First Alpha Centauri Campaign
In 2028, following a two year build up and expansion, the Terran Navy was prepared to re-enter the Alpha Centauri system in force. 2 entirely new destroyer squadrons had been assembled, for a total of 3, with a supporting force of 12 Vanguard-Class Fast Attack Craft arranged in 2 FAC groups and all task groups had undergone rigorous training exercises. A total of 8 Alpha-Class Freighters and 2 Hope-Class Colony ships were now in service and over 200 automated mines were now in place across Mercury, Luna and Titan. Mars itself was now host to a score of mining and manufacturing facilities, all supported by over 5 million colonists, and the first batch of Earth-built terraforming stations were en-route.
All of Earth’s military might was pre-positioned at the Alpha Centuari jump point, at which a jump gate had already been established. The Fleets plan was for all elements to transit simultaneously into Alpha Centauri and then activate active sensors, hopefully drawing out any hostile forces without forcing them to search the entire binary system for them. The 3rd Destroyer Squadron, the most recently constructed and the least trained, would then hold position at the Sol jump point to both protect the line of retreat, if necessary, and provide reinforcements as required. The 1st and 2nd Destroyer Squadrons, consisting of 4 Resolution-class DDG’s and 2 Resolve-Class DDL’s, would head towards the wreck of the nearest science vessel destroyed in 2026. This latter task force would be escorted by all 12 FAC’s.
Immediately upon entering Alpha Centauri it was apparent that there was clearly a hostile element at work. Alongside the existing wrecks of the 2 science vessels there were now an additional 3 wrecks, all reading at 2600tons. Whether these were the forces which had destroyed the science vessels or a second group of unknowns was unclear. All three Resolve-Class DDL’s activated their MR100-R100 Active Search Sensors immediately upon transit, detecting no contacts around the jump point itself. The 1st and 2nd Squadron began heading into the system. For almost 2 hours all was quiet when suddenly 2 6650ton contacts were detected at 100mkm heading directly for the squadrons. Radar returns showed them to be travelling at an impressive 7517kps, as opposed to the maximum 3600kps for the 7500ton destroyers, even exceeding the 6000kps maximum of the FAC group. Tactical computers designated the new contacts as ‘Ahto’ class and the Terran navy prepared to engage. While Fleet Command was concerned about the obvious technological advantages the Ahto-class appeared to show they were comforted by the fact that they were outnumbered 3-1 simply by 1st and 2nd Squadrons.
All this changed 20 minutes later when a further 4 contacts were discovered, all given off similar emissions as the Ahto-class. 3 6700ton ‘Loviatar’ class and 1 6700ton ‘Tiera’ class all travelling as a single group at 7461kps. The hostile force had now evened the odds significantly. Fleet Command was now left with 2 choices – to continue with the original plan and engage the enemy, or attempt to break contact and retreat back to Sol. Fleet Commands original plan had assumed that Earth’s 2 year build-up would have provided enough ships to both outnumber the enemy and overwhelm them with firepower but now an equal number of more advanced, if slightly smaller, vessels had been detected even before reaching the system primary. 10 minutes after the second contact the order was given to reverse course – rather than attempt a dangerous gamble with the entirety of Earth’s military forces, Fleet Command hoped to salvage what they could now they knew what they were facing. At worst, if the hostiles followed them back through the Sol jump point, then the Terran forces would have the advantage of defending the jump point as they came through scattered and in disarray.
Several tense hours followed as the sum of Earths military power fled before 6 unknown contacts. The 12 FAC’s which had accompanied the 1st and 2nd squadrons were sent on ahead to meet up with 3rd squadron, which began ferrying them through the jump point, before the 1st and 2nd squadrons were able to re-unite with 3rd squadron. Towards the end of the chase, as the unknown contacts with their higher speeds closed the distance, sensors detected tell tale signs from the leading 2 Ahto-Class vessels that they were launching missiles from far outside the range of any return fire and not a moment too soon the Destroyer groups were able to jointly transit back to Sol. Once home the squadrons reformed and assumed guard positions some 25mkm from the jump point, holding at action stations in case anything followed them back through.
Recriminations swiftly followed from the Federal Council and in 1 day almost the entire Admiralty was replaced over the ‘Debacle in Alpha Centauri’, as it quickly became known. The new members of the Admiralty immediately presented the Council with a new plan for seizing Alpha Centauri and ensuring the security of Sol itself. Meanwhile, after a solid week with no sign of pursuit, both 2nd and 3rd Squadrons were pulled from guard duty around the Alpha Centauri jump point and sent back to Earth, accompanied by the entire FAC group. After refuel and resupply operations had been carried out 1st Squadron would be replaced on a rotating basis with the other 2 destroyer squadrons.