Author Topic: 2 NPC population on same planet, 1 hostlie, 1 neutral  (Read 5863 times)

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Offline ExChairman (OP)

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2 NPC population on same planet, 1 hostlie, 1 neutral
« on: January 15, 2017, 02:43:11 PM »
I recently found a planet with 2 population on it, they have the same pictures but different flags, so I presume 2 countries, 1 has EM 478000 with the second 508000. But is this even possible? I know that we can put several populations on a planet. Has anyone more seen this before? Not to sure if my army of 5 armored divisions and 1 Mechanized is going to be able to take this planet, but if I do I presume this will be a powerhouse in a few years... :)
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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Offline NuclearStudent

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Re: 2 NPC population on same planet, 1 hostlie, 1 neutral
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2017, 08:51:31 PM »
I recently found a planet with 2 population on it, they have the same pictures but different flags, so I presume 2 countries, 1 has EM 478000 with the second 508000. But is this even possible? I know that we can put several populations on a planet. Has anyone more seen this before? Not to sure if my army of 5 armored divisions and 1 Mechanized is going to be able to take this planet, but if I do I presume this will be a powerhouse in a few years... :)

Ah, the Soviet Aretnia Union and the United Aretnian States of America.

Offline ExChairman (OP)

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Re: 2 NPC population on same planet, 1 hostlie, 1 neutral
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2017, 12:24:45 AM »
Ah, the Soviet Aretnia Union and the United Aretnian States of America.

Veni, Vedi, Volvo

Wargame player and Roleplayer for 33 years...

Offline Steve Walmsley

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Re: 2 NPC population on same planet, 1 hostlie, 1 neutral
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2017, 11:21:48 AM »
I recently found a planet with 2 population on it, they have the same pictures but different flags, so I presume 2 countries, 1 has EM 478000 with the second 508000. But is this even possible? I know that we can put several populations on a planet. Has anyone more seen this before? Not to sure if my army of 5 armored divisions and 1 Mechanized is going to be able to take this planet, but if I do I presume this will be a powerhouse in a few years... :)

Yes, this is working as intended. You can have more than two alien empires with the same home world in very rare cases.

Offline Kytuzian

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Re: 2 NPC population on same planet, 1 hostlie, 1 neutral
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2017, 06:45:06 PM »
I've seen as many as four alien races sharing the same planet--is there a limit to this?