Area Defense Cruisers
Hero Class
Hero class Area Defence Cruiser 10,000 tons 1020 Crew 1075 BP TCS 200 TH 440 EM 0
2200 km/s Armour 3-41 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 5 PPV 74.24
Maint Life 3.4 Years MSP 336 AFR 160% IFR 2.2% 1YR 44 5YR 664 Max Repair 64 MSP
Magazine 128
IRC Project E1-1 Nuclear Pulse Engine (11) Power 40 Fuel Use 100% Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 350,000 Litres Range 63.0 billion km (331 days at full power)
LPD Mark I Twin Turret (6x2) Range 48,000km TS: 12000 km/s Power 8-4 RM 3 ROF 10 4 4 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ruz Interdiction Targeting Computer (2) Max Range: 48,000 km TS: 12000 km/s 79 58 38 17 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pebble Bed Reactor Mark I (8) Total Power Output 24 Armour 0 Exp 5%
AM Launcher Mark I (4) Missile Size 2 Rate of Fire 30
Ruz AMM Guidance Package Mark I (1) Range 11.5m km Resolution 1
M-AM-02A (128) Speed: 22,400 km/s End: 13.4m Range: 18m km WH: 1 Size: 1 TH: 74 / 44 / 22
Info: The Hero class is a direct response to the Second battle of Lalande 21185. After the failure of the Toronto class to adequately defend itself, the designers drew up plans for a dedicated defense ship. The Hero is the result. While it's ability to put up a wall of AMMs is limited, the Hero is designed to be used in groups of six or more. In addition, the Hero is also the first ship to employ the newly developed LPD (Laser Point Defense) Mark I defense system. Despite it's generic warship shape, the six twin turrets on its sides make it instantly recognizable. Also, unlike all other designs developed to date, the Hero's missile launchers are contained near the center of the bow instead of side mounted pods.
Service History: The Hero was the first class to roll out of the shipyards after Second battle of Lalande 21185. As such, it's served faithfully as a training ship in addition to its normal role, providing vital training to the majority of the current fleet crews and officers, as well as serving as a test bed for many new second generation trans-newtonian technologies.
While the Hero has been present at all recent engagements, it has not yet had to fill the role it was intended to. The ships are versatile enough to do the jobs thrust upon them, though not always as well as a purpose designed ship could have. The design has taken critism recently for some failings, but proponents argue loudly that extraordinary circumstances cannot be blamed upon the vessels.
TES Hero (ADC-01)
TES Skyers (ADC-02)
TES Caruana (ADC-03)
TES Cordes (ADC-04)
TES Klimas (ADC-05)
TES Froelich (ADC-06)
TES Lasanta (ADC-07)
TES Schreiner (ADC-08)
TES Lunceford (ADC-09)
TES Sendejo (ADC-10)
TES Pollard (ADC-11) (under construction)
TES Azbill (ADC-12) (under construction)
Toronto Class
Toronto class Missile Cruiser 6,000 tons 589 Crew 582 BP TCS 120 TH 175 EM 0
1458 km/s Armour 2-29 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 3 PPV 30
Maint Life 5.02 Years MSP 182 AFR 96% IFR 1.3% 1YR 12 5YR 180 Max Repair 24 MSP
Magazine 510
Raye Thermal Engine Mark I (7) Power 25 Fuel Use 100% Signature 25 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 100,000 Litres Range 30.0 billion km (238 days at full power)
AM Launcher Mark I (5) Missile Size 2 Rate of Fire 30
AS Launcher Mark I (5) Missile Size 4 Rate of Fire 60
Omni Missile Control (1) Range 39.4m km Resolution 120
M-AS-01A (70) Speed: 9,400 km/s End: 80m Range: 45.1m km WH: 3 Size: 4 TH: 31 / 18 / 9
M-AM-01A (115) Speed: 12,500 km/s End: 60m Range: 45m km WH: 1 Size: 2 TH: 41 / 25 / 12
Info: The Toronto class was the first military design of the Empire. It standardized the shape for most warships at that of a flattened and elongated diamond. It was also iconic for it's "fat missile wings" as one politician famously put it. The Torontos were more of an experiment gone too far that true combat vessels, as several fatal flaws later proved. The missile guidance systems had critical flaws that did not allow the targeting of small craft. Overall, the ships were not well optmised for their role, either, and were torn between trying to defend the fleet while still having attack power.
Service History: The Torontos were inactive for much of their service history. In their final years, though, they were frequently taken on "show of force" missions, but never encountered any real resistance. In their first true engagement, the entire fleet was wiped out with little counter fire offered.
(all lost June 4th 2050 in Second battle of Lalande 21185)
TES Toronto (CG-01)
TES Agincourt (CG-02)
TES Tarawa (CG-03)
TES Austerlitz (CG-04)
TES Bunker Hill (CG-05)
TES Trafalgar (CG-06)
TES Armada (CG-07)
TES Somme (CG-08)
TES Anzio (CG-09)
TES Tobruk (CG-10)
Oregon Class
Oregon class Cruiser 10,000 tons 1002 Crew 1222.5 BP TCS 200 TH 520 EM 0
2600 km/s Armour 4-41 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 5 PPV 46
Maint Life 2.97 Years MSP 382 AFR 160% IFR 2.2% 1YR 65 5YR 970 Max Repair 160 MSP
Magazine 346
IRC Project E1-1 Nuclear Pulse Engine (13) Power 40 Fuel Use 100% Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 350,000 Litres Range 63.0 billion km (280 days at full power)
AS Launcher Mark I (10) Missile Size 4 Rate of Fire 60
AM Launcher Mark I (3) Missile Size 2 Rate of Fire 30
Ruz AMM Guidance Package Mark I (1) Range 11.5m km Resolution 1
Omni Missile Control (2) Range 39.4m km Resolution 120
M-AM-02A (66) Speed: 22,400 km/s End: 13.4m Range: 18m km WH: 1 Size: 1 TH: 74 / 44 / 22
M-AS-02A (70) Speed: 15,000 km/s End: 50m Range: 45m km WH: 4 Size: 4 TH: 50 / 30 / 15
Ruz Missile Interdiction Sensor (1) GPS 160 Range 9.6m km Resolution 1
Info: The Oregon was developed as a dedicated attack platform after it was determined that combing heaving hitting with defense was not feasible in the size of ship the Empire could produce. While it does retain some AMM capacity in the forward dome, the main feature of Oregon class ships is the side launchers, in line with the forward dome. Overall, the ship looks much like a Toronto, but larger. The rear section contains a backup PD sensor in the event the command ship is lost.
Service History: The Oregons are not yet in service in numbers to make a key difference. However, in trials and early use, the ASM capacity of the Oregons has proven above expected levels, performing well even in unexpected circumstances.
TES Oregon (CA-01)
TES Ontario (CA-02)
TES Panjab (CA-03)
TES Normandy (CA-04)
TES Muscovy (CA-05) (under construction)
TES Bavaria (CA-06) (under construction)
Command Ships
Queensland Class
Queensland class Command Ship 6,000 tons 550 Crew 837 BP TCS 120 TH 225 EM 0
1875 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 2-29 Shields 0-0 Sensors 10/10/0/0 Damage Control Rating 3 PPV 0
Maint Life 1.91 Years MSP 262 AFR 96% IFR 1.3% 1YR 93 5YR 1391 Max Repair 225 MSP
Raye Jump Engine Mark II Max Ship Size 6000 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Raye Thermal Engine Mark I (9) Power 25 Fuel Use 100% Signature 25 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres Range 45.0 billion km (277 days at full power)
Ruz Missile Interdiction Sensor (1) GPS 160 Range 9.6m km Resolution 1
Ruz Spymaster System I (1) GPS 16000 Range 96.0m km Resolution 100
SBTS-01A (1) Sensitivity 10 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 10m km
SBEMS-01A (1) Sensitivity 10 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 10m km
Info: The Queensland class was designed as a dedicated sensor and command ship. While the capacity had been mounted on vessels before, none had been truly intended to fill that role alone. Unique for Imperial designs, the Queensland was half saucer shaped with an open looking engineering section behind it. The interior was rather cramped to accommodate all high powered command and control features.
Service History: The Queensland got it's first real test at the Second battle of Lalande 21185 where it performed well, despite the fleet's destruction. While the design itself was sound, in the new fleet program it was decided that a larger ship with even more capabilities would be designed to go with the program.
After that, further production was halted and the remaining ship, the TES Newfoundland, was relegated to a reserve role. It continued to prove useful, as it's sensor capabilities were just as good as the newer ships. It conducted training missions and other assorted tasks in near Earth space until it's untimely demise earlier this year to a ramming attack.
TES Queensland (CC-01) (lost June 4th 2050 in Second battle of Lalande 21185)
TES Newfoundland (CC-02) (lost January 25th 2057 in the January Incursion)
Argentina Class
Argentina class Scout Cruiser 10,000 tons 890 Crew 1669 BP TCS 200 TH 600 EM 0
3000 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 3-41 Shields 0-0 Sensors 15/15/0/0 Damage Control Rating 8 PPV 0
Maint Life 2.36 Years MSP 834 AFR 100% IFR 1.4% 1YR 205 5YR 3072 Max Repair 625 MSP
IRC Project E2 Max Ship Size 10000 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
IRC Project E1-1 Nuclear Pulse Engine (15) Power 40 Fuel Use 100% Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 600,000 Litres Range 108.0 billion km (416 days at full power)
Ruz Spymaster System I (1) GPS 16000 Range 96.0m km Resolution 100
Ruz Missile Interdiction Sensor (1) GPS 160 Range 9.6m km Resolution 1
Ruz Passive Suite T1 (1) Sensitivity 15 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 15m km
Ruz Passive Suite E1 (1) Sensitivity 15 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 15m km
Info: The Argentina Class was designed to replace the Queensland Class. The main changes made were upgraded passive sensors, upgraded engines, and accommodation for the second generation jump drive. While the Queensland Class was the most capable of the first generation warships, and thus the least in need of being replaced, it was decided that the Argentinas would be fitted to operate independently as scouts until dedicated scout vessels could be designed and built. As such, speed and range were given a high priority and the layout was rearranged along the lines of the other military vessels instead of the distinctive pattern of the Queensland. It is still easily identifiable by it's lack of weapon mounts and turreted sensor suites.
Service History: The design was completed in late 2053 with the first two launched in January of 2055. Since then, the design has proven invaluable in scouting out distant systems and ascertaining what happened to missing early missions. Sensor coverage has been adequate. It is rumored that the next design will be a retrofit rather then a completely new frame. There are currently four in service, with no plans to end the production run.
TES Argentina (CC-03)
TES Egypt (CC-04)
TES Russia (CC-05)
TES Korea (CC-06)
Science Vessels
Discovery Class Survey Craft
Discovery class Survey Craft 1,200 tons 98 Crew 267 BP TCS 24 TH 25 EM 0
1041 km/s Armour 1-10 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/2 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 0
Maint Life 6.09 Years MSP 139 AFR 11% IFR 0.2% 1YR 6 5YR 96 Max Repair 100 MSP
Raye Thermal Engine Mark I (1) Power 25 Fuel Use 100% Signature 25 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres Range 75.0 billion km (833 days at full power)
Geological Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
Info: The first ship design of the Empire. Easily recognizable by it's cylindrical shape and bulky sensor/solar power array on the bow surface, the Discovery I class ship is also the longest running ship type in the Empire. Though unable to scan for jump points or transit them on its own, it's systems are still quite effective in geological surveys.
Service History: The first ships were launched within five years of the Empire's foundation, quickly surveying the Solar system. Early extra-solar missions contained equal numbers of jump-capable gravitational survey ships as they did these geological survey ships. Even today, the aging vessels are taken along on probes of large systems.
TES Discovery (SC-01)
TES Leif Ericson (SC-02) (lost in First Battle of Lalande 21185 (August to October 2050)
TES Francisco Pizzaro (SC-03)
TES Juan de la Cosa (SC-04)
Discovery II Class Survey Craft
Discovery II class Survey Craft 1,800 tons 148 Crew 470.2 BP TCS 36 TH 25 EM 0
694 km/s Armour 1-13 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/2/2 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 0
Maint Life 3.71 Years MSP 163 AFR 25% IFR 0.4% 1YR 18 5YR 276 Max Repair 100 MSP
Raye Thermal Engine Mark I (1) Power 25 Fuel Use 100% Signature 25 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres Range 50.0 billion km (833 days at full power)
Gravitational Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
Info: A modification of the Discovery I that added gravitational sensors. The design was sub-optimal in the long run, and only one was built. The only difference, both in terms of systems and visual identification, is a much longer sensor mast on the bow.
Service History: See Discovery Class
TES Yuri Gagarin (SC-05)
Discovery III Class Survey Craft
Info: A planned modification of the Discovery II to upgrade to second generation engine technology. Cancelled in favor of the Outreach Class and its variants, which had competed with the Discovery derivatives for some time.
Service History: N/A
Ships: None
Outreach Class Jump Scout
Outreach class Jump Scout 5,000 tons 459 Crew 661 BP TCS 100 TH 150 EM 0
1500 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 1-26 Shields 0-0 Sensors 10/10/1/0 Damage Control Rating 6 PPV 0
Maint Life 4.4 Years MSP 496 AFR 33% IFR 0.5% 1YR 41 5YR 619 Max Repair 289 MSP
Raye Military Jump Engine Mark I Max Ship Size 5100 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
Raye Thermal Engine Mark I (6) Power 25 Fuel Use 100% Signature 25 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres Range 54.0 billion km (416 days at full power)
Misiak Sensor Net Mark I (1) GPS 2880 Range 13.1m km Resolution 120
SBTS-01A (1) Sensitivity 10 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 10m km
SBEMS-01A (1) Sensitivity 10 Detect Sig Strength 1000: 10m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (1) 1 Survey Points Per Hour
Info: The Outreach was designed as a quick to produce exploration vessel. It tried to balance gravitational survey abilities with a wider sensor capacity. While not optimized, it also was able to transit jump points, and would be a stop gap for command and control capacity until the Queensland class was designed. It's frame was similar to that of the Discovery class ships, but the main section was much larger and jutted out in an almost triangular shape to house all the specialized equipment.
Service History: The Outreach was at one time the most important ship class in service. It was the only jump capable design for quite some time. Along with it's gravitational survey systems, these qualities has kept these ships in high demand up until present day.
TES Outreach (JSC-01)
TES Zheng He (JSC-02) (presumed lost to a black hole in 2044)
TES Henry Hudson (JSC-03) (lost April 2049 in Battle of Gliese 84)
TES Marco Polo (JSC-04) (lost in First Battle of Lalande 21185 (August to October 2050))
Outreach II Class Jump Scout
Outreach II class Jump Scout 6,000 tons 545 Crew 979.4 BP TCS 120 TH 320 EM 0
2666 km/s JR 3-50 Armour 1-29 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/2/2 Damage Control Rating 6 PPV 0
Maint Life 4.8 Years MSP 612 AFR 48% IFR 0.7% 1YR 44 5YR 655 Max Repair 225 MSP
Raye Jump Engine Mark II Max Ship Size 6000 tons Distance 50k km Squadron Size 3
IRC Project E1-1 Nuclear Pulse Engine (8) Power 40 Fuel Use 100% Signature 40 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 75.0 billion km (325 days at full power)
Gravitational Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (2) 2 Survey Points Per Hour
Info: The Outreach II was nearly totally redesigned from the Outreach I. It was the first coherent attempt to build an "omni-survey ship". The Outreach I's command sensors were stripped from the design and the geological and gravitational sensors were housed inside the hull, protected for the first time. As such, the Outreach II lacks the distinctive sensor mast of other survey ships. Along with these changes, most systems were upgraded to second generation technology.
Service History: See Outreach Class
TES Sir Walter Raleigh (JSC-05)
TES Samuel Baker (JSC-06)
TES John Young (JSC-07) (under construction)
TES Paul Pelliot (JSC-08) (under construction)
F/A-571A Lightning Hawk
F/A-571A Lightning Hawk class Fighter 250 tons 6 Crew 40 BP TCS 5 TH 24 EM 0
4800 km/s Armour 1-3 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 0 PPV 2
Maint Life 0 Years MSP 0 AFR 50% IFR 0.7% 1YR 3 5YR 51 Max Repair 16 MSP
Magazine 4
Andersson NT Fighter Engine (1) Power 24 Fuel Use 10000% Signature 24 Armour 0 Exp 25%
Fuel Capacity 10,000 Litres Range 0.7 billion km (41 hours at full power)
F4 Missile Launcher (1) Missile Size 4 Rate of Fire 300
Fighter MFC (1) Range 28.8m km Resolution 100
M-AS-02A (1) Speed: 15,000 km/s End: 50m Range: 45m km WH: 4 Size: 4 TH: 50 / 30 / 15
Info: A recent introduction, these small craft are much like traditional jet fighters, and even still retain many of their characteristics. Their intended purpose is to give colonies a bit of mobile defensive power to avoid relying on silo based missiles. They can carry one of the standard ASM that is in use in the wider fleet.
Service History: One squadron will have been organized and undergo flight trials as of publication of this work. Another squadron is planned and under production in the same run.
Ships: 20x Denver Squadron
Support Ships
Garden Type Support Ship
Info: The Garden class is the mainstay of both military shipping and civilian freight corporations. It consists of a crew/command compartment in the front with an engineering section in the back. In between is either a massive cargo bay module or a cryogenic transport module. Type I and III Garden class ships are for freight, with the latter being the same as the former, only with generation two engines. Types II and IV are for colony transportation and have a similar engine configuration.
Service History: The support ships were prepared well in advance of colonization attempts. In fact, by the time Raye was established, the Type IIIs and IVs were entering service. In light of the Mars Boom, the first generation ships are mostly relegated to the Earth-Mars line, while the newer ships handle the extra-solar transport.
Ships: Too many to list. Around 100, majority civilian owned.
Rodney class Construction Ship
Rodney class Construction Ship 64,300 tons 788 Crew 1483 BP TCS 1286 TH 1000 EM 0
777 km/s Armour 1-142 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 0
MSP 14 Max Repair 25 MSP
Jump Gate Construction Ship: 180 days
IRC Project E1-2 Nuclear Pulse Engine (10) Power 100 Fuel Use 10% Signature 100 Armour 0 Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres Range 14.0 billion km (208 days at full power)
Info: The Rodney class was designed using data acquired from analysis of alien jump gates. At the basics, it's a modified freighter with massive shuttle bays added in. With all the needed supplies, the shuttles slowly tow the pieces into exact alignment.
Service History: To date, the Rodney class has established the Sol-Ross 248 trade lane. A Sol-Lalande 21185 lane was planned, but scrapped due to Silent Horde activity.
TES Rodney (JCS-01)
TES Shepard (JCS-02) (lost in First Battle of Lalande 21185 (August to October 2050)
Nile class Salvager
Nile class Salvager 33,950 tons 695 Crew 858.5 BP TCS 679 TH 1000 EM 0
1472 km/s Armour 1-93 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 0
MSP 16 Max Repair 200 MSP
Salvager: 2 module(s) capable of salvaging 1000 tons per day
IRC Project E1-2 Nuclear Pulse Engine (10) Power 100 Fuel Use 10% Signature 100 Armour 0 Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres Range 132.5 billion km (1041 days at full power)
Info: Designed to work in tandem with freighters, the Nile class is similar to the Rodney class gate constructor, but with some of the shuttle space replaced with mechanical arms and other tools to handle any debris they find. The storage areas have also been rearranged, as materials will flow into the ship, not out of it. What it does carry along are mainly boosters and cables to aid in transferring any large finds to a freighter while still in space.
Service History: The Nile was intended to be able to perform long distance missions. However, to date, all operations have been within the Sol system.
TECS Nile (SLV-01)
TECS Aegean (SLV-02)
Cornwallis Class Tanker
Cornwallis class Tanker 3,000 tons 239 Crew 355.5 BP TCS 60 TH 150 EM 0
2500 km/s Armour 1-18 Shields 0-0 Sensors 1/1/0/0 Damage Control Rating 1 PPV 0
Maint Life 5.16 Years MSP 74 AFR 72% IFR 1% 1YR 5 5YR 69 Max Repair 12 MSP
Raye Thermal Engine Mark I (6) Power 25 Fuel Use 100% Signature 25 Armour 0 Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 1,150,000 Litres Range 690.0 billion km (3194 days at full power)
Info: The Cornwallis class tanker was designed with first generation warships in mind. The tankers would accompany a task force half way to their destination, refill the other ships, then head back and meet the task force again to refuel them for their return trip.
Each ships is little more then a small crew/command compartment, an engineering section for the engines, with a massive fuel tank in between. The sections are connected simi-modularly much like freighters and colony ships.
Service History: Two ships were completed, near the end of the life span of the first generation ships. Unfortunately, they never got to fill their intended role, as the second generation ships outperform the need for this class of tanker. They may still be useful, though, in the event battle damage causes fuel loss prevent a return to Earth.
TES Cornwallis (TK-01)
TES Swartzkopf (TK-03)