For anyone interested, the economic reorganization spoken of in the recent update involves a change in my Excel-Sheet with which I try to manage the different empires. I had worked out a first layout but it was too complicated and imprecise. So I redid the sheet to better cope with many empires. It is "easy" to deal with one Empire inside of Aurora (not ideal but ok); but it becomes unmanageable when trying to keep at the top of several empires and not let them plunge into chaos. I hope this sheet will help me further on.
National Overview (over all Planets and Colonies)
Planetary Values for one Nations Colony
In case you wonder what "Ressources B/S" is: since the nations needed more Duranium as well as a way to fund their industry (because Income wasn't high enough) I had set up the "United Nations" as an inofficial trading partner for the TN Elements. You can see "Buy" and "Sell" colums in the second picture. I had set up fictional prices for each Element and tried to get enough money to the nations as well as enough Duranium. But as I said, my first sheet did not tell me HOW much Duranium and Money was needed exactly. So I had to find a way to show me so I can manage the buying and selling (so that in the Future no Nation needs to suffer from debt again; well as long as it does not fit the story...
There is a "fictional" 25% Limit as to how much a nation can produce income through this system; as you can see the US will be under this limit in 1975 - however they had to reduce the maximum use of their industry to 50%. So it will slow them down for a while... (as well as the others).