Author Topic: SA Version v7.10 (Experimental)  (Read 16270 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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SA Version v7.10 (Experimental)
« on: September 11, 2007, 11:28:59 AM »
I have created a new patch for Starfire Assistant. However, this is simply a compile of any additional work or bug fixes I have done since v7.02 so I don't think there will be many functional changes and I don't have a record of those changes. In addition, this isn't tested so download and try at your own risk :)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Charlie Beeler

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« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2007, 03:24:37 PM »
For S&G's I'm running 7.1 with a 7.02 database.  So far no issues and some minor headaches resolved.

Steve, Thank You.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Charlie Beeler »
Amateurs study tactics, Professionals study logistics - paraphrase attributed to Gen Omar Bradley

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2007, 05:10:20 PM »
Quote from: "Charlie Beeler"
For S&G's I'm running 7.1 with a 7.02 database.  So far no issues and some minor headaches resolved.

Good to hear that. You really should run it with a v7.10 database but to be honest I have no idea what (if anything) has changed in the database since v7.00 so you may well be fine.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline coldsteel

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« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2007, 09:45:56 PM »
Quote from: "Steve Walmsley"
Quote from: "Charlie Beeler"
For S&G's I'm running 7.1 with a 7.02 database.  So far no issues and some minor headaches resolved.
Good to hear that. You really should run it with a v7.10 database but to be honest I have no idea what (if anything) has changed in the database since v7.00 so you may well be fine.


IIRC and FWIW, you've only fixed bugs, and haven't added anything new (not a bad thing, considering no new ideas yet...) since 7.0's Sypply Depots and the semi-Tac map view.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by coldsteel »
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Offline Charlie Beeler

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« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2007, 08:28:29 AM »
Quote from: "Steve Walmsley"
Quote from: "Charlie Beeler"
For S&G's I'm running 7.1 with a 7.02 database.  So far no issues and some minor headaches resolved.
Good to hear that. You really should run it with a v7.10 database but to be honest I have no idea what (if anything) has changed in the database since v7.00 so you may well be fine.


I did a quick comparison of the 7.10 and the 7.02 tables in Access.  I didn't find anything that leap out is a format change.  It wasn't a comprehensive evaluation of course.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Charlie Beeler »
Amateurs study tactics, Professionals study logistics - paraphrase attributed to Gen Omar Bradley

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2007, 10:10:38 AM »
Quote from: "Charlie Beeler"
I did a quick comparison of the 7.10 and the 7.02 tables in Access.  I didn't find anything that leap out is a format change.  It wasn't a comprehensive evaluation of course.

The changes may be in the data in some of the tables, particularly relating to weapons information, tech systems, expendables, etc.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Charlie Beeler

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« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2007, 11:02:31 AM »
Quote from: "Steve Walmsley"
Quote from: "Charlie Beeler"
I did a quick comparison of the 7.10 and the 7.02 tables in Access.  I didn't find anything that leap out is a format change.  It wasn't a comprehensive evaluation of course.
The changes may be in the data in some of the tables, particularly relating to weapons information, tech systems, expendables, etc.


That's what I was hoping.  I've made several changes to my database to incorporate me boatbay fighters. As well as other tweeks for personal taste.  

As long as formats remain the same I think I'm in good shape.  If not,  then I'll have some work too do, either hand editting tables into compliance or starting a new game with fresh 7.10 database.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Charlie Beeler »
Amateurs study tactics, Professionals study logistics - paraphrase attributed to Gen Omar Bradley

Offline Shinanygnz

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« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2007, 09:51:44 AM »
Here's an SAUpgrade script to upgrade from a 7.02 to the 7.10 database
Not many structural changes.  Note that this copies the Tech and Expendable tables as I've added several.  If you've added no tech, change the lines
table 'TechSystem' copy
table 'Expendables' copy order by 'ExpendID'
table 'TechSystem' ignore
table 'Expendables' ignore
Your other alternative is to not copy this tables and manually copy over the stuff you've added, which is doable but a bit of a pain in the bum due to the autocreate of the ID fields.

I had to clean a few rogue entries from the ClassOrdnance and ClassXO tables in the dB to get them to copy, but at least I won't have to redo all my ship Mg and XO loadouts this time.

Code: [Select]
table 'Game' copy
table 'Race' copy
table 'SystemType' ignore
table 'System' copy
table 'RaceMapDisplay' copy
       add 'chkSensorNet' 1
       add 'ZoomLevel' 1
       add 'CentreX' 0
       add 'CentreY' 0
table 'AdminCommand' copy
table 'App' copy
table 'BinaryDistances' ignore
table 'BuildRates' ignore
table 'CFNCost' ignore
table 'CFNTasks' copy order by 'CFNTaskID'
table 'CFNSales' copy
table 'Civilization' copy
table 'Ranks' copy
table 'CommanderList' copy
table 'Commander' copy
table 'CommanderRace' copy
table 'CommunicationState' ignore
table 'ConHistory' copy
table 'CrewGrade' ignore
table 'CrewGradeAdvance' ignore
table 'DesignType' ignore
table 'EconomicLevel' ignore
table 'EconomicTurns' copy
table 'ELResearchType' ignore
table 'EnvValue' ignore
table 'ExpendType' ignore
table 'TechSystem' copy
table 'Expendables' copy order by 'ExpendID'
table 'Fleet' copy
table 'FleetMove' copy
table 'Datagroups' copy
table 'DSBPosition' copy
table 'HullType' copy
table 'ShipDesign' copy
table 'ShipClass' copy
table 'AssociatedClasses' copy
table 'ClassSC' copy
table 'FundTransfer' copy
table 'GovtPool' copy
table 'GovType' copy
table 'GradeAdvancement' ignore
table 'HighTech' ignore
table 'HistoricalData' copy
table 'Inhabited' ignore
table 'JRillRaces' copy
table 'MachineRaces' copy
table 'Message' copy
table 'MessageType' ignore
table 'MinContent' ignore
table 'MissileMods' ignore
table 'Moons' ignore
table 'StarType' ignore
table 'Star' copy
table 'Planet' copy
table 'Moon' copy
table 'MoonChance' ignore
table 'MoonName' copy
table 'MoveImpulses' ignore
table 'SensorNetType' ignore
table 'Notes' ignore
table 'NPRExploration' ignore
table 'NPRTechlevel' ignore
table 'NumOrder' ignore
table 'Ordnance' ignore
table 'PCF' ignore
table 'PlanetDistance' ignore
table 'PlanetName' copy
table 'PlanetType' ignore
table 'PointDefence' ignore
table 'PoliticalState' ignore
table 'PopulationLevel' ignore
table 'PopulationSize' ignore
table 'Progress' ignore
table 'RaceClassName' copy
table 'RaceMessages' copy
table 'RacePCF' copy
table 'RaceSysSurvey' copy
table 'RaceSystemName' copy
table 'AvailTech' copy
table 'RaceTech' copy
add 'Obsolete' 0
table 'WarpPoint' copy
table 'RaceWPSurvey' copy
table 'ReadinessState' ignore
table 'RefitCost' copy
table 'Relationship' copy
table 'ReportClass' copy
table 'ReportTurn' copy
table 'Resolver' copy
table 'MapGroup' copy
table 'MapLabel' copy
table 'Ship' copy
table 'ShipComponent' copy
table 'DesignCompOrder' copy
table 'DamagedComponent' copy
table 'DamagedDesignComp' copy
table 'ShipItem' copy
table 'ShipSC' copy
table 'ShipWeapon' copy
table 'ShipXO' copy
table 'ShipNameType' ignore
table 'ShipNames' ignore
table 'ShipNamesUsed' copy
table 'CompOrderGroups' copy
table 'Shipyards' copy
table 'ShipyardTask' copy
table 'SurveyOptions' ignore
table 'SystemNotes' copy
table 'SystemSurvey' copy
table 'TaskType' ignore
table 'TechResearchType' ignore
table 'TechSystemModifiers' ignore
table 'Theme' ignore
table 'ThemeClass' copy
table 'ThemeRank' copy
table 'ThemeSystem' copy
table 'TotalWarpPoints' ignore
table 'Trade' copy
table 'TurnStatus' ignore
table 'WarpPointDistance' ignore
table 'WarpPointType' ignore
table 'Weapons' ignore
table 'WindowPosition' copy
table 'RacialRelations' copy
table 'RacialRelationStates' ignore
table 'SBMHAWKs' ignore
table 'StandardSysMoons' ignore
table 'StandardSysPlanets' ignore
table 'WPDefences' copy
table 'SystemItem' copy
table 'MaintenanceHistory' copy
table 'ClassOrdnance' copy
table 'ClassXO' copy
table 'GroupItems' copy
table 'GroupPlot' copy
table 'ItemGroup' copy
table 'SurveyTransfer' copy
table 'ShipOrdnance' ignore
table 'DesignItemType' ignore
table 'DPAtmos' ignore
table 'DPBoatbay' ignore
table 'DPCloak' ignore
table 'DPCVArmed' ignore
table 'DPCVPassive' ignore
table 'DPEngineType' ignore
table 'DPJammer' ignore
table 'DPMg' ignore
table 'DPMix' ignore
table 'DPPassive' ignore
table 'DPPassiveSplit' ignore
table 'DPPD' ignore
table 'DPPosition' ignore
table 'DPSurveyFleetSize' ignore
table 'DPSurveyHull' ignore
table 'DPSurveyProtect' ignore
table 'DPTuner' ignore
table 'DPTuner2' ignore
table 'DPWarshipHullTypes' ignore
table 'DPWeaponConfig' ignore
table 'DPWeaponLayout' ignore
table 'DPXr' ignore
table 'DPZ2' ignore
table 'NPR9' ignore
table 'DesignPhil' copy
table 'Paste Errors' ignore
table 'RandomNames' copy
table 'ScrapHistory' copy
table 'TableData' ignore
table 'TempRaces' ignore
table 'TradeHistory' copy

*edit* Slapped the script into a code block to facilitate copy/paste -Erik
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Shinanygnz »

Offline Edsel

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« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2007, 12:43:52 PM »
I can't seem to get the saupgrade script to work properly for my game. Whenever I run it here is what I get:

saupgrade version 1.02
processing table Game
processing table Race
processing table System
processing table RaceMapDisplay


So it just stops and thinks it is done once it gets past the RaceMapDisplay. Obviously this doesn't work and results in a nearly empty database. I can't see any obvious errors in the upgrade script. Does anyone have any suggestions?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Edsel »

Offline Charlie Beeler

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« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2007, 01:45:46 PM »
Did you list the files in the correct order?  Remember that table is getting 4 new columns.  

Stephen thank you for the script.  I used it to tell me what I'd missed in my manual update, and this columns were missed by me.  My database is still small enough for that to be easily done.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Charlie Beeler »
Amateurs study tactics, Professionals study logistics - paraphrase attributed to Gen Omar Bradley

Offline Edsel

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« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2007, 03:25:09 PM »
I created the script by just cutting and pasting the stuff that Stephen posted. Since I had not added any new tech systems I made the substitution that he indicated.

Is the order that Stephen posted incorrect? What order does it need to be in?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Edsel »

Offline Shinanygnz

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« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2007, 05:17:45 PM »
The cut and paste has missed the indents.  The Add xxx lines should be tabbed in once.  Might be what is confusing it.

The order is correct.  I've been doing these for quite a while now.  If it was in the wrong order it would throw a SQL error.

If you get stuck you can compact your db, zip it up and email it to me.  I've been known to operate a free rescue service, although if you're feeling grateful I like German beer   :wink:

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Shinanygnz »

Offline coldsteel

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« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2007, 08:21:05 PM »
Stephen is and has been the Upgrade Gawd. lol.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by coldsteel »
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Offline Edsel

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« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2007, 08:45:43 PM »
I checked and you were right the "add" lines had no tabs. I edited the file so each such line has a single tab in front of it. Unfortunately this seems to have had no effect, I still get the same result.

This mystifies me. I have used saupgrade many times over the years and this is the first time I have had it fail. This is a relatively new game it was started in v7.02 and is only 17 game turns along.

Stephen, if you are willing to take a look at it I can send you a copy of the database. What email address do I need to sent it to? You can send me a private message if you wish.

Unfortunately I know next to nothing about beer (German or otherwise) I am a teetotaler.

- Eddie
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Edsel »

Offline Shinanygnz

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« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2007, 04:46:01 AM »
Eddie's dB is upgraded.

Bit of a strange problem...
The four fields that were added/populated by the script in RaceMapDisplay already existed in his database.  I've checked the base v7.0 dB too and they're not in that (v7.01 & 7.02 were code releases with no dB changes).
Once those four Add lines were removed the script ran without a problem, so if anyone else has the same issue, that's the fix.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Shinanygnz »