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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Part 1: Per Aspera Ad Astra
« on: March 03, 2010, 09:31:32 AM »
In 853 ab urbe condita (100 AD) a Roman trading mission to the Azores was blown hundreds of miles off course by a storm. The battered ships sighted a large, previously uncharted island and their crews made landfall in order to make much needed repairs. Along the coast, they discovered a partially-flooded ruined city. MOst of the buildings were constructed from a strange metallic substance and contained many mysterious objects and devices. The leader of the trading expedition was Quintus Calidius Severus, a man of many parts. An ex-soldier as well as a merchant, scientist and engineer. Recognizing the potential for new knowledge, both for himself and the Empire, he ordered the cargo in his ships to be unloaded and replaced with artifacts from the ruined city, in particular as many undamaged books as could be found in those libraries still above the water. Even as his men toiled to load the new cargo, the island was shaken by several earthquakes and the water level rose steadily. Severus realised the island was slowly sliding beneath the sea and within a few weeks would be lost forever. Despite the growing concern of his crews that remaining in the alien city would lead to their deaths, he urged them onward until every ship was filled to overflowing.

Unsure of their location, Severus navigated due east until he reached the coast of Mauretania and then headed north until his ships passed through the Columnae Herculis into Mare Nostrum. Blessed by clement weather and a lack of pirates, his epic voyage ended safely at his estates near Neapolis, south of Roma. As soon as the precious cargo was unloaded, he organized a second expedition to return to the island. Despite months at sea, searching vast swathes of the Oceanus Atlanticus, he could find no sign that it ever existed. After returning home, he spent the next few years dedicating his considerable fortune and influence toward understanding the mystifying artifacts. He invited fellow scholars and engineers from across the Empire to join him in his quest and with glacial slowness they began to make progress.

Many of the devices were electronic in nature. Severus could have been doomed to failure as the Empire of 853 AUC had not even developed steam power. Fortune smiled on these early scientific pioneers both because many of the devices had built-in power sources and because a computer was eventually activated by accident. Realizing the importance of their discovery, Severus and his colleagues were able to access more computers, determine their function and gradually begin to understand the language and the computer interface. Sometimes months would pass without any advance in their knowledge but slowly and surely their expertise grew. The more they learned, the more the process of learning accelerated. Eventually, they translated books containing a partial history of the island city. Founded thousands of years before the Roman Empire, the city was the home of an ancient and advanced civilization. Guided by a scientific philosophy and a policy of isolating themselves from the barbaric cultures of the mainland, they developed many marvels of science and engineering. Eventually, they discovered certain properties of rare minerals, found deep below the surface of Terra, which allowed them access to the heavens. When a devastating earthquake laid waste to their island home, they departed for the stars.

Fifteen years after his return from the island, Severus demonstrated a working firearm for Emperor Trajan. The Emperor was so impressed that he granted Severus the title of Praetor, with responsibility for introducing the new knowledge across the Empire and equipping the Legions. With effectively unlimited funds, Praetor Quintus Calidius Severus formed a scientific and engineering bureaucracy that would outlive him and stand the test of time, guiding not just Emperor Trajan but Emperors Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. Roman Legions armed with rifles and machine guns slaughtered their enemies and the Empire quickly grew in size and power. The first aircraft appeared in 890 AUC, along with armoured vehicles, and the rate of expansion grew.  By 910 AUC, the Germanic tribes responsible for the Varian disaster, the Sarmatian tribes, the Parthian Empire, Arabia and the Kushan Empire had all been absorbed into the Roman Empire. In 925 AUC the Romans attacked the Han dynasty of China using mobile rocket artillery and jet aircraft, aided by satellite reconnaissance. The first moon landing took place in 932 AUC.

By 953 AUC, one hundred years after Praetor Quintus Calidius Severus made his now legendary discovery, the Empire's industrial and scientific strength had grown to match the capabilities of the ancient island realm. The whole world was under the rule of Emperor Titus Aurelius Antoninus, the eldest son of Marcus Aurelius. Titus Aurelius may not even have survived without the discoveries of Praetor Severus as he fell ill as a young child and was only saved due to the advances in medical knowledge. The new Emperor was fascinated by science and technology and determined to spread Roman dominion to the stars. Work began on constructing orbital shipyards and building a naval force. By 960 AUC, the first two Legio Astra were ready. At this point, the population of Terra was estimated at eight hundred million.

Roman Military Organization in the Early Interstellar Era
At this time in history, the Empire drew no distinction between naval and ground forces. A legion comprised both a ground component and a naval component, with the latter responsible for transporting and protecting the former. The ground component usually included four heavy assault cohorts of 500 men and a headquarters unit, totaling 2500 men. The naval component varied between different legions but always included transport for the legionaries, warships and escorts. These combined force legions were commonly referred to as Legio Astra, or Star Legions, while the ground component was referred to as simply Legio. Independent auxiliary units included infantry, garrison forces, survey fleets and support fleets, such as freighters, colony ships and terraformers.

Legio Astra I

Naval Element
2x Trajan class Missile Cruiser: Trajan, Marcus Aurellius
2x Lancea class Escort: Pilum, Verutum
2x Drusus class Frigate: Drusus, Khopesh
1x Gladius class Troop Transport
1x Minerva class Carrier  
5x Martiobarbulus class Dropship    

Ground Element
HQ Legio I
HVA Legio I Primus Cohors
HVA Legio I Secundus Cohors
HVA Legio I Tertius Cohors
HVA Legio I Quartus Cohors

Legio Astra II

Naval Element
2x Trajan class Missile Cruiser: Hadrian, Nerva
2x Lancea class Escort: Javelin, Lancea
2x Drusus class Frigate: Kopis, Spatha
1x Gladius class Troop Transport
1x Minerva class Carrier  
5x Martiobarbulus class Dropship    

Ground Element
HQ Legio II
HVA Legio II Primus Cohors
HVA Legio II Secundus Cohors
HVA Legio II Tertius Cohors
HVA Legio II Quartus Cohors


Naval Units
3x Decius class Geological Survey Vessel
5x Ceres class Freighter
5x Vesta class Colony Ship

INF Aelia
INF Alpinorum
INF Aquitanorum
INF Augusta Cyrenaica
INF Damascena Armeniaca
INF Flavia Afrorum
INF Macedonica
INF Thracum Veterana
INF Breucorum
INF Germanorum

Cohortes Urbanae
GAR Cohors Urbana I
GAR Cohors Urbana II
GAR Cohors Urbana III
GAR Cohors Urbana IV
GAR Cohors Urbana V
Roman Rank Structure
The move into space and the creation of Legio Astra resulted in some modifications to Roman rank structures. The rank of Tribune became formalized as the commander of a Cohort, while a Legatus Legionis commanded the entire ground element of a Legio Astra. A Legatus Augusti commanded the ground elements of several legions. The naval equivalent of the Legatus Legionis was the Legatus Classis, who commanded the naval elements of a Legio Astra, while the commander of the naval elements of several legions was a Legatus Augusti Classis. The commander of a major warship, such as a Trajan class missile cruiser, or a small squadron had the rank of Nauarchus, a translation of the Greek Navarch, meaning 'leader of ships', into Latin. The commanders of smaller warships or survey ships had the rank of Trierarchus, from the Greek Trierarch or commander of a Trireme. It seems somewhat ironic that the commander of an interstellar warship should derive his rank from the commander of an wind and oar-powered galley but tradition has always been very important within the Empire. Auxiliary ships such as colony ships and freighters, or the Martiobarbulus class Dropships were commanded by Centurions. Above the equivalent ground/naval ranks of Legatus Augusti and Legatus Augusti Classis was the rank of Praetor

Roman Ship Designs

Code: [Select]
Trajan class Missile Cruiser    9750 tons     907 Crew     1311.8 BP      TCS 195  TH 780  EM 0
4000 km/s     Armour 4-40     Shields 0-0     Sensors 5/8/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 40
Annual Failure Rate: 190%    IFR: 2.6%    Maint Capacity 336 MSP    Max Repair 63 MSP    Est Time: 1.9 Years
Magazine 840    

Mercury Ion Engine (13)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 200,000 Litres    Range 52.7 billion km   (152 days at full power)

Gaius V50 Launcher (8)    Missile Size 5    Rate of Fire 50
Tiberius-50 Missile Fire Control (1)     Range 50.4m km    Resolution 100
Tormentum Anti-ship Missile (168)  Speed: 24,000 km/s   End: 35.7m    Range: 51.4m km   WH: 6    Size: 5    TH: 80 / 48 / 24

Marius-50 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 6300     Range 50.4m km    Resolution 100
Ferax-5 Thermal Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  5m km
Antius-8 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8m km
Code: [Select]
Lancea class Escort    6000 tons     513 Crew     949.96 BP      TCS 120  TH 480  EM 0
4000 km/s     Armour 3-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 15
Annual Failure Rate: 96%    IFR: 1.3%    Maint Capacity 297 MSP    Max Repair 126 MSP    Est Time: 1.73 Years
Magazine 525    

Mercury Ion Engine (8)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 64.3 billion km   (186 days at full power)

Gaius PD Launcher (15)    Missile Size 1    Rate of Fire 10
Tiberius-1 Missile Fire Control (3)     Range 1.0m km    Resolution 1
Arcus Anti-missile Missile (525)  Speed: 30,000 km/s   End: 1.4m    Range: 2.6m km   WH: 1    Size: 1    TH: 220 / 132 / 66

Marius-1 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 126     Range 1.0m km    Resolution 1
Code: [Select]
Drusus class Frigate    4500 tons     517 Crew     738.8 BP      TCS 90  TH 360  EM 0
4000 km/s     Armour 4-24     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 3     PPV 24
Annual Failure Rate: 54%    IFR: 0.7%    Maint Capacity 308 MSP    Max Repair 63 MSP    Est Time: 3.76 Years

Mercury Ion Engine (6)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 57.1 billion km   (165 days at full power)

15cm C3 Near Ultraviolet Laser (6)    Range 180,000km     TS: 4000 km/s     Power 6-3     RM 3  ROF 10        
Beam Fire Control (2)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4000 km/s     95 90 84 79 74 69 64 58 53 48
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (4)     Total Power Output 18    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Marius-50 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 6300     Range 50.4m km    Resolution 100
Code: [Select]
Gladius class Troop Transport    30000 tons     436 Crew     1055.4 BP      TCS 600  TH 1800  EM 0
3000 km/s     Armour 3-86     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 22 MSP    Max Repair 40 MSP
Troop Capacity: 5 Cohorts    Cargo Handling Multiplier 25    

Commercial Ion Engine (12)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 150    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 85.7 billion km   (330 days at full power)
Marius-16 Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 2100     Range 16.8m km    Resolution 100
Code: [Select]
Minerva class Carrier    9000 tons     495 Crew     1099.4 BP      TCS 180  TH 540  EM 0
3000 km/s     Armour 1-38     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/8/0/0     Damage Control Rating 8     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 81%    IFR: 1.1%    Maint Capacity 611 MSP    Max Repair 63 MSP    Est Time: 4.39 Years
Hangar Deck Capacity 5000 tons    

Mercury Ion Engine (9)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 142.9 billion km   (551 days at full power)

Marius-50 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 6300     Range 50.4m km    Resolution 100
Antius-8 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8m km
Code: [Select]
Martiobarbulus class Dropship    1000 tons     36 Crew     136.4 BP      TCS 20  TH 120  EM 0
6000 km/s     Armour 3-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 0     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 16%    IFR: 0.2%    Maint Capacity 43 MSP    Max Repair 60 MSP    Est Time: 2.49 Years
Drop Capacity: 1 Battalion    

Mercury-D Ion Engine (1)    Power 120    Fuel Use 700%    Signature 120    Armour 0    Exp 15%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 12.9 billion km   (24 days at full power)
Code: [Select]
Decius class Geological Survey Vessel    1000 tons     102 Crew     286.8 BP      TCS 20  TH 60  EM 0
3000 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/2     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 4%    IFR: 0.1%    Maint Capacity 358 MSP    Max Repair 100 MSP    Est Time: 12.88 Years

Mercury Ion Engine (1)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 60,000 Litres    Range 154.3 billion km   (595 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour
Code: [Select]
Vesta class Colony Ship    27400 tons     386 Crew     1098.8 BP      TCS 548  TH 1650  EM 0
3010 km/s     Armour 1-80     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 25 MSP    Max Repair 38 MSP
Colonists 50000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 15    

Commercial Ion Engine (11)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 150    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 93.8 billion km   (360 days at full power)
Code: [Select]
Ceres class Freighter    40000 tons     361 Crew     672 BP      TCS 800  TH 1650  EM 0
2062 km/s     Armour 1-104     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 10 MSP    Max Repair 38 MSP
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 15    

Commercial Ion Engine (11)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 150    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres    Range 64.3 billion km   (360 days at full power)

The geological survey of the Sol system began in 960 AUC in early Ianuarius. Later the same year, in mid-Maius, Roman scientists completed research into jump point theory and began work on developing gravitational sensors. The first Aeolus class Gravitational Survey Vessel was laid down on the fifteenth day of Iulius and launched on the tenth day of Aprilis 961. Two sister ships were scheduled for delivery in Augustus 961 and Ianuarius 962.

Code: [Select]
Aeolus class Gravitational Survey Vessel    1000 tons     102 Crew     286.8 BP      TCS 20  TH 60  EM 0
3000 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/2/0     Damage Control Rating 2     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 4%    IFR: 0.1%    Maint Capacity 358 MSP    Max Repair 100 MSP    Est Time: 12.88 Years

Mercury Ion Engine (1)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 60,000 Litres    Range 154.3 billion km   (595 days at full power)
Gravitational Survey Sensors (2)   2 Survey Points Per Hour
As a result of a shortage of Gallicite, the Empire's first extra-terrestrial colony was founded in Maius 961 with the delivery of five automated mines to an asteroid in the Mars - Jupiter belt. Over the next twelve months, the number of mines eventually grew to one hundred and sixty. Several mass drivers were transported to the colony so that its minerals could be sent directly to Terra without the need for freighters.

On the twenty-second day of October 961, Emperor Titus Aurelius officially founded Legio Astra III, with an order of battle matching that of the first two Legio Astra. This included the Trajan class missile cruisers Nerva and Antonius Pius, the Lancea class escorts Hasta and Spiculum and the frigates Jian and Dao, plus a Gladius class troop transport, a Minerva class carrier with five Martiobarbulus class Dropships and the Legio III, with a headquarters unit and four heavy assault cohorts. The two frigates are of particular historical note as they were named after Chinese weapons, signifying the influence of the Han dynasty within the Empire.

A survey of the Sol system was completed on the second day of Aprilis 962. Six jump points were found. The first was on the inside edge of the asteroid belt, while two more lay between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. Two more were inside the orbit of Neptune and the sixth just outside. Until a jump-capable spacecraft was designed, the jump points would lay undisturbed. As the geological survey of Sol was also complete, all Roman survey ships were taken into overhaul so they would be ready for the age of interstellar exploration. Before designing any jump drives, the Empire's leading expert in propulsion technology, Aulus Caristanius Sebastianus, pursued research into jump drive efficiency until a drive would only be one sixth the size of the mounting ship. This allowed the design of much larger jump-capable ships without prohibitive costs in both development and construction. The downside was a delay of over a year before the first jump-capable ship could be built.

Eventually, the research work was completed and the design for the Janus class Carrier was finalised in October 962. Fifty percent larger than a Trajan class missile cruiser, the Janus was jump capable and had a hangar bay twenty percent larger than the Minerva, plus greater capacity for fuel and maintenance supplies. Its intended role was twofold. Firstly to eventually replace the Minerva within the Legio Astra, allowing the existing carriers to serve as part of the Auxilia, and secondly to carry mixed squadrons of Decius and Aeolus class survey ships on long range expeditions. The Janus was a very large and expensive ship so it would take some time to bring it into service. The Britannia Prime shipyard, which had recently completed a fourth Minerva, began retooling and would be ready to lay down the first Janus in Iulius 963. Even after that, the first pair of carriers would take almost two years to build. In the meantime, something smaller was needed to allow exploration of the recently discovered jump points

Code: [Select]
Janus class Carrier    15000 tons     1037 Crew     2226.4 BP      TCS 300  TH 900  EM 0
3000 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 1-54     Shields 0-0     Sensors 10/16/0/0     Damage Control Rating 15     PPV 0
Annual Failure Rate: 120%    IFR: 1.7%    Maint Capacity 1392 MSP    Max Repair 625 MSP    Est Time: 1.43 Years
Hangar Deck Capacity 6000 tons    

Jupiter-15 Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 15000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Mercury Ion Engine (15)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 600,000 Litres    Range 102.9 billion km   (396 days at full power)

Marius-100 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 12600     Range 100.8m km    Resolution 100
Ferax-10 Thermal Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 10     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  10m km
Antius-16 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  16m km
The Scipio was intended as a leader of a small squadron attached to a Legio Astra that could operate independently when so desired by the Legatus Classis. As they became available, one Scipio would be added to the standard order of battle for each Legio Astra, in order of seniority. The Drusus class frigates already included in the legionary OOB would be the usual members of such a squadron but because of the larger size of the Scipio, a Lancea class escort could optionally be exchanged for a Drusus to provide protection against hostile missile attack. Although the new frigate leader design had only half the armament of the Drusus, it made up for that with jump capability and the best sensor suite of any Roman design to date. The Marius-200 Active Search Sensor had a two hundred million kilometer range, double that of the Marius-100 on the Janus class carrier, making the Scipio an ideal fleet scout. The new ship would be built in the Carthaginiensis Shipyard. Retooling would take until early Maius 963.

Code: [Select]
Scipio class Frigate Leader    6000 tons     599 Crew     1012.6 BP      TCS 120  TH 480  EM 0
4000 km/s    JR 3-50     Armour 4-29     Shields 0-0     Sensors 10/16/0/0     Damage Control Rating 4     PPV 12
Annual Failure Rate: 72%    IFR: 1%    Maint Capacity 422 MSP    Max Repair 252 MSP    Est Time: 1.66 Years

Jupiter-6 Military Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 6000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Mercury Ion Engine (8)    Power 60    Fuel Use 70%    Signature 60    Armour 0    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 64.3 billion km   (186 days at full power)

15cm C3 Near Ultraviolet Laser (3)    Range 180,000km     TS: 4000 km/s     Power 6-3     RM 3    ROF 10
Beam Fire Control (1)    Max Range: 192,000 km   TS: 4000 km/s     95 90 84 79 74 69 64 58 53 48
Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (2)     Total Power Output 9    Armour 0    Exp 5%

Marius-200 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 25200     Range 201.6m km    Resolution 100
Ferax-10 Thermal Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 10     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  10m km
Antius-16 EM Detection Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  16m km
On the eleventh day of Augustus 963, Legio Astra IV was founded by the Emperor. With the new jump-capable ships still under construction, the new legion had the same complement of ships as the other three; two Trajans, two Lanceas, two Drusus, a Gladius and a Minerva. The ground element, Legio IV, comprised the usual headquarters unit and four heavy assault cohorts. No new Legio Astra were planned for the immediate future. The emphasis of the Imperial Army planners was on enhancing the capabilities of the existing four legions so they could function in interstellar space.

Another new jump-capable ship was laid down in September 963. The Maximus class Auxiliary Transport was the largest Roman ship designed to date and could carry five Cohorts, or a Fabri (engineering) unit. Although it was equipped with a jump drive, which would allow it to escort a Gladius class Troop Transport through a jump point, and had a large fuel capacity, it lacked the armour protection of its smaller cousin. This particular vulnerability meant the Maximus would usually carry ground forces of the Auxilia acting in support of a Legio transported by a Gladius.

Code: [Select]
Maximus class Auxiliary Transport    55000 tons     863 Crew     1631.8 BP      TCS 1100  TH 3300  EM 0
3000 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 1-128     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Capacity 19 MSP    Max Repair 156 MSP
Troop Capacity: 5 Cohorts    Cargo Handling Multiplier 25    

JC56K Commercial Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 56000 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
Commercial Ion Engine (22)    Power 150    Fuel Use 7%    Signature 150    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 800,000 Litres    Range 374.0 billion km   (1443 days at full power)
Marius-16 Active Search Sensor (1)     GPS 2100     Range 16.8m km    Resolution 100

For almost three centuries, during the time of the Republic, an Ala was the term used to denote a military formation composed of conscripts from the socii, the Republic's Italian military allies. A normal consular army during this period consisted of two legions, composed of Roman citizens, and 2 allied alae, which were comparable in size to legions. From the time of Augustus to the early interstellar era, the term ala was used to denote a much smaller, purely cavalry unit of the Auxilia. As the Empire expanded into space, it became more likely that Auxilia Cohortes would be deployed independently, either as single units or in groups, rather than directly attached to a Legio Astra. Therefore the Republican term was revived to indicate a higher level formation of Auxilia. In organizational terms, an Ala became the Auxilia equivalent of the Legio and was commanded by a Legatus Legionis, although generally the more junior or less politically favoured members of that rank. The commander of a Auxilia Cohors was a usually a junior Tribune, although as a result of tradition he was referred to as a Praefectus while assigned to the Auxilia.

The first two Scipio frigate leaders, Scipio Africanus and Gaius Marius were launched on the twentieth day of September 964 and assigned to Legio Astra I and Legio Astra II respectively. Within hours, Emperor Titus Aurelius personally ordered the senior Roman naval commander, Legatus Augusti Classis Sextus Ausonius Romulus, to investigate the six jump points of the Sol system. For the purposes of future brevity within this historical record, all Roman officers of Legatus rank, be they Classis, Augusti Classis or Legionis, will hereafter be referred to as simply Legatus unless context is important. In turn, Legatus Romulus ordered Legatus Tiberius Vatinius Proculus, commander of Legio Astra I, to form a squadron of smaller warships, led by Scipio Africanus, and probe each of the first four jump points. Legio Astra II was assigned the two outer jump points.

Scipio Africanus, Drusus and Khopesh entered jump point one at 11:30 on the twenty-second day of September 964 and discovered a yellow G3-V primary with several interesting planets. In honour of the Emperor and his father, the system was named Aurelius. The innermost planet was a hot, high pressure world similar to Venus and useless for colonization. Aurelius II was a high gravity world, twice the diameter of Earth with a vast desert spanning much of the equatorial regions. The average surface temperature was 55C. Despite the planet's inhospitability, the atmosphere was breathable so it could be colonized as long as sufficient infrastructure was provided to protect the inhabitants. The Empire's best scientists believed the technology existed to manipulate the atmosphere in order to bring down the temperature and make the planet a more inviting place to live. The next three planets had atmospheres of Nitrogen/Ammonia, Ammonia/Methane and Nitrogen/Methane respectively. Despite the fact their orbital distances ranged from 150m kilometers to 418m kilometers, the range of surface temperatures was very narrow, from -45C to -51C, with Aurelius V being the warmest, relatively speaking. Scientists believed that in the long term the poisonous gases could be removed from the atmospheres of Aurelius III and Aurelius V and oxygen added to the nitrogen to make those atmospheres breathable. Unfortunately, the atmosphere of Aurelius IV was nothing but poisonous gases. In total, Aurelius had seven rocky planets, no gas giants, eighteen moons and a scattered halo of a hundred plus asteroids.

The Legio Astra I frigate squadron remained on the jump point so Scipio Africanus could open the jump point for a Decius class geological survey vessel and two Aeolus class gravitational vessels of the Auxilia, which had been summoned from Terra. In Sol, the other warships of Legio Astra I guarded the Aurelius jump point until the frigates completed their task. Two hours after the transit into Aurelius, with the Auxilia ships still en route from Terra, Scipio Africanus detected seven unknown ships at two hundred million kilometers, two of 22,200 tons, one of 14,750 tons and four of 7400 tons, apparently on a course from Aurelius III. The frigate leader jumped back into Sol and Trierarchus Vedrix alerted his immediate superior, Legatus Proculus, who in turn informed Legatus Romulus. The warships of Legio Astra III and Legio Astra IV were directed to immediately move from Earth orbit to the Aurelius jump point. The alien ships were moving at 6755 km/s and they had less distance to cover so they would beat the Imperial reinforcements by several hours. Legio Astra I was on its own.

In Rome, news of the events in Aurelius spread quickly. Shock and panic followed close behind. It had been more than a hundred years since the Empire feared barbarians at the gates and the Romans had grown used to a crushing technological superiority over their foes. Now, evidence of alien life arrived at the same moment as news that those aliens were not only close at hand but had larger and faster ships than the Empire. Emperor Titus Aurelius was his father's son and moved swiftly to quell the growing tide of fear. Within an hour, he had dismissed those advisors who could not think under pressure, formed a war council and broadcast a reassuring message to the inhabitants of Terra. Despite warnings from some advisors the aliens could prove friendly, the Emperor could not take the chance. He ordered Legatus Romulus to ensure no alien ships entered Sol, or at least did not survive the attempt.

The message was passed down the chain of command and a few minutes later Scipio Africanus jumped back into Aurelius so that her commander, Trierarchus Vedrix, could broadcast a warning to the alien ships. No reply or attempt at communication was forthcoming. Concerned about the possibility of missile attack, against which his three frigates had no defence, Vedrix requested that either the two Lanceas of the Legio Astra I join him in Aurelius or that he be allowed to withdraw his ships. The Trajan class missile cruisers were too large to enter the system until the first Janus class carrier was available. Reluctant to lose the intelligence advantage of remaining in Aurelius, Legatus Proculus sent the Lanceas into the system. Six hours after first contact, the three largest alien ships and one of the smaller ones halted, leaving the other three to continue toward the jump point alone.

Almost an hour after the alien forces split, the active sensors on the two Lancea escorts detected sixteen size 8 missiles at eight hundred thousand kilometers, travelling at 28,000 km/s. The escorts' point defence systems were set on automatic and instantly began launching Arcus anti-missiles. Despite the point defence fire controls being set to engage any incoming alien missile with three anti-missiles, the two escorts only had thirty launchers between them, albeit with a ten second reload time. Trierarchus Vedrix ordered all five Roman ships to be ready to jump back into Sol in case the anti-missiles proved ineffective. The first wave of thirty Arcus destroyed just six incoming missiles, leaving ten more closing very fast. Although more anti-missiles were already in space, there was simply no way they could kill the remaining alien missiles without a great deal of luck. Vedrix gave the order to leave. Scipio Africanus held the jump point open while the Lanceas and two Drusus fled through and then followed them into Sol. Using the standard transit method rather than a squadron transit meant their sensors and fire control would be scrambled for several minutes but Sol was friendly space and it allowed Vedrix to get all five ships out together. He had just time to see a wave of eighteen Arcus destroy four more alien anti-ship missiles before the jump point closed behind his ship.

Now that the hostility of the aliens had been established, Legatus Proculus concentrated on defending the jump point until the other Legio Astra arrived. He moved his two Trajan class missile cruisers a million kilometers away, safely out of energy range, and left the Scipio Africanus, the two Drusus class frigates and the two Lanceas on the jump point. The escorts reconfigured their fire controls for anti-ship fire. Four hours after the Roman ships left Aurelius, three 7400 ton alien ships jumped into Sol, all appearing in different locations within thirty thousand kilometers of the jump point.

Two of the alien ships, designated as the Erinyes class, were each targeted by a Lancea and a Drusus. Scipio Africanus attacked the third, designated as the Cyclops class, and was supported by a missile launch from the two Trajan class missile cruisers. The two Erinyes charged toward the jump point while the Cyclops headed away. All three ships were emitting powerful ECM, which severely degraded the accuracy of Roman beam fire controls. Single strength-6 laser hits were scored on the Cyclops and Erinyes 02 while Erinyes 01 was hit three times. There was no sign of internal damage. There was no return fire as the alien ships were still suffering from the effects of transit. All thirty Arcus point defence missiles from Pilum and Verutum slammed into the two Erinyes class ships, as the three alien ships now pulled away from the jump point at maximum speed in different directions. Trierarchus Vedrix ordered his frigates, including his own Scipio Africanus, to stay on their assigned targets and give chase while the Lanceas remained on the jump point. The alien ships pulled away quickly, reducing the effectiveness of the frigates' fire control even more. Ten seconds after their first salvo, the frigates fired again, scoring just one strength-3 hit from a total of fifteen lasers. The Arcus missiles were proving more effective at hitting the alien ships, with the second salvo from the Lanceas having a 100% success rate, but their warheads were tiny and only sandpapering the alien armour. Sixteen Tormentum anti-ship missiles were inbound from the two Trajans but they opened fire fifteen seconds after the Roman ships on the jump point.

The three frigates fired again and missed with every shot. Scipio Africanus was suddenly shaken to her keel by four strength-10 hits as the Cyclops recovered from transit effects and opened fire with six 20cm ultraviolet lasers. All the lasers struck a  similar area and punched through her armour, destroying her jump drive, an engine and one of her own lasers. Trierarchus Vedrix ordered the Drusus class frigates to abandon their increasingly futile pursuit of the two Erinyes, leaving them to the Lanceas, and attempt to box in the Cyclops. Realizing his cruisers were too far away to influence the brutal action on the jump point, Legatus Proculus ordered Trajan and Lucius Verus to begin closing. Their first salvo was still only a quarter of the distance to its target. The missile detection sensors on the two Lanceas suddenly detected two size-6 missiles launched by one of the Erinyes toward the two Trajans. There was no way for the escorts to intercept the alien missiles as they were 8000 km/s faster than the Arcus anti-missiles. Five seconds later a second pair of missiles, this time from the other Erinyes, were detected heading for the Roman cruisers. Khopesh managed a single strength-4 laser hit on the Cyclops and in return was impaled by six strength-10 hits, which destroyed a 15cm laser and half her engines

Legatus Proculus ordered Trierarchus Vedrix to concentrate whatever fire he could on the Cyclops from the five ships near the jump point, while trying to preserve his damaged ships. The Trajans would deal with the two Erinyes in a missile duel. Even as the Legatus was giving new orders, a salvo of already-launched Arcus missiles hit two Erinyes, one of which slowed slightly to 6080 km/s. Scipio Africanus and Drusus fired on the Cyclops and missed with all eight shots. Five seconds later Khopesh fired again, scoring a single strength-4 hit and a new salvo of thirty Arcus missiles exploded around the Cyclops.

Four alien missiles with strength-9 warheads struck the missile cruiser Trajan in swift succession. Fortunately the hits were on different sections of her armour, which prevented any internal damage. Near the jump point, Drusus interposed herself between the Cyclops and the wounded Khopesh just as the alien lasers recharged. She inflicted a single strength-6 hit on the alien warship and simultaneously suffered six strength-10 hits, which destroyed four of her six engines, a laser, a reactor and her primary sensor. Moments later, the first wave of sixteen Tormentum anti-ship missiles from the two Trajans arrived, targeted on the Cyclops. Five Tormentums, with strength-6 warheads, slammed into the alien warship, accompanied by thirty more Arcus point defence missiles and a pair of strength-3 lasers hits from the retreating Khopesh. The Cyclops was finally starting to take some punishment. There would be no more Tormentums though as the second salvo would very shortly be launched against the Erinyes. The battered frigates and the Lancea class escorts would have to deal with the Cyclops by themselves. It was difficult to tell if the Roman fire was having much effect as the alien ship was maintaining a 40,000 kilometer range from the crippled Drusus, which was only moving at 1333 km/s. Trierarchus Vedrix ordered the two Lanceas, Pilum and Verutum, to move toward the Cyclops in an attempt to draw fire. He didn't believe Scipio Africanus, Khopesh or Drusus could withstand another full broadside.

The order came too late. Drusus managed a defiant hit on the seemingly invincible Cyclops before six 20cm lasers blew the gallant frigate to pieces. One hundred and seventy-nine of her five hundred and seventeen crew made it to the lifepods. Another volley of thirty more Arcus missiles exploded against the hull of the alien vessel. Trierarchus Vedrix was running out of both options and combat capable ships. In desperation he ordered Scipio Africanus, Pilum and Verutum to form up on Khopesh, which was only capable of 2000 km/s, in an attempt to concentrate whatever firepower remained. The Cyclops charged toward them, brushing aside yet another salvo of Arcus missiles. Suddenly, Verutum detected a incoming pair of missiles from Erinyes 02, which had obviously decided to fire into the melee at the jump point, possibly because the damaged Roman ships made easy targets. Trierarchus Vedrix quickly authorised a defensive launch, using eight of Verutum’s fifteen launchers.

A shout from his tactical officer drew Vedrix's attention away from the incoming missiles and back to the Cyclops. Until this point the Cyclops had been firing every fifteen seconds, regular as clockwork. A new broadside was due and it hadn't fired, despite being just 44,000 kilometers away. It also seemed to be moving more slowly as it hadn't maintained its previous 40,000 range. Khopesh did fire and scored a strength-4 hit. The Trierarchus' brief moment of hope was rudely interrupted as the two fast moving alien missiles evaded the defensive launch and slammed into Scipio Africanus. A pair of strength-9 warheads exploded in the same location as the earlier laser hits and wreaked havoc on her propulsion systems, destroying three more engines. Vedrix staggered to his feet just in time to see twenty-two Arcus missiles hit the Cyclops. There was a blinding flash and the enemy ship blew up. At the same moment, five Tormentum missiles from Trajan hit Erinyes 01. Cheers rang around the bridge. Reality returned as a pair of missiles from Erinyes 01, their launch unnoticed in the confusion, hit Verutum. The warheads exploded close together, penetrating the escort's armour and knocking out a missile launcher and one of her three magazines. Fortunately, the magazine was already empty.

Drusus had been destroyed, Scipio Africanus and Khopesh were both badly damaged and Verutum now had internal damage as well. Of the close-range jump point defenders, only Pilum had escaped unscathed so far. Morale was still high as they had slain the Cyclops. The two Erinyes were still in action though. Erinyes 01 had been slowed to 6080 km/s, which meant at least some internal damage had been inflicted and a salvo of eight Tormentums was bearing down on Erinyes 02. Trierarchus Vedrix requested instructions from Legatus Proculus and was ordered to engage Erinyes 01 as best he could. Erinyes 01 was almost four hundred thousand kilometers from the jump point and much faster than his ships. Scipio Africanus and Khopesh were both restricted to 2000 km/s. Nevertheless, his battered ships set their course and headed for the alien warship.

Five launchers on each Lancea class escort were set aside for defensive fire. The rest began launching Arcus missiles in offensive mode at Erinyes 01. Erinyes 02 was hit by four Tormentums, without any sign of internal damage. Legatus Proculus ordered both his missile cruisers to fire their third salvo at Erinyes 01, rather than splitting fire as he had for the second salvo, in an attempt to knock a second alien ship out of the fight as quickly as possible.

Nineteen Arcus hit Erinyes 01 at 22:22. At the same moment, a new pair of missiles was detected from Erinyes 02, heading for Trierarchus Vedrix's ships. The two escorts launched ten defensive missiles. Moments later, a second pair of hostile missiles was detected, this time launched by Erinyes 01 at the Trajan missile cruisers. Both inbounds from Erinyes 02 were intercepted and destroyed, just as a second wave of nineteen Arcus struck Erinyes 01, slowing it to 5400 km/s, followed a few seconds later by five Tormentums. The two alien missiles launched at the Trajans both hit Lucius Verus, causing armour damage only. Arcus missiles continued to pound Erinyes 01, with nineteen more hitting every ten seconds. The alien warship slowed to 2700 km/s and then to 1350 km/s, trailing wreckage in her wake. One more salvo was enough. Even as the enemy ship exploded, Roman attention was turning to Erinyes 02. By now, she was outside the million kilometer range of the Arcus missiles from the escorts but still well inside the fifty million kilometer range of the Trajans' Tormentum anti-ship missiles. A fourth salvo of sixteen missiles streaked out toward the last of the alien invaders.

With no close-ranges foes to concern them, the two groups of Legio Astra I warships headed toward each other for mutual protection. Not soon enough to protect the capital ships against the next salvo from Erinyes 02. A pair of missiles appeared at the edge of the Lanceas sensor range, headed for the Trajans. The escorts launched ten Arcus to intercept but the laws of physics were against them though and the inbounds easily evaded the anti-missiles. Lucius Verus shuddered as the strength-9 warheads blasted new craters in her armour.

The fourth salvo of Tormentums scored seven hits on Erinyes 02, reducing her speed to 6000 km/s. Another pair of alien missiles tore in toward the Legio Astra I ships at 38,000 km/s and several defensive salvos of Arcus anti-missiles only managed to kill one of them. The other hit Lucius Verus, fortunately on an  undamaged section of armour. So far, the cruiser had taken five hits from the powerful alien missiles without suffering internal damage. Her luck could not continue forever. By now the surviving warships of Legio Astra I had made their rendezvous. Trajan, Lucius Verus, Verutum and Pilum, all of which could still maintain their top speed even though three of them were damaged, gave chase to Erinyes 02 at 4000 km/s. Scipio Africanus and Khopesh followed in their wake at 2000 km/s.

Lucius Verus took a sixth hit at 22:25. Seconds later eight Roman missiles hit Erinyes 02, dropping her speed to 4050 km/s. The wounded alien ship suddenly reversed course and headed straight back toward the pursuing Romans, one point eight million kilometers away. Ten more Tormentums hit and Erinyes 02 was left dead in space. A further salvo was already in space, ready to deliver the final blow. Legatus Proculus quickly contacted his superior, Legatus Romulus, and suggested destroying his own missiles and making a boarding attempt in an effort to gain as much knowledge as possible about the aliens. The problem, as Legatus Romulus, pointed out, was that the ground combat element of Legio Astra I was still in Earth orbit, at least a day away. Scipio Africanus had detected seven alien ships in Aurelius and the remaining four could be entering Sol at any moment. The discussion was rendered academic when the last salvo of Tormentums obliterated the crippled alien ship.

The epic defence of the Sol - Aurellius jump point would eventually become a shining moment in the official history of Legio Astra 01. For the moment though there were more urgent concerns for Legatus Proculus and his subordinates than their place in history. Legio Astra I had been successful in its mission but was in no shape to fight a second wave of alien warships. Every surviving ship except Pilum had varying degrees of damage. Scipio Africanus and Khopesh were crippled. Legatus Romulus had little choice but to order Legatus Proculus to pull out his ships and head for Terra to make repairs. Before leaving, Scipio Africanus and Khopesh picked up the lifepods from Drusus. Legio Astra III and Legio Astra IV were en route to the jump point and Legio Astra II had been recalled from its mission and ordered to join them. Once three Legio Astra were in place,  Legatus Romulus was confident that he could hold the jump point. If they arrived in time.

to be continued...

Offline waresky

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Re: Part 1: Per Aspera Ad Astra
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 10:16:58 AM »
A damned bloodish battle eh Steve?..u r ever "lucky" found an so Nice gentlemans right out Sol Jump..:D

Offline welchbloke

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Re: Part 1: Per Aspera Ad Astra
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2010, 06:17:48 AM »
Good writeup Steve. How much game time had elapsed before your encounter?

Offline vergeraiders

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Re: Part 1: Per Aspera Ad Astra
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2010, 01:23:32 PM »
I really like Romans in space themes.

Wow, Steve's starting out with a beam armed ship in his main(only) player race. Maybe we will get to see more combined arms battles! A side effect of the Procyon fight in the last campaign?


Offline Beersatron

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Re: Part 1: Per Aspera Ad Astra
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2010, 01:42:57 PM »
Always sad to see a campaign sidelined - I loves epic story lines and always want to know what is about to happen around the corner.

But, I do like the change in background from the previous couple of campaigns designations and themes.

If I ever find myself conquering the real world I think I might just restructure 'everything' into the Roman lifestyle just so I could bring back the name 'Sextus'  8)


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Re: Part 1: Per Aspera Ad Astra
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2018, 06:54:41 AM »
Impressive story! I'm a big roman fanboy and I like stories about how the Romans survived and destroyed all those uncivilized barbarian savages and went on to conquer the starts ;D
I couldn't help but notice a grammatical mistake though, in the list of Legions and their sub-units at the beginning you wrote 'Primus Cohors', which is incorrect as Cohors is feminine so the adjective Primus needs to agree with it, so it should also take the feminine form, which is 'Prima', also, in Latin adjectives usually come after the noun, so it should be Cohors Prima.  It's safer to use Cohors I, Cohors II, etc.  It's a common mistake though, even though I learned Latin I always mess up the genders, especially regarding nouns of the 3rd declension(like Cohors, Legio) because they don't end in -us(masculine) or -a(feminine) like the 1st/2nd declension nouns, they end in all sorts of letters and the gender has nothing to do with the spelling so you just have to memorize it for each word.
Otherwise it's an excellent story! Btw I like rping as the romans every time I play aurora, by setting all the name lists to Roman names  :)