Author Topic: Post-Nemesis  (Read 2717 times)

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Offline Michael Sandy (OP)

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« on: November 16, 2006, 02:15:04 AM »
Continuing a discussion from earlier about officers, the destiny of Thebes is probably to be the main shipyard of the Commonwealth after Nemesis.

It is centrally located and therefore a good place to overhaul ships, it has several of the critical minerals for overhauls and shipbuilding and could stockpile others in case it ever came under siege.

Plataea A-III looks like a good place to build lots of Research Labs, eventually.  At a 2.8 habitability and the only real problem is the temperature, it should be terraformable over time.  And with both Duranium and Mercassium in huge quantities in the system it seems only natural to station a Research boosting governor there.

By happenstance, one of the other really big exploitable Mercassium deposits is in Ionia, right next door.  My criterion for "exploitable" is that it has to have a large accessible Duranium supply as well.

That means Syracuse A-I, with .2 availability and 995,000 tons exploitable before the Duranium runs out.  Minor problem of a Colonization Cost of 123 and a surface temperature of 1500 C. :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Michael Sandy »