Author Topic: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora  (Read 23002 times)

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #195 on: November 02, 2012, 10:17:58 AM »
[ooc]I am announcing my retirement from the current game. Sublight you may have noticed my lack of detailed guidance these past couple week. Well I just started my business and I'm putting in 12+ hour days, when I get home I have just about enough energy to eat dinner, shower, and sleep. Looking at the computer for anything other than emails is hard to make myself do. I might be able to pick it up again a month or so down the road when I am more used to things, but for now I gotta bow out. I'll still be reading, but someone else who is interested can take my faction over.

On a related note, if anybody comes through Portland, Oeogon and likes board games, card games, or role-playing. Stop on by! [/ooc]

Offline Jikor

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #196 on: November 02, 2012, 10:23:44 AM »
[ooc]I think it may be a good time to end the current game then. It is too late to add a new player at this point imo. 6.2 should be out soon and it would be a good time to start up a new game.[/ooc]

Offline sublight (OP)

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #197 on: November 02, 2012, 12:13:38 PM »
[ooc]Best luck with the Job.

Ok, we'll end the game here. The SM turns were starting to become unreasonably long anyway, as the ever increasing turn-around time may have hinted. Besides, 6.2 is coming out soon and I really ought to dump more hours into the Pulsar project for at least the next few weeks.

I'll post a link to the game (passwords removed) in a few days along with an epilogue. Basic epilogue will be a brief golden age that gets smashed by the invaders, leaving scattered communities living a subsistence existence among ruins in Sol with small colonies in other systems hiding to preserve what technical knowledge they could in preparation to rise again as soon as the invaders leave. A bitter-sweat ending that leads into the sequel game, "Return to Sol." If any players have comments or best/worst moment memories they wish to share now is the time.

The Sequel, coming 6.2, will take 3-4 player factions each starting in their own system one-jump off of Sol. My theory is that stuffing homeworlds into different systems will make the SM turns go faster. Limited warfare and duels over Sol resources and other locations encouraged. Total war against home systems discouraged.[/ooc]

Offline Ektoras

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #198 on: November 02, 2012, 03:37:12 PM »
[ooc]Good luck Panoption with your job[/ooc]

Ektoras the last days felt relieved. Syndicate stockpiles problems had been averted. Lithium system was well established, producing vast amount of minerals and expanding industry even with the first ex solar shipyard.  Syndicate fleet soon will enjoy new ships. The old defenders redesigned with newer engines, carries to bring in battle two squadrons of Thunderbirds, fast bombers for long range strikes, battleships to amplify the destructive power of the navy and of course upgraded Mahadeva destroyers. Truly a golden age for Earth starts. Venus and Mars may try to obstacle Syndicate, but they will fail.

He made himself a second drink. It was time for celebration, but he could not stop thinking Syndicates next steps. The destruction of the Gallenshu was enough proof on what an alien world could happen, if the factions of Sol attacked. Tarns were particularly in danger from the Martians. Many councilors suggested a colony next to Tarn home. There was an easily terraformed planet with a lot of resources. In addition of a battle fleet planetary bases would help protect the Tarns. Others suggested an expedition in Chlorine system. It offered a good world for a new colony and more importantly an ancient ruin. He always envied Mercury ruins which had helped greatly the Venusians. Of course the first group had lots of stocks of the five Syndicate transporting companies, while the other group did not. But he had time to think. Maybe 3 years, then Syndicate will be able to expand safely. It was the start of a Golden Age and his name will be remembered as the one who brought Syndicate in it.

The screen ringed an incoming call from SWN command.  A worried face of Emily Cameron commander of the SWN appeared.
-Sir, a wormhole suddenly appeared between Earth and Lithium jump point. Two spaceships of unknown identity appeared.  They are moving towards the Sun, with high speed, close to 9500 km per second.
-Have you established contacted with them?
-The do not answer, maybe they do not understand, but I believe they do not care. The fleet and the planetary bases are on red alert, all officers and crew will be back in their ships in a few hours.
-Very well, continue the attempts for communication. Meanwhile I will contact the other factions for a joined effort to defend.

The called ended. He left his glass on the table. 9500km/s speed was unthinkable, new Syndicate ships had 6000. This new enemy is far more advanced than us, the realization brought fear for some time. He had to speak with the others; their combined fleets maybe could destroy the aliens. He hoped they could.

[ooc]The second bad moment i can remember was when i made a solo game to test the ships i was building (the defenders) and found in horror, that they could not destroy big fleets neither big ships. Also they had a rather thin capacity of ammo. Of course my duranium crash didn't allow me to change as i needed duranium to build mines and labs. The first and worst moment was the fact i failed to realize a duranium crash was on the way. Other bad moments:
1) Venusian decided to light an active sensor, while i had no war ships.
2) My rather small cargo fleet and the discovery you can not relay on civs.
3) Tech trade with aliens will need lots of time and wont be that good as it sounds.

I do not remember any best memories. Nevertheless the satisfaction of establishing the Lithium system and developing it was great.

I am waiting for the next game.
Maybe we should have a subforum for these games? We could add each thread there and maybe have a thread for discussion.[/ooc]

Offline Jikor

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #199 on: November 02, 2012, 07:39:12 PM »
Karr Jion looked over his reports. It was a very bleak picture. The Duranium shortage of the last few years was coming to an end but it had taken it's toll. And now according to the reports the fuel situation was going to be critical and Mars did not have a good supply of Sorium.

Mars military was far behind what would be needed to conquer the Tarn menace let alone put up a significant fight if any of the other Sol powers where to become hostile. Sure a last resort nuclear strike may take out the home worlds but the retaliation would destroy mars and with limited off world resources Mars was in no position to lose it's home planet.  Other strategies presented by his advisers in this bleak scenario included a strike into the Venusian secondary system through the back door route that was believed to only be known by Mars.

There where a few known possible colony locations however these where all far from the home system and had the blasted Tarn in the way. It would be possible to skirt around them but it would be a dangerous trip. Shipping Martian colonist off the the secret location would ensure that some Martians would survive but who knew what dangers may present themselves in the future.

Just as he was deciding on a plan of action for the future of Mars his assistant finally returned in a fluster. He was babbling something about a "wormhole" and ships.
"Slow down and tell me what you have to say!" He yelled at the assistant.

"Sir there was this strange hole in space and these ships came out and they where going faster than anything we've seen so far even faster than our assault craft" The assistant quickly stammered.

Karr Jion looked at the assistant sternly, "What do you mean a 'Hole'? Like the ones made by our jumpgates?"

Holding a paper with a graph and some charts on it out to the First citizen the assistant replied, "No sir. According to the interpretations of the readings by our scientists this was a lot different. Like space itself ceased existing at that point. "

"Are the ships hostile? That's all we need at this point. Regardless ready the fleet, what there is of it anyway, and call a general alert to all military personnel. Prepare my limo and call an emergency news conference. Whatever created this phenomena is far beyond even Martian technology and could possibly be a major threat." Karr Jion ordered the assistant.

He grabbed his jacket, it was a nice one made of a smooth leather long pork he thinks the creature it came from was called. He would see that the whole military was issued similar ones after this threat was handled.

[ooc]Sub forum would be good. We could have a bit more space for discussion and keep track of trades etc.
Good moments for Mars:
1. Setting Sol speed record with the first FAC (that we know of)
2. Taking out several Tarn ships and losing only 1 or 2 of our own.

Bad moments for mars:
1. Duranium crash
2. Having no extra solar colonies.
3. Having our top researcher die (That hurt research efforst)
4. Spending so much time researching Cloaks.... (bad decision on my part. Thought tech was more useful ;) )
5. Fuel shortage.
6. Multiple regime changes caused much disruption in Martian long term planning.

A fun game overall tho and I did thoroughly enjoy playing. Can't wait for the martian comeback :D [/ooc]

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #200 on: November 03, 2012, 12:35:50 AM »
[ooc]Don't have the energy for an in character write up.
Venus pretty much had nothing but good points, but almost all came from one place.

Mercury, the ruins there had over 700 installations, I got massive amounts of tech and labs out of it, plus Mercury itself had high quantities of most minerals. By this last turn Venus was a couple years off from ICF drive tech. I was really expecting it to be a contested planet. Venus never had a Duranium crunch, and the other factions Duranium crunch allowed me to trade my excess for Mercassium, which got me more labs.

The one other advantage was Milkoghast, the administrator had a number of decent stats, but quickly got factory construction 40%, which let me keep building rates competitive even though I had perhaps 60-80% the factories the other factions did.

The main weakness was the missile reliance, I had gunboats with lasers but other than that we had exclusively missile ships, by the end of the Gallenshu campaign stocks were basically out of modern missiles and it took 2 years to recover. An extended campaign against an even slightly more capable opponent might have been quite a lot more expensive.

Thanks all for your good luck wishes. I'll be following the future games and perhaps once I get the hang of all this working, or hire another employee I'll be able to play again.[/ooc]

Offline sublight (OP)

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #201 on: November 03, 2012, 06:40:33 PM »
Download link to final game state, password free.

I'll be deleting the shared dropbox folder soon and create a new one to avoid spamming past players new game updates.

Also, here is a composite view of all systems discovered by any of the player factions:

Venus was the dominant power in Sol, and was the only faction to, with assistance, conquer and NPR.

The Syndicate, of Earth, not only were the only faction to send their citizens to colonies beyond Sol, but transformed Lithium into the largest non-homeworld colony anywhere.

Mars was hindered by constant regime changes and limited available real estate. Their claimed colony location turned out to be in the Tarn home system. By the time this was discovered everything else easily colonizable was already claimed. No colonies resulted in no civilian ships or civilian mines: so when the duranium crunch finally came, it hit hard. When the game ended Mars had built hyper-capable freighters to colonize a binary system 360 billion km away from the Sol jump point.

The Gallenshu, (home world Sissnik on map) had the shame of being the only faction conquered.

The Tarn (home world Tarn Vedra on map) became a major trading partner of the Syndicate and mortal foes of Mars when the martians discovered the Tarn had established a secondary colony on a world they had claimed.

The Preservationists (home world Krendar on map) were the most reclusive of the NPRs. Apparently distance makes friends because they granted the Syndicate Friendly status.

Oh, and Mars? Sorium was never a problem: Mars ended with a stockpile that would have lasted 150 years at ending consumption levels. The issue was the Refinery capacity: Both Earth and Venus manufactured over 4 million litters a year. Mars produced just under 0.8 million, including fuel harvesters.

If I have the time I'll post time-line graphs of assorted game stats. I'd also like to write a battle report on the Martian campaign. The tonnage kill:loss ratio was extraordinary.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2012, 06:44:12 PM by sublight »

Offline sublight (OP)

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #202 on: November 26, 2012, 02:15:44 PM »
We now interrupt your program for a Sponsor Announcement:

Return to Sol: Multiplayer Aurora 6.2 Coming Soon

The Setup:
The players each start in their own star system 1 jump away from Sol. (In theory this minimizes sensor checks and make the SM turns go faster.)

400 million accelerated conventional start.
> All conventional industry preconverted
> +50% starting research labs (6 total)
> +1 free commercial shipyard
> 2x Naval shipyard expansion (choice of double size or double slipway)
> 20,000 starting RP
> 6x Missile Complexes*

A 0RP Trans-Newtonian start is 40,500 RP ahead of a conventional start, so these conditions add up to, roughly, 1/2 of a TN start. The following are the base T-N starting techs. You may spend your initial techpoints from that list with 1 restriction: all races must start with all theoretical knowledge needed for at least one fully functional beam weapon system.

Code: [Select]
Tran-Newtonian 5000 Mobile Infantry 2500
Nuclear Thermal 2500 Crogenic Emerg 2000
Particle Beam 2 2000 Presurized Water 1500
10cm Laser 1000 10cm Meson 1000
10cm Microwave 1000 10cm rail 1000
15cm carronade 1000 Active Scanner 10 1000
Beam FireCon 10k 1000 Maint. Storage 1000
Alpha Shield 1000 Shield Regen 1 1000
Cargo Handling 1000 Cryogenic Small 1000
Cryogenic Stand 1000 Flag Bridge 1000
Garrison Battalion 1000 Gauss Velocity 1 1000
Gauss Rate 1 1000 Geological Sensor 1000
Mag Efficancy 75% 1000 Meson Focus 1 1000
Microwave Focus 1 1000 Particle Beam 60k 1000
Railgun Velocity 1 1000 Duranium Armor 500
Infared Laser 500 Mag Ejection 70% 500
Replacement Bttl 500

All beam weapon systems require Active Sensor 10, Beam Fire Control 10k, and Trans-Newtonian. Further, I'll bet that every player picks Geosurvey Sensors, Pressurized Water Reactors, and Nuclear Thermal Engines. After paying for all that stuff each player will have about 7,000 RP remaining for hopefully unique technology. *Anyone using a portion of their starting RP on PDC compatible racial component tech may chose to replace the default Missile Complexes with customized PDCs worth up to 2200 build points.

Anyone have comments or suggestions?
Jikor, Ektoras, Kaspar: Are all three of you still in on the next game? I'm curious how many slots I'll be recruiting for.

Offline Jikor

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #203 on: November 26, 2012, 02:27:32 PM »
I'm in. I'll play as the colony formerly of Mars :D

Was just checking math on the items you listed but I seem to get about 8k leftover (unless I missed something):
Missed part about the beam weapon required ;D
« Last Edit: November 26, 2012, 02:46:39 PM by Jikor »

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #204 on: November 26, 2012, 03:25:01 PM »
It's been a few weeks, and I am in the swing of things with my store. I do believe I know when the slow times are going to be now and feel like I can play again. I'll sign on for Venus unless someone else who expressed interest while I was out claims it.

Offline Ektoras

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #205 on: November 26, 2012, 10:19:14 PM »
I'm in. Earth needs me  ;D

I find the starting techs/installations fine. Each player system will conect only to Sol? How many systems there will be?
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 03:54:20 AM by Ektoras »

Offline sublight (OP)

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #206 on: November 27, 2012, 06:24:53 AM »
Ah, the entire old gang.  8)

I was thinking each player system would have 3 jump points: 1 jump to Sol, 2 paths leading outward.
Sol would have 5 jump points: 4 leading to the players plus 1 extra leading outward.

Similar max system count and near system chance as before.

I'm open to other ideas though.

Offline Jikor

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #207 on: November 27, 2012, 08:16:04 AM »
Sound good to me. 2 paths out should give a good chance to NOT end up in a dead end :D

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #208 on: November 27, 2012, 09:12:00 AM »
And if we do get a dead end we can simply negotiate/trade missiles and laser fire for travel rights.

Offline Jikor

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Re: Children of Sol: Multiplayer Aurora
« Reply #209 on: November 27, 2012, 09:13:15 AM »
I have a feeling this game would not be quite as peaceful as the previous with the lack of MAD ;)