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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #45 on: July 10, 2012, 07:27:31 AM »
Must have missed it before. Not complaining, though. Means I can overhaul my Hecates.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #46 on: July 10, 2012, 07:29:56 AM »
29 July 2015
"IM, we are receiving a message from the Hudson" a comms drone manning one of the stations in Swarm Command reported.
She was busy comparing figures between reported, expected and actual production from a number of suspect factories. Managing the Swarm's many factories required constant accounting. Queens tried to siphon off resources whenever and wherever they could and the drones were only too happy to lie for their Queen.
"What do they say?" she asked without looking up.
"Apparently the Francis Drake is leaving orbit of planet four."
This got her attention. The Francis Drake and the Hudson had been carefully watching each other for over two years with neither moving. A sudden change was interesting.
"Any report on where they are headed?" she asked as she walked over to the station.
"Negative. They are still manauvering" the drone stated.
It was right then that PC shouted over the low divider seperating Comms and Astrometrics: "Planetary sensors just reported the Frances Drake has broken orbit!"
"Yes, I know. Any idea where it is headed?" IM replied.
PC glanced back over her shoulder before answering: "Straight to Wrixom, based on these readings."
"Thank you PC. Drone, get Gamma up on the screen. Time to figure out what she is up to."

"And why would this be any of your business? I would think you would only be too glad for my ship to leave." Gamma said haughtily. She had responded quite quickly to IM's request for a link.
"But it isn't leaving, is it? It is coming here. And that is exactly why it is my business" IM stated. "Wrixom is my business and you are a member of the Swarm."
Gamma shrugged. "Its my ship. I just felt it is getting old and has spent a lot of time in space. Thought I would give the crew a little solid footing for a while." And then she broke the connection.
"Dammit" IM said to herself. "Where is US when you need her?"

30 July 2015
US had been out getting a tour of Omega hive, but had returned on IM's insistence. Only after they had reached the Bunker had IM filled US in on what was happening.
"Oh," US replied, "Gamma probably finished her maintenance facilities."
"What maintenance facilities?" IM demanded.
"She'd been working on them for a while, using bits and pieces her drones nicked from the construction factories. All in the greatest secrecy, of course."
"You knew?" IM demanded. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Of course I knew" US replied. "I told you I have good sources in Gamma hive. And the reason I kept it secret was the same reason all the other hives kept it secret even after you let it slip that I was constructing a secret research facility. Let her finish and we can appropriate it for the Swarm. Spill the beans, she stops construction and we just lose out on all the effort she has already put in. The reason I didn't tell YOU is because you have no guile. You would have confronted Gamma straight away."
IM bit back her response and considered US's words. It was true, she would probably have confronted Gamma.
"For the research facility, that strategy didn't turn out so well" IM eventually remarked.
"True, but I knew that they knew and I planned accordingly. Gamma doesn't know a thing. Besides, if she gives it as a present to the Swarm and steps down, we just get two things we really want. Just do me a favour. Wait until Gamma starts overhauling the Drake before you corner her about it."
"Don't want to give away my source. She is probably already suspicious after we magically knew about the ruins."

1 August 2015
Ruins? So this was why they expended so much energy around planet four.
Lambda was lying on her couch, listening to the playback from the hidden recorder she had managed to sneak into the lower chamber in Swarm Hive. Ironically enough, it was hidden on one of the jamming devices IM had brought in. Unfortunately for her, because it did not transmit at all, it was impervious to the effects of the jamming device. Lambda's hunch had payed off.
"That also explains the cryptic communique between her and Gamma" she mused.
"Did you say something, your Majesty?" one of her personal servant drones asked.
"Just talking to myself. Forget you ever heard anything."
"Yes, your majesty."

What is really happening:
After discovering my 1000tons of maintenance facilities, I decided to bring back the Hecates for an overhaul. First the Sir Francis Drake, since it has been out for longer. Then I just filled some space with intrigue.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #47 on: July 11, 2012, 04:40:13 AM »
19 September 2015
The Sir Francis Drake arrives back at Wrixom. As promised, IM waits for the overhauling process to be well under way before she contacts Gamma.

27 September 2015
"So, Gamma, here we are again. Care to explain where those maintenance facilities came from?" IM was once again talking to Gamma over the link. She was fully aware Gamma was going to be difficult and obstructionist, but that was okay. She could play hardball too.
Gamma shrugged. "I built them. What did you think?"
"You were supposed to continue working on the Commercial Shipyard."
"I did" Gamma replied simply.
"I meant... look, nevermind. Will you allow the Hudson to undergo an overhaul at those facilities?" IM asked.
"Hmm... no."
"And why not?"
"It's stolen property. More specifically, you stole it from me. I'm not going to overhaul your loot for you. Do it yourself." Gamma was being really obstinate.
"Gamma, need I remind you of the military divisions under my command..." IM began.
"That old threat again? You will have to come up with something better than that. You want to attack me? Go for it. I dare you. You know as well as I do that the only end result would be we both lose when the planet freezes."
IM tried a different approach. "Alright, how do you intend to get off the planet if you cross the Swarm?"
"The Epsilon Group will be perfectly willing to take me, even if you won't."
"Epsilon has agreed to transport only those things I tell her to."
Gamma laughed. "Poor, naive IM. Do you think they will give a damn what they agreed to as soon as they are off-world and out of your reach? They will deal with whoever offers them the best deal and that will be me."
Suddenly, the viewscreen went black.
"What happened?" IM demanded. "Did Gamma cut me off?"
"No, I did" US said from the console. "You were making a fool of yourself."
"I was not! Gamma used Swarm resources to construct those maintenance facilities, now she is denying their use to the Swarm! Its outrageous!"
"You would have made a smegty Hive Queen" US stated. "Politics one-oh-one, don't try to argue against an advantage. Wait, and find a weakness instead. Gamma has you at an advantage."
"So you say just leave her? Those facilities belong to the Swarm! I can't show weakness..." IM said.
"Why not? The Queens like weakness. It makes them feel strong. I think the power went to your head. Remember, you are not in charge, the Hive Queens are. At least in their minds. Let Gamma have her little maintenance facility, the Hecates can go for twenty years without breaking down and the Hudson is only aged two and a half. There is a lot of time left to turn the tables on old Gamma."
IM considered this. "But what if they all decide to do their own thing? Use their resources for their own gain instead of contributing to the Swarm the way Gamma did?"
"Then you report it to all the other Queens. They are all aware that the only way they get off of this rock alive is by working together. If some try to shirk their responsibility to get an edge, let the other Queens deal with them" US explained.
"So I should let the other Queens deal with Gamma?" IM asked.
"Not after that display of weakness. I told you, leave Gamma. You will get her back later."
IM sighed and slumped into a chair. "I hope you're right US."

What is really happening:
The Francis Drake arrives at Wrixom and begins overhaul. Other than that, same old, same old.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #48 on: July 12, 2012, 08:12:04 AM »
23 October 2015
IM sat with her head in her hands in front of the communication screen, willing the headache away. The other Queens had been arguing for close to an hour and nobody was any closer to a decision. None of them were willing to show weakness by giving ground. It less than a day before the commercial shipyard was to be completed and IM felt like strangling something. She had tried shouting a while ago, but everyone else just began arguing louder. She had since turned the volume down. Then she got an idea.
"Drone, are we still the host of this conference?" she asked the comms drone managing the console under the monitor.
"Yes, IM. They all link to us."
"Good. Shut it down."
The drone turned around and stared at her for a few moments.
"I said, shut it down. Kick them off the connection and shut down the conference. This has turned into a chaotic mess and somebody needs to restore order. Do it or get out so I can do it myself."
"Yes, IM" the drone replied and turned back to his console. After pressing a few buttons, the screen went dark.
"Now, boot it back up. Initiate protocols to mute and unmute individual incoming streams so I can control who talks" IM said. "No video." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed US glaring at her from the side, eyes wide, as if to say 'what are you doing??'. She ignored her.
One by one the screens representing incoming connections from the Hive Queens flickered back to life. They all showed nothing but a horizontal zigzagging line representing the audio input. Some were zigzagging rather fiercely.
"Dreadfully sorry, Your Majesties" she addressed the Queens. "It appears we overloaded the network and had a bit of a connection failure. I'm afraid we've only been able to get one audio input channel running, so we will have to take turns speaking. So sorry about this, I will have the drone responsible for this lapse in maintenance punished."
Some furious zigzagging ensued, but IM pretended she didn't notice.
"Alright, now each of you will state your proposal in turn. Gamma, will you start us off?"
A glowing box appeared around the screen marked Gamma. "...will have his face ripped off and slowly burned! I will not be treated..." the speakers chattered before it was suddenly cut off again.
IM lifted her finger from the console on her right and addressed the Queens again: "Whoops, seems we lost the stream there. I guess Gamma will just have to wait a little until we can get it up again. Kappa, will you present your suggestion in the mean time?"
There was some static as the glowing box shifted to the screen marked Kappa. "I see. Very well, I suggest we start expanding our mining operations. We are facing a shortage of several key TN minerals and this will alleviate the problem until we manage to begin exploiting offworld resources." The glowing box disappeared and several other screens zigzagged a bit more fiercely.
"Thank you, Kappa. Be sure that I am taking notes. Rho?"
The glowing box moved to Rho. "We need to expand both our factories and our mines. Our industrial base needs to be expanded to handle the requirements we will be putting on it. Construction is proceeding far too slowly."
IM proceeded down the list. Delta was in favour of starting construction of the automines that PC had developed from the knowledge US had brought back from Omega Hive. A bit of a blunder as she was not supposed to know about it. Gamma, when she eventually cooled down, suggested beginning construction of additional research facilities. Several other Queens suggested things along a similar trend. Finally, IM cut them off.
"Good, it seems we have a few ideas. Now, I will send all of you copies of the notes and we can review these suggestions at a later date. Farewell."
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 02:04:35 PM by Rabid_Cog »
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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #49 on: July 13, 2012, 05:57:46 AM »
24 October 2015
IM checked her notes again. The conference was about to start and she was nervous. The last time she had spoken to the Queens she had been more than just a little disrespectful. US had given her a firm dressing down afterwards and revealed that more than just a few of the Queens were now actively considering replacing her. And possibly having her head displayed over the main monitor in Swarm Command as a warning to the next First Governor. That revelation had shocked her just a bit.
Now she had to make a decision as to what their factories should construct next, now that the Commercial Shipyard was scheduled for completion later that day. And not just any decision. Telling the conference they would be doing something 'because she thought it was a good idea' was not going to settle the enormous argument from the day before. She was going to need a reason and numbers to support her decision. And she was going to have to do it without alienating the Queens any further.
"Drone, open the channels. Mute all audio this side" she commanded.
The array of individual screens marking each Hive's feed flickered to life. IM waited as, once again, every Queen began silently speaking at once. Possibly shouting.
"Your Majesties" she began slowly and clearly. "I will discuss each of your suggestions in turn so that we can decide on the best one." One by one the Queens stopped talking so they could listen. Curiousity was sometimes useful.
"First we can eliminate a few options as impractical. There was a suggestion to begin construction of parts for the Myrkuls. Unfortunately, the Myrkuls will be outdated as soon as the new engines are researched, and the engines are the only real component we can produce on the planet. So that simply isn't worth it."
A few of the Queens clearly had comments about this, but IM couldn't hear them.
"Our mineral supplies are not yet so low that we must begin seriously expanding our mining operations. The same goes for the automines as they are even more expensive for the same return. We also have no further need for more infrastructure at this time. We can construct it far faster than we can ship hives at present and we have enough to support about a million Wrix, so we have a sufficient buffer."
"No, we must maintain our focus on our primary goal. The optimal path forward is either Gamma's suggestion of a new research facility or industrial expansion. The question is, which? To detemine that, I will present a few numbers, if you will excuse me. If we start construction on a research facility now, it will be completed in about a year and provide a 30% decrease in the time needed to obtain our engines. According to my numbers, that should mean we get our new engines in two and a half years instead of three and a bit. That is between 16% and 20% reduction."
"If, instead, we expand our industrial capacity, we can improve our total industrial output by about 5% per year. So in the equivalent time, that would be an improvement of about 16%. However, we would also consume the minerals of Wrixom at an equivalently faster rate."
"The final point in favour of the research facility is that the research facility only takes a year of construction before we feel its benefits, while the factories would require three. In closing, I suggest we follow Gamma's suggestion immediately and continue with industrial expansion after its completion. That way we get the quickest benefit. The only question is now, where do we start the construction?"
A number of the other Queens spoke up, but they were still muted. So IM continued. "I feel there has been far too much fighting over these facilities in the past. Hence, my suggestion is that we build the facility somewhere neutral and staff it with drones from ALL hives. That way everyone has access."

"You got lucky" US said.
"They were happy with my analysis" IM replied.
"Our analysis. I spent up all night with you, remember?" The conference was finished and the other Queens had agreed to IM's plans. It appeared they had forgiven her.
"And I thank you for your efforts."
"My pleasure. But don't get comfortable. They have only decided to leave you be for now. If you piss them off again you will probably not do so well."

What is really happening:
Commercial Shipyard completed, so a number of new projects were started. Construction has started on a new research facility and a Myrkul class freighter (plans blow).
On an unrelated note, I will be away for a few days again. Try not to miss me too much  ;)

Myrkul class Freighter    10,000 tons     103 Crew     111.4 BP      TCS 200  TH 8  EM 0
40 km/s     Armour 1-41     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 7    Max Repair 5 MSP
Cargo 5000   

Conventional Engine E1 (3)    Power 2.5    Fuel Use 10%    Signature 2.5    Armour 0    Exp 1%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 90.0 billion km   (26041 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Commercial Vessel for maintenance purposes
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2012, 02:10:40 PM »
I'm back, but I'm taking a bit of a breather. Not from the writing, I enjoy that far too much, but from the relentless pressure of posting. Instead, I'm going to build up a bit of a head start with the writing and will start posting some time this weekend again.

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the Wrix.
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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #51 on: July 19, 2012, 02:12:45 PM »
Yay. Have missed following the story whilst you've been away.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #52 on: July 21, 2012, 03:41:07 AM »
14 February 2016
The first Myrkul rolls off the production line and construction immediately starts on the next one. Its crew is composed of drones from a number of hives, but US-93 had managed to sneak a few of the drones she had brought with her to Swarm Hive on as part of the crew. Not that she had any specific plan with them, but getting them on the crew at a later date would have been problematic. This leaves the Swarm with the rather interesting question of what to do with the ship. That it had needed to be built was clear, but the question remained how to best employ this ship. It did not have the facilities to transport any significant quantities of Wrix, certainly not sufficient to start anything but a small outpost.
After some deliberation, IM orders to ship to start shipping their stockpiles of infrastructure to planet four as this would be necessary before any hives can be emplaced there and the Wrix had an awful lot of infrastructure that would have to be transported. None of the other Queens object, but each hope to be the first off the planet.

5 June 2016
The second Myrkul is completed and embarks on the same mission as the first.

Quick Summary
A quick summary of the space forces of the Wrix are in order. The total space navy of the Wrix consist of two Hecate class courier vessels and two Myrkul class freighters, all unarmed. The Myrkuls were crewed by drones from a variety of hives and were considered 'loyal', or at least not actively disloyal.
The Sir Francis Drake, the first Hecate constructed by the Swarm, is completely crewed by drones loyal to Gamma. At present, it was undergoing an overhaul at the facilities Gamma had converted in secret.
The Henry Hudson, the second of its class, had originally also been crewed by Gamma drones, but after a clever ploy by Swarm Hive, it had been captured by drones that had remained with Delta (now US-93) after she had left her hive and joined Swarm Hive as administrator. At present it was in orbit around planet four, keeping an eye on the Xenology team also consisting of Delta drones.
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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #53 on: July 23, 2012, 04:38:25 AM »
15 June 2016
When IM arrived at the Bunker below Swarm Hive, the other members of her inner circle were already there, seated around the table. They included US, PC, DH-51, RZ-67 and a few other infertiles she trusted. DH had been put in charge of the Academy after its completion, a natural extension of her task of coordinating new arrivals.
"So, what's the latest?" she asked the table in general.
"Its confirmed. The Drake has completed its overhaul and is preparing to get back underway" PC reported.
"Any idea where it will be headed?" one of the other Infertiles asked.
"No. Its too soon to tell" PC replied. In addition to her task as design coordinator, she spent her free time overseeing the data from the monitoring stations Swarm Command had access to.
"I would be very surprised if it went anywhere but directly to planet four" IM stated.
"I agree" US stated. "And we can be sure it now holds a team of heavily armed drones that could oppose our control of the ruins there."
"Do they pose a significant threat to our expedition there or to our freighters?" IM asked.
US was the most experienced with these matters and spoke up. "They pose no threat to our freighters, in space they have no chance of boarding. As for the expedition, they most likely do. When we took the Hudson over, we had both additional scientific equipment and spare crew for the ship filling space. The Drake would have no such limitations and could carry more heavier weapons to oppose our forces on the planet. We have to see it as a serious risk to our continued control of the ruins."
"Any progress from our Xeno team on the planet?" IM asked, temporarily derailing the conversation.
"The need for secrecy has limited us to only communicate occasionally with the team, but last time they reported they said that it appeared to be some kind of outpost that had suffered significant damage at some point in time. They were trying to ascertain the origin of the damage at the same time as they tried to decode the alien language from what was left, but progress was slow and that they couldn't give an estimated time to completion" US reported.
IM rapped her claws on the table in annoyance. "Suppose they do decide to engage our forces. What then?"
RZ was in charge of the security of Swarm Hive, and although that was an almost pointless assignment (the only factions they would need to protect the Hive from were those serving in its military), she still had the most military experience of the queens present, so she answered. "That depends on whether we try to hold Gamma's forces outside the ruins or fight a defensive action inside the ruins themselves. The ruins would give us a significant defensive advantage as we would have time to set up positions, but of course there would be the rather significant risk of destroying some parts of the ruins themselves."
"That makes the whole exercise rather pointless, doesn't it?" IM remarked.
"Not if we want to prevent Gamma from obtaining whatever is in there" US said. "Besides, Gamma might decline to attack if she thinks the same way."
IM laughed. "Now think about that statement, but this time imagine that this is Gamma we are dealing with. No, it would be better if Gamma captures the ruins intact. We can always take it back later."
"Alright," RZ continued, "in that case it will be difficult. Even considering that our forces have time to dig in, the best we can hope for is to hold out until reinforcements reach the planet."
"Reinforcements? Are you suggesting we transfer even more troops to the planet?" US asked. "You know that Gamma will do the same."
"Gamma can do that anyway. The problem is, once we fall behind we will never be able to catch up. We should probably have moved the Hudson back along with the Drake, but the best we can do now is begin shipping more troops."
US shifted around uncomfortably. "This does leave us with the problem of where to find these troops." Her small pool of loyal drones had grown even smaller with the individuals based on the freighters and she was unwilling to let it dwindle any further. She still needed to control her intelligence network and provide some trustworthy security to Swarm Hive.
"I could stop taking the hormone suppressants and start a reproduction cycle..." PC offered naively, but the glares from all the other Queens made her stop.
"PC, no. And that is final" IM stated. "If any of the other Queens discover that reproduction was taking place in Swarm Hive, they won't even complain, they will just come in guns blazing. And find out they will. Swarm Hive is as leaky as a sieve with all the drones coming and going. I doubt even this room would remain secure for more than a few days at a time."
The other Queens vigorously nodded their agreement. Producing their own drones, even though they could, was too risky.
No other solution was presented besides trying to conceal from the drones the reason Gamma was attacking them, but even that would prove very difficult as any fighting would most likely have to take place within sight of the ruins or Gamma's troops could manauver around the Swarm troops. Even though no solution was reached, it was decided to recall the Hudson. This gave them some time to solve the problem.
Almost as an afterthought, another decision was made. The name of planet four, never before an important matter for the Wrix, was finally made to be 'First Stop'. 'Planet four' was just too cumbersome for conversation.

What is really happening:
Drake has finished overhaul and heads back to planet four, now named First Stop. I got sick and tired of talking about planet four all the time, so remember that Home A-4 is now named 'First Stop', from her on until perpetuity.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2012, 03:01:29 AM »
25 June 2016
HN-31's geological survey team reports that they had finished their survey of First Stop. While they had found some quantities of minerals in their time on the planet, most of their discoveries were dwarfed in size by the deposits that had been found by the orbital survey and no easier to extract. The survey had been good practice for the members of the team as they scooted all over the planet, but of little use to the Swarm.
Unfortunately, the next ship to arrive at First Stop would be the Drake and IM wasn't sure she wanted Gamma to get her hands on the survey team. Besides, the team could not return home with their knowledge of the ruins and it was unlikely Gamma would consent to waste the time taking them anywhere else. So, for the moment, HN's team was stuck because of events beyond their control. Again.

26 June 2016
HN stretched and flexed her claws. She was lying on her back inside the first of the sleeping areas designated inside what was going to be the first Hive on First Stop, but what was at present nothing but a pressurized burrow. It had been designed to provide sufficient space for more than three hundred drones to sleep in at once. At present it held seventeen, including HN herself. Nobody from the geological survey team had ever had such luxurious accomodation before. It was certainly far larger than the little communal Habitent they had slept in until now.
"Why didn't we move in here earlier?" she asked nobody in particular. The freighters had dropped off the air scrubbers and the sealing equipment over a month ago, but the little group had only recently assembled it in a choice hole.
"Because we were gallavanting all over the planet to check for mineral deposits?" EF-15-VRJ, one of the other Infertiles on the team, replied.
"Hah, like anybody would even notice if we took a year off" one of the other Infertiles muttered. For the first time in more than a year they could lie down in comfort without some kind of life sustaining equipment within three metres.
"We would have killed each other out of sheer boredom" HN remarked. This ellicited a round of chittering laughter from both the drones and the queens.
They had very little to do now that their survey was completed, and had received no estimation of when a ship would be available to transport them to the next planet. So they took a little vacation, occupying themselves by assembling the Hive in preparation for the first colonists that would be coming some time in the future.

What is really happening:
Geological survey of First Stop is completed. A number of instances of minerals had been found, but all in pathetic quantities at pathetic accessability levels. At least my team got trained a bit.
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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #55 on: July 25, 2012, 01:18:32 AM »
6 July 2016
There had been plenty of quiet consternation the moment the new ship was detected in orbit around Wrixom, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Shortly, however, its transponder flicked on and Swarm Command realised that the Epsilon Conglomerate had launched their first starship. Scanners quickly determined that it was indeed a Myrkul freighter, just as Epsilon had promised.
IM quickly contacted Epsilon and asked her what her plans were for the ship. She replied that she didn't have any, at present and IM, struck by a brainwave, quickly made a deal that would secure the ruins on First Stop without ever involving another hive. If only they had enough time.

10 July 2016
The Epsilon Myrkul leaves orbit of Wrixom, bound for First Stop. Half of its cargo space is filled with infrastructure, specifically hardened, hermetically sealable bunkers. The other half however, is filled with a trio of Lancer light tanks and an assorted of heavy weapons, all wrapped and strapped tight against the freighter's bulkheads to withstand the hard vaccuum.
None of the tank crews are on board, but the Henry Hudson, which has just arrived back at Wrixom, is busy loading the crews and is more than twice as fast as the Myrkul. It will arrive back at First Stop long before the freighter gets there. Now the drones on the planet already just have to hold out until reinforcements get there.

23 July 2016
The Sir Francis Drake arrives at First Stop and it isn't long before it unloads a contingent of armed drones. The Swarm loyalist drones make ready their defenses outside the ruins.

At this point, I have created two seperate factions on First Stop, Gamma and Swarm. As representative of the relative strengths, Gamma has two marine companies while the Swarm has one. While marince companies are actually TN technology that neither factions have yet, if, by some miracle, any normal divisions arrive on the planet I would simply delete the marine companies. They have no strength comparative to a full division and only represent a small team of armed drones. Gamma starts attacking immediately.

What is really happening:
My civilian shipping company builds its first freighter, despite having nothing to do. Eventually I put in an order to make it ship infrastructure.
I have my own subforum now!
Shameless plug for my own Aurora story game:
5.6 part:,4988.0.html
6.2 part:,5906.0.html

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Offline Ektoras

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #56 on: July 25, 2012, 01:26:21 AM »
Glad you are back. I realy like the two factions your are using on First Stop.

Offline Gyrfalcon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #57 on: July 25, 2012, 02:15:12 AM »
I'm curious what will happen with the first hives that get off planet. Without the driving force of 'cooperate or we'll all die', I could see them splitting off from the swarm and doing their own things again on a new planet.

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #58 on: July 25, 2012, 04:07:06 AM »
That is actually a very good question. Without the drive of cooperate or die, they will indeed split up, there is simply no other option for the highly territorial queens. Each of them also knows this, which is why they are jockeying for power and position. Of course, it could also be argued that another queen having a spaceship in orbit around your planet carrying nuclear bombs constitutes a 'cooperate or die' situation  ;D

First Stop won't have this problem, however. It orbits the primary and as such is still subject to the problem of cooling.

But yeah, as soon as there is no more compelling reason to cooperate, expect to see the Swarm Command looted for all it has. Most likely violently.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #59 on: July 26, 2012, 03:36:10 AM »
30 July 2016
A shell landed right on top of the rock DTP-33425 had been hiding behind, covering him in a thick cloud of dust. Fortunately for him, it had landed slightly on the side facing away from him and the bulk of the rock had protected his body as he had made himself as tiny as he could in the thin armour suit.
Drone DTP and the small group of Delta drones on First Stop had been tasked with keeping Gamma out of the ruins at all costs and from within their defensive perimiter they had set out to do just that. Unfortunately, the bloody Gamma drones weren't playing fair. They had brought a mortar along and for the past five days, instead of trying to move up, they had been content to randomly shell the Delta position.
When a few minutes passed without any shells landing, he carefully peeked out from behind his rock. With every barrage of mortar rounds, the danger was that Gamma would try to move up while he and his fellows kept their heads down.
"Clear! Status report?" DTP shouted as soon as his ears stopped ringing.
"No injuries!"
"Not hurt."
"Doing great."
The last bubbling scream came from behind a rock further back and DTP ran over, his head still ducked low and cold apprehension rose in his gut. That rock had been where they had left one of the drones that had been lightly injured in a previous mortar attack. They couldn't afford to lose a single drone...
He ducked behind the rock and his fears were confirmed. Fresh shrapnel damage riddled the drone's combat armour and he could see some of the holes were oozing blood. A shallow shell crater less than two metres away explained the injuries.
"Medic!" DTP shouted. "Come on drone, stay with me!" He immediately dove in to try to stem the blood loss.
A drone tasked with medical duties ran over while the rest drifted closer. There was nobody to shoot at and it was unlikely Gamma would start shelling again already. They were fortunate that the planet they were on had such a mild environment. On most of the other worlds, any damage to armor would have resulted in the occupant boiling, freezing or even dissolving. Here, on First Stop, they could even go without any life support at all for short periods of time.
"We can't go on like this" one of the other drones in the group complained. "They are slowly picking us apart with that damn mortar!" Possibly due to ammunition concerns, the mortar bombardments never lasted long, no more than three or four shells at a time, but they came randomly at any time of the day. Already two drones had been injured.
"Then what do you suggest we do?" DTP demanded.
"Anything but just sit here, waiting to be blown up" the other drone replied. "If we can somehow destroy the mortar, we can hold them here forever."
"Any move we make makes us more vulnerable. We only have to hold out until reinforcements arrive" DTP said, but it made no difference. Many of the drones were firmly against just sitting there and getting shot at. It grated on their nerves not be able to kill something.
"Fine!" he eventually muttered. "But if we go out there to hunt the mortar, we do so with a plan."

That night, as soon as the sun went down, five figures crept out on a tangent to Gamma's position. The rest stayed behind to hold the line. Gamma's forces didn't have enough drones to encircle Delta's position, so they had settled for camping to one side with their active troops deployed forward.
For almost an hour DTP and his squad mates circled wide around Gamma's position, doing their best not to be spotted. Suddenly, the lead drone called a halt.
"Did you see that?" he asked.
"What?" DTP asked as he was second in line.
"Behind that rock over there. It looked like something glinted in the starlight." They were in a shallow ditch with a number of rocks on either side. They had been following it closer to Gamma's position as it concealed them from whatever lookouts Gamma had posted.
"Are you sure?" DTP asked, well aware of how vulnerable their position was for an ambush.
Before the first drone had the chance to reply, a bright light flashed on, illuminating their little group in the darkness and the sound of gunfire echoed out from ahead.
"Ambush! Everybody back!" DTP shouted as the high velocity bullets kicked up little puffs of sand around their feet. Before they had a chance to make more than a few steps, the lead drone collapsed with a grunt. Almost without thinking, and before the drone had fallen further than his knees, DTP reached out, grabbed him by the armor and dragged him along as the group disappeared into the night.

Safely back inside their fortifications, DTP checked their damage. The lead drone had been hit in the stomach, but the medic quickly had him stabilized. Another had been been hit in the arm, but was quickly patched up. Hopefully he wasn't out of the fight yet.
"They were waiting for us, but we got off lightly. Gamma's bunch must be really bad shots" DTP remarked.
"Er, DTP" one of the other drones interrupted. "Check your helmet."
DTP slipped off his helm and turned it over. A deep furrow had been gouged in the side by one of the high velocity rounds that had been deflected, barely.
"Well, damn" DTP remarked. "Guess they can shoot better than I had given them credit for."
Just then, there was an explosion nearby and all of them dived for cover as the mortar rounds began raining in.
DTP quickly slammed his helmet on his head and cursed under his breath. Back to business as usual.

What is really happening:
Combat and casualties and studying for my exam tomorrow. Luckily I worked ahead a bit last weekend.
Creating two different factions on First Stop worked out very well in the end.
I have my own subforum now!
Shameless plug for my own Aurora story game:
5.6 part:,4988.0.html
6.2 part:,5906.0.html

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