Not quite sure how to continue game. Discovered (frogs) with alot of 750 ton gunboats and one 60000 mother ship. I attacked with
6 DDs with 126x8 damage missiles and 8 Sloops with 120x4 missiles (mag plus damage per). Salvos for each group was over 30 with
the addition of 2 box launchers each for an initial barrage.... in one engagement destroyed all the gunboats with missile fire well away
from my fleet. Used up alot of my missile reserve so went back to Sol to reload mags. Sent out Colliers, Tankers, and a Supply ship
in the Fleet train. All that was left was the 60,000 (mother?) ship, 600 shields, 1000kph speed and a 336/100 active sensor. Over the
engagement I fired off just about every missile. all my Slapshot S3 (4 damage) and Nike S6 (8 damage). I estimate that I hit him with
over 2500 points in damage not inc those missiles intercepted by his PD. Yet it flies on at 1000kph with no problem at all. It even sweeps
slowly past my fleet ignoring me. Other than SM create 100 heavy missile cruisers I don't see what I can do within a general game without
going back and cheating and SM building such ships. I am trying to play with an act/react not a magic wand. Suggestions?