This is a second test post. The original text has one space after a period. Three drafts were saved; in each draft, another space was automatically added by the software after all periods.
This is some text in a code block. Extra spaces do not get added automatically here when a draft is saved.
Here is an image link, written with no spaces at all, which shows up just fine in other forums:
The forum code changes the address from
hxxp: s3. postimage. org/z97e1ja9v/Aquilla_Roma_components_list. gif
(after one draft or posting; additional drafts add more spaces).
Let's test spacing after punctuation. All punctuation characters are written with one space before and after them.
TEST ! ? . : , [ ] { } ( ) \ | / ENDTEST
These observations apply to posts I make in Chrome (most recent update), Firefox (most recent update), and IE (older version).