Operation Columbus
25th March 05:59Z
Commodore Thorpe sat in her command chair half listening to the comms chatter between the two task groups whilst watching her tactical display. Some 50m km distant the ships of Drake hung in space around the Delta Trianguli jump point waiting for the last few seconds before H-hour.
It wasn’t long before the watch officer’s reports cut out the rest of the chatter. “Czech Republic and Deutschland report jump drives spooled up and ready to jump, all other ships report cleared for action. Jump in 4, 3, 2, 1, Jump". Thorpe watched the ships of Drake wink out from her display before flicking her comms switch. “All ships, Drake has completed its’ jump. Now we must wait and be ready to support them as needed. I’m sure I can rely on all of you. Thorpe out”.
Slowly the minutes ticked by. If all was going to plan the two temporary task forces would have completed their simultaneous jumps into the system and would now be heading to their respective waypoints. As the minutes turn into hours a hush descends on the command deck, the silence only broken by the watch office calling out the total mission time.
“T plus 3 hours thirty”, calls the watch officer. Thorpe looks down at her data pad, the ships from both Marco Polo and Drake should have now reached their stand-off positions in the system and all going well the Deutschland would be heading back to the jump gate now.
“Commodore, I’m getting an authenticated message from the Deutschland via the jump gate”. Thorpe leaned forward in her chair, “put it through ensign”.
“Commodore Thorpe, this is Captain Sutton. I’m pleased to report that both jump gates are clear of hostile forces, you are clear to proceed with phase 2. As you can hear, we’ve also been able to strip most of the encryption from the Followers’ jump gates and will start to upload the latest scans of the system as soon as we have finished purging the systems. Sutton out”.
Thorpe leaned back in her chair, thoughtful. The news was just a little too good to be true for her cynical nature. If the Deutschland had been ambushed on jump in more than enough time had passed for the Followers to have gained control of the ship and sent a fabricated message. Jumping the now largely unprotected carrier group into the system could well be suicide. She just hoped that Miller had a similar sense of caution. “Ensign, please open a second encrypted channel to the Deutschland, use one of the reserve protocols. Send the following message and request acknowledgement: Phase 1 incomplete, proceeded as ordered”. The ensign looked confused but sprung to the task nevertheless.
“Commodore, message has been acknowledged” noted the Ensign.
25th March 1300Z
Thorpe breathed a sigh of relief when the Deutschland re-emerged from the jump gate. Almost immediately her comm line sprung back into life. “Commodore, Sutton here, apologies for the confusion, we thought we could shave a few hours off the mission time and get a lead on Marco Polo. The jump gate is clear. We will continue with Phase 2”. “Thank you”, replied Thorpe, “I appreciate your initiative Captain but on this occasion I think we all need to stick to the plan, Thorpe out”.
Thorpe turned to his watch officer, “inform all ships that Phase 1 of the operation is complete and to prepare for jump to Delta Trianguli”.
25th March 1800Z
Thorpe felt the usual wave of nausea pass through her as the Gaul completed the jump through the gate. Across the bridge the lights flickered and monitors threw out static and distorted images whilst the ship’s systems struggled to clear the interference generated by the jump.
“Ensign, I want confirmation of completed jumps ASAP, let’s get our data feeds up and running and the tactical plot generated. Comms see if you can raise Commodore Miller, Drake and Marco Polo. I want to be in this system for as little time as possible”. Thorpe remained tense in her chair, despite having confirmation that the jump point was clear she still felt apprehensive whilst she waited for the ship’s systems to confirm that was the case.
Several minutes later Thorpe got her answer. “Commodore, all stations report successful reset, scan is active, no contacts. All ships report jump successful and holding position at the gate. I’ve raised the other task groups and all have confirmed successful completion of phase 1”.
“Thank you Ensign, please ask the Anaconda and Adder to break formation and begin their runs”. “Yes Ma’am”, responded the Ensign, “Ma’am the Adder is reporting massive thermal and EM signatures from A-II. There are also quite a few Union wrecks in the system as well as a few from unidentified classes. From the looks of the plot it seems that there was some sort of battle in the orbit of A-II”.
Thorpe looked at the plot carefully, if Earth was any kind of benchmark then the emissions indicated a population of over a billion people and an industrial base only slightly less developed. “Ok, order the ships to continue in system”.
26th March 2312Z
“Commodore! Adder reports four contacts at 263mkm on a bearing of 208 degrees. Contacts are on a course of 006 degrees speed 5890kms. Course shows them on an intercept with Drake. Combat system has labelled the contacts ‘Tiera’”. Thorpe clenched her fist; the Followers’ ships were moving at more than double the top speed previously observed for any of their ships and were several hundred kms faster than Drake. The fleet would not be able to avoid engaging those ships if they chose to press an attack.
Thorpe tapped her comms screen, “Commodore Miller, I assume you are getting the latest fees from the Adder?” “Indeed, let’s see if the Adder can get past those ships and move further in system. Drake is almost in active sensor range; let’s find out how large those ships are. We can then turn the Drake out system to see if they follow” replied Miller. Thorpe scowled before responding, “Ok let’s go with that but I want Drake to recover back towards my carriers to ensure we can keep them covered”. “Agreed, just remember that we are under strict instructions not to initiate hostile action”, responded Miller.
27th March 0436Z
“Drake reports active sensor contact with the four Tieras. Cross section indicates 6450 ton hulls. Drake confirms they are on an intercept with them”, reported the watch officer. “Understood, please inform Captain Sutton that he should continue in system for the next three hours before coming about on a bearing of 350 degrees”, responded Thorpe.
For the next five hours Thorpe watches the multiple task groups advance across the system whilst the hostile contacts continue to be lured away from the main scout groups. It would be several days before either the leading scout groups made their transition across the system or the hostile contacts closed to engagement range. With the frustratingly slow pace of manoeuvre involved with such large distances involved Thorpe decided to it was time to rotate the crew and get some rest herself.
29th March 1737Z
Thorpe strode back onto the bridge. The last two days had been spent staring at the largely empty tactical plotter. So far the scout ships had failed to locate any further shipping traffic in the system and no further ships had moved to intercept the still approaching Marco Polo. Anaconda was also reporting that she had completed the initial pass and was now repositioning for a closer pass of the planets.
The four contacts had continued to trail Drake and were now 273.8mkm away. After several conferences with Miller they had decided to continue to run Drake for another two days. This would position the task group firmly under the cover of Carrier group Bravo’s fighter wings and should ensure that the Navy would be able to win any engagement if it did occur.
1st April 0849Z
“New contact reported by Adder, new vessel type, the system has classed it the Loviatar. Contact is at range 245.6mkm on a bearing of 336 degrees moving at 2790 km/s, looks like it is on an intercept course with them” reported the watch officer.
Thorpe looked down to check the tactical plot:
“That sounds a little more like what we were expecting to find in system, instruct the Adder to come to a bearing of 278 degrees and burn for A V. Make sure they retain a minimum 100mkm distance from the contact at all times and let me know of any further updates. We need to give Marco Polo a few more days to complete their active scan of A-II. Let’s see if we can avoid any engagements between now and then”.
2nd April 0734Z
The officer of the watch calls out another contact “Adder reports picking up thermal readings from moon 10 of the fifth planet. Readings are very weak, suspect a listening post or similar”.
Several hours Thorpe got another call from the watch officer. “Commodore, Marco Polo reports first active scan of the home world complete. Sensors are showing a number of contacts in orbit as well as a very substantial shipyard complex. I’m sending you the current plot now. Commodore Miller has order Marco Polo to continue the approach to see if it can pick up any readings on ground forces”. “Very good”, responded Thorpe, “I will be up shortly. Let me know immediately if there is any change”.
3rd April 0917Z
“Contact contact”, shouted the junior watch officer. “Marco Polo reports nine inbound vessels at 501mkm on a bearing of 70 degrees. Speed 2789km/s. Cross sections indicate eight 6450 ton vessels and one 12,900 ton ship. They are on an intercept course with Marco Polo. Commodore Miller has ordered Bushmaster to trail the new contacts. Marco Polo is continuing with its’ close pass of the central system”.
Thorpe took another look at the tactical plot. Miller was starting to cut things fine with both Drake and Marco Polo. She would be amazed if this little stunt didn’t completely ruin any chances of a negotiated settlement with the Followers.
An hour later the still excited junior watch officer piped up again, “Commodore, it looks like that fleet has picked up the Bushmaster, they have reversed course and are now on an intercept with them instead”. Now that was a stroke of luck thought Thorpe. The Bushmaster could easily out distance the Followers in system fleet and that would now give Marco Polo more than enough time to complete its’ run.
“Commodore, message from Captain Sutton, he reports that the four Tieras are now within 100mkm of Drake”.
4th April 0132Z
Marco Polo reports that it has completed its runs past the inner system. Marco Polo also reports the identification of only very limited ground forces present, possibly no more than brigade strength. No further contacts have been made and no potential civilian shipping has been identified. The Marco Polo will now head out system via A VI for a final close scan before extracting back to the 54 Piscium jump gate.
Thorpe continues to read through the scan data in detail. From the information received to date it looks like the Followers were actually on the losing side of the war with the Union. Their naval power is clearly limited and it would appear that the home planet was subject to a bombardment from the Union before their ships were destroyed.
4th April 2014Z
“Commodore Thorpe, Captain Sutton is reporting that the Tiera contacts are now within 55mkm of his task group and are continuing to advance. He has issued warnings on all channels for the ships not to close past 40mkm. He is also requesting an update to the rules of engagement to allow him to fire if they cross that range”. “Understood Ensign, please contact Commodore Miller and request a conference channel with myself as soon as possible”, replied Thorpe.
Several minutes later Thorpe’s comm display indicated that the channel had been activated. “Good evening Catherine”, started Thorpe. “Judging by the dogged determination of that Followers task group I think we are going to have a fight on our hands pretty soon. I’m loathe to authorise any form of pre-emptive strike though. Can you get a couple of squadrons up to shadow the contacts, see if we can scare them off?”
Miller took a few moments to respond, “yes, I agree with you on both points, we will launch the copperheads and checkmates in five minutes. They will reach engagement range before they cross Sutton’s 40mkm line. If they do try anything we will take them out of the sky. Miller out”.
“Ensign, get me Captain Sutton”, barked Thorpe.
On the tactical plot Thorpe watched the fighters launch and hurtle towards the Followers ships.
Several hours later the watch officer gave a further update “Commodore, Captain Sutton reports that none of the Tieras have responded to his hails and they have now closed to within less than 30mkm. The Copperheads and Checkmates are holding position 20mkm astern the contacts, no sign they have been detected”.
5th April 1124Z
“Drake just reported that all of the Tieras have gone active on sensors. The Task group is going to full alert and is requesting release of safeties on all weapons”. On the other comm channel Thorpe could hear Miller ordering the fighters to close range to 15 million km and giving weapons release to Sutton.
An hour later Thorpe gets a further update from Sutton, it looks like the Followers have finally listened to our warnings and have slowed to 5500km/s. They are now keeping distance at 25.7mkm. The two fighter squadrons are also reporting low on fuel and Commodore Miller has ordered them to return to the carrier group.
8th April 1308Z
Thorpe gets a call from Miller. “Catherine, it looks like those ships are going to stay hot on the heels of Drake all the way to the Iota Persei jump gate. Recommend you jump out your carrier group before they get an active scan on main assets in the system. Please take up your stand-off position in case they try to follow you through. I think that Bravo will be able to cover Marco Polo’s withdrawal. We will send a coded message through the jump gates once clear”. “I agree”, replied Thorpe, “we will jump out in three hours once Drake is closer to the gate. I will let Captain Sutton know our intentions, Thorpe out”.
Three hours later Thorpe orders her Carrier group to jump back out of the system and to take up station 50mkm from the gate.
15th April 0708Z
Thorpe is pacing her quarters when she finally gets the long awaited for message from Commodore Miller. Marco Polo has been able to avoid any further contact with the Followers and has re-joined the main task group. Carrier Group Bravo is now pulling back to 107 Piscium from where Miller will dispatch her report back to Earth and request further orders.
Thorpe finally sits back down at her desk. The last two Months have been draining for the whole crew with hours spent at high alert and widespread sleep deprivation. Despite the ordeal she is happy that they have continued to perform, reinforcing her opinion that breaking up well train crews should be a last option.
Thorpe taped her comms panel to makes a task group wide announcement, “crew, this is Commodore Thorpe, I have just received word from Commodore Miller that Carrier Group Bravo has completed its’ withdrawal from Delta Trianguli and was able to do so without further contact with the Followers. Due to your unwavering dedication and exemplary execution of your duties operation Columbus has been a complete success. Thank you all. The efficiency of our operation has meant that we have beaten Strike Group Bravo back from the docs and hence we will be staying in Iota Persei for a little while longer whilst we wait for them to replace us. In the mean time I am standing down all ships from high alert. Please take the opportunity to get some rest – you deserve it”.
[Edited to cut down the size of the maps]