Here's an SAUpgrade script to upgrade from a 7.02 to the 7.10 database
Not many structural changes. Note that this copies the Tech and Expendable tables as I've added several. If you've added no tech, change the lines
table 'TechSystem' copy
table 'Expendables' copy order by 'ExpendID'
table 'TechSystem' ignore
table 'Expendables' ignore
Your other alternative is to not copy this tables and manually copy over the stuff you've added, which is doable but a bit of a pain in the bum due to the autocreate of the ID fields.
I had to clean a few rogue entries from the ClassOrdnance and ClassXO tables in the dB to get them to copy, but at least I won't have to redo all my ship Mg and XO loadouts this time.
table 'Game' copy
table 'Race' copy
table 'SystemType' ignore
table 'System' copy
table 'RaceMapDisplay' copy
add 'chkSensorNet' 1
add 'ZoomLevel' 1
add 'CentreX' 0
add 'CentreY' 0
table 'AdminCommand' copy
table 'App' copy
table 'BinaryDistances' ignore
table 'BuildRates' ignore
table 'CFNCost' ignore
table 'CFNTasks' copy order by 'CFNTaskID'
table 'CFNSales' copy
table 'Civilization' copy
table 'Ranks' copy
table 'CommanderList' copy
table 'Commander' copy
table 'CommanderRace' copy
table 'CommunicationState' ignore
table 'ConHistory' copy
table 'CrewGrade' ignore
table 'CrewGradeAdvance' ignore
table 'DesignType' ignore
table 'EconomicLevel' ignore
table 'EconomicTurns' copy
table 'ELResearchType' ignore
table 'EnvValue' ignore
table 'ExpendType' ignore
table 'TechSystem' copy
table 'Expendables' copy order by 'ExpendID'
table 'Fleet' copy
table 'FleetMove' copy
table 'Datagroups' copy
table 'DSBPosition' copy
table 'HullType' copy
table 'ShipDesign' copy
table 'ShipClass' copy
table 'AssociatedClasses' copy
table 'ClassSC' copy
table 'FundTransfer' copy
table 'GovtPool' copy
table 'GovType' copy
table 'GradeAdvancement' ignore
table 'HighTech' ignore
table 'HistoricalData' copy
table 'Inhabited' ignore
table 'JRillRaces' copy
table 'MachineRaces' copy
table 'Message' copy
table 'MessageType' ignore
table 'MinContent' ignore
table 'MissileMods' ignore
table 'Moons' ignore
table 'StarType' ignore
table 'Star' copy
table 'Planet' copy
table 'Moon' copy
table 'MoonChance' ignore
table 'MoonName' copy
table 'MoveImpulses' ignore
table 'SensorNetType' ignore
table 'Notes' ignore
table 'NPRExploration' ignore
table 'NPRTechlevel' ignore
table 'NumOrder' ignore
table 'Ordnance' ignore
table 'PCF' ignore
table 'PlanetDistance' ignore
table 'PlanetName' copy
table 'PlanetType' ignore
table 'PointDefence' ignore
table 'PoliticalState' ignore
table 'PopulationLevel' ignore
table 'PopulationSize' ignore
table 'Progress' ignore
table 'RaceClassName' copy
table 'RaceMessages' copy
table 'RacePCF' copy
table 'RaceSysSurvey' copy
table 'RaceSystemName' copy
table 'AvailTech' copy
table 'RaceTech' copy
add 'Obsolete' 0
table 'WarpPoint' copy
table 'RaceWPSurvey' copy
table 'ReadinessState' ignore
table 'RefitCost' copy
table 'Relationship' copy
table 'ReportClass' copy
table 'ReportTurn' copy
table 'Resolver' copy
table 'MapGroup' copy
table 'MapLabel' copy
table 'Ship' copy
table 'ShipComponent' copy
table 'DesignCompOrder' copy
table 'DamagedComponent' copy
table 'DamagedDesignComp' copy
table 'ShipItem' copy
table 'ShipSC' copy
table 'ShipWeapon' copy
table 'ShipXO' copy
table 'ShipNameType' ignore
table 'ShipNames' ignore
table 'ShipNamesUsed' copy
table 'CompOrderGroups' copy
table 'Shipyards' copy
table 'ShipyardTask' copy
table 'SurveyOptions' ignore
table 'SystemNotes' copy
table 'SystemSurvey' copy
table 'TaskType' ignore
table 'TechResearchType' ignore
table 'TechSystemModifiers' ignore
table 'Theme' ignore
table 'ThemeClass' copy
table 'ThemeRank' copy
table 'ThemeSystem' copy
table 'TotalWarpPoints' ignore
table 'Trade' copy
table 'TurnStatus' ignore
table 'WarpPointDistance' ignore
table 'WarpPointType' ignore
table 'Weapons' ignore
table 'WindowPosition' copy
table 'RacialRelations' copy
table 'RacialRelationStates' ignore
table 'SBMHAWKs' ignore
table 'StandardSysMoons' ignore
table 'StandardSysPlanets' ignore
table 'WPDefences' copy
table 'SystemItem' copy
table 'MaintenanceHistory' copy
table 'ClassOrdnance' copy
table 'ClassXO' copy
table 'GroupItems' copy
table 'GroupPlot' copy
table 'ItemGroup' copy
table 'SurveyTransfer' copy
table 'ShipOrdnance' ignore
table 'DesignItemType' ignore
table 'DPAtmos' ignore
table 'DPBoatbay' ignore
table 'DPCloak' ignore
table 'DPCVArmed' ignore
table 'DPCVPassive' ignore
table 'DPEngineType' ignore
table 'DPJammer' ignore
table 'DPMg' ignore
table 'DPMix' ignore
table 'DPPassive' ignore
table 'DPPassiveSplit' ignore
table 'DPPD' ignore
table 'DPPosition' ignore
table 'DPSurveyFleetSize' ignore
table 'DPSurveyHull' ignore
table 'DPSurveyProtect' ignore
table 'DPTuner' ignore
table 'DPTuner2' ignore
table 'DPWarshipHullTypes' ignore
table 'DPWeaponConfig' ignore
table 'DPWeaponLayout' ignore
table 'DPXr' ignore
table 'DPZ2' ignore
table 'NPR9' ignore
table 'DesignPhil' copy
table 'Paste Errors' ignore
table 'RandomNames' copy
table 'ScrapHistory' copy
table 'TableData' ignore
table 'TempRaces' ignore
table 'TradeHistory' copy
*edit* Slapped the script into a code block to facilitate copy/paste -Erik