited a moment to answer.  "In the event that you were in command, what would you order Ensign?"  There was no point in looking for a reaction.  She was locked in her station the same as he was.  The only movement might be her fingers on the control pads of the armrests.
   It was quiet for a long time, and then Gretta answered.  "The plating and baffles on the Queen Jane are fairly substantial.  We could probably take a couple of direct hits and still not suffer any hull breaches.  We would have plenty of time to target the laser array and destroy it."
   "True.  We have better protection than the Attack Escorts, which is why I have them stationed two light seconds away while we are only five thousand kilometers above the surface.  You need to consider he civilian casualties you would inflict.  You could easily kill hundreds of thousands.  The media would react rather poorly to that.  No matter what you feel or think, it will look bad if we killed thousands while only suffering some damaged plating."  Robert stopped long enough to watch a video feed of a politician calling for the FSC to submit to inspections of the site and immediate dismantling of the weapon.  'We sent that message almost two days ago.  Guess what the reply was?'
   "Ensign Deeter, this ship is pointed so that if we engage the drive it will be able to cross the horizon for that weapon in a matter of seconds.  No matter how maneuverable the output coupler is on that laser array, it can't shoot through the Earth.  If the FSC decides to damage some of our plating it could be construed as an act of war, but it is more of a political incident.  I would rather leave it for the politicians to decide the appropriate response.  If we launch, that is definitely an act of war.  Do you want your name going down in the history books that way?"
   "You've spent to much time talking to Admiral Muldoon.  So what does she want us to do if the US or China make an attack on the site?"  Robert couldn't hear any disdain in the Ensign's voice, but he knew it was there anyway.
   "Muldoon's orders are explicit.  We are to protect Pan Euro properties and interests. We are also to keep out of the shooting if at all possible."

   0630 hours/Washington DC, Earth

   "So you intend to do nothing?!  Explain yourself Admiral Walters.  If I'm not impressed your replacement will be giving the next briefing tomorrow morning."
   Admiral Bradley Walters could see the look on Adam Richards face.  'Secretary of Defense or not, your being stupid.' he thought.  Bradley turned to face the balding politician at the head of the table.
   "Honorable Secretary, it is my opinion that the South Seas Free Space Consortium has no intention of starting a war.  We have nearly constant surveillance of the site and most FSC locations.  There have been several divisions of ground troops mobilized but none have loaded for transport.  They have two known armed vessels with perhaps a few more disguised as civilian freighters.  They would be completely incapable of penetrating the defenses of either Earth or Mars.  They could attempt an attack in the belt, but to what end.  If they were to inflict any civilian casualties it would only open the doors for the US to bombard their troops and the Australian site."
   Secretary Richards looked at Bradley long and hard.  "So you think in the absence of war the appropriate action is nothing?"
   "I believe that this is a political situation and that political pressure should be used to resolve it.  We have limited combat resources.  All of the space based assets are needed to combat the aliens.  As the FSC media has pointed out, we have laser arrays in both our Eastern and Western Defense Centers in excess of what we are allowed by the Pax Treaty limitations.  And that they were successfully employed in defense of Earth in the last alien attack."
   Secretary Richards looked puzzled.  "Do I understand you correctly?  Are you saying we should support the construction of ground based laser arrays?"
   "I believe that if the US proposes amendments to the Pax Treaty relaxing the restrictions on the deployment of laser arrays that it could be of benefit to both the US and the Earth as a whole.  Also, if the laser array is no longer a treaty violation there is no reason for anyone to start a war.  That would include the Euro, AND the Chinese."  Bradley waited for that statement to sink in.  'Fool or no, he isn't looking to start a war either.'
   "I see.  And what of the FSC's underground construction activities?"
   "They don't violate any treaty or international law.  I'm not sure what they are up to.  It could simply be an attempt to protect their construction assets after seeing what the last alien attack did to our orbital shipyards.  It is easily big enough to house a Raptor Class Missile Escort at this point.  It may be something else entirely.  For the moment it doesn't seem to be a threat.  If that changes, you could always change policy at that time."
   Secretary Richards paused for a while, obviously in thought.  "I will take your recommendations under consideration for the moment.  I will expect another briefing at zero six hundred tomorrow.  That will be all Admiral."  
   Bradley walked out lost in his own thoughts.  'It isn't the FSC that I'm worried about.  Even with all of the media hype and furor from us and the Euro.  It's the ominous silence from the Chinese.'
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 01:29:05 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #118 on: June 15, 2011, 01:08:25 AM »
January 2205  part 3

January 6th  1500 hours/Training Range 3, Surface of Titan

   Li Xue felt the lander begin to pitch and rattle as it entered the atmosphere.  Even with her suit locking into the brackets on the side of the lander it was a rough ride.  They had spent the last week with weapon drills in the morning and drops and landings in the afternoons.  Evening was spent cleaning the equipment.
   "I hope it isn't raining this time.  That sticky crap always coats my optics."
   "Mae, you certainly have a bright, cheery outlook today."  Li looked over at the form beside her.  "You realize that suit makes your butt look fat."
   "Jeng likes it.  You seem to be staring at my backside a lot lately Li.  Is there something I should know about?"  Mae put a hand on one of the twin drums mounted on the back of her hips, just below the maneuver pack.  Li had decided some time back that although the new suits were a vast improvement over the Mantis Suits she had trained with, the new suits definitely didn't look very flattering.
   Li looked over Mae's suit.  It was a standard Salamander Combat Suit.  Li had heard that it was based off of captured Euro suits, and from lessons learned at Triton.  The old 6.5mm pulse rifle had proved inadequate against both power armor and the alien battle suits. It had also been dropped or lost on too many occasions.  It was now mounted on the outside of the right arm as a back-up weapon.  The new main combat weapon was the Type 4.  It was a 14.5mm semi-bullpup design, with an enclosed dual belt feed.  One belt contained solid tungsten rounds designed to penetrate both power armor, alien suits, and light vehicles.  The second belt contained HE-I rounds with a prefragmented copper body wrapped around a small explosive/incendiary charge.  The Type 4 also mounted a 30mm under barrel grenade launcher that was supposedly an exact copy of those used by the Euro.  The weapon was synchronized with the maneuver pack for micro-g operation and fired in four round bursts.  'Mae calls the thing the dentist.  Swears it tries to pull her teeth every time she fires it.'
   On the left shoulder was mounted a highly modified Type 63.  It was now known as the Type 67.  It had changed from an antiquated support weapon to a suit portable system.  It still fired the 37mm APHE rounds that had been so effective on Triton, but now fired from a four round cassette loaded into the weapon.  Gone were the spring loaded magazines prone to failure in the extreme cold.  The Type 67 rode on a gyro stabilized mount attached to the suit and could track and engage targets through the suits HUD.  It could also be removed from the mount for situations which required it. 
   "Why did they ever stick those drums right on the suit's butt?"
   "Quiet Li, get ready.  We are close to drop."  Mae was powering up the maneuver pack and locking her weapon into its drop mount.
   Li began to lock her weapon into its drop mount.  She didn't carry a Type 4.  She still wore the standard Salamander Combat Suit, but had been designated as the support weapon member of her squad.  She carried a Type 15.  It was a 23mm tapered bore with a barrel over two meters long.  It fired round with fins up to 37mm wide that were swaged down to 23mm as it passed down the bore.  Much like water passing through the nozzle of a garden hose, the tapered barrel increased the velocity of the round.  The AP round was capable of penetrating light armored vehicles and obstacles.  It was also synchronized with the maneuver pack, but only fired single shots from six round cassettes.  Where the Type 4 came with two one hundred round belts, Li only carried 6 of the cassettes.  She had to make her shots count.
   Li heard the shuttle commander screaming as the lander heaved.  Braking thrusters fired and skids crashed into the surface outside.  Side ports and ramps flew open as troops began to rush out.  Li snapped her brackets open and pulled her weapon from its drop mount.  She exited the lander two meters behind Mae into a thick cloud of brown methane fog and blowing ethane sleet.  A hail of water ice pebbles scoured the outside of her suit as Mae activated her jump jets.  A heartbeat later and Li fired hers trying to both follow Mae and still keep her spacing.  Through the grime on her optics and fog she could see her company fanning out.  She watched Mae begin her descent and fired her maneuver pack to follow her.  A heartbeat later she crashed into a thick puddle of methane syrup and sent sheets of is splashing.  She could barely make out Mae crouching just a few meters away.  Li pulled the covers off of her Type 15's optics as she activated the chin switch in her helmet.  A moment later half of her HUD was a crystal clear display from the sights on her weapon.
   "Ok people.  Hold your positions for a minute.  We will need to get fixes on you so we can evaluate the drop.  Next time we will practice deployment from the troopship."
   Li heard the battalion commander on her radio.  They had practiced drops and landing from shuttles dozens of times, but only twice from the troopships.  Landing the habitat sized vessels on the surface was an ordeal in itself.  The thrusters tended to melt the surface wherever they came down.  Getting onto one was messy.  Getting off was downright dangerous.  It was easy to end up in several feet of rapidly freezing liquid. 
   Li looked up to see Mae kneeling down in front of her. Mae leaned forward and touched helmets with LI.  Li turned off her radio.  "Mae, you’re going to get us both in trouble.  You’re out of position and I'm too close."
   Li heard the buzz of Mae's voice as it carried between the touching helmets.  "Li, I'm sorry for getting you into this."
   "Why.  I agreed to join.  You didn't force me, and this isn't any worse than factory work.  Factory work hasn't much of a future.  At least with this I could get promoted and have a retirement.  Now finding a boy like you did, well..."  Li was concerned.  Mae wasn't normally the apologetic type, and Li wasn't sorry she had joined.  She was actually enjoying parts of it.
   "I was talking to Jeng, Li.  He said the only time they practiced assaults like this, especially from the troopships, was right before they shipped out to fight the aliens.  Jeng said he thinks we are getting ready to go into combat."  Mae was talking slowly.  Thinking about what she was saying.  Even muffled by the helmets Li could hear the worry in Mae's voice.  Li had always seen Mae as fearless, but began to realize perhaps it wasn't that she had seen, just youth.  'Mae is still in her teens.  She just found a boyfriend.  She never thought about dying.'
   "Mae, I'm not a kid.  I knew we were at war with the aliens when I agreed to do this."  Li stopped for a moment and thought.  "Mae, we're going to be alright.  I'll look out for you, and you for me.  Just like we have been." 
   Li stood up and waited for Mae.  As Li turned on her radio she could hear the call for all troops to return to the landing area.  Mae stood up and walked beside her slowly.  No race or taunts this time.  Li reached out and took the hand of Mae's suit.  Mae didn't pull away as they walked back, hidden in the thick fog.

January 9th  1240 hours/University of Cambridge, England

   Henk Leering scrambled from his seat trying to brush the hot coffee out of his pants.  Thomas O'Connell couldn't understand most of the German the man was yelling, but had a fair idea what it meant and that there was no way the coffee could actually be or do the things he was calling it.. 
   "Henk!  Sit down for a moment !"  Thomas grabbed Henk's shirt sleeve and tried to restrain his flailing.  It took a few moments before Henk settled down enough to look at Thomas.
   "We did it ! Look at the readings.  The calibrations must be off slightly to have caused the oscillations we experienced, but it worked !"  Thomas pointed at the readouts scrolling across the monitors as Henk finally began to understand.
   His burned legs forgotten, Henk rushed to the terminals and began to scroll back through the data.  "Here.  Right here.  We adjust the amplitude and frequency like this..."  Henk began to type on the keyboard and then began moving fields on the monitor.  Moments later he turned to look at Thomas again.  "Thomas, I think we may be on to something.  We definitely generated gravitons, but far more than we had anticipated.  And we only had the system at a fraction of the power that it was designed to operate at."
   Thomas came closer to the terminal and looked at Henk's figures.  "You're right.  That little oscillation is going to look like a small earthquake to the rest of the world.  And we were at only two percent of full power on a single generator bank.  We could make this a great deal smaller, increase the power to the generator, and create a very powerful field.  It could create an engine much more powerful than the nuclear drives with a fraction of the size."
   Henk sat down at the terminal and looked at the data.  "I'm not so sure.  We will need more tests, but if the data we have is accurate..."  Data plots began to scroll across the monitor.  Power versus output projections.  Amplitude and frequency.  Henk pointed to the graphs that began to form on another nearby monitor.  "See this.  As the graviton generator decreases in size, we need to decrease the amplitude with a corresponding increase in the frequency.  It will generate a great deal of emissions, but..."  Suddenly the graph shot off the top of the scale. 
   Henk pointed to a part of the graph.  "It looks like the best return for the power supplied is in this range.  It will require almost four times the mass in generators to create the same acceleration as a bank of particle accelerators on a standard nuclear drive.  And it looks to be rather size sensitive.  To large of an array or two small of a power supply and you get destructive oscillations due to the frequency modulation of the system.  To small, and it requires a great deal of power with a geometric increase in emissions resulting in this."  Henk pointed at the end of the scale that had went off the top of the monitor.
   Thomas looked at the projections.  "Would that...." 
   Henk picked up his broken coffee cup.  "Yes, I think so."
   "The military will be pleased to hear this."
   "Um, Thomas?"  Henk looked a little sheepish.
   "What is it?"
   "How shall we explain this?  I mean, does England generally have earthquakes?"

January 12th  0900 hours/Interceptor MkIIb JFK, Mars orbit

   Rear Admiral (Lower Half) James Gauld looked at the visual feed on his monitor. The framework in the slip at Mars Station was nearly complete.  Soon they would begin installing the internal components and fitting the outer skin.  It was going to become Mars Defense Base 1 when completed.   Only slightly smaller that an Interceptor, it would be armed and shielded identically to a MkIIb.  'It will just be a lot cheaper to take care of with no drive.  If it doesn't spend all its time riding a nuclear plume it shouldn't need quite so much upkeep.'
   'They put the thing under my command, but it sounds like they plan on building enough of the things to require their own admiral eventually.  For being the most junior admiral, I seem to have acquired the largest command.'  Jamie went over the list of ships in his head.  First was his own Task Force 1 with three Interceptor MkIIb's, the JFK, the J Madison, and the A Jackson.  Next were the four ships in the Q Ship Group.  They included the Steadfast, Vigilance, Resolute, and Defiant.  Last, although only under his direction in the case of attack on Mars were the six Defense Modules of the Mars Station.  All told his group included 13 launch bays and 9 laser arrays. 
   'Hopefully that will be enough if the aliens come back.   After Earth, we are the biggest target out here.  Four and a half million colonists, a shipyard, an orbital transfer station, plus nine ships if you include Survey Tenders 1 and 2.'  Jamie shut down the visual feed and pulled up the training plan for the day.  'Of course the best reason I can see to be building those bases isn't helping to protect Mars.  It’s freeing us up to move out system again.  With a new division training on the surface and the four Q Ships quite capable of transporting it, it can only be a matter of time before ships begin moving out system again.  After what the Taylor did at Triton, I doubt they will leave the MkIIb's at Mars a second time.'

... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...

Offline procyon (OP)

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Re: Nemesis Campaign
« Reply #119 on: June 17, 2011, 03:29:45 AM »
January 2205  part 4

January 16th  2200 hours/Ministry of Defense, Beijing, China

   Minister Po sat after addressing the Ministry.  His fortunes had swung back and forth several times in the last two years.  Once again fate had smiled on him and presented an opportunity.  The FSC had defied the Treaty of Pax Terra, and now the Pan Euro and US were to busy quibbling over what to do.
   The Pan Euro had positioned one fleet over the site of the infraction, while the other waited on the opposite side of the planet over the Atlantic Ocean.  The US had left its ships nearly ten light seconds from the planet.  Neither country had moved any of its troops to mobilization sites, although the US conducted daily low orbit fly-overs of FSC territory.  The Pan Euro and US appeared willing to sit this one out.
   China, and Minister Po, were not so ambivalent.  By the end of the month two new Light Power Armor Divisions would be ready on Titan.  Two troopships were already stationed to transport the troops, while a third was being finished using ground industry here at Earth.  Yesterday, a seventh Missile Frigate had been completed at Venus.  While the crew was still unprepared for combat, they could take the place of a much more experienced crew in the defense of the Venus Station.  The more capable Frigate would accompany the three troopships.
   The target would not be the Queensland facility or construction site.  The area was much too heavily guarded and the FSC had troops prepared here at Earth.  Officially they were replacements for the soldiers stationed on Triton, but could easily be shifted to the defense of the FSC here on Earth.  The Pan Euro and US had also shown a willingness to intervene in affairs here on Earth.  Here the danger was too high to risk an invasion of FSC soil and assets.
   But the Treaty of Mare Serenetatis gave some leeway in these matters. It allowed for hostilities to be conducted away from Earth under certain circumstances, and technically the FSC had no claim to place outposts in the asteroid belt.  The US and Euro had ceded portions of the belt, but China had never signed that.  Technically, they were under no obligation to recognize the FSC colony there.  And Po doubted the Pan Euro and US would be willing to risk troops or ships for a small chunk of rock in the belt.
   To that end Po had presented a proposal to the Ministry that steps be taken to seize the FSC outpost.  The two divisions from Titan could be loaded with the other nations of Earth unaware.  The transfer of the Missile Frigate from Venus to escort the loaded troopships would also be invisible.  The Pan Euro, US, and even the FSC would be unaware of the attack until after it had already happened.  The FSC warships would be no match for a Missile Frigate, while the Pan Euro and US would not risk a war with China.  They may attempt a blockade, but would not want to risk their ships.  Adequate supplies would be landed with the troops from Titan to ensure that the colony could be brought under control without needing resupply.
   China would once again have a presence in the belt, would be able to increase the number of resources available to it, and could use any data captured from the FSC outpost to evaluate the possibility of further moves against the FSC.
   When the Heavy Cruiser at Venus Station was finished, the rest of the nations of Earth and the aliens could be dealt with
   Yes, fortune had provided another opportunity.  'I will not miss this opportunity,' Po thought to himself contentedly.

January 17th  0830 hours/Queen Victoria, Earth orbit

   Admiral Brenna Muldoon reviewed the morning briefing’s information.  Foremost was the data on the new drive system.  It appeared that it would be very versatile, if perhaps not the ideal warship drive.  It would be capable of use in a variety of platforms, from ships to ship's boats.  Even missiles.  The last hurdle was actual production of it.  Any attempt to construct the drive at Earth would be observed by the other powers.  Until the drive had been fully tested it would need to remain secret.  The only way to accomplish this would slow production and testing.
   A Mobile Shipyard would be needed to perform the first construction.  The only available location that could be used would be Mercury.  It was still considered Pan Euro Confederacy space by treaty, but no commercial traffic used the area now.  Much like Chinese Venus, it would be a location that could be used for construction without any outside interference.  With several locations on the surface that would be nearly invisible from orbit, the Mobile Shipyard would be able to land on the surface and conduct its work without danger of observation.  Even the aliens would have to park in orbit for some time to find the Mobile Shipyard.
   The largest problem had been the issue of what ships would be detailed to protect the location from prying eyes or alien attack, or if any would be sent at all.  Much discussion among military staffers and civilian governors of the Confederacy had argued over what and why of deploying ships to Mercury.  It had been decided that the 3rd Battle Group would be transferred from Earth to Mercury.  This would leave only the 4th BG and US Task Force 2 to guard Earth, but the large number of ground defense sites would help to cover for the loss.  The flagship of the 3rd, the Queen Jane Grey, was still in the early stages of training but Rear Admiral Moreland had proven very capable in prior engagements with the aliens.
   The next big issue of the morning had been the situation with the FSC.  The new construction and the discovery of a laser array in Australia was still 'front page news.'  The US was pushing for an amendment to the Pax Treaty allowing for increased installation of laser arrays on Earth.  With the US a leader in laser technology, this was expected.  The Pan Euro was resisting the move to amend the Treaty, but only to try and gain concessions from the US and FSC on several other political matters.  The fact that the Chinese had yet to issue any statement was the most concerning issue.  It had weighed heavily in the arguments against moving the 3rd BG from Earth.  For the moment the only military measure that was being taken was the deployment of the 3rd LBG in the belt to a position 7 light seconds from the FSC colony on Hektor.  From that range it was nearly invisible but would be able to monitor events at the colony.  They would be able to quickly isolate or blockade the colony if the situation on Earth deteriorated.
   The last two major issues for the morning were connected to a degree.  The first was the inactivity of the shipyard on the Earth Station.  The station's facilities had not been used to repair the damage from the alien attack in order to free them for warship construction.  Now they were idle.  Funding was the issue.  Funding that was now being consumed at a voracious rate by research teams.  Development of the new drive system, development of the new missile system, and integration of the two programs was proving to be expensive.  But they were not the main culprits in this.  It was a new development.  The new drive had opened the possibility of missiles small enough to be used in the counter-missile role.  The standard nuclear drive, with the need for extensive shielding and particle accelerator banks, was to large to mount any substantial number of missiles devoted to the anti-missile role.  The new drive would change that.  Small missiles capable of intercepting inbounds could now be pursued, and most likely would be small enough to allow a large number to be carried on a ship.  They would be very short range and likely lack the ability to damage a full sized warship, but would still be vastly useful if they could intercept both alien and human missiles.  This new project had required enough funding to make the construction of warships impossible for the moment.
   But with the new research likely to bear fruit in the near future any new ship built would simply be sent in for refits as soon as they had been completed.  So a small delay in construction was going to be tolerated for the moment.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 03:37:58 AM by procyon »
... and I will show you fear in a handful of dust ...